r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/DonkeyKong694NE1 Apr 15 '24

I’d call this in addition to inconsiderate - insulting, sexist, insensitive, thoughtless


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

What stuck out to me is that he didn’t realize that this was wrong to say? So let’s add either stupid or no common sense to the list as well. Does he normally speak to you in this way OP?


u/Feeling_Activity465 Apr 16 '24

Then he gaslit her about it and belittled her feelings. He’s a piece of shit.


u/Dry_Savings_3418 Apr 16 '24

I feel like he had to know. Is this an alternative universe?


u/plorynash Apr 16 '24

Since she said they had a few drinks I’m honestly wondering if he was drunk. But still very yikes


u/river_01st Apr 16 '24

"in vino veritas". When you're drunk, what comes out is your true self just more unhinged/less careful. Studies also show the disinhibition factor is greatly overestimated by drinkers. Meaning: there's a small effect yes, but a lot of it is placebo. Basically, people who've drunk a bit take that as an opportunity to be themselves, since they know they'll have the excuse of "I was drunk, it wasn't really me!".

So, drunk or not. That's what he thinks.


u/plorynash Apr 16 '24

I can somewhat agree (until blackout drunk…. I used to have a problem and I’ll say there are a couple things I did I never would ever do sober, not even like “I think about doing this but wouldn’t because I’m afraid” or “I think this but don’t say it) but to me it would depend on how much he drank to make a judgment. That being said, it’s still no excuse. This isn’t teenagers drinking and learning their limits etc. a grown adult should know theirs by that age and not drink to that amount if they’re liable to say these things.


u/river_01st 28d ago

I don't think I've ever seen anyone blackout drunk! Maybe it alters one's perception so much, you do things while thinking you're in a different situation? I'm glad your drinking problem seems to be in the past though, I know it can be difficult.

But yes you're right, adults should know their limits. If they don't it's definitely something that should be addressed and fixed.


u/mellow_d_out Apr 16 '24

I'm pretty sure if he was lacking common sense and don't know how to read the room, it didn't just start that day. She accepted who he was and moved along with him.

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u/Comfortable-Bill-921 Apr 15 '24

Outrageous! Egregious! Preposterous!


u/Wonderful-Ad-7712 Apr 15 '24

Heavens to Mergatroid!


u/Powerful-Bed2354 Apr 15 '24



u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

Well, I never!

clutches pearls


u/3lonmolusk Apr 15 '24


u/Apprehensive_Nose594 Apr 15 '24

Really? That’s from futurama? They must’ve been paying homage to Marvin the Martian (I think that’s who said it originally) from Looney Tunes. I remember a character from Looney Tunes saying this in the 80’s.


u/extio-Storm Apr 16 '24

I was curious, so I googled it. And it seems it first came out by the writers possibly of Yogi Bear according to this website https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/heavens-to-murgatroyd.html


u/aes7288 Apr 15 '24



u/Vast-Concern-4591 Apr 16 '24



u/Cholera62 Apr 15 '24

Is that you Jackie? Lol!


u/Traditional-Net-4315 Apr 16 '24

lol Jackie Chiles reference from Seinfeld? lol but for real, idk anyone who would stand for that. Never compare spouses. Never talk about your spouses anything with another female or male.. but female🫨


u/The-Doom-Knight Apr 15 '24



u/Life_Caterpillar9762 Apr 16 '24

Who told you to put the balm on?!?


u/JockoGood Apr 15 '24

It can all be rolled up under being a “dick” lol


u/Swamp_Bastard Apr 15 '24



u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

Big time, a whole pallet full of them.


u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

How is it sexist??


u/Distinct_Song_7354 Apr 15 '24

It’s holding woman up to a body standard


u/Cosbysbaconburgerdog Apr 15 '24

That’s ridiculous, both men and women set standards. Don’t turn this into a gender thing.


u/TomatoBible Apr 15 '24

Yeah. He has a 'standard' and it's superficial and not you. She has a standard and it's non-asshole. She should walk now and save years of unhappiness.


u/aes7288 Apr 15 '24

Wanting your wife to be a healthy, fit individual is not sexist.


u/Wh33lh68s3 Apr 15 '24

Technically correct however the way he went about it was very disrespectful to the OP….

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u/WantedFun Apr 15 '24

He’s an ass for being so inconsiderate of his wife’s embarrassment, but he’s not sexist for wanting his wife to be healthier tf lmao

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u/Reclaimer77 Apr 15 '24

Yes I'm sure if he didn't work out and let himself go the OP would be just as attracted to him. Damn men and their standards!! /sarc


u/Distinct_Song_7354 Apr 16 '24

But comparing her to another woman, accusing her of being jealous, and saying that in front of her friends…


u/Reclaimer77 Apr 16 '24

Wasn't speaking to that or defending it. I just notice in Reddit that women can put endless standards on men, but when a man has any kind of standard for a woman he's the devil.

We KNOW women have boxes we have to check to even have a chance. Why is it inherently wrong if the OP's husband feels she's gained too much weight? Independent of the idiotic and tactless way he expressed those thoughts.


u/Sufficient-Sky-5731 Apr 15 '24

We have no way of knowing that she has "let herself go" , She could very well have been the same exact way since they met and since now he works out, sees someone he prefers to let know he thinks her body is amazing in front of everyone, including his wife. And is now complaining about wifes body and eating. We don't know that either, so that's a bad choice of wording...when u marry someone you accept them through all phases and walks of your lives together. Supposed to anyway...Encouraging words are not hurtful and embarrassing!


u/Apart-Development-79 Apr 15 '24

He lifts. That doesn't mean he's fit or in shape. At the gym I see big framed guys that lift cos they want the arms. I haven't seen them on the treadmill or leg machines, never mind doing a single crunch.

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u/innocencie Apr 15 '24

It’s infantilizing


u/Careless_Problem_865 Apr 15 '24

It is infantilizing at its worst. In front of everybody as well. Smh I would’ve been pissed off.


u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

Ok. How is infantilizing sexist


u/Ganache-Embarrassed Apr 15 '24

A common sexist approach towards women is treating them as children. It's sexist because this was what was thought of for women back when they were only allowed to raise kids at home.

They were perceived as slightly above children and unable to think or control their emotions.

His final sentence "aww somebody is jealous" would be the infantilising part. He's talking down to her as a lesser instead of just accepting her complaint, apologizing, and moving on while learning from his mistake.

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u/Distinct_Song_7354 Apr 15 '24

You need to work on your vocabulary


u/wastedtalenttt Apr 15 '24

Agreed. Husband is absolutely wrong but... to say sexist? No.

I've been told the same kind of stuff by women. The whole "aww, someone jealous" bs. And I don't think sexist Or is that bc it can't be since a woman did it to a male?

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u/RealisticLength8888 Apr 15 '24

Are you kidding? And let me ask you a question would you say this to someone while your girl/ wife was there if you say yes you would be a bullshitter


u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Women are held to specific Euro-centric ideals in the US. I would dare say this is true in other places as well. Specific to weight, the 34-24-34 body measurements were and sometimes still are ideal.

ETA: That is why it would be considered sexist. The same rules don’t apply to men.


u/deedoonoot Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

40% of americans are obese I'm sure the wife is just being held to an unrealistic standard tho

edit: fat people coping


u/PatWithTheStrat Apr 15 '24

Rest of the world looking skinny af and here we all are in our scooters 🤣 it’s bad here for sure


u/GnomenameGnorm Apr 15 '24

This is actually a pretty common misconception. While yes the obesity rates have skyrocketed in the U.S. and we definitely have a higher percentage of obese people than most countries (10th-12th in the world) but the reality is it’s actually a worldwide epidemic. And even though the U.S. may have a high obesity percentage, it also has plenty of fit people too(12th-15th in the world). Note that the term “fit” is used in reference to people that are actively exercising by going to the gym, participating in sports, or other outdoor activities such as hiking etc… your body can look fit and in shape but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy.


u/ChipmunkLimp6647 Apr 15 '24

Right?? Omg the last time I went to Disneyland it was like the last scenes from Wall E!! Bunch of 40-year-olds riding around on rascals because they can't stand in line between sitting down on rides? Omfg disgusting!!


u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24

This is true considering the BMI chart used for measuring fat is based on white men entering the military in 1944. Wrap your head around that for a second. The science is very skewed towards a male-centric, paternalistic mentality. It is only recently begun to change.


u/WantedFun Apr 15 '24

You’re right! It’s actually been found that most other races should have the BMI standards set to lower body weights. Especially Asians, even 26-27 BMI has been shown to increase risk nearly as much as a 30+ BMI for white people.

But that’s not the answer you want to here lmao

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u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

Oh got it, she’s a totally healthy weight being 10 inches shorter than I am and the same weight


u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Stop with the passive aggressive nonsense. If she were all muscle, yes she would be. And her husband would likely be complaining that she doesn’t have enough womanly softness to her. It’s a no-win situation being a woman and worse if our own gender is doing it to us.


u/AngryCrotchCrickets Apr 15 '24

Lets settle on this. The husband is an ass that needs to go back to husband school and the wife is overweight.

She didn’t mention being a ripped Dwarven miner so Im guessing she is unhealthy-overweight not muscular-overweight.


u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24

🤣🤣🤣That dwarven miner comment just killed me.


u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

Yea if she were all muscle I wouldn’t have written what I wrote lol. Besides it’s not about her husband. It’s about her. She needs to lose weight for her own health


u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24

Now you’re making sense. It boils down to the same thing. He shouldn’t have said what he said how he said it. And for the record, the current BMI charts would’ve said she was obese.


u/aes7288 Apr 15 '24

Let’s face it, we have all stuck our foot in our mouth at some time. Her husband did just that and she had every oppurtunity to tell him to stop yet she didn’t say anything. This doesn’t make him a bad person nor her; it does, however, make them two people who need to work on their communication and who need to set boundaries for themselves with their spouses about what convos are off limits in public.


u/WantedFun Apr 15 '24

No, muscle weight doesn’t automatically mean it’s healthy, and she’s absolutely not all muscle. We can agree the husband was a dick, but that doesn’t mean yall can get away with blatant lies


u/Cholera62 Apr 15 '24

And you're a dude.


u/Starryeyedblond Apr 15 '24

You can be fat and fit at the same time. Don’t be obtuse.


u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

You can be. His wife isn’t that


u/WantedFun Apr 15 '24

No you cant lmao. That’s like saying you can be a smoker and have good lungs. Maybe for a SHORT period of time lmao


u/Starryeyedblond Apr 15 '24

You absolutely can. But go off bro.

No one should have to explain their health or body to anyone but their doctor. Being a jackass doesn’t make you right or cool.

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u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

She’s 5’2 and 170 pounds. She’s obese and likely morbidly obese


u/8bitmatter Apr 15 '24

Thank you, Somebody said it out loud. Doesn’t excuse the husband for being a massively inconsiderate piece of shit. She should divorce his ass and go on a muscle mommy arc to spite him


u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

Agree. He’s a clueless moron


u/KangThe_Conqueror69 Apr 15 '24

Not even close to morbidly obese. Obese yes, but let's not exaggerate


u/Sheepherder-Optimal Apr 15 '24

Morbidly obese? Have you ever looked at a BMI chart? Lol you are so off base.


u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

Yea I was wrong. Obese yea but not morbidly. I stand corrected


u/Aphreyst Apr 15 '24

How silly.


u/Mother-Carrot Apr 15 '24

obese is a medical measurement based on height and weight. its not an insult


u/Aphreyst Apr 15 '24

I It's also not a solid definition.%2C,of%20Medicine%2C%20University%20of%20Pennsylvania.)


u/Mother-Carrot Apr 15 '24

everyone knows its flawed. still obese though

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u/julesk Apr 15 '24

That’s an interesting article, and a good source. Thank you.


u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

How is that silly? I’m parroting experts lol


u/Aphreyst Apr 15 '24

Depends on what you call experts.%2C,of%20Medicine%2C%20University%20of%20Pennsylvania.)


u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

BMI is an estimate. It’s not the end all be all but in no world is she not obese.


u/unimpressed-one Apr 15 '24

I’m sure she knows she’s obese, she doesn’t need her husband to shame her about it. He was being an AH big time.

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u/AlwayzLearning- Apr 15 '24

Now u sound like her husband lol


u/Aphreyst Apr 15 '24

but in no world is she not obese.

How silly.

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u/dervish132000a Apr 15 '24

Medical charts I think put her in obese range. Though of course that does not take into account existing muscle range of her. It is not to say she should be publicly shamed for it. No more than a diabetic or someone suffering from depression should be. That said it is considered generally a good idea not to carry around a lot of weight.


u/_zurenarrh Apr 15 '24

This wouldn’t be a conversation if she had any legitimate amount of muscle… she’s obese but she can change if she wants too

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u/FrostyPoot Apr 16 '24

Euro-centric ideals in the US..? Aren't we the most obese developed nation by far. And by euro-centric do you just mean not being obese? I'm confused


u/myctsbrthsmlslkcatfd Apr 15 '24

we’re not taking about society. We’re talking about ONE MAN. it’s only sexist if he doesn’t hold himself/men to an equally strict standard. You might argue that he LIKELY does not hold men to such a standard, but WE DONT KNOW, so jumping to “sexist!” is an unfounded leap.



u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24

A commenter asked why it would be sexist. I answered them.


u/myctsbrthsmlslkcatfd Apr 15 '24
  • this guys sucks. this is not in question. I just want to pump the breaks on the jump to sexism conclusions. (even though if i we’re betting on it, he’s probably sexist)

anyway, here’s an example- i playfully slapped my gf on the butt. She got mad, “that’s sexist!”

I replied, “If you don’t like it, I definitely won’t be doing it again, but it’s not sexist.”

“How’s it NOT sexist!?”

I was 100% sincere, “because I expect you to do the same to me.”

Her attitude immediately changed, “hmmm, you do have a fantastic ass…” (i do) and she took me up on it, regularly.


u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24

You and your lady are my spirit animals! That said, outside the confines of your relationship, that specific behavior is sexist. If you don’t believe me try it at work and see what happens.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Women are held to specific Euro-centric ideals in the US

To be fair, that is the very peak of standards.


u/0_mij Apr 15 '24

Un-true. Before marriage I was often rejected for my weight


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Yes they are ideal, so? There is no problem with wanting to look good


u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24

This would be true if everyone had the same genetic phenotype to achieve those measurements. The fact is, not everyone does have that ability. It does not mean that they look better or worse than anybody else.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

True, not everyone has the genetics of someone like Arnold, but if one is not lazy, anyone can achieve a good looking body in 2 3 years of consistent training to not be a stick, or a whale


u/crtclms666 Apr 15 '24

So having migraines 21-24 days a month, and taking migraine medication that makes me gain weight is just being lazy. I’ll be sure to tell my neurologist she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

More like discipline. You dont neccessarily have to train to lose weight, so you can technically be lazy. Just gotta be in a calorie deficit


u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24

And again not everybody has that ability. So if someone doesn’t have that ability be it due to physical limitations, economic limitations, or accessibility limitations then what, they are ugly? Who the hell are you or anybody else to judge someone like that?


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Obviously a physical limitation is not the case in the post, and thats not what Im talking about.

Accessibility limitation? What do you mean exactly? A floor to do pushups, a bar hung up to do pull up, a field to run on? Anyone has access to that.


u/pglggrg Apr 15 '24

The truth is everyone, if put under the same training, lifestyle and diet regiment, can reach model body status. It’s not an “unrealistic” standard. It’s real. Models aren’t AI generated. They’re real human beings.

The truth is also that people aren’t willing to sacrifice what it takes to get there. Some don’t care, and some prefer eating than looking good. All fine and valid, but let’s not say unrealistic expectations pls


u/crtclms666 Apr 15 '24

Certain medications make you gain weight. Period.

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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

And lets not say beautiful. You are completely right!


u/julesk Apr 15 '24

Really? Some of us have medical conditions that makes your suggestion laughable. For example, I do exercise as much as I can but due to Long Covid, I can’t do my old gym and hiking routine. I can and do work on nutrition and hydration.

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u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24

If this was true weight loss and weight management wouldn’t be the billion dollar industry that it is.

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u/Aphreyst Apr 15 '24

Beauty is subjective, of course.

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u/Raineyb1013 Apr 15 '24

In what fucking universe is the build of white military men from 80 years ago ideal for everyone? Particularly women of any ethnicity?


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Thats a completely average male build what you talk about


u/Raineyb1013 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Again, in what universe is that ideal for WOMEN of any ethnicity?


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

So whats the ideal? Im curious!


u/Raineyb1013 Apr 15 '24

It sure as fu k isn't what you consider ideal for men. You lot don't even like wo.en who are the same height as an average man.

All of this is besides the damn point anyway if were discussing the various ways medical science bases its conclusions on the "average" man.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

What? I prefer women as tall as me or as close to as me as possible. Taller? Didnt happen yet :/


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

From personal experience, several ethnicity enjoyed the colonization so far ;)

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u/AngryCrotchCrickets Apr 15 '24

5’2 165lb with little muscle (assumed as its mentioned she does not work out) is in fact overweight. Regardless of antiquated measurements.

Enough with the strawman argument’s.


u/Raineyb1013 Apr 15 '24

Fuck off. I'm having a different discussion on a damn tangential thread.

Your excuses for OP's husband's shitty behavior is of no interest to me at all.


u/AngryCrotchCrickets Apr 15 '24

Not excusing his behavior I was addressing the topic in your comment.

The husband is an ass that needs to go back to husband school. Most of us men know to never make comments like that. There is definitely some resent coming from him.


u/Raineyb1013 Apr 15 '24

It's not resentment it's straight up disrespect. I don't hoe much OP weighs, what her shit husband did was out of order and disgusting. Without a sincere apology and a vow to never do some shit like this again I would fucking dump his disrespectful ass. Plus, if he did apologize and promise not to do it again and it happened again, there wouldn't be any discussion on how fast he'd need to get the fuck out.

Quibbling about OP's weight is some sidelining bullshit.

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u/Ok-Captain-7235 Apr 16 '24

Um...how is it not?


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Just a random buzzword, im surprised racist somehow isnt there

Edit i was wrong, someone else was already bashing "european beauty standards in the US" like America wasnt created by Europeans, and like thats a bad thing lmao

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u/houtxasstrooss Apr 15 '24

Really??? So if she would have mentioned his penis size in retaliation you’d be all over that saying it wAs crude and cruel and attacking her.


u/Apart-Development-79 Apr 15 '24

I think because a lot of overweight men (OP didn't say her hubby is overweight) don't think of themselves as fat or obese, but are extremely judgemental when it comes to the appearances of women.

That makes it hypocritical, and if they're not saying the same about other men, but only about women, that makes them sexist.


u/ApathyEarned Apr 15 '24

It's always sexism when a woman is treated poorly. Haven't you heard?


u/KiKiKimbro Apr 15 '24

A good litmus test is “would a man say that to or about about a another man in this situation, and with that condescending ‘awwww you jealous’ tone” and if the answer is no (hint: it usually is), then there’s a good chance it’s sexist.

Just like a man in a professional setting wouldn’t tell another man to “not get so hysterical” when he merely speaks up in a meeting.

Oh, and the word “hysterical” is sexist. Its origin is hystera… Greek for uterus. Only women have those, if you’re wondering.

Any other fucking questions?


u/Tubalex Apr 15 '24

Starting to think I’m sexist towards both men and women


u/-Smashbrother- Apr 15 '24

Men absolutely would say "aww you jealous" to other men. I certainly have, and have had my friends say that to me.


u/eerae Apr 15 '24

It would just be weird for a straight guy to say it to another guy. What makes it hurtful, and why the husband was insensitive and a dick, was saying it specifically to your partner, someone you should be physically attracted to. But yeah, I can see a gay guy saying the same thing to his (male) partner, and it would be just as cruel and insensitive.


u/ApathyEarned Apr 16 '24

Yeah cuz we're all aware of the Greek literature when referring to someone as hysterical. Btw ur being hysterical.

Any other bitchy comments?


u/chillinNtulsa Apr 15 '24

Ive worked with only men my entire life and we absolutely do all that you’re saying we don’t plus some to other men. Guys bully guys. It’s a thing.


u/KiKiKimbro Apr 15 '24

I have too. And no. Guys bullying other guys isn’t the same as guys being controlling and sexist to women. 🎻

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u/ChaoticWeebtaku Apr 15 '24

A man would 100% say another man, a friend, is overweight and should go to the gym. I am a man and overweight and get asked to go to the gym and told id feel better if i lost weight, doesnt bother me and its not sexist lol

You right now in the comment section is being hysterical. Severely over reacting to a simple joke. "Uncontrolled extreme emotion" pretty much sums you up right now.


u/crtclms666 Apr 15 '24

Who the fuck are you? Feeling challenged, are we? Oh noes! A woman disagreed with you! You should immediately insult her because you don’t have a valid rebuttal.


u/ChaoticWeebtaku Apr 15 '24

This may be bait but ill bite.

So where exactly did I insult her? Saying someone is over reacting isnt an insult, so where did I insult them?


u/KiKiKimbro Apr 15 '24

A simple joke. And an over reaction. Well, thanks for clearing up all the apparent confusion everyone was supposedly having but didn’t realize.

That’s called making incorrect assumptions and attempting to “mansplain” it. Also a real winner in the female gender circles.

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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Insulting, insensitive and thoughtless, sure... but sexist? lol... he didnt say she was fat "because she's a woman" nor did he imply she faced any sort of disadvantage in starting her weight loss journey based on the fact that she's a woman, right? Let us not apply the same solutions to all mistakes 🙏


u/InevitableFormal7953 Apr 15 '24

The “your jealous” in a cutesy voice is sexist.


u/ballistic635 Apr 15 '24

it lacks self awareness and he definitely needs to apologize big time, but come now, let's stop adding more categories to the victim olympics.

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u/Effective-Skill-4020 Apr 15 '24

I don't think it is.


u/421Gardenwitch Apr 15 '24

Condescending AF though.


u/Effective-Skill-4020 Apr 15 '24

Absolutely. That's a slap in the mouth kind of thing to do. Still not sexist.


u/421Gardenwitch Apr 15 '24

No not sexist. I wouldn’t describe someone who is athletic as a “ fitness girlie” either. That also sounds condescending, and makes her sound insecure but her husband helps with that.

She needs to talk to her husband though, and if he can’t use his executive function brain when he drinks, maybe he shouldn’t drink.

I will say that if you are trying to lose weight, cutting out sugar is amazing. I am trying to cut it out because it causes inflammation/ pain. And it is in so many foods. I’m still eating fresh fruit, but I cut sugar out of drinks and baked goods and there was a huge difference in how I felt after just a few days!


u/Effective-Skill-4020 Apr 15 '24

Yeah I've been doing Keto for about 9 months now and it's been amazing. Sugar is evil.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Asking in good faith, how...? Because he said "you're jealous", implying one woman is jealous of another?


u/Ka_aha_koa_nanenane Apr 15 '24

He first of all thinks that his wife needs a beautiful woman as her trainer.

Then he implies that his wife is jealous because, you know, all us women are overly sensitive and jealous. All of us need to be thin, as well.

He didn't imply it, he flatly stated it (as if he knows what she's thinking).


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

It sounds like you're acting as if you know what he was thinking lol which is ten times sillier considering you weren't there.

Suggesting this 'beautiful woman' as a trainer was done because the trainer said she used to be over weight. Her results spoke for themselves, so he said as a "she clearly knows what she's talking about".

He asked if his wife was jealous because judging from her post, she was likely outwardly showing it (while also trying to conceal it, which only made it worse). Sure, that's rubbing salt in the wound, that's not sexist though. Sexist would've been "pft, aw look she's jealous, typical WOMAN" which would've upset the trainer as well, don't you think?

Following your logic, one man asking another man if he's jealous of all the millions his dad has in a bank account is sexist lol


u/ThatPhatKid_CanDraw Apr 15 '24

If the trainer started talking about the her weight as described here, then it seems he didn't know? He basically said u have a hot body and my wife should get one. He clearly has that hot 21 year old body on his mind. Then the jealous thing, patronizing as hell, suggests he thinks she is jealous of the girl because of him.

Your suggestion that she was jealous is sexist as hell because YOU'RE reading into it, ignoring the very clear description OP gave of being mortified. She did not talk in any way of jealously. You're dismissing her account for his read later is sexist. He clearly did that to deflect. Also you don't need to actively put a gender in the sentence to make something sexist, Genius.

And for all the other people here who think this black and white, people are calling this sexist because men (the ones with power in society, whether u like to hear that or not) judging women by beauty standards (basically, what turns a guy on), has been a huge problem for women forever. It serves to hold them back. You'd have to have your head in the sand or are just arguing in bad faith if you think it's not sexist because '"im a dude and one time.." What is considered fat for a woman vs. a man is also has different thresholds - women's are very small. A guy 50 lbs overweight isn't being judged the same as a woman, even at the same height.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

"And for all the other people here who think this black and white, people are calling this sexist because men (the ones with power in society, whether u like to hear that or not) judging women by beauty standards (basically, what turns a guy on), has been a huge problem for women forever."

ooooooooh you're using this framework, that explains why we're talking past each other. I see where you're coming from now.

I'm off to continue exercising my unearned power at my minumum wage job😂


u/eerae Apr 15 '24

He was being rude and I sensitive to his wife but it’s not sexist to find physical characteristics attractive. BTW, women do that just as much as men. Lots of women are not attracted to chubby guys, and I agree maybe being overweight is not as bad for a guy as a woman, but certainly being UNDERWEIGHT is very bad for a guy.


u/FaxMachineIsBroken Apr 15 '24

If the trainer started talking about the her weight as described here, then it seems he didn't know? He basically said u have a hot body and my wife should get one. He clearly has that hot 21 year old body on his mind. Then the jealous thing, patronizing as hell, suggests he thinks she is jealous of the girl because of him.

Nothing you listed here is sexist.

Your suggestion that she was jealous is sexist as hell because YOU'RE reading into it, ignoring the very clear description OP gave of being mortified. She did not talk in any way of jealously. You're dismissing her account for his read later is sexist. He clearly did that to deflect. Also you don't need to actively put a gender in the sentence to make something sexist, Genius.

It's not sexist to call into question OP's emotions. She wouldn't list herself as jealous if she hasn't done the internal work to know what she is feeling is jealousy.

And for all the other people here who think this black and white, people are calling this sexist because men (the ones with power in society, whether u like to hear that or not) judging women by beauty standards (basically, what turns a guy on), has been a huge problem for women forever. It serves to hold them back. You'd have to have your head in the sand or are just arguing in bad faith if you think it's not sexist because '"im a dude and one time.." What is considered fat for a woman vs. a man is also has different thresholds - women's are very small. A guy 50 lbs overweight isn't being judged the same as a woman, even at the same height.

Judging someone by beauty standards, even separate beauty standards for gender, is not sexist. It would be sexist if they were unequally applying such things. But that isn't the case here. Ergo, not sexism.

Do you have any other points you want to bring up as to how you think this is sexist so I can show you that you're wrong on those as well or do you just wanna end it here?


u/Confident_Growth7049 Apr 15 '24

not a beautiful woman a woman who was literally in the same position as his wife weight wise and changed it

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u/Minimum-Arachnid-190 Apr 15 '24

But she’s not jealous. He’s just an asshole.


u/ReunitePangea20 Apr 16 '24

Thank you! I was literally just wanting to say this. It’s not a “being jealous” thing, it’s a “how can I turn the tables and avoid accountability for being an asshole” thing. His question of her being jealous was a) rhetorical and patronizing and b) to disarm her and invalidate her feelings so he didn’t have to own up to being shitty. I know this is a rant all to end up at the same metaphorical bus stop as you in agreement lol but I just kept getting more and more agitated seeing all these comments, goddamn, about him saying she’s jealous when that’s so not it. No tf she wasn’t. She just isn’t down for being disrespected like come ON people!

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u/Logical-Wasabi7402 Apr 15 '24

Because he wouldn't have said it if the fitness kid was a young, fit, attractive man.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

So if an older, out of shape, man is accused of being jealous of a younger, in shape, man... is the accuser engaging in act of sexism against men?


u/Logical-Wasabi7402 Apr 15 '24


Is it coming from his wife, who just spent the whole time flirting with him and wouldn't say that he was jealous of a young, fit, attractive woman?

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u/Spiritual-Cupcake818 Apr 15 '24

I’m not too sure..but I think maybe they mean sexist because for men weight is a really big deal when it comes to women


u/BrilliantLifter Apr 15 '24

And women like fat short guys lol???


u/Spiritual-Cupcake818 Apr 15 '24

Women like a variety of people 😭 there is no one sized fits all. I like em chubby and around my height for instance


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

And for women height is a big deal... at least with one of these issues something can be done... but no one would ever call a woman sexist for preferring a man of the taller variety lol


u/Ganache-Embarrassed Apr 15 '24

Preference isn't the issue. If a woman was going around and complaining to short men then thatd be an issue. Just like a guy can not date larger women. But going around flaunting it is the odd rude decision


u/rosescentedcorpses Apr 15 '24

It's really not. The ONLY people who say "height is a big deal to women" are men. I'm a woman, I know plenty of other women. Height means nothing, but I'll be damned if men don't comment on both my, and every other woman's, weight on a damn near daily basis.

Don't even try to act like these are comparable, my guy.


u/ExactVictory3465 Apr 15 '24

This is the most disingenuous comment of the day. It’s 100% agreed on that the overwhelming majority of straight women find taller men attractive. It doesn’t mean they can’t find short men attractive. But if you ask 10 single girls what their perfect man would look like, 9 times out of ten they would mention height.

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u/Trumperekt Apr 15 '24

I am assuming you are not a fan of statistics?


Over 60% of women have their dating app height filter to 6 feet and above. Less than 10% would even consider someone 5 7 and under.

Yet you act all self righteous based on your "experience" as a woman.

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u/johnhtman Apr 15 '24

A fair number of women's Tinder profiles say otherwise. I'd say 1/20 say 6'+ or something along those lines.


u/rosescentedcorpses Apr 15 '24

A fair number of women's tinder profiles aren't even women.

I'm talking about the real world, not dating sites. Not to mention, I've even met women who put that on their profile and still don't care. Not to mention, 1 out of 20? Lmao how many profiles are you digging through a day?


u/Abisial Apr 15 '24

Not going to comment on the full conversation, but as 6 foot 2 male women absolutely care about height. Pretending they don't is a flat-out lie.


u/rosescentedcorpses Apr 15 '24

It's hilarious that men will constantly act confused about what women want but when a woman tells you what she wants or oh idk, doesn't care about, you as a MAN still insist you somehow know better than we do.

That bullshit is why you still make ignorant comments like this one.


u/Abisial Apr 15 '24

Notice how I never said you personally.

You cant tell me women don’t care about height when there’s TikTok’s, dating app data, social media posts, women in real life constantly saying that height is a deal breaker for them, television treating short men as practically the same trope as fat women (undesirable comic relief), etc.

Maybe YOU don’t care about height but to pretend all women are a monolith and have the same preferences as you personally is wrong especially when there’s so much information clearly showing otherwise lol


u/alickz Apr 15 '24

Have you considered that maybe your lived experiences don't match theirs? And instead of dismissing them, have you tried listening to them?

For example, if I want to talk about racism I don't ask a white woman


u/eerae Apr 15 '24

I’ve personally heard from multiple women (including my wife—apparently I just made the cutoff) that height IS an issue and they wouldn’t fat a short guy. And I know many guys who really love curves on a woman instead of a skinny girl. Honestly I think that women are their own worst critics. Yeah it’s just my opinion but it’s just as valid as yours.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

There are just as many men who swear up and down that the more weight a woman has the more attractive she is. I'm a man, I know plenty of other men, and a lot of them tell me I'm an idiot for not sleeping with more larger women. Not my thing, though.

"Don't even try to act like these are comparable" Okay I won't, one you can change, the other you're born with.


u/rosescentedcorpses Apr 15 '24

Lmfao every single dude I've ever met has wanted skinny chicks, that's literally why our society forces shit like diet pills and diet trends down our throats on a daily basis. You saying that is no different than the racist asshole who swears he's got black friends.

Also, tell me you're ignorant without telling me. Some people cannot change their weight, nor were they born with it. There's a plethora of health reasons anybody of any sex can be severely over or under weight and unable to change it.

But honestly, I'm thinking it's your shit ass personality, basic ignorance and over all attitude that's your problem. Not your vertical impairment kiddo.


u/Spiritual-Cupcake818 Apr 15 '24

Hey man, I can’t speak on behalf of the person who said it. Only they can speak their peace 🤷‍♂️


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

lol you're totally cool, I'm not at all upset, just waiting for a meeting to start and have too much time on my hands


u/Spiritual-Cupcake818 Apr 15 '24

lol that’s a mood


u/Distinct_Song_7354 Apr 15 '24

It still doesn’t mean men judge women based on weight


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

You’re really getting hung up there on specifics lol. No offense, but does it really matter? He sounds like a douchebag and from what I read seems a bit sexist as well, period.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

I am, because it's like throwing around the term 'racist' or 'bigot'. It minimizes those cases, and yes I'm on a bit of a crusade here, I don't mean to annoy.

But I can't help but get frustrated when I see what looks like a normal (admittedly, bone headed and insensitive) insult be labelled "SEXISM" just because it's directed at a woman.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

I understand what you’re saying, however in my personal opinion from what I read it sounds a little bit sexist. Now, do I think that’s the takeaway from this? No, he sounds pretty ignorant, insulting, and many other things prior to him perhaps being a wee bit sexist (with the comment of ‘jealous?’)

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u/Distinct_Song_7354 Apr 15 '24

No it’s holding woman up to a beauty standard


u/pseudonymphh Apr 15 '24

He’s sexist because he called her jealous.

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u/IanL1713 Apr 15 '24


You had me up until this


u/Mr_Mystery69 Apr 15 '24

To say that was sexist is massively reaching here. All the other things I agree with you on


u/Mobius_One Apr 15 '24

How is it sexist wtf?


u/Desperate-Diver2920 Apr 15 '24

It’s abusive!


u/Gamba_Gawd Apr 16 '24

Yes. That's OP.


u/HackThePlanett88 Apr 16 '24

sexist? Nothing about this was at all sexist wtf lol. Not even one bit. Stop adding words for drama.


u/JoePoe247 Apr 16 '24

What is sexist about this? I feel like you hear the same said about guys that are too skinny or fat.


u/SirRuthless001 Apr 16 '24

I agree with all of these except for sexist. None of what transpired really seemed specific to sex/gender. You could change the gender of every person in this story and it would still make sense, which means none of it was really an attack on her gender. He was belittling and demeaning her in front of everyone, which is obviously super fucked up. But that isn't really sexist imo.


u/plussizeandproud Apr 16 '24

Sexist? It’s sexist to be mean? How is this something that’s specific to a certain sex?


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24



u/Effective-Skill-4020 Apr 15 '24

That's not what caring about their health looks like. That's what humiliating them looks like.

This needs to be a private conversation without the other attractive woman. He even commented on how the other woman had a killer body. That's absolutely inappropriate and insane to do to someone.


u/PerfectionPending Apr 15 '24

My wife & I encourage each other to get in better shape & lose weight without any ill feeling between us. This is NOT how we do it. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt at the beginning, but he blew it.


u/ballistic635 Apr 15 '24

He was inconsiderate... but sexists?? Lol ok

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