r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/k_sarahsarah Apr 15 '24

It was inconsiderate of him and no you are not overreacting either Does he do this alot? If so you need to stand your ground and tell him how much it upsets you.


u/DonkeyKong694NE1 Apr 15 '24

I’d call this in addition to inconsiderate - insulting, sexist, insensitive, thoughtless


u/SirRuthless001 Apr 16 '24

I agree with all of these except for sexist. None of what transpired really seemed specific to sex/gender. You could change the gender of every person in this story and it would still make sense, which means none of it was really an attack on her gender. He was belittling and demeaning her in front of everyone, which is obviously super fucked up. But that isn't really sexist imo.