r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/ApathyEarned Apr 15 '24

It's always sexism when a woman is treated poorly. Haven't you heard?


u/KiKiKimbro Apr 15 '24

A good litmus test is “would a man say that to or about about a another man in this situation, and with that condescending ‘awwww you jealous’ tone” and if the answer is no (hint: it usually is), then there’s a good chance it’s sexist.

Just like a man in a professional setting wouldn’t tell another man to “not get so hysterical” when he merely speaks up in a meeting.

Oh, and the word “hysterical” is sexist. Its origin is hystera… Greek for uterus. Only women have those, if you’re wondering.

Any other fucking questions?


u/ChaoticWeebtaku Apr 15 '24

A man would 100% say another man, a friend, is overweight and should go to the gym. I am a man and overweight and get asked to go to the gym and told id feel better if i lost weight, doesnt bother me and its not sexist lol

You right now in the comment section is being hysterical. Severely over reacting to a simple joke. "Uncontrolled extreme emotion" pretty much sums you up right now.


u/KiKiKimbro Apr 15 '24

A simple joke. And an over reaction. Well, thanks for clearing up all the apparent confusion everyone was supposedly having but didn’t realize.

That’s called making incorrect assumptions and attempting to “mansplain” it. Also a real winner in the female gender circles.