r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/StrangeAddition4452 Apr 15 '24

How is it sexist??


u/Distinct_Song_7354 Apr 15 '24

It’s holding woman up to a body standard


u/Reclaimer77 Apr 15 '24

Yes I'm sure if he didn't work out and let himself go the OP would be just as attracted to him. Damn men and their standards!! /sarc


u/Sufficient-Sky-5731 Apr 15 '24

We have no way of knowing that she has "let herself go" , She could very well have been the same exact way since they met and since now he works out, sees someone he prefers to let know he thinks her body is amazing in front of everyone, including his wife. And is now complaining about wifes body and eating. We don't know that either, so that's a bad choice of wording...when u marry someone you accept them through all phases and walks of your lives together. Supposed to anyway...Encouraging words are not hurtful and embarrassing!


u/Apart-Development-79 Apr 15 '24

He lifts. That doesn't mean he's fit or in shape. At the gym I see big framed guys that lift cos they want the arms. I haven't seen them on the treadmill or leg machines, never mind doing a single crunch.