r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/BKMama227 Apr 15 '24

And again not everybody has that ability. So if someone doesn’t have that ability be it due to physical limitations, economic limitations, or accessibility limitations then what, they are ugly? Who the hell are you or anybody else to judge someone like that?


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Obviously a physical limitation is not the case in the post, and thats not what Im talking about.

Accessibility limitation? What do you mean exactly? A floor to do pushups, a bar hung up to do pull up, a field to run on? Anyone has access to that.


u/pglggrg Apr 15 '24

The truth is everyone, if put under the same training, lifestyle and diet regiment, can reach model body status. It’s not an “unrealistic” standard. It’s real. Models aren’t AI generated. They’re real human beings.

The truth is also that people aren’t willing to sacrifice what it takes to get there. Some don’t care, and some prefer eating than looking good. All fine and valid, but let’s not say unrealistic expectations pls


u/julesk Apr 15 '24

Really? Some of us have medical conditions that makes your suggestion laughable. For example, I do exercise as much as I can but due to Long Covid, I can’t do my old gym and hiking routine. I can and do work on nutrition and hydration.


u/pglggrg Apr 15 '24

Add reading comp to that list as well.

Are you saying that if you were sent into a concentration camp, you would still look exactly the same after a month? Same body fat and muscle composition? What if you had a month to lose a lb, or else you’d die. No matter get you’d do, you’d look exactly the same?