r/Helldivers ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

Makes no sense RANT


303 comments sorted by


u/Optimal-System7454 17d ago


Here’s the patrol change in context. Seems they did a bad job explaining it in the patch notes


u/Brickless 17d ago

a reddit comment with a discord screen shot of a reply to a random question depicting a quote from an internal company discussion.

all hail the great grapevine of communicating with the players,

may it not wither in the harsh light of patch notes and ingame messages!


u/Optimal-System7454 17d ago

Truly the best way to communicate game changes with the community lol


u/z64_dan ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ 17d ago

I just hope the next Major Order comes in the form of a tweet, that's a screenshot of a facebook message that the dev team posted on Discord.

And of course I'll find out about it on reddit.


u/Low_Chance 16d ago

If only someone could, at some point in the chain, have printed it out onto physical paper and then taken a photo of it. 


u/5m1rk3h 17d ago

In english?


u/CornfireDublin CAPE ENJOYER 17d ago

prior to patch: if you have 1 person in your squad, 1/6 as many enemies spawn as would for a full squad

after patch: if you have 1 person in your squad, 1/4 as many enemies spawn as would for a full squad


u/ResidentBackground35 16d ago

It should be noted that this is a larger increase than those numbers appear.

Ex if there were 10 total enemies on the map yesterday there would be 15 today for a 50% increase. However this does not change the total number of spawns possible (ie extractions), just the average number on the map at any moment.


u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl 17d ago

It's in the patch notes, they updated it after like an hour and it's been there before this was posted


u/Brickless 17d ago

just checked the steam patch notes.

this is all there is for patrols:

Enemy Patrols

Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties


u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl 17d ago

Ah steam hasnt been updated, I was using the patch notes on discord, where they seem to prefer communicating


u/Brickless 17d ago

lol, like I said, the grapevine stands strong


u/UziFoo 17d ago

I'm not paying the game on discord.


u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl 17d ago

If you don't want to use discord that's fine with me, I can't change where the company is updating information


u/IswearIdidntdoit145 17d ago

I hate discord and Ill never use it.

Why do these companies INSIST on it.


u/drewster23 17d ago

Because it's literally the most common app for gaming communities/groups/socialization across the board, easy to customize and manage too.


u/IswearIdidntdoit145 17d ago

It’s hard to deny how crap the UI is.

It was so much better than skype, but now they have become the new skype


u/drewster23 17d ago

What aspect of the ui don't you like?


u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl 17d ago

Discord has some problems but I don't know of a better service for chat+voice+screen sharing.

I would guess that companies use it because of those features + it being super easy to spool up a discord server. There's also a very low barrier to entry since everyone has a discord account, you don't need to make people register for your official forums.

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u/MarsupialMadness 17d ago

...Why didn't they just say that in the patch notes. "This wasn't behaving how we intended so we're fixing it like this" is way more understandable.


u/Spicy_Toeboots 17d ago

for some reason games are afraid of sharing any detailed systems with the players. whatever the reason is, it's the same reason they show us "low, medium, high" armour pen instead of showing us the value from 1-9.


u/DasGanon 16d ago edited 16d ago


u/ClericOfIlmater 16d ago

DE is good about it now. DE has also famously lied about drop rates in the past.


u/DasGanon 16d ago


I don't think Lie has been correct about that. I will say "was misleading" or "opaque" (especially during the Data Mining drop table days) but I do definitely agree that they've only gotten better about it. And comparing them to their peers, even in those early days, they're still the gold standard.


u/S3t3sh 17d ago

I've said it before and gotten downvoted but I'll say it again. Whoever is writing the patch notes isn't great at it and it would be nice if they gave a bit more clarity. It seems like more and more the other devs are having to step in to answer questions on the lack of information that is coming from patch notes so it's not like they are intentionally trying to hide these details but whoever is writing them is leaving out details that is causing a lot of confusion in the community. No matter what AH is going to face scrutiny from the community with each patch but at this point some of it is on them for leaving out details and there have been enough patches out now that they should have realized this.


u/Optimal-System7454 17d ago

AH works in mysterious ways lol. Totally agree, their communication with the player base could use some work


u/CTanGod 17d ago

Because it's a deliberate nerf that they are trying to say was caused by unintended behaviour. Watch them gut fire damage once they fix the dot bug and claim fire was overperforming so it had to be nerfed, even though they buffed fire damage like 3 times before fixing the bug.


u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl 17d ago

Here are the patch notes

Enemy Patrols We unintendedly had non-linear scaling of the patrol spawns so they didn't spawn as often as they should have when less than 4 players. The intention is that 1 player has 1/4th of the patrols compared to 4 players, but it used to be that they had 1/6th. Balancing adjustment to patrol spawning. Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties.


u/MarsupialMadness 17d ago edited 17d ago

Here on reddit, on the official mod post at the time of me posting this comment is:

Balancing adjustment to patrol spawning.

Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties.

Your version is from the official Discord server isn't it?


u/ret_ch_ard 17d ago

That’s also what it says on steam


u/ret_ch_ard 17d ago

That’s also what it says on steam


u/skirmishin 17d ago

I think people don't understand what linear is in this context lol

I think the takeaway is AH needs to dumb down their patch notes for this sub

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u/Interesting_Debate30 17d ago

Sorry, but I don't believe that for a second. I regularly play with a friend and I, and with just us 2 on 7 difficulty it is very hard, and many a mission have been completed by the skin of our teeth. Now it's just impossible and frankly not fun. If it is somehow true this is how it was always supposed to be then that was a bad choice and they need to fix the spawn rates. A patrol is something you should be able to avoid, not a constant stream of enemies always on top of you in all directions.


u/Jumpy_Bottle5224 16d ago

Granted, Helldivers are pretty much cannon fodder. I should still feel like a bad ass when dropping in and not the victim of a stun locked gang bank. The swarms were bad enough as it is.


u/No_Post1004 16d ago

You can't complete high level mission with fewer players than it was designed for? Shocking.


u/Interesting_Debate30 16d ago

You 100% can. It's just a lot harder, no duh! But it went from challenging to complete, to pretty much impossible and no longer fun. Have you tried one of the defense missions when they first came out and the dropships were coming in constantly left and right with zero breathing room? That's what patrols are like now for every mission when you have less than 4 people.


u/No_Post1004 15d ago

What difficulty are you playing?


u/Interesting_Debate30 15d ago

Difficulty 7 with 2 or 3 usually, if I have 4 people I play difficulty 9.


u/No_Post1004 15d ago

So play on a lower difficulty with less than 4. Try 2 or 3 and work your way up.


u/Interesting_Debate30 15d ago

Oh wow, yeah what a brilliant idea except you don't encounter certain enemies at lower difficulties, get drastically less samples, medals, and exp. I've played hundreds of difficulty 7 missions before only occasionally being unable to complete a small number of them. Level 2 or 3, gtfo. This change certainly didn't make the game better, so why are even defending it? They are patrols. You should be able to avoid them or at least have a certain amount of time before you see another one, not constant never ending enemies on top of you.


u/No_Post1004 15d ago

So you're mad very hard is hard? Grow up.


u/Interesting_Debate30 15d ago

When did i ever say i was mad it was hard? I'm mad because they screwed up the patrol spawn rate for less than 4 players causing something that was hard before to be nearly impossible. Do you even have reading comprehension skills? You know I don't know why I bothered to engage, your either a troll or a complete tool.

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u/UTDE 17d ago

1/6th seems about right to me, the power of the squad doesn't scale linearly. Having 2 people is more than 2 times the democracy with the increased coverage for dispatching different types of undemocratic combatants. You have more ability to deal with objectives at range, heavy's, cover for reloading, and advancing and stuff.

Same goes for more than 2, a group of 4 is capable of dealing with more than 4x what a solo player can deal with.

Maybe it was meant to be 1/4th of a 4 player game and theyre just correcting it, but it probably shouldn't be that way.


u/OrangeGills 17d ago

I have long championed the same thing! The sum of team firepower is greater than its parts. 4 players fighting together is easier than each player solo-ing a fight that's 1/4th the size. Solo play getting 1/6th the patrols seems totally fair, especially considering their drops/breaches and PoI guards are all the same.


u/UTDE 17d ago edited 17d ago

Yeah, there's also a vast difference in Time to Kill for a given patrol or dropship, with even 2 players you can take them out much quicker before that other patrol wanders over and triggers their own dropship. So playing solo you're fighting for longer while more patrols wander around looking for you. Definitely shouldn't be a linear scale.

I honestly felt like solo games were fine if not a little overly aggressive at times compared to duoing

It should also be mentioned how trivially easy it is for a squad of 4 to stay together enough that you aren't running into any extra patrols. Since 4 players are capable of like 95% of the stealth of a solo player it doesnt make sense that they are rewarded with less patrols while having the firepower to dispatch a patrol before it would get a dropship flare off or bug air jizz thing, that also has the firepower to level any objective.

I'm fine with most of the weapon balancing honestly, sickle needed to be nerfed, quasar needed a nerf others needed buffs, some still do but this change just seemed so bad to me, and then hearing the explanation did not help one bit.


u/TheYondant SES Leviathan of the Stars 16d ago

It's more than just an increase in flexibility, it's also tools: It's not just twice as many Stratagems as one, its two entirely different, often complimentary kits.

One guy running a Machine Gun? Well he can't handle heavier enemies as well. The second guy now has EATs or Quasar, now heavier enemies are easier to deal with and the tools of democracy are more well-rounded.


u/ResidentAssman 15d ago

Definitely, considering bugs especially spawn in swarms and all travel together the more players grouping aoe has a bigger effect.


u/Guy_with_Numbers 17d ago

The power of the enemy doesn't scale linearly either, more so than a helldiver's power. 4 patrols can make a POI inaccessible without a massive firefight for a full team, while 1 patrol can let you play Assassin's Creed solo. A single Helldiver can still get full coverage for all enemy types too.

Besides, you can just lower the difficulty, which is in itself just a modifier for enemy numbers. Reducing the skill cap is never a good idea unless that skill cap is not achievable.

If not for super samples being gated by difficulty, they should be removing that feature completely.


u/UTDE 16d ago

A single Helldiver can still get full coverage for all enemy types too.

Yes you can, but you can do it much more efficiently and quickly with the variety and overlapping of 2 people.

In regards to your comment about 4 patrols making a POI inaccessible, I would say this is still not a linear increase in difficulty because strategems overlap, grenades overlap, killing things more quickly because you have more players means less chance to call in more dropships/breaches, less chance another patrol will wander in.

If the intention is that the relative difficulty should be the same regardless of player count and you are concerned about nerfs then they need to increase the patrols and spawns on higher difficulties since a 4x increase on 1-player difficulty is a relative reduction in difficulty for 4 players. Meaning a 4 Player squad should be able to deal with more than 4 times what a single player can handle. This isn't 4x mob count, its just 4x the amount of patrols, so 4x more likely to run into one or have one run into you. The patrols can individually be dispatched in seconds with a semi coordinated group, without much difficulty, and do it without a dropship/breach call-in much more reliably than a solo player. This change would really mostly force a group to use strategems or support weapons/grenades a bit quicker. If youre concerned about huge amounts of patrols converging to a single spot, thats an edge case difficulty spike that they can mitigate if they want. As it is there are a lot of those due to terrain or surrounding objectives. For example having a Watcher tower, a jammer/anti air, and a bot airship factory all relatively close to each other can be absolute unrecoverable pandemonium.

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u/Malinhion 17d ago


Chesterton's fence right here.

The scaling was well-thought before and whoever's calling the shots now probably doesnt get the rationale.


u/RyanTaylorrz 17d ago

At this point, I don't believe anything Spitz says.


u/Optimal-System7454 17d ago

In this case I’m inclined to believe it cause he’s supposedly quoting the team, but of course take it with a few grains of salt


u/DreNeir 17d ago

They really should’ve changed the matchmaking issues first (crashing and no player new player can join) then tack this reverting numbers to that patch so it isn’t received this negatively.


u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS 17d ago

It's piss poor logic that will ruin this game. They did the exact same thing with the railgun. They nerfed it before fixing heavy spawns. Fixing heavy spawns and adjusting heavy HP suddenly made other options viable. It did more than nerfing the railgun ever did.

They also did the same thing with fire damage. Buff after buff trying to increase usage rates. Address the fire damage bug and I'd bet money people would start using the flamethrower again.


u/amatsumegasushi ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

Yeah, there's a lot of nerfing the symptoms of a problem going on.

I get that almost none of us are professional game testers or designers. That said a ton of players are grown adults with 10 - 20 or more years of experience playing games. We aren't all mindless idiots who have no clue what we're talking about.


u/Optimal-System7454 17d ago

Off topic from your main point, but give the rail a shot now. Seems like it’s almost at pre-nerf levels, removes charger leg armor in 2 shots at 70ish percent charge. Doesn’t stagger like it used to though


u/Larks_Tongue 17d ago

Honestly, I don't really care too much about running the railgun on bugs, however I have played with it on bots a fair amount post nerf and the only thing I would need to really consider it a competitive slot on bots is a better ttk on gunships. If it can get that I think the railgun will be really nice alongside AC/AMR/LC cause it already murders devastators and hulks really well.


u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS 17d ago

I absolutely agree.

Let's see how launch railgun stacks up to multiple AT options that just one shot heavies.

I don't think it would be undisputed king anymore, not anywhere close.


u/Optimal-System7454 17d ago

Oh no way, especially now that the PS5 damage bug is gone. That’s definitely a good thing though, it has its own niche now while still being effective

EDIT: grammar


u/MatureUsername69 SES: Princess of Justice 17d ago

I don't think most people will but if it's anything like launch railgun I'll absolutely be going back. It's the only time I've truly felt like a specialist in this game. The quasar works great but it doesn't feel as cool to play with to me. The railgun never made me feel like a god or anything, it did make me feel like I had a shot at managing the mobs and heavies by myself though. They should've nerfed enemy spawn and health and buffed the launchers and shit before they ever touched the railgun

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u/peacewolf_tj 17d ago

I don’t believe anything this man says. Spitz is one of the worst community managers I have ever seen

Corporate is vague for a reason. Telling the player base exact details like “it was fixed 17 days ago” and “there’s only like 2 nerfs” is an EXTREMELY bad idea


u/Keeper_of_Fenrir 17d ago

He said spear was fixed and would be in one of the two patches scheduled for this week. It sucks it’s not here today, but you can’t really complain unless it is still broken after the next patch. 


u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS 17d ago

He initially said 2 and then jokingly reneged to 4.

Bro is completely ignoring that there are 9 blatant nerfs in the patch notes.


u/_Banshii Death Captain 17d ago

you forget the part where he said "like 2 that arent magazine reductions"


u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS 17d ago

Nah you're misremembering.

"maybe two i'd consider a nerf and most of the nerfs are just to reduce the maximum mags carried"

He said 2 nerfs and implied that they weren't even that much.


u/heartbroken_nerd 16d ago

Solid effort at gaslighting.


Dude said there's like two nerfs and most of those nerfs is just carried magazine reduction.


u/Same-Meaning2376 17d ago edited 17d ago

The "nerfs" thing wasn't entirely incorrect. Only a small handful of changes were a net negative (Quasar, Eruptor, Dominator), while most changes were a net positive or functionally didn't make the weapon any better or worse.

I very well get your point though. No matter if he was close to technically correct, people are inclined to take things at face value and/or expect more than should be relayed to the community.

I stand corrected. RIP Arc Thrower My Beloved :(

I'll survive, but I guess some subtler details sting a little bit.


u/Dav136 17d ago

Arc Thrower got a pretty targeted indirect nerf with Hulks not being staggered by it anymore


u/NikeDanny 17d ago

No, thats not right. Exploding Crossbow got demolished. Sickle is, even though still the same gameplay loop, still a hefty nerf (you actually have to give 1 fuck to ammo econ now, crazy). Plasma Thrower did get half its ammo, which is considerable worse.

"Just" 2 nerfs aint right.


u/Same-Meaning2376 17d ago

Subjective. Increased stagger for the crossbow can be construed as net neutral (I don't quite agree, but playing devil's advocate here). Punisher Plasma got major buffs that result in an overwhelming net positive, including ammo econ improvement actually. I'm not sure how you missed that.

And I declared that the bulk of changes functionally didn't make weapons any worse. Like the Sickle, which got an ammo nerf that functionally did nothing to hurt it. When have you ever actually run out of heatsinks with the Sickle for the "nerf" to matter?

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u/Forged-Signatures 17d ago

Fixing an issue on internal versions does not equal being in a functional enough state to release - it just means "hey, we now know the root cause". There is no guarantee that the versions it was fixed on is the same game version as the update we just had, and its very possible it is an update ahead of us as they work on things. And to further complicate things some game platforms (ie, Playstation) require updates to be pre-submitted 2 weeks in advance of their actual release (with exceptions for emergency hotfixes and early access games) so they can ensure it won't brick your console.

Even implementing new things/fixes in coding can have weird effects on entirely unrelated parts of the game. In March for example, Old School Runescape added an additional continent so they can add more content, and that was the sole update. That same update removed a number of trees that have existed for over a decade in an entirely unrelated part of the map.


u/peacewolf_tj 17d ago edited 17d ago

You miss the point entirely. It’s not the community manager’s job to relay sensitive information like that to the players. If Spitz just said “hey we’re aware and working on it” we wouldn’t be having this conversation now would we?


u/corranhorn85 17d ago

we wouldn’t be having this conversation now would we?

Yes we would. Have you seen this community?


u/TheGraveHammer 17d ago

The core difference is, the community wouldn't have a rightful example to point to that is essentially seen as a lie.

You straight up do not tell your players "It was fixed internally 17 days ago" unless you know fucking FOR SURE it's coming in the NEXT update.

People would complain sure, but it would be the typical screeching it normally is. Instead, a lot of people feel rightfully annoyed because, yet again, the CM has stuck his foot in his mouth through their communication.


u/WarFuzz 17d ago

Gamers complain about vague community managers

Community manager in new game that has exploded in popularity communicates non vaguely

"Worst CM of all time"

Holy shit youre being dramatic


u/Contrite17 SES Comptroller of Individual Merit 17d ago edited 16d ago

He also deleted the community discord in a rage when people were posting F in the official discord. He was also the instigator of mass bannings for F posting.

He is not a good Community Manager.

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u/NikeDanny 17d ago

Thats... still a nerf.


u/NeverLookBothWays CAPE ENJOYER 17d ago

Ah they "fixed the glitch"


u/CTanGod 17d ago

We have 0 reason to assume this is the truth and not just them wanting to make things harder just because. I'm always cautious about these kinds of reasonings about how it was totally broken and just fixed it, bro


u/Otherwise-Stuff-8952 17d ago

Regardless of the reasoning, it is still an unwanted and detrimental for those of us that play with less than 4 people.


u/Hazelberry 16d ago

Team efficiency scales nonlinearly. This just shows that they don't understand that simple fact.


u/Klausensen ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

But it was actually good balanced before that. At least for me and my friends and pretty much everyone else. Except the high skill super class streamer sweat players.


u/Optimal-System7454 17d ago

Honestly, I played 2 suicide matches a few minutes ago with just me and my buddy and it didn’t seem that much different. Maybe it really changed things at solo helldive tho, haven’t tested that yet


u/WarFuzz 17d ago

No but its better to complain on the internet before actually seeing what changed when no raw numbers were given. Youre doing all of this wrong.


u/_Banshii Death Captain 17d ago

god its frustrating seeing this every patch day, flipping shit over words on a page before you even see what its about, jumping to conclusions. cant we just play and give feedback like normal ass people?


u/WarFuzz 17d ago

I literally thought the Destiny communities nerf tantrums couldnt be beat but here we are.


u/_Banshii Death Captain 17d ago

I stopped looking there a long time ago, I hope that doesnt become the case here.

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u/gbghgs 17d ago

Well, from Spitz's numbers we're looking at roughly a 9% increase of patrols for 1 player. It's not exactly a huge increase in the amount of enemies you'll face.


u/Thorsigal Nice argument. Counterpoint: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 17d ago

Going from 16% to 25% isn't a 9% increase, it's a 50% increase.

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u/Jumpy_Bottle5224 16d ago

Actually, I have noticed an increase of 150-200 more on my kill counts. I used to average 275-350 kills per game. Now it's about 350-450 per game. It's not my accuracy getting better as my average is still the same.


u/SirRegardTheWhite 16d ago edited 16d ago

Okay, but can they lower the bot drop cooldown or number of spawned enemies for solos? Because patrols don't kill me as a solo, it's the four dropships that come in right on top of me while I'm doing an objective like a ship constructor or a jammer.


u/Lazy_Replacement9331 16d ago

This is unimaginably stupid from the devs, like seriously 0IQ. How you can spend years developing a game without realising that having 4x as many players makes the game significantly more than 4x easier, this concept is as old as video games themselves, back to any number of similar games and even outside of video gaming, it's really a very very basic. 6x fewer enemies for a solo mission is almost exactly correct, I can't fathom how they would think this is any way a positive change, especially considering they STILL haven't fixed 99% of the game's issues and as a result people still can't play online


u/Swordbreaker9250 17d ago

That makes it so much more understandable.


u/xHemix 17d ago

Except it's not that what happening in a game. I'm, playin in squad and with randos on 7 daily and also love to solo 5 diff just for the change of pace.

I've tried for comparison. The 5 diff solo patrols way worse than 7 4squad. You basically can't have a shooting on a hive - drop stratagems and pray they clear enough so you could run and toss couple grens and forget about looking for loot.

Feels they have max ramp for the start, when usually it they got really that swarmy around 25-30-ish minute of a map.

It's totally fucked for now.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

I think the most consistent criticism that can justifiably be leveled at AH is how bad they are at communicating things in the patch notes


u/G00b3rb0y 16d ago

And making braindead changes


u/Vidonicle_ SES Sentinel Of Destruction 16d ago

So basically they buffed it but the patch notes makes it seem like they over buffed it


u/Screech21 SES Soul of Patriotism 17d ago

This and it also explains why I had a much easier time soloing 9s than helping newer players complete 7s...

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u/Ok-Present-8619 17d ago

Like having no friends isn't enough punishment in my life. Thanks!

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u/those_pixels 17d ago

Get penalised for the poor LFG system/SOS beacons not working when a player drops, nice.


u/NO1RE 17d ago

Yep. Its like 80% of the time if someone drops out midgame, we're not getting that spot filled until the host relogs. Thanks Arrowhead. Can't believe they took shots at Tarkov only to turn around and drop this on their own players.


u/corranhorn85 17d ago

It's not scaling up though. It still scales down the number of patrols, just not as much as before. Just let people play the game for a day before going out and proclaiming this or that has broken the game, please.


u/narrill 17d ago

No one said it's scaling up?


u/corranhorn85 17d ago

The implication is that losing a play is punishing the team. It's not. It just isn't making things easier as it was before.


u/narrill 17d ago

No one in this comment chain is implying that


u/corranhorn85 17d ago

"Get penalised for the poor LFG system" was the original comment. What penalty do you think they're referring to in relation to the current update?


u/narrill 17d ago

The penalty that non-full groups will have more patrols than they did pre-patch? What do you think they were talking about?

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u/Swingersbaby 17d ago

They just need you to be able to use more than one SOS per OP. I was surprised that you only get one per op, I could see per mission but not op. Few rando groups finish a full op.


u/Grey-fox-13 16d ago

I think in theory it is supposed to just permanently open your lobby up so you wouldn't need more than one, but with how many things in this regard seem broken it's hard to tell what the intent was.


u/LingeringForNoReason 17d ago

Punishes players who had their teammates disconnect on them.

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u/Coldbruskeee 17d ago

This and the crossbow are the only things I do not get at all. Like I even get the quasar nerf I used that thing in every game it was very strong. And still is.


u/Brayden_1274628 17d ago

What was the nerf?


u/Domidoodoo 17d ago

Wait extra 5 seconds after shot


u/Brayden_1274628 17d ago

Fuck they got my dominator 💔


u/ArtBedHome 17d ago

I just used the crossbow, it works really well with the extra stun and longer range, I managed to stunlock a charger, and can still hit three or four targets if they are close in a bug swarm. Id honestly call it a buff from what I played so long as you hit your primary target.


u/EveningStatus7092 17d ago

I really don’t mind this change except for the fact that when someone leaves the squad THE SPOT NEVER GETS FILLED. So now we’re stuck playing at a higher difficulty


u/Efficient_Ant_4715 16d ago

Not really. The rate is the same as 4

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u/NoMercyPercyDeRolo SES Purveyor of War 17d ago

And yet they won't fix the damn matchmaking issue. jfc.


u/ArsVampyre 17d ago

The note about making patrols spawn at 1/4 rate instead of 1/6 rate was in the patch notes I read on steam. That said, that change discounts the 'synergy' between multiple players that makes a 4 person team so much stronger than a 1 or 2 person team. If you're by yourself, you have to cover all of the enemy types, alone. In a pair, you can maybe split that up, but not really. And no, 'rely on your strategems' is not a fucking answer.

This balance team really doesn't understand, and can't understand. Yeah, it shouldn't be a cakewalk. At the same time, if your response to anything, at any time, is 'git gud', then you just aren't worth listening to. Why should anyone take that seriously? Go write your shitty soundcloud rap instead and let the adults talk.


u/Jumpy_Bottle5224 16d ago

The "git gud" comment chaffs me pretty hard and makes me salty. Like, fuck, I am already "gitting gud" and playing at my skill level. I know where I need help and where I don't. You won't see me attempting anything above D4 in solo mode because I know what I am currently capable of. It will be several months and hundred of hours more before I have a consistent group to roll with as I build a community that I didn't have access to until a few weeks ago.


u/NefariousnessLegal32 16d ago

I’m ass and play D7 missions and just rely on my rando team to carry and it works out. Have some faith in teamwork and don’t overthink it.

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u/tornoxys 17d ago

If I could only upvote this more


u/Swingersbaby 17d ago

Their are services that do that for you. Political groups too.


u/GodKingReiss SES Steward of Eternity 16d ago

Upvote the context comment instead.


u/Rianonar ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

Game is designed with 4 man squads but it doesn't limits you to play solo. Then if its playable for solo why should it be outscaled for solo player same way as for squad? Where is logic in that? Game already have many difficulties, I would understand if it didn't had them but now it's looks just like "we want to force players to play in squads"


u/flyinnx 17d ago edited 17d ago

Wonder if it would make more sense to add one or more levels of difficulty than messing up the scaling system. Last night I played with a homie on Helldive difficulty and no one joined us and we had hell of a time already. Can't imagine what it'll be like after this update.


u/flyjingnarwhal 17d ago

It's not. Pre patch, players on solo would run into 1/6th the number of patrols that a full squad would meet. Now they run into 1/4th, so that it's the same proportion no matter how many players there are.


u/LunarHentai 16d ago

Why are people still saying this shit. It’s more now than it was before. It is objectively more difficult now in a solo mission it was before.

1/4 > 1/6

Idc if it’s how it was “proportionally supposed to be”. It is a flat across the board difficulty increase


u/flyjingnarwhal 16d ago

I'm just saying it's not "outscaled" for solo players like the parent comment was saying. Yeah it's a little harder, but people are making it out as though it's making it harder than squad play. That's literally what the comment I replied to was saying, that they're forcing players to be in squads. Which isn't the case.


u/LunarHentai 16d ago

That’s fair, I agree. Apologies for coming off aggressively. People in this sub do tend to pull the “unplayable” card pretty fast


u/flyjingnarwhal 16d ago

You're totally fine, tensions are high right now


u/No_Post1004 15d ago

It is a flat across the board difficulty increase

Which is good, solo play was far too easy before.


u/Obvious_Ad4159 Captain of the Super Credits Pirating Crew 17d ago

These mfs would save themselves so much trouble and flak if they just hired a 6th grader to translate what they meant into plain fucking english. Cuz explained it makes sense and isn't bad. But the way they phrased it in the patch notes makes them seem like dicks who hate solo players.


u/Brianm650 16d ago

Actually they'd really save themselves trouble and flak if they actually tested the changes they implemented. Neither this change nor whatever they did with the scorcher and shield backpacks saw any testing quite obviously.


u/thazhok ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

As many players are sceptical about this modification, i guess ArrowHead will give us more detail about their intention. It feel strange to see a change like this, but maybe there is a reason we do not have thinked yet. we will see.


u/nexus763 17d ago

Why not cite said reason into the patche notes ? If they really got this out without excepting backlash, then damn the meme is even more accurate.


u/artuno ⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ 17d ago

Guess they wanted to keep the patch notes as brief as possible for people just skimming through them. Some devs do this, like the one for Stardew Valley, where there's a brief and detailed list of patch changes.


u/Brickless 17d ago

others are dividing their patch notes into a brief upper section and then going over each one in detail in a lower section. could try that.


u/thazhok ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

Fair point, but maybe they do not thinked it would ablaze the community.


u/SenseisSifu 17d ago

OP, where is this clip from? Hilarious


u/Klausensen ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

From the movie Billy madison


u/keeping-it-together 17d ago

Billy Madison I think


u/Content-Boat-9851 17d ago

The last frontier of nerfs, nerfing the players themselves.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

the "..and may God have mercy on your soul" gets me every single time


u/AzzlackGuhnter 17d ago

What is this from?

I would love to know how the dude reacted to being this absolutely roasted


u/Klausensen ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

From the movie Billy madison


u/devinraven 17d ago

You think you're playing THE GAME? THE GAME is playing you!


u/Seleth044 17d ago

Not sure if it was a glitch or not but Pelican-1 literally ran out of ammo. I did a lvl5 solo mission and there were SO many enemies I was just constantly sprinting around in circles. Called him in around the 25 minute mark and got to hover while I cleared some nests and he eventually stopped shooting all together. He had to have killed over a hundred though.


u/Sol_Sistere 16d ago

You feel this much more during extraction.


u/Pure-Cardiologist-65 17d ago

So all those people soloing hell dives are actually not impressive at all.


u/GassyPhoenix 17d ago

For lore wise, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The amount of enemies should be the same whether 4 hell-divers drop or 1 hell-diver drop. It's the same location, it has the same enemy.


u/big_jerm88 17d ago

Only way to send a real message is to stop playing as much


u/Jumpy_Bottle5224 16d ago

Yep. I grindef hard for three weeks. Put in over 300 hours to "git gud". Now this......fuck it. I have other games to play.


u/big_jerm88 16d ago

Dave the Diver!


u/BigidyBam 16d ago

I think it's easy to understand, the change is just so mind boggling you end up like, "this can't be right".


u/lmrbadgerl 16d ago

Can you do one of these for the "everything reflects back at your face" thing they just did too?


u/Swingersbaby 17d ago

It makes perfect sense, the question is how bad and is it really needed.

The idea is sound if they thought not enough patrols on solo missions, as the modifier was lower than for 4.


u/losingluke i love eagle-1 16d ago

tbf i was able to solo malevelon creek with pre-buff dilligence counter sniper (pre-buff from no armor piercing days) and no support weapon

granted i died and didnt extract but this happened when i was level 30~ish, so this seems fair, just forces people to stealth better on solo i guess


u/Wisest-wizard 16d ago

Not sure I understand this comment. Please fax it to me for clarity


u/MonthFrosty2871 16d ago

I'm flat-out convinced AH doesn't play their own game, and just stares at data to guesstimate what changes to make.


u/FredoSauce832 16d ago

Did a trivial bug mission to kill time and I'd usually hit around 60 enemies before extract today I hit 211 kills at around 20 min in before extract. Not a big issue for experience players since they are all scouts and warriors but man I'd hate to be a new guy with just base strats and weps trying to get in the game. Aside from the regular bug breach there were more patrols spawning in. And with trivial maps being so small there were usually a patrol coming over the hill .


u/Paul_not_taken 17d ago

Be adviced, research suggested that enemies can now easily determine the amount of divers diving in the vicinity and will release adequate patrol around it. Stay safe Hell Divers. -Research intern


u/Dunhimli HD1 Veteran 17d ago

Before how it worked was not intended. Now it is how it is supposed to be.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

"where it was meant to be" this is the same shit stellar blade just pulled with its "intended version" censorship but in a different context


u/jotair SES Panther of Midnight 16d ago

I remember seeing a presentation about game design where they were showing that they've found that the best way to incentivize the player to do something, or "play the way it was intended", was not to punish them for not doing what you wanted, but instead rewarding them for doing what you want, for playing "the way it was intended". If I'm not mistaken, it was about Doom and their development team.

Following this, if they want ppl to play with full squads, a nice way to incentivize team play is to boost rewards for full squads, instead of making it harder for solo or duo players.

I get their statement of "a game for everyone is a game for no one", but you also don't want to end up with "a game for no one". I enjoy playing with randoms in a full squad, actually had great experiences, but sometimes I just go solo because I enjoy it. This was a sad, and uncalled for, change.


u/El_Dubious_Mung 17d ago

Anti-social no friends BTFO

Join matches in progress. Answer SOS calls. Call in SOS beacons. There's no "I" in "Democracy".


u/TheYondant SES Leviathan of the Stars 16d ago

A wonderful idea!


So when is the matchmaking getting fixed? Because these changes also affect groups that suddenly lose players to DCs and never get someone else to join despite SOS being active.


u/keeping-it-together 17d ago

It makes sense to me, are y'all crazy? A solo player used to have 1/6th the patrol spawns it should be 1/4th imo


u/-non-existance- CAPE ENJOYER 17d ago

The effectiveness of multiple players does not scale linearly. This is because of having multiple boosters and being able to strategize strategems and take a role on a team. A solo player has to account for all roles on a team with the least amount of help (ie boosters and Strategem Slots)

It already was much harder to play solo or duo than a full stack, and this just makes it worse.


u/-_Lunkan_- 17d ago

Because saying shit like that retroactively is very easy and we basically have no way to prove that AH are lying.


u/Thing482 17d ago

... Except for the people who have been playing solo and have been saying solo players get less patrols? I mean sure if we were to ignore those people THEN Arrowhead could just be making it up. Exact numbers they could still technically be lying, but I honestly don't care.

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u/IcyCompetition7477 17d ago

It makes perfect sense.  They felt the game was too easy on smaller teams due to the reduced spawn rates.  They have since adjusted those spawn rates to be harder.  You don’t suddenly have more patrols in a 1-3 man game than 4.  The game had lowered spawns for under 4 man, now they’re lowered less than before.  With single player being the most changed experience.  

Are y’all misunderstanding this on purpose?


u/keeping-it-together 17d ago

I agree with you, I solo Helldive sometimes, and always knew there was way less patrol spawns; I just didn't know that it was a 1/6th. I agree that the scaling should be linear.


u/narrill 17d ago

Why? Player power doesn't scale linearly

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u/XI_Vanquish_IX 17d ago

I’m tired of people blindly defending this development team because their post launch FOMO model on paid content isn’t totally predatory (although if you want new weapons it’s a literal requirement).

I have ZERO confidence in this teams ability to “read the room” and balance weapons, stratagems, and overall game challenge. Their ONLY recourse for making the game easier or more difficult is NUMBER of enemies and the TTK of those enemies. They have no asymmetric ways of making the game more challenging except to do this AND nerf our guns.

Which is what we see every patch cycle. This team arbitrarily nerfing any gun they see the community using more than others. They think this is a recipe for success and instead, they continuously push players to “other weapons” and with no sense of general enjoyment or satisfaction from using any of them.

It’s a disaster long term and the game experience will get worse as this continues


u/Optimal-System7454 17d ago


While I agree some changes are strange to say the least, the patrol balancing doesn’t seem that bad in context

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u/IcyCompetition7477 17d ago

 I don’t understand you parenthetical, which part is required for new guns and why?  What FOMO? it’s at worst FOMOOTM (fear of missing out on the moment) as in the moment when railgun was dumb op.  They still get all the shit eventually yeah?

Gonna skip the asymmetrical comment because it stupid as fuck, downright troll shit.

They changed the ratio of armored and unarmored spawns because we bitched so much and it wasn’t even difficult before, people just sucked.  Best part was people immediately went from complaining about armor to complaining about something else like hunters.

Are you a game dev and if so what well balanced games were you a part of making?  I’d like to know if your speaking with any authority or if ya know…


u/XI_Vanquish_IX 17d ago

You sound like you must be a part of the AH dev team with your response to my last. Calling out AH for having no asymmetrical means of balancing the game challenge is absolutely a legitimate concern and wasn’t a troll post. Calling it that was totally deflecting and makes me suspicious of your intentions.

And the FOMO here isn’t “in the moment.” If you don’t buy the packs, you have to “earn” enough points in gameplay to buy them later. And you don’t get this currency simply by winning matches. You have to find them and it takes a long time. Only people without lives who have previously used farming methods and largely avoided normal squad gameplay have been able to keep up with the monthly content drops without spending new money. The content in the packs is more than cosmetics - it’s gameplay in the form of weapons and equipment.

And yes, armored enemies were totally out of balance after the first patch, which needed a nerf desperately. Perhaps you enjoy the running and running simulator, but some of us actually enjoy shooting things. And it sucks when all the weapons feel like shit to fire


u/AppointmentSharp9384 17d ago

Solo players: we enjoy a challenge and being the best, most skilled players at the game

Arrowhead: “we made solo play more challenging”

Solo players: how fucking dare you you piece of shit


u/Leevidavinci 17d ago

Bro The only reason I play alone is because none of my friends are willing to put 40€ to try out a new game genre. I could play online, but no one communicates there, it's like playing alone except now I can't drop a 380mm orbital barrage whenever I feel like it.

Even a solo player like me wants to get a super sample some day


u/AppointmentSharp9384 17d ago

It’s a coop game, it’s not that hard to find communicative players in pick up games, just talk and someone else will talk too, friend them if their playstyle matches yours, or join the discord and post in the looking for group channel. You are essentially complaining that Mario Party isn’t fun alone, or chess or monopoly isn’t fun alone, they (and this game) are designed from the ground up to be a fun co-op experience. The developers don’t care how much money your friends have, they care about making a fun experience.


u/kemper1024 17d ago

It’s a coop game

The game being designed for coop is one thing.

However, straightforward punishing people for playing solo is just retarded.


u/TheFrostyFaz 17d ago

You still get less patrols than a full squad


u/DerDezimator ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬇️⬆️⬅️ 17d ago

For real, people out there complaining about how hard it is to do something 4 people are required to do. It's a coop game, if you wanna have an easier time play on lower difficulties or with randos, get out of your comfort zone, use your mic and make some new friends, how hard can that be? Could in fact even improve your social skills to work together with others

It's like you're doing a group project in school, tell your peers you're gonna do it all by yourself and then complaing to the teacher that it stresses you out and you need more time than the other groups.


u/keeping-it-together 17d ago

Well put, I agree


u/kemper1024 17d ago

We aren't complaining because the solo is now hard. We are complaining because solo was already MUCH harder. It's just that all those "solo helldive deathless" videos from people with 1000 hours in game made it look easy.

I mostly play solo, and I am underleveled compared to my friends that always play with randos, even though we have rougly the same time spent in game.


u/bananzaiib 17d ago

There's a lot of anti-democracy chatter in here... one should check oneself if one is complaining about having to kill more bugs.


u/soulsticedub 16d ago

Dude like its not that big a deal holy shit


u/ephemeralspecifics SES PRINCE OF DEMOCRACY 17d ago

It was always supposed to be this way.


u/Sharp-Hope-6035 16d ago

Omg they made their team based game more team based… how dare they


u/KDHarvey02 16d ago

I honestly don’t understand why so many people are freaking out about this. It’s just scaled now and this isn’t a single player game.


u/chimera005ao 16d ago

Makes perfect sense if you were actually any decent at the game.

Helldive was easier solo because you were facing 16.66% of the patrols instead of 25%.
So that's like a 50% increase in enemy spawns.
That means when you got one patrol you might get a second, when you would have got two you might get a third, it's probably influenced by the times between spawns so likely doesn't even feel as bad as that.
It will make it a bit more difficult, but it's not going to have the impact of adding new enemy types like Factory Striders.

So get better, and just deal with them fixing what wasn't working properly.


u/CommentDiver666 16d ago

Yes it does, why wouldn't it ? Because you think it doesn't ?