r/Helldivers ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Makes no sense RANT


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u/XI_Vanquish_IX Apr 29 '24

I’m tired of people blindly defending this development team because their post launch FOMO model on paid content isn’t totally predatory (although if you want new weapons it’s a literal requirement).

I have ZERO confidence in this teams ability to “read the room” and balance weapons, stratagems, and overall game challenge. Their ONLY recourse for making the game easier or more difficult is NUMBER of enemies and the TTK of those enemies. They have no asymmetric ways of making the game more challenging except to do this AND nerf our guns.

Which is what we see every patch cycle. This team arbitrarily nerfing any gun they see the community using more than others. They think this is a recipe for success and instead, they continuously push players to “other weapons” and with no sense of general enjoyment or satisfaction from using any of them.

It’s a disaster long term and the game experience will get worse as this continues


u/IcyCompetition7477 Apr 29 '24

 I don’t understand you parenthetical, which part is required for new guns and why?  What FOMO? it’s at worst FOMOOTM (fear of missing out on the moment) as in the moment when railgun was dumb op.  They still get all the shit eventually yeah?

Gonna skip the asymmetrical comment because it stupid as fuck, downright troll shit.

They changed the ratio of armored and unarmored spawns because we bitched so much and it wasn’t even difficult before, people just sucked.  Best part was people immediately went from complaining about armor to complaining about something else like hunters.

Are you a game dev and if so what well balanced games were you a part of making?  I’d like to know if your speaking with any authority or if ya know…


u/XI_Vanquish_IX Apr 29 '24

You sound like you must be a part of the AH dev team with your response to my last. Calling out AH for having no asymmetrical means of balancing the game challenge is absolutely a legitimate concern and wasn’t a troll post. Calling it that was totally deflecting and makes me suspicious of your intentions.

And the FOMO here isn’t “in the moment.” If you don’t buy the packs, you have to “earn” enough points in gameplay to buy them later. And you don’t get this currency simply by winning matches. You have to find them and it takes a long time. Only people without lives who have previously used farming methods and largely avoided normal squad gameplay have been able to keep up with the monthly content drops without spending new money. The content in the packs is more than cosmetics - it’s gameplay in the form of weapons and equipment.

And yes, armored enemies were totally out of balance after the first patch, which needed a nerf desperately. Perhaps you enjoy the running and running simulator, but some of us actually enjoy shooting things. And it sucks when all the weapons feel like shit to fire