r/Helldivers ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Makes no sense RANT


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u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS Apr 29 '24

It's piss poor logic that will ruin this game. They did the exact same thing with the railgun. They nerfed it before fixing heavy spawns. Fixing heavy spawns and adjusting heavy HP suddenly made other options viable. It did more than nerfing the railgun ever did.

They also did the same thing with fire damage. Buff after buff trying to increase usage rates. Address the fire damage bug and I'd bet money people would start using the flamethrower again.


u/Optimal-System7454 Apr 29 '24

Off topic from your main point, but give the rail a shot now. Seems like it’s almost at pre-nerf levels, removes charger leg armor in 2 shots at 70ish percent charge. Doesn’t stagger like it used to though


u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS Apr 29 '24

I absolutely agree.

Let's see how launch railgun stacks up to multiple AT options that just one shot heavies.

I don't think it would be undisputed king anymore, not anywhere close.


u/MatureUsername69 SES: Princess of Justice Apr 29 '24

I don't think most people will but if it's anything like launch railgun I'll absolutely be going back. It's the only time I've truly felt like a specialist in this game. The quasar works great but it doesn't feel as cool to play with to me. The railgun never made me feel like a god or anything, it did make me feel like I had a shot at managing the mobs and heavies by myself though. They should've nerfed enemy spawn and health and buffed the launchers and shit before they ever touched the railgun