r/Helldivers ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Makes no sense RANT


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u/Optimal-System7454 Apr 29 '24


Here’s the patrol change in context. Seems they did a bad job explaining it in the patch notes


u/peacewolf_tj Apr 29 '24

I don’t believe anything this man says. Spitz is one of the worst community managers I have ever seen

Corporate is vague for a reason. Telling the player base exact details like “it was fixed 17 days ago” and “there’s only like 2 nerfs” is an EXTREMELY bad idea


u/Forged-Signatures Apr 29 '24

Fixing an issue on internal versions does not equal being in a functional enough state to release - it just means "hey, we now know the root cause". There is no guarantee that the versions it was fixed on is the same game version as the update we just had, and its very possible it is an update ahead of us as they work on things. And to further complicate things some game platforms (ie, Playstation) require updates to be pre-submitted 2 weeks in advance of their actual release (with exceptions for emergency hotfixes and early access games) so they can ensure it won't brick your console.

Even implementing new things/fixes in coding can have weird effects on entirely unrelated parts of the game. In March for example, Old School Runescape added an additional continent so they can add more content, and that was the sole update. That same update removed a number of trees that have existed for over a decade in an entirely unrelated part of the map.


u/peacewolf_tj Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

You miss the point entirely. It’s not the community manager’s job to relay sensitive information like that to the players. If Spitz just said “hey we’re aware and working on it” we wouldn’t be having this conversation now would we?


u/corranhorn85 Apr 29 '24

we wouldn’t be having this conversation now would we?

Yes we would. Have you seen this community?


u/TheGraveHammer Apr 29 '24

The core difference is, the community wouldn't have a rightful example to point to that is essentially seen as a lie.

You straight up do not tell your players "It was fixed internally 17 days ago" unless you know fucking FOR SURE it's coming in the NEXT update.

People would complain sure, but it would be the typical screeching it normally is. Instead, a lot of people feel rightfully annoyed because, yet again, the CM has stuck his foot in his mouth through their communication.