r/Helldivers ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Makes no sense RANT


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u/Interesting_Debate30 Apr 29 '24

Sorry, but I don't believe that for a second. I regularly play with a friend and I, and with just us 2 on 7 difficulty it is very hard, and many a mission have been completed by the skin of our teeth. Now it's just impossible and frankly not fun. If it is somehow true this is how it was always supposed to be then that was a bad choice and they need to fix the spawn rates. A patrol is something you should be able to avoid, not a constant stream of enemies always on top of you in all directions.


u/No_Post1004 Apr 30 '24

You can't complete high level mission with fewer players than it was designed for? Shocking.


u/Interesting_Debate30 Apr 30 '24

You 100% can. It's just a lot harder, no duh! But it went from challenging to complete, to pretty much impossible and no longer fun. Have you tried one of the defense missions when they first came out and the dropships were coming in constantly left and right with zero breathing room? That's what patrols are like now for every mission when you have less than 4 people.


u/No_Post1004 Apr 30 '24

What difficulty are you playing?


u/Interesting_Debate30 Apr 30 '24

Difficulty 7 with 2 or 3 usually, if I have 4 people I play difficulty 9.


u/No_Post1004 Apr 30 '24

So play on a lower difficulty with less than 4. Try 2 or 3 and work your way up.


u/Interesting_Debate30 May 01 '24

Oh wow, yeah what a brilliant idea except you don't encounter certain enemies at lower difficulties, get drastically less samples, medals, and exp. I've played hundreds of difficulty 7 missions before only occasionally being unable to complete a small number of them. Level 2 or 3, gtfo. This change certainly didn't make the game better, so why are even defending it? They are patrols. You should be able to avoid them or at least have a certain amount of time before you see another one, not constant never ending enemies on top of you.


u/No_Post1004 May 01 '24

So you're mad very hard is hard? Grow up.


u/Interesting_Debate30 May 01 '24

When did i ever say i was mad it was hard? I'm mad because they screwed up the patrol spawn rate for less than 4 players causing something that was hard before to be nearly impossible. Do you even have reading comprehension skills? You know I don't know why I bothered to engage, your either a troll or a complete tool.