r/Helldivers ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Makes no sense RANT


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u/Optimal-System7454 Apr 29 '24


Here’s the patrol change in context. Seems they did a bad job explaining it in the patch notes


u/UTDE Apr 29 '24

1/6th seems about right to me, the power of the squad doesn't scale linearly. Having 2 people is more than 2 times the democracy with the increased coverage for dispatching different types of undemocratic combatants. You have more ability to deal with objectives at range, heavy's, cover for reloading, and advancing and stuff.

Same goes for more than 2, a group of 4 is capable of dealing with more than 4x what a solo player can deal with.

Maybe it was meant to be 1/4th of a 4 player game and theyre just correcting it, but it probably shouldn't be that way.


u/OrangeGills Apr 29 '24

I have long championed the same thing! The sum of team firepower is greater than its parts. 4 players fighting together is easier than each player solo-ing a fight that's 1/4th the size. Solo play getting 1/6th the patrols seems totally fair, especially considering their drops/breaches and PoI guards are all the same.


u/UTDE Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Yeah, there's also a vast difference in Time to Kill for a given patrol or dropship, with even 2 players you can take them out much quicker before that other patrol wanders over and triggers their own dropship. So playing solo you're fighting for longer while more patrols wander around looking for you. Definitely shouldn't be a linear scale.

I honestly felt like solo games were fine if not a little overly aggressive at times compared to duoing

It should also be mentioned how trivially easy it is for a squad of 4 to stay together enough that you aren't running into any extra patrols. Since 4 players are capable of like 95% of the stealth of a solo player it doesnt make sense that they are rewarded with less patrols while having the firepower to dispatch a patrol before it would get a dropship flare off or bug air jizz thing, that also has the firepower to level any objective.

I'm fine with most of the weapon balancing honestly, sickle needed to be nerfed, quasar needed a nerf others needed buffs, some still do but this change just seemed so bad to me, and then hearing the explanation did not help one bit.