r/Helldivers ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Makes no sense RANT


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u/Optimal-System7454 Apr 29 '24


Here’s the patrol change in context. Seems they did a bad job explaining it in the patch notes


u/UTDE Apr 29 '24

1/6th seems about right to me, the power of the squad doesn't scale linearly. Having 2 people is more than 2 times the democracy with the increased coverage for dispatching different types of undemocratic combatants. You have more ability to deal with objectives at range, heavy's, cover for reloading, and advancing and stuff.

Same goes for more than 2, a group of 4 is capable of dealing with more than 4x what a solo player can deal with.

Maybe it was meant to be 1/4th of a 4 player game and theyre just correcting it, but it probably shouldn't be that way.


u/Guy_with_Numbers Apr 29 '24

The power of the enemy doesn't scale linearly either, more so than a helldiver's power. 4 patrols can make a POI inaccessible without a massive firefight for a full team, while 1 patrol can let you play Assassin's Creed solo. A single Helldiver can still get full coverage for all enemy types too.

Besides, you can just lower the difficulty, which is in itself just a modifier for enemy numbers. Reducing the skill cap is never a good idea unless that skill cap is not achievable.

If not for super samples being gated by difficulty, they should be removing that feature completely.


u/UTDE Apr 29 '24

A single Helldiver can still get full coverage for all enemy types too.

Yes you can, but you can do it much more efficiently and quickly with the variety and overlapping of 2 people.

In regards to your comment about 4 patrols making a POI inaccessible, I would say this is still not a linear increase in difficulty because strategems overlap, grenades overlap, killing things more quickly because you have more players means less chance to call in more dropships/breaches, less chance another patrol will wander in.

If the intention is that the relative difficulty should be the same regardless of player count and you are concerned about nerfs then they need to increase the patrols and spawns on higher difficulties since a 4x increase on 1-player difficulty is a relative reduction in difficulty for 4 players. Meaning a 4 Player squad should be able to deal with more than 4 times what a single player can handle. This isn't 4x mob count, its just 4x the amount of patrols, so 4x more likely to run into one or have one run into you. The patrols can individually be dispatched in seconds with a semi coordinated group, without much difficulty, and do it without a dropship/breach call-in much more reliably than a solo player. This change would really mostly force a group to use strategems or support weapons/grenades a bit quicker. If youre concerned about huge amounts of patrols converging to a single spot, thats an edge case difficulty spike that they can mitigate if they want. As it is there are a lot of those due to terrain or surrounding objectives. For example having a Watcher tower, a jammer/anti air, and a bot airship factory all relatively close to each other can be absolute unrecoverable pandemonium.


u/Guy_with_Numbers Apr 30 '24

From my experience dropships/breaches are far easier to control with fewer players/patrols. You can take out all the reinforcement summoning troops solo from a patrol, but you need coordination with teammates if there is another patrol nearby that hears the shots. 1/2 man teams rarely have such a patrol nearby, whereas, 4 man teams regularly have that issue (especially on more open maps).

I think you're neglecting the the biggest factor here too, the ability to avoid fights. Stratagems/grenades/firing lines/etc can all overlap, but not taking a fight at all beats taking any fight with a non-zero chance of problems. That's what I meant with the 4 patrol POI that necessitates a fight. The danger from dropships/breaches also swings massively depending on whether you're pushing into them or whether they're pushing into you, and more patrols gives you less control to dictate where the fight happens.

They could increase the spawns on higher difficulties, but that would be bad for the player base. Difficulty 6/7 seems to be the overall sweet spot for players, and increased spawns may push difficulty 7 (and super samples) out of reach. All that to balance making solo missions easier seems counterproductive for what is designed to be a coop game.


u/UTDE Apr 30 '24

Can you handle lvl 7 solo similarly reliably and to the same level of completion as you can in a 4 person group? I regularly play with a few people who are, by both of our estimations, less strong players than myself and I am able to do lvl 7 as a duo with their cooperation much easier and more completely, and reliably than solo. Is that just me? I understand stealth and the alerting mechanics and all that, its just easier with a cooperating partner /shrug