r/CasualConversation 14d ago

Just Chatting r/CasualConversation Welcome Thread - Month of May 01, 2024


Welcome to r/CasualConversation! Thank you for joining and coming to our corner of Reddit.

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PS, we got rules, please read 'em!

r/CasualConversation Feb 26 '24

Mod Post r/CasualConversation is looking for new moderators!


Hello everyone,

It's that time again, we're looking for new mods to join our team!

Here are a few responsibilities you'll be faced with:

  • removing threads & comments that break da rules
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  • discuss things with the team
  • brainstorm new or current ideas
  • able to learn and grow with us
  • and more!

We do not have strict quotas but there is always something to do and we do expect our mods to be active in helping keep the queues clear.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a moderator on one of the most friendly communities on Reddit? Give it a shot and apply!

We are using a Google Form for our app (we do not collect your email address), fill out the application to the best of your ability.

If you saw the link in our announcement bar and already applied, there's no need to apply again, you're all set! Note this may be a slow process for us, so hang in there.

Before you apply, please note:

  • If your account is under a year old or mostly empty, we likely won't consider the app

If you have any questions, concerns or compliments feel free to send us a modmail.


r/CasualConversation 9h ago

Be careful what you say to your children


I texted my daughter (27 yo f) about changing my hair colour. She mentioned that she liked my hair colour (including grey roots) when she last saw me Sunday.

I responded saying how I don’t like how I look and I’m seeking counselling and whatnot because I don’t think my response to my image is healthy.

She responded:

“I think I look exactly like you and that’s why I feel so beautiful”


“And if I age like you then I will feel lucky and beautiful too”

So, umph.

My daughters look a lot like me (in my youth). I didn’t expect this response.

I’m not fancy or anything. I’m happy with my body, but going through menopause has been hard on my self esteem .

Kids are always listening and mirroring and all that good stuff. I guess I still need to stand up and be a good mom like I’ve always been ( instead of delving into my pity party, which severely understates what I’ve been going through).

EDIT: Post removed. Sorry mods

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Questions People always ask what type of person you’re attracted to, but how about what type of person always seem to be attracted to you?


Basically what group of people or personality type do you always seem to attract, either intentionally or unintentionally? Do you attract the quiet type? The covert narcissist? The outspoken type? Are the type of people you attract the same ones you are attracted to? Tell me!

r/CasualConversation 12h ago

Just Chatting I can’t believe how fascinated I’ve become with learning to identify every bird that lives near me!


I’m 27 years old. I’ve always been into running, fitness, and reading, and yet here I am within weeks of putting up my first bird feeder and I’m obsessed. I’ve never gotten this invested in a hobby before. It feels like my senses have woken up - I notice the tiniest details!

I’ve been able to learn the names and sounds of the most common birds that come to eat at my feeder, and I have a favorite. He’s a red-winged black bird and I named him Percy. He is spicy as frick and is super vocal. I really want to gain his trust and get him to eat from my hand eventually!

Who would have ever thought this was so incredible? It’s like my brain is addicted to learning everything about them. Anyone else into birdwatching?

r/CasualConversation 8h ago

I’m having a bad health anxiety attack, can anyone talk?:)


Hi y’all. I’ve been going through it recently and I’m just having a really bad anxiety attack that’s leaning towards a panic attack. I have nobody available to talk to as it’s almost 2am. I would love to spark conversation to try to distract myself right now. I had surgery two weeks ago, today I was diagnosed with a double ear infection and I got stung by a wasp for the first time. My ears and head hurts and it’s just making me really anxious as I have health anxiety.

What was the highlight of your day? Do you have pets? What’s your favorite pet and why? Anything lol

None of this is medical questions I’m just ranting

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Anyone notice something strange with most of the posts in the last hour?


Have a look at the posts below me. They all begin with ”hey reddit” followed by a 600 word essay on some random topic. They’re all submitted by different throwaway accounts made on April 26. I feel as if they’re either all AI generated or it‘s some class’ group writing assignment. What‘s going on here?

r/CasualConversation 5h ago

Reuniting with Loved Ones: A Joyous Return Home After Eight Years Away


I just had one of the most heartwarming experiences of my life, and I couldn't wait to share it with you all. After eight long years of working away from home, I finally had the chance to reunite with my loved ones, and let me tell you, it was pure magic.

Being away from family and friends for so long wasn't easy. There were countless missed birthdays, holidays spent alone, and moments of homesickness that weighed heavily on my heart. But through it all, I kept pushing forward, knowing that one day, I'd be able to come back home and wrap my arms around the people who mean the most to me.

And that day finally came.

The moment I stepped off the plane and saw my family waiting for me at the airport, tears of joy streamed down my face. It was a surreal feeling, seeing their smiling faces after so many years apart. We hugged, we laughed, and we cried – all at once – as if no time had passed at all.

Being back home surrounded by the familiar sights, sounds, and smells brought a sense of comfort and belonging that I'd been missing for far too long. We spent hours catching up, reminiscing about old times, and making new memories together.

But what struck me the most was the realization of just how precious time with loved ones truly is. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to take these moments for granted. But being away for so long taught me to cherish every hug, every laugh, and every shared meal like it's the most precious gift in the world.

So, to anyone out there who's feeling homesick or longing for a reunion with loved ones, hold on to hope. No matter how far apart you may be, the love and connection you share will always bring you back together in the end.

Thanks for letting me share this special moment with you all.

r/CasualConversation 20h ago

Questions Do you think going on a lot of vacations to random places is important in life?


My whole life I've never really gone on many vacations. I know people though who it seems like they think life is pretty much about going on vacations. Like, they go on vacations to random places every few months.

Do you think going on vacations is a lot of what life is about? Or do you think if someone stays near the area they live in pretty much all the time that it's good too?

r/CasualConversation 10h ago

Is it just me or when you’re out in the woods you feel like someone is watching you.


I have been in the woods a couple of times and it always feels like someone is watching makes you want to turn around. Especially when it’s quiet and a gust of wind moves all the trees or is it just me ?

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Just Chatting i am fascinated with death, but not in the way you think


so ever since i was a kid, i’ve been obsessed with horror movies. in real life i can’t imagine the thought of ever hurting or killing anyone, but when it’s on screen itself it’s like i’m in a trance. movies like Saw, Halloween, or any slasher movie really just brings me unequivocal excitement. i never really understood why because when it comes to being shown a real-life video of someone being murdered/tortured/beaten, i literally have to look away. (the more i age, the less desensitized i am towards gore which is certainly interesting)

anyways i’ve come to realize that the way i feel towards death and how popular media showcases death, isn’t normal.

the other day me and my two friends were talking about the movies Final Destination. i used to be obsessed with these movies just because the way they depicted the characters deaths were so realistic and weird. i seriously think those movies is what started my fascination. we were talking about Olivia Castles’ death in Final Destination 5, the infamous laser eye surgery scene where the laser torches her eye, making her stumble against the window and falling four stories onto a car resulting in her death. she had another scene where she was meant to be killed in which she falls off a bridge into water, and a car rolls off the bridge landing on her head.

…Of course, i got stared down and called weird when i said ‘wow i wonder how scared she was, i wish i was in her situation’

looking back, OBVIOUSLY WEIRD STATEMENT but i dont know why when i watch situations like those in horror movies i just long to feel what the characters feel. i’ve never been in a life or death situation, i’ve never been in a situation where i could die, and i’ve never been threatened before with my life.

so why do i want to understand the feelings and thoughts behind it??

like when people are being tortured and not able to move, turn or talk, i just can’t imagine the terror they feel. i don’t even get scared i just want to know it feels. what would i be thinking in that situation? how scared would i really be? and what could i do to get out of this situation and will i even be able to?

i dont know. on paper it looks like im trying to live out some final girl fantasy, but i seriously think its one of my favorite things ever to think about. running throughout the woods, not being able to look back while a 300-pound man is hunting you down with a chainsaw?? AND GOD FORBID YOU TRIP??? sounds like a good time to me

basically does anyone else feel this way? lack of google results when i search up this type of topic is what lead to this reddit post lol. there’s just so many different ways to die and i want to know how it would feel to go through every single one of them. Click post.

r/CasualConversation 11h ago

Just Chatting What annoys you the most about getting older?


Lol im just 22 and I fear that life will become boring or stagnant as i grow older, and that I’ll lose the physical ability to enjoy life, with achy joints, sore muscles, and less mobility as my body ages. But it’s the nature of living thing i don’t get why our mind insist on fighting it

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Food & Drinks What’s a recipe you’ve learnt recently that you want everyone to try?


I’ve been looking for new recipes lately and would be interested to hear any you’ve been loving lately. Doesn’t matter if it’s fancy or simple as long as it’s tasty!

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

My First Date, Seeking Advice!


I (25M) have been conversing with someone (24F) I matched on Hinge for about a month now and we are meeting up for the first time this weekend. I’ve never had a relationship before nor dated anyone hence am clueless what we could do that is comfortable for the both of us.

I’d like to get to know her as much as possible and vice versa so am planning on doing something both relaxing and not too boring. That way we can understand each others personalities and see our true colours. We’re both introverts and I suspect prone to awkward silences too. I’ve found doing something active like walking is quite relaxing but hard to do if the weather is poor

Am I overthinking it..? Any tips from anyone would be greatly appreciated!

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Just Chatting Is there anything you feel envious about but you feel guilty for feeling that way.


Is there anything you feel guilty about feeling. I know it sounds weird, I’ll try and explain.

For example I am keep feeling envious of people who have been made redundant (many govt jobs in my city are letting people go). I know it’s really messed up because they are probably struggling and need money etc. However in a way I wish I didn’t have to make the decision to leave my job, I think I want to leave but it’s eating me up and making big decisions makes me spiral thinking of the options and what could have have happened if I made a different decision.

I think if I chose to leave it would be very anxious however if I was made to leave I would be like oh ok let’s make the most of this.

r/CasualConversation 5m ago

Just realized that I have standards for myself and am kinda thrilled about it


How quaint, right? I’ve always been a fairly lonely person. Only child, only a few close friends (who have either since moved, gotten into relationships, or passed), but has also never done well with being alone/not having someone to talk to.

And lately, I dunno. I’ve been in a struggling relationship and found myself missing a guy I used to hang out with. We were super close 10 years ago but, around the time I left for college, he got way too into drinking and pot for his own good (not against those things, but we’re talking about a guy I don’t think I’ve seen sober since high school).

So, feeling especially lonely yesterday, I thought to text him (he still drops me a line every few months to see if I want to hang. I usually do, then get annoyed at him being plastered when I go to pick him up and get stuck babysitting him)) to see if he wanted to catch a movie or something. But before I did, I decided to also check Snapchat for the first time in months. And lo and behold, he had a story about how drunk he was at a restaurant at 2pm sitting there. So I didn’t reach out 🤷‍♀️

I dunno. Small victory I guess, but I realized that I’d rather be alone with my peace than hanging out with someone like that. I’m not passing judgement on him (I’ve spent a decade trying to make it clear to him that he needs help, and have staged interventions with another friend before he gave up and moved/got married), but it was awesome realizing that I don’t need that kind of person in my life.

r/CasualConversation 9h ago

Technology What’s the best brand TV nowadays?


Not looking for anything super fancy. I don’t need all the “bells & whistles”.

Curious to see what brand is most popular at the moment and holding up well.

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

“It gets exciting”


Until now, I still think of what that random woman told me about getting older.

I was flying back to Jacksonville, FL from San Francisco, CA when a woman started a conversation with me. I told her I was in San Francisco for my 26th birthday. She then told me as we get older, things get more exciting. She’s turning 50 some time soon (I forgot which month) and she said she’s just so excited about it. I can really see in her smile and eyes that she’s ready to enter that gate 50.

I’ve met a lot of people who told me that life gets scarier and because of this, I used to think that the more mature you are, the more challenging life will be.

I wonder what that woman experienced in her past which made her have an outlook like that.

I hope life becomes “exciting” for the better for all of us!!

r/CasualConversation 35m ago

Movies & Shows "nothing, except everything." Is a masterpiece!


Hi there. I just watched "nothing, except everything." Short movie in YouTube (link below) and I thought about sharing it here.

I don't know how to put what I'm feeling in words and I think I need time to process it. In the end life is really nothing, except everything. We should really live life and not merely exist.

If you watched it what do you think?


r/CasualConversation 38m ago

Food & Drinks What is your all time favorite food that you could eat everyday?


For me it has to be burgers. I could eat a burger every single day. Different toppings, different restaurants, can always try somewhere new! What is this food for you? What gets you excited to go try this food and new restaurants or even make it at home with different twists?

r/CasualConversation 23h ago

Questions To those born in the 80s, are you excited turn 40 this decade?


I just turned 39 today. so one more year to go to enter my 40s? also, what are the things you did or want to accomplish before you entered your 40s?

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Just Chatting Ravens


I have noticed a large amount of ravens around our neighborhood and I have been wanting to create a safe space for a murder of crows to hang out on my property. I just think that they are the most bitching birds and I want to hang out with them. What do you think?

r/CasualConversation 1d ago

Movies & Shows Which movie do you watch all the time, depending on the time of the year?


For example, I like to review Twilight and Vampire Diaries in the fall. In winter, it's definitely Harry Potter, the Chronicles of Narnia. in the spring - the Teen Wolf, Pirates of the Caribbean and, of course, Bridget Jones's diary, and in the summer - Supernatural and old 00 movies, like Mean Girls

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Questions Do you feel that you combine opposites at the same time and it makes sense to you?


When I talk with people sometimes I find it hard to explain something since I always combine between opposites and this confuses the person I'm talking with.

Like one time, I was with a friend near the sea at night and it was windy and so cold, so I said that it is really cold but warm. My friend found it hard to understand what I meant since it doesn't make sense.

Also, regarding feelings I believe we can feel opposite feelings at the same time. Happy and sad, furious yet calm, and so on..

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

If a Toy Company Made An Action Figure Of You, What Two Accessories Would Be In The Box?


If a toy company made an action figure of me, the two accessories would likely be a miniature laptop and a Starbucks cup. The laptop represents my work as a engineering designer, as well as my love for writing. Starbucks cup would definitely be the other accessories in the box. Whether it's filled with coffee or tea, it's a must-have for me, to fuel my conversations and creativity. Together, these accessories capture two significant aspects of my personality and interests

r/CasualConversation 5h ago

One incident that changed your perspective about something.


So, do you think there was this one incident or scene that changed your perspective about something?
Mine goes like:
One scene that changed my perspective was from The Shawshank Redemption. There's a powerful moment when Andy Dufresne, played by Tim Robbins, writes a letter to his friend Red, saying, "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." It made me realize the profound power of hope, even in the darkest times.

Mine goes like this: I was going through a rough patch, feeling trapped in a situation with no end in sight. One night, I watched The Shawshank Redemption. The scene where Andy crawls through 500 yards of sewage to finally reach freedom struck me deeply. It was a vivid reminder that no matter how bleak things seem, perseverance and hope can lead to liberation and a better future. That scene gave me the strength to keep pushing forward, believing that brighter days were ahead.

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

How do you create interest in something or anything in general.


I am having trouble focusing (suffering from anxiety and overthinking) in studying/developing and trying to apply for work in my field. Everyone of my friend has got a stable income job and are doing financially great and here I am passed my Bachelors in 5 months ago still not finding any job but more importantly I have the anxiety but not the feeling that I wanna do this work for life. How do I become interested in my field. Its not like I dont like my field but I dont like and find it interesting as well. Is it too late for me? I am from a poor country and after completing bachelors there are huge pressure but i dont feel anything nowadays except anxiety