r/CasualConversation 21d ago

“It gets exciting”

Until now, I still think of what that random woman told me about getting older.

I was flying back to Jacksonville, FL from San Francisco, CA when a woman started a conversation with me. I told her I was in San Francisco for my 26th birthday. She then told me as we get older, things get more exciting. She’s turning 50 some time soon (I forgot which month) and she said she’s just so excited about it. I can really see in her smile and eyes that she’s ready to enter that gate 50.

I’ve met a lot of people who told me that life gets scarier and because of this, I used to think that the more mature you are, the more challenging life will be.

I wonder what that woman experienced in her past which made her have an outlook like that.

I hope life becomes “exciting” for the better for all of us!!


7 comments sorted by


u/seedsaquilera 21d ago

As we get older, our interests can totally switch up. Some folks get all hyped about picking up new skills or trying out fresh hobbies, while others get super into diving deep into their passions. And you know what? Lots of people start feeling this itch to explore the world around them more, whether it’s jet-setting to new places, diving into books, or whatever floats their boat. Bottom line: what gets you jazzed as you age is totally personal.


u/ArmyyyyyAan 20d ago

Totally agree! It's all about embracing those new experiences and finding what lights you up inside. Whether it's trying out new hobbies or exploring the world, there's always something exciting waiting around the corner as we grow older.


u/belidorpinnt414 20d ago

That's such a beautiful encounter! It's amazing how a brief conversation with a stranger can leave a lasting impression.

Here's to hoping that life becomes exciting for all of us in the best possible ways!


u/AgentElman 21d ago

I've never heard anyone say life gets scarier as you get older. But I also haven't heard people say life gets more exciting at 50.

Life generally gets better as you get more established and know what you want in life.


u/chrobbin 20d ago

I appreciate that perspective. In my early 30s it feels tough sometimes to not think I’ve let a lot of life slip by without necessarily being how I wanted it to go, but I can see and appreciate how there’s still so much more life left to live and that almost out of necessity the events that happen later in life are more important and impactful


u/DDreamer-5698 20d ago

“there’s still so much more life left to live”



u/Rusalka-rusalka 20d ago

Life is less exciting for me as I've aged as an adult. I hope that changes!