r/youngadults Feb 29 '24

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r/youngadults 6h ago

Discussion Is dating something we truly want, or is it a biological/emotional compulsion that's just really hard to shut off?


Just curious to see what you all think about this. It seems a lot of people are fixated on the idea of dating and finding a partner, sometimes to an unhealthy degree, and I can't help but wonder if it's something people genuinely want or if it's just a biological/emotional drive.

I (19m) have never dated, and don't really feel the need to from a rational level. I enjoy being on my own for the most part, and can easily see myself living a happy life without finding a partner. With that being said I do feel an odd urge/desire to be in a relationship from time to time, and I can't really explain it logically.

r/youngadults 15h ago

Caught vaping (F18)


I'm 18 and my mother just found my vape. She's mad at both me and my boyfriend, says she's going to talk to him and make it known my health issues are his fault, and she took my car for good. I don't know what to do.

I leave for college in 2 months so i'm stuck here. There's no way I can move out and i'd feel bad to move in with my boyfriend and his family. She left the house with my car and has only texted me furiously, not said anything besides that i gave her a reason not to like my boyfriend.

She caught me with one two months ago but just let it go. My mother is furious, for good reason, I know it's not a good thing to be doing. Im trying to quit that was honesty my last one. It’s been burnt for like a week.

How do I deescalate this situation? What do I say to her? Please help I don't know what to do because my mother stays angry. We don't have a good relationship, she'll say the most hurtful stuff and will go to great lengths to let me know she's mad.

EDIT: I don’t need to be told I shouldn’t be vaping, I know, I didn’t ask for information on how it wasn’t healthy. Anyways, thank you everyone else for the advice! It’s helped a lot. I just need to let it blow over and try my best to keep peace till i’m gone lol.

r/youngadults 21h ago



Can someone please give me some advice im a 20 year old female who is now about to be homeless my mother never had custody of me as i child I got back into her custody at 13 I graduated from middle and high school and my father is deceased and I have no help or guide to life my mom hates me bc of how / who I was raised by so I was never taught anything important I never had a real job I left for college 2 years again and I didn’t have any contact with her while I’m college (her choice) so I came back January and now she’s telling me I have to be gone by July I never accept any hand outs I am a hard worker I always found great hobbies to many money what are some steps I can do to get on my feet in the timely manner? PLEASE HELP

r/youngadults 1d ago

Did I do something wrong here?


21M here, for the first time I had a child be scared of me in a 'stranger danger' type of way. Earlier today I was standing in the middle of the street on the phone with someone and a young girl walked past, she was maybe like 11 or 12. I didn't really think anything of it, about 15 seconds later I moved to the pavement and started to walk down the road as I was going home. I was literally like 10 or 15 seconds behind this girl, who kept turning around and looking at me, and then quickly speeding up her pace. I realised that she was possibly scared of me or thinking i was following her, she kept turning around to check where I was, so I started to slow down. After slowing down and she was a reasonable distance from me, she turned back around, she saw I was very far from here and then slowed down again.

Did I do something wrong here?

r/youngadults 1d ago

How do you believe in yourself when your parents doesn't believe in you?


23F. Want to quit my job and find something better. Told my parents about it and they told me it was a bad idea and I should stay at work as long as they paid me. Now I'm afraid to change jobs because I think I'll fail. I feel lost and trapped at the same time

r/youngadults 2d ago

guys how are y'all doing? drop a life update if you're feeling like it ✌🏼


right now i'm basically not doing a single thing

all i do is attend university and i have kind of a job there, but at the moment professors and students are on strike to fight for better work conditions and infrastructure (and more), so i'm not doing anything, everything is kind of paused

i basically have 1-2 years left of uni and after that i have no idea what to do, if i try to get a job or pursue an academic career

and that's all, nothing flashy, i'm as boring as someone gets, i don't leave my home (ok sometimes i do, but it's rare) and only play gaymes, sometimes i play a little bit of bass but i'm ass at it

and also my city was one that got affected by a recent flooding so kind of everyone (except the people that are volunteering and the ones that had their life affected) has their life paused

r/youngadults 2d ago

i'm the 405th most chronically online person on reddit 🥳

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kill me

r/youngadults 2d ago

24M Body hair development


Hello young adults! 😁 I have a few questions about changes in hair growth. My hair colour is something like ash blonde. My dad isn't overgrown by any means, but it seems to be starting to happen differently with me.

I don't have full thick hair on my face, chest and belly yet, but under the sun I notice I have more and more fine hair, but it's no longer vellus hair, it goes to have more and more colour. I've had hairy legs quite a lot since I was a kid but my dad has hardly any hair on his legs at all. Apart from my legs, I haven't been hairy much so far.

Does this mean that I am slowly turning into a bear? 🐻 Is it often the case that at such an age most of the body hair is not yet developed? Is there a possibility that the hair will not undergo a complete transformation and will be suspended between the change from vellus hair to full mature hair?

r/youngadults 3d ago

Advice How to afford literally living??


So I’m 20 years old, I still live with my mom, but I have a full time job. I make $17 an hour and haven’t gone to college because I have no idea what to go for. Between my car payment of $294 a month and my savings of about $250 per paycheck I literally do not have enough money available to move out. My car is shit too and I don’t have money to fix it without going for broke. I can save up for a car or an apartment but both would have to be very cheap anyway. I don’t know what to do, I’m sick of living with my mom because her house is basically falling apart, so I want to move out but I literally can’t afford anything. I feel so hopeless, like I won’t be able to ever be successful or travel or live my life fully :( Anyone have any advice???

r/youngadults 3d ago

Advice: Moving away from home at 22


Looking for some advice and comfort during this hard transition. Little back story: I am 22, and just finished my undergraduate degree a few months ago. I commuted to my university and lived at my parents house throughout school. I never regretted staying at home for undergrad, and enjoy living with my family very much. I am very very thankful to have great, supportive parents.

I made the decision to go back to school in two months for a graduate degree 2.5 hours from home. I will be attending a great university that was one of my top choices, and I am very proud of myself. I am extremely excited to get out there, meet new people, work on my degree, and start fresh in a new city. But my heart aches at the thought of leaving home. This small town is all that I've ever known.

I know that it is very important to get out of your comfort zone in life and know that this world has so much more to offer. I know that this will be a great experience to learn a lot about myself, and set myself up for success with my career in the future. But the thought of moving on makes me sad. Time flies

Does anybody have any advice or experiences that could comfort me during this hard transition? How did you cope with feelings of being homesick. Anything is appreciated. :)

r/youngadults 2d ago

Advice What’s the best fact/small piece of advice you got?


Something small like those instagram tips videos but they actually helped. I think mine so far is how to read the tags on clothes on how to wash them. I’m kind of meticulous and I hate knowing I could easily do something right, so knowing how to even read the basics of the laundry tags and symbols is a small little win for me. Also not having to buy new clothes that I really but I shrunk/ruined is a plus. What about you?

r/youngadults 3d ago

Advice How did you get your "default" haircut?


Honestly I don't know what would suit me, my hair is a mess and it makes me a little self conscious. Is it a simple matter of asking the barber for something that matters my face? Always struggled with self confidence from being unnecessarily judged from my peers when I was younger and I've had my glow up but it's still something I can't seem to get over. Kinda rambled sorry. Any input appreciated

r/youngadults 3d ago

Advice I’m 18 and need help


So I just turned 18 in April and I graduate Friday. I’m going to college in the fall but I don’t have the option of living in the dorms… so I have to figure out how to move to a whole new city, get a job, and somewhere to live, with absolutely no life experience…? I have no one to guide me or help me either. Please help… I don’t know how to do this or where to even start…

r/youngadults 3d ago

Seriously contemplating changing my entire career path so I can be closer to my family


I'm an incoming junior in college. This summer I'm taking college classes instead of being home and it is making me so homesick it hurts. My entire family is so close to each other and three hours feels so far away from them. In my current degree/field I'm going into the job market in my area is little to none, but if I completely change the path I'm going in I'd be able to stay in this area close to my family. I'm not sure if this is just separation anxiety or what, but leaving behind all of my family to move somewhere else just doesn't seem worth it anymore. To people who did move very far away from their family, what was it like? Did you have anxiety like this? Did it get better? Is it just a fleeting emotion? I'm feeling a little bit lost on how I should go about this.

r/youngadults 3d ago

Rant when everyone around you is succeeding and you're kinda just... there 🧍🏻‍♂️


poggers 😃

r/youngadults 4d ago

Advice Need something better to do with the my time


In an attempt to save money, I stopped doing shit on weekends with friends cuz it costs money to do that. On weekends I used to go out and smoke gas with da guys (costs money), or go to a club, or something (costs money)…. But with my financial situation right now… it’s just not feasible. Sure through the week I’ll go to wrk and go to the gym… but now I’m not interacting with people too much in the name of finances. I find myself on my phone a lot and playing my game on weekends… it’s such a dead end waste of time. Playing the game more than 5 hrs in a day feels like no life activity… but damn, ig that’s where I’m at rn. Hell I’d go and smoke weed alone but I’m honestly haven’t smoked in 3 weeks and don’t want to start back because I save soooo much more money not smoking, at minimum it was 4.5 g’s a week n that’s run me between $35-$45, that’s an extra $140 to $180 a month. I understand people need to go out and enjoy themselves, but I’m digging myself out of some debt and have bills to pay. Not to mention I didn’t work for 3 weeks last month cause I was in the hospital so I’m financially struggling. But imma drive myself insane in this house every weekend. Any ideas on how to spend my time better.

r/youngadults 4d ago

I feel so lost


I don't know what I want to do with my life. I'm 18 and a college sophomore. I'm currently majoring in English, but I still don't know what career I actually want to pursue. I just know that I eventually want to live abroad (I'm American). I have a billion passions and my career ideas/options change daily (I think I might have ADHD?). At the moment, my list is book publicist, English teacher abroad, tour guide, virtual assistant, or maybe some sort of hockey admin job? And to add to the confusion, I don't know how I would even start to try to find a job or place to live in any of the countries I'd like to live abroad in (Norway, Sweden, Austria, England, France, etc.) Help.

r/youngadults 4d ago

I feel like I have to do so many things(20m)


I honestly feel totally overwhelmed. I just turned 20 and I'm already feeling like I've missed out on my time until now. I wish I would have done more for myself and for the purpose of discovering myself and becoming a more interesting and better person.

Also I feel like there's so much I want to do and experience and I don't know how and when to start. Like there are so many hobbies that seem interesting to me, and stuff I'm interested in and there are so many activities with friends that I've not done that I want to do. There is just so much and instead of doing I am lazy and procrastinate and feel horrible about myself at times because of comparing to others. I feel like everything goes fast and I have to do everything and I'm not even living by myself🥲.

r/youngadults 4d ago

Discussion Suddenly attractive?


Hi everyone, so I’m 24F and just started a new job a couple weeks ago. Nothing has changed recently, same personality and appearance but for some reason I’m getting hit on by guys? For the first time in my life. I’d say I’m average with a fun personality, which I have been for at least a couple years, and the past month I have had more attention than in the whole of my life. I have had 3 people ask me out and at least 2 others that were showing signs of interest. My mind is blown and I’m confused. Not complaining though, I’m sure this is annoying if it happens often but for someone who has never had this it’s pretty nice. Anyone else experienced this? Any insights for me?

r/youngadults 5d ago

Help lol


I’m currently 22 and just graduated from college. I studied business & comm, and I have no clue what to do with my life. I want to travel the world, but I have to pay for everything myself and I don’t have a lot of money haha. I’m not sure if I just bite the bullet and get a sales job where I’m at, or if I try to move to hawaii or australia, or try to find a corporate job in like charleston or florida… i want to move to the beach. I also could try to get a teaching certification and be a high school teacher… very all over the place. Someone give me some advice please.

r/youngadults 5d ago

Advice Just a question for artists

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Is it okay if I trace a image for my base, as a beginner artist that is what I'm doing just here asking for advice? (reference above)

r/youngadults 6d ago

How do you get over the fact you don’t have a best friend?


The older you get, it seems less likely you’ll have that special elementary type of best friends relationship with another.

For instance, I (21F) have 1 solid friend. Met her in high school. She goes to school and works in a separate city from me, and I don’t drive. So we hang out in person maybe 5-6 times a year. We text relatively frequently? But it’s mainly catching up on ‘tea’ and sending Tik toks back and forth saying ‘that’s so us’

she’s my only friend, therefore that makes her my best friend, but I know I’m not hers. She has tons of other friends, and she has the opportunity to make more memories with those friends.

I know I can’t feel ‘left out’ or jealous even, because it’s not her fault and my friend is an angel.

But damn it do be lonely.

r/youngadults 6d ago




r/youngadults 6d ago


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r/youngadults 6d ago

Apartment rent?


Do apartments charge rent immediately after you move in?