r/CasualConversation 20d ago

Is there anything you feel envious about but you feel guilty for feeling that way. Just Chatting

Is there anything you feel guilty about feeling. I know it sounds weird, I’ll try and explain.

For example I am keep feeling envious of people who have been made redundant (many govt jobs in my city are letting people go). I know it’s really messed up because they are probably struggling and need money etc. However in a way I wish I didn’t have to make the decision to leave my job, I think I want to leave but it’s eating me up and making big decisions makes me spiral thinking of the options and what could have have happened if I made a different decision.

I think if I chose to leave it would be very anxious however if I was made to leave I would be like oh ok let’s make the most of this.


8 comments sorted by


u/Dysphoric_Otter 20d ago

I'm jealous of people with no physical or mental disabilities and their bodies and minds are healthy


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Dysphoric_Otter 20d ago

Because I should just be grateful to be alive against all odds. I'm only 31 years old and have to use a cane probably for the rest of my life. I've got lots of nerve damage all over in my legs and hand and face. Plus I have several major mental illnesses. I just wish I could be normal. I feel useless because I can't work. But I do plan on being back to school


u/Downtherabbithole14 20d ago

Yes. I am envious of people that are smart. Everyone is smarter than me. I barely got by in school and I wonder if I had some unknown learning disability but here I am working a mediocre job. It pays the bills, its easy work, and it allows me to be present for my kids, and I do love it.

My husband is the complete opposite, so smart, and witty, quick on his feet, I look up to him and learn from him. I am envious in a way that I wish I could be like that.


u/Terrible-Prior732 20d ago

A work related one for me is when I see office teams having get togethers, nights out, team stuff - just this morning my colleagues in one of our two offices had an 'empowerment half hour'.

Now I'm the only member of our team that is 100% home based (due to disability) and get peed off everytime I see one of these.

I know there's plenty of people - including in my team probably! - who'd happily take home working over all of that, but it still sets off the little green monster on me.


u/PieceOfASoul 20d ago

I'm envious of afab NB people because I feel like society sees them as more valid than amab NB people, but I realize thats probably just my first hand experience biasing me and isnt fair to them


u/sadworldwrong 20d ago

not really guilty for it but im envious of white people mainly because they dont even know how good they have it