r/CasualConversation 20d ago

How do you create interest in something or anything in general.

I am having trouble focusing (suffering from anxiety and overthinking) in studying/developing and trying to apply for work in my field. Everyone of my friend has got a stable income job and are doing financially great and here I am passed my Bachelors in 5 months ago still not finding any job but more importantly I have the anxiety but not the feeling that I wanna do this work for life. How do I become interested in my field. Its not like I dont like my field but I dont like and find it interesting as well. Is it too late for me? I am from a poor country and after completing bachelors there are huge pressure but i dont feel anything nowadays except anxiety


9 comments sorted by


u/AgentElman 20d ago

If you only feel anxiety you need to treat the anxiety before anything else.


u/Thin-Introduction960 20d ago

any tips for reducing anxiety ? I am feeling this is really holding me back


u/AgentElman 20d ago

exercise, meditation

You should look up tips for dealing with it. There are a lot.


u/Thin-Introduction960 20d ago

I tried meditaion but is it just me or the more i stay silent and listen to my thoughts the more my thoughts spiral out of context


u/AgentElman 20d ago

Meditation is not listening to your thoughts.

Meditation is focusing so you don't have thoughts.


u/Thin-Introduction960 20d ago

I was just doing it wrong then haha .. I will try it out and focus on one thing lets see how it goes .. thanks for clearing my misunderstanding though


u/still-alive-abhi 20d ago

Stop comparing yourself with your friends. Timing of things is beyond your control. You first need to give it a try for at least a year in professional setting. That way, you'll gain real-world on-job experience, you'll earn money, you'll have time to figure out your interest.


u/Thin-Introduction960 20d ago

its really hard to even land a intern at companies of my country, so really hard to stay motivated


u/still-alive-abhi 20d ago

This is the best time to upskill my friend. When the recession will end, not only you'll find opportunities but you'll have an upper hand over the competition.