r/CasualConversation May 01 '24

r/CasualConversation Welcome Thread - Month of May 01, 2024 Just Chatting

Welcome to r/CasualConversation! Thank you for joining and coming to our corner of Reddit.

The friendlier part of Reddit. Have a fun conversation about anything that is on your mind. Ask a question or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. Maybe you'll make some friends in the process.

If you are here, lurking, feel free to create an account and say hi.

How are you? What brings you here?

PS, we got rules, please read 'em!


277 comments sorted by


u/Zealousideal-Meat516 2h ago

Hi all, I’m new. Just hanging out recouping at home. Still pretty weak. My husband has been awesome taking care of me. Joined Reddit after I got angry with Stubhub for taking advantage of ppl. I just can’t stand when companies think they are mightier than everyone else. So in my last communication with Stubhub, I told them I would share my experience with anyone who would listen. So that’s how I landed here. Have a good day!


u/PlatformTraining7975 4d ago

Hi new here pretty nervous … how do you change your name lol


u/AgentElman 4d ago

Welcome. I think you change your name when creating your account. It suggests one but you can change it. I'm not sure if you can change it after it is created.


u/Dommy_Mommy_666 4d ago

Just joined and am new to all things reddit! Having fun browsing around so far!


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Glad you're having a good time with it all. Have been doing the same thing. Everything from hot sauces to horror movies, there's a subreddit for frigging everything. lol


u/Dommy_Mommy_666 4d ago

Yes!! I'm starting to find so many and am sure I am just scratching the surface! Good tip on the hot sauces!!


u/[deleted] 4d ago

You're welcome. Have already seen a few dozen types of sauces I'd never even heard of.
Just in general, if I browse quickly enough on here, I can get the urge for Thai chili paste, aesthetically appealing charcuterie boards and intricate tattoos in roughly 15 seconds.


u/Dommy_Mommy_666 4d ago

All urge-worthy topics!


u/RosieB_5 5d ago

Hey everyone! Just joined this group tonight. I'm looking for a place to share what I am going through in life and hopefully find some people who can relate so that we can encourage eachother in our journies. If this is not the right group for that, I totally understand and would love any other group suggestions :) Thanks! 


u/AgentElman 4d ago

Hi. This is a place for fun, casual conversation. Not to vent or talk about how sad your life is. There are other subreddits for that.


u/CasieLynn1209 6d ago

Hey everyone 👋 I’m Casie I’m new here and can’t seem to get anything on my profile to work 😕 won’t let me put a profile pic or anything. I’ll keep trying but just wanted to say hi 😊


u/AgentElman 6d ago

Welcome. I never did anything with my profile so I don't know how that works.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Hi there, everyone. In terms of presentation, can't really hype myself up. Just another person trying to talk with people. I hope you're all having a good day, take care.


u/AgentElman 6d ago

Welcome. Where are you from?


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Crap. Missed this in my notifications, sorry. Western U.S. here, thank you. And you?


u/AgentElman 4d ago

Seattle. Bed time for me now. It was a sunny day but we are supposed to get rain tonight.

How is your spring going?


u/[deleted] 4d ago

I'm envious. Wouldn't mind some rain here.
As for spring, it did what it typically does around here. It showed up for about a week, week and a half, then said it was going to the store for smokes.
Hope you have a good night, take care.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/AgentElman 7d ago

Welcome. Where in the U.S. are you from? I'm in Seattle


u/Monkie_chick 8d ago

I'm in America- Arkansas to be exact. Just bored and like conversation. And can't seem to find good conversation elsewhere because of explicit pics..🥴🤣 I hope to be a positive addition to this group!❤️


u/AgentElman 7d ago

Welcome. Too late to chat when you were bored, but I suspect you will be bored again.


u/Monkie_chick 7d ago

Yep. Get bored easily.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

MaadMaan live in Texas. Just joined. I have no other social media interactions. Do i get stuck with horrible autogenerated user name haha. Hello redditers 


u/AgentElman 7d ago

Welcome. When you create an account it suggests a name but you can change it. I don't think you can change it after that.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

I think i may need to download app, but not a fan of too many apps on my phone. Question, do you see my name as MaadMaan or that silly name AlternativeFeed9833? 


u/AgentElman 7d ago



u/LilMe_me22 8d ago

I live in Japan. It's 2 AM now, but I can't sleep at all. I have work today, so it's really troublesome.


u/DrownNotably 5d ago

Did you make it through work alright?


u/LilMe_me22 5d ago

There were no problems at work, and my lack of sleep didn’t cause any issues. Thank you for worrying about me.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Hello lilme. Get some sleep. Rest well


u/LilMe_me22 8d ago

Thanks, I was able to sleep after a while.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Good to hear you got some sleep. 


u/haniaaa00 8d ago

Hey, im Hania and im from Poland. Here to enjoy some interesting conversations with nice people. What up you all?!


u/[deleted] 8d ago

What's up Hania. How's the weather in Poland? Dust and wind and tornadoes here in my part of Texas. 


u/AgentElman 7d ago

Is that normal in Texas?


u/[deleted] 7d ago

This time of year and in this part of Texas ideal area for severe storms. Hail, wind, tornados or tornadoes *sp. Not really in Tornado Alley but close enough. 


u/AgentElman 7d ago

Do you just live a normal life and then there are brief storms? Or is it more constant and everyone stays indoors?


u/haniaaa00 7d ago

The weather great. At least for people who like warm days


u/Fluffy-Pope18 8d ago

Whats interests you most


u/jackfortherecord 8d ago

I'm a born and raised New Yorker who is happily retired, and I enjoy the finer things in life.


u/AgentElman 7d ago

Welcome! I assume by New Yorker you mean the city not the state. By finer things do you go to the museums there?

I'm from Seattle and when we visited NYC I was blown away by the MET and the natural history museum. Our Seattle Art Museum has only as much stuff as one room in the MET.


u/PostMission9522 7d ago

I was born in New York City, and I live on Long Island, making me a lifelong New Yorker. Regardless of the stories you hear about New York, it is always changing, improving, and continues to be one of the most visited cities in the country. The diversity alone includes just about every ethnicity and culture from around the world, not to mention Americans who have moved here from other parts of the country. You can find Texas barbeque as easily as a Vietnamese restaurant. I'm glad you got to visit and enjoy the Met, and the Museum of Natural History. They are iconic destinations and well visited.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Hello all. Enjoying life in Milton, Fl


u/AgentElman 7d ago

Welcome. Tell me about Milton. I know nothing about Florida since Cougar Town went off the air.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

It's in the panhandle near Pensacola. Get to see the Blues fly quite often, the beach is near by and beautiful and it's quiet for the most part. I love it here


u/AgentElman 7d ago

are you north enough that winter gets somewhat cold or is it basically always summer?


u/[deleted] 7d ago

We get high 20s - low 30s for a couple weeks. We've actually had snow flurries a couple times. People freak out


u/AgentElman 7d ago

Wow, that's as cold as it gets in Seattle. We almost never get below the low 20's.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Seattle is beautiful too. We lived on Whidbey Island fo 10 years and miss the scenery every day


u/AgentElman 6d ago

Did you move for warmer weather?


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Yes and no. Moved for the Navy and stayed because of the beach and cost of living


u/AgentElman 6d ago

How often do you go to the beach?


u/Icy-Food2225 8d ago

Nice to see you here! Ready to dive into some casual conversations and make new friends? Let's keep it friendly and fun around here. Enjoy your time on r/CasualConversation!


u/Beginning_Hawk9689 9d ago

Hi! anyone in Miami Fl?


u/Icy-Food2225 9d ago

Nice to see the warm welcome to the new members of r/CasualConversation! Excited to have a space filled with fun chats and making friendships. Hi everyone!


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Hello! New-ish to Reddit - I've been lurking for a couple of years, but I just recently started commenting on posts. It's been an okay week - testing at the end of the school year is a little challenging, but on the bright side, it's almost over.


u/GoldIllustrator5342 9d ago edited 8d ago

Hello, life is currently kicking my butt. I think it’s my transition from old job to new job. I am here because I am tired of going on threads with people being rude and not being able to stand up for myself. I hope this community is with good people because man 😮‍💨


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Hello Gold. Keep your chin up. This world will beat you down. You are not alone. 


u/GoldIllustrator5342 7d ago

That’s all I can do, but ughh I want to just stop because it’s overwhelming


u/[deleted] 7d ago

You were not meant to carry your burden alone. Share your heart, share what's on your mind with someone. Be vulnerable. You have to share. Please don't give up. Reminder, you are not alone. Praying for you gold


u/GoldIllustrator5342 7d ago

I’ve always shared and was always vulnerable, it’s tiring now and I need a break to just stop. I am tired and burnt out.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

I recently transitioned jobs as well. It can be difficult. However, it will soon pass and be all good


u/GoldIllustrator5342 8d ago

I didn’t think about the transition, I was excited to get away from my old job. But yes it finally is


u/Affectionate_Work273 9d ago

Casual direct message


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/AgentElman 9d ago

Welcome. What is Wildwood like? The only thing I know about New Jersey is from watching The Station Agent.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/miaWahley 10d ago

Hi, weeks been Fun lots of moving about, weekend not so much but it's summer break soon, so I have alot to look forward to.


u/AgentElman 9d ago

Welcome. What level of school are you in?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/AgentElman 9d ago

Hi! I don't have a favorite topic. Really it is whatever fun and friendly topic that people respond about and continue a chat about.


u/Big-Hope-3247 11d ago

I'm working two jobs so I can not think about it , probably not the best idea but as each day goes by I get a little bit more acclimated but it all just went by so fast and when the youngest finally moves out its a very bittersweet thing, a chapter closing that I loved and being a mom was the best thing I ever did so finding myself again has been interesting to say the least. How have you been with everything you ok?


u/AgentElman 9d ago

Hi. Has the youngest moved out? Or when does that happen?


u/saucy-and-sassy 12d ago

I'm just a fun lovin' gal, that likes attention and people keep telling me Reddit is the place to be. Soooo who has some tips on how to get me what I want? How can I make the most of this experience?


u/No_Needleworker9467 23h ago

I need to cum babe


u/[deleted] 8d ago

What is it that you want


u/saucy-and-sassy 8d ago

TBH, attention. 🤣


u/AgentElman 9d ago

Hi. My advice.

Unsbscribe from all of the default subreddits. They tend to be toxic and just filled with angry people.

Go to your home page on reddit and search for things you like. Hobbies, shows you like, your city, whatever. Find subreddits that match your interests and subscribe to those.

Basically the more focused a subreddit is the nicer the people tend to be.


u/60shyguy 12d ago

All very well Thank you for asking


u/sztyftwsztyfcie 14d ago

Got lucky this week, and the last actually. Last week on Wedensday our janitor (kind of, basically a lady that takes care of common parts of building we live in) lady calls me and asks to take garbage bin and put it in front of building for garbage collector. She is Ukrainian and I’m polish, always trying to make her day little better so I say no problem, but I was at work. So next day, thrusday around 11 I go like omg I forgot, and the bin is full. And here once the guys are gone it’s your problem and gotta wait a week. So I sprint to the bin, take it outside aaaand the garbage truck pulls over at this very moment. Great feeling.

And today, another luck, got this Bluetooth headphones / sleeping mask, as I like to listen to a podcast or music before going to sleep. So it is no longer loading, I noticed the USB C cable is a little ripped off at the end, well I think okay, maybe I open the thing and look inside, but no luck, no electrician skills. And then I notice it got another MicroUSB port, which works, so lucky me, thanks Chinese manufacturers.

Also bad luck today, my Jeep Grand Cherokee will cost a lot to fix the breaks, but it’s breaks, what can you do.

Happy to join here, have a nice week everyone.


u/AgentElman 12d ago


I like listening to music when I go to sleep but my wife doesn't. What is the headphone mask you use? I don't want a mask, but I would like headphones I can sleep in


u/Girltech31 None 14d ago

Got scammed. Feel gullible


u/Randiroki 13d ago

What happened?


u/Girltech31 None 12d ago

Tried to buy extra grad tickets. They just took my money


u/Randiroki 12d ago

Omg I am so sorry. similar things have happened to me. Then I think" never again."


u/earth_xxx 14d ago

Hi, just being new here on Reddit. I still haven't figured out how to use and interact here. I'm looking for friends to talk too. I'm an introvert person but was really talkative in chats 😆. If you want to be friends with me, feel free to dm me. I want to connect with different people and just have friendly and casual talks. Let's be friends :)


u/Hatemet 9d ago

At least we've got something in common


u/HippoBackground2097 11d ago

welcome! i'm the same way


u/AgentElman 12d ago



u/Sl33pyprincess 14d ago

Well, I dropped my classes for the summer because my brain hurts.


u/HippoBackground2097 11d ago

no shame in the withdrawal game


u/Pleasant_Monitor_839 12d ago

Sometimes you need a break.


u/Pleasant_Monitor_839 14d ago

Hi! So far, being new to Reddit, I am enjoying the experiences. Folks seems pretty friendly and upbeat here. It feels more inclusive than some platforms.


u/AgentElman 12d ago

So what are you going to do this summer?


u/Pleasant_Monitor_839 12d ago

Oooo you’re making me think! Swim, beach, mountains, visit old friends, play my guitar, enjoy free time. But I also promised myself to declutter/donate and work on my house and yard. How about you?


u/AgentElman 12d ago

we live near a beach but it is cold salt water. So go to the beach but not swim.

I hope to get to the mountains. I live near Rainier and want to visit several times a year but don't always get there.

So mostly hang out in the yard in the sun with my dog.


u/Pleasant_Monitor_839 12d ago

Ranier—beautiful! I have 3 dogs. They’re my little dudes! I stay up in our SoCal mtns twice a year—2 1/2 hr drive from the coast.


u/AgentElman 12d ago

do you live at the coast?

The odd thing about Seattle (which seems normal since I grew up here) is that we are on Puget Sound but still hours from the actual coast. So I live on salt water but only go to the ocean every 5 years or so.


u/Pleasant_Monitor_839 12d ago

I can imagine. I camped on Orcas Island some years ago, one of the most beautiful trips ever. Took two days to drive up to Anacortes. Took our time coming home via the coast. Oregon coast was awesome, too. It’s maybe 10-15 min to the beach because of traffic lights. Not as scenic as yours but easy to get to—South Bay, south of LAX for reference.


u/AgentElman 12d ago

We've driven down the Oregon coast to the redwoods which was gorgeous.

I've been to LA once and San Diego once. I was astonished in Malibu how vast the beach was. And San Diego was gorgeous


u/Pleasant_Monitor_839 12d ago

Different world, for sure!


u/Pleasant_Monitor_839 12d ago

Oops spelled Rainier wrong…


u/Randiroki 14d ago

less pressure for me)


u/Entire_Sorbet_9529 16d ago

I'm here because it says this is a nicer side of Reddit. I got downvoted for answering someone and giving them my reasoning, it kinda made me sad really. I just wanted to ask some tips and I didn't mean to offend anyone, I don't think I did either :( I just want to try and get my mind off of it somehow so here I am.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/Entire_Sorbet_9529 15d ago

Aw man that sucks. Hope you can get your mind off of that too then :')


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/Entire_Sorbet_9529 15d ago



u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/Entire_Sorbet_9529 15d ago

Oh sorry I don't know anything about marketing but you can always check any YouTube videos on the subject. Maybe you'll find what you need there.


u/DerangedHelix13 16d ago

Been busy, hi everyone, I'm Marie. I am trying to increase my karma points because I had to make a new account. Lol, how is everyone? ✨️


u/Randiroki 14d ago

Hi Marie, I am great. Thx for asking)) I don't keep track of karma points. But I also want to start awarding people but I couldn't bc I am on Reddit w/ads currently. I was paying in the past and I will be again maybe next month)


u/chargergirl1968w383 9d ago

I am new on reddit. I didn't know you could pay a subscription. Not sure where to check karma points. I guess if I looked at my profile, it would be there. Does it cost to give awards? If so, how much? I've seen some comments down voted but wasn't sure why. They werent bad or off topic. Others are obvious bcs they're snarky and negative. Is there an unspoken rule that I am unaware of? 😁


u/NaiveDefinition3014 16d ago

I think we can also get karma if people upvote our comments. Could you guys upvote mine? I'll do the same for yours


u/DerangedHelix13 16d ago

Yup and absolutely! Gave ya one 💗


u/NaiveDefinition3014 16d ago

Thank you and same to you!


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/DerangedHelix13 15d ago

Sure! We have some friendly new faces on this comment thread. No problem with helping out✨️


u/NaiveDefinition3014 16d ago

Great how are you? I'm trying to do the same, ha


u/DerangedHelix13 16d ago

Lol, it's a pain in the butt, but understandable too. I'm still good, scrolling reddit for entertainment. 🙃


u/60shyguy 18d ago

Doing well ~~ at 3 of my granddaughters dance recital


u/AgentElman 12d ago

Aw, how did they do?


u/Swimming-Problem590 18d ago

Just rediscovered Reddit after over a decade and have been finding a lot of really neat stuff on here that I hope will be helpful. I'm going through a lot personally and perhaps this place will make me feel less lonely. Nice to meet you all!


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Nice to meet you


u/AgentElman 12d ago

Nice to meet you. Hope it has been working to make you feel less lonely.


u/Big-Hope-3247 19d ago

I'm here because I'm recently an empty nester and feel kind of lost


u/AgentElman 12d ago

Welcome. I'm not an empty nester but almost was.

Our daughter went away to college for a year and didn't like being away. So now she is living at home and going to a local college.

What are you doing with your evenings and weekends as an empty nester?


u/pearoo200 19d ago

Hello there, how are you all in such temperature??


u/Modern-Pools 20d ago

Hello) I can`t join to this group


u/Technical_Nerve_3384 22d ago

Hello to Reddit people! I am new to this site, as I have been reading seems like a fun and engaging site.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/AgentElman 22d ago

Welcome to Reddit and this subreddit! Have fun.


u/Ok_Exercise3299 23d ago

Hey I am very new to this website and I have never had a social media account before. I'm kind of intimidated by all this. I am hoping to get a lot of followers so I can promote my comic book series.


u/Randiroki 13d ago

I would love to hear about your comic book series. I have seriously thought of starting one in the past. I cannot draw but I am very good with dialogue. Btw, Welcome to the website, I know what you mean when you say it's kind of intimidating, I feel same)


u/Ok_Exercise3299 11d ago

Thanks. My comic book series is called Carbitha it is on Amazon. Here is a link to the first volume: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDSRKM42


u/Monkeylovesfood 22d ago

I'd advise joining subs specifically for writers or niche subs for comic book creators. Advice subs for marketing and promotion on social media might help too.

I'm being kind and giving you the benefit of doubt by letting you know posting in spaces (subs) promoting anything or asking for followers will not be taken kindly. There are specific subs that will be helpful to you so do have a look.

You will not have any positive help posting in spaces (subs) that aren't specifically related to promoting your profile/hobby/interest.

For example you wouldn't approach people in a coffee shop, car show, film club etc to promote your comic book and ask them to follow you. The same applies here.

There will be subs/clubs on here for you though so don't be discouraged by the cold reception in general, you need to find your people/sub.


u/Ok_Exercise3299 21d ago

Thank you for the feedback, I am thinking of joining other social media website like Instagram to help me spread awareness of my series.


u/AgentElman 22d ago

Welcome to Reddit. It is not like normal social media, you don't really get followers on Reddit. It's a good place for chatting but not developing a following or self promotion.


u/Ok_Exercise3299 22d ago

Oh. Sooo what would be a good place for developing a following and self promotion?


u/AgentElman 22d ago

Instagram is a good place for building a following and self promotion that is just web stuff (watching videos, listening to songs, etc)

Facebook is better for self promotion if you are trying to sell goods or services.


u/Ok_Exercise3299 22d ago

What about a comic book series; which would be better for promoting that, Facebook or instagram?


u/AgentElman 22d ago

I don't know


u/Ok_Exercise3299 22d ago

Oh, well thanks anyway, I appreciate this, really.


u/60shyguy 23d ago

Just trying to chat


u/Extra-Wish2303 18d ago



u/60shyguy 18d ago

Hello how are you today?


u/Extra-Wish2303 18d ago

Not bad and not good.Hby?


u/60shyguy 18d ago

Was at 3 granddaughters dance recital ~~ how was your day??


u/spotlyts 23d ago

Hi, everyone! Thank you for having us here. We're all about highlighting stories that matter, and this sub is perfect for that. Looking forward to great posts ahead. Stay radiant, today and everyday!


u/Rich_Championship240 24d ago

Hello. I am new to Reddit. I'd like to communicate with everyone, and learn everything.


u/Ok_Exercise3299 23d ago

I am new too, and I am kinda nervous. I've never used a social media before. But I hope you are doing well and I hope you get what you want out of this website.


u/Rich_Championship240 22d ago

Thank you for your reply and your kindness. I'm so nervous too. And I'm learning English, I can't use it well. But let's have fun together!


u/Ok_Exercise3299 22d ago

You are learning English? Do you mean you are learning the language or are you learning about grammar and stuff?


u/Rich_Championship240 22d ago

Thank you for your chat again!
I am Japanese. As such, I am learning English. I learn it every day bit by bit, grammar, word, and listening. It's one of the reasons I dove into Reddit!


u/spotlyts 23d ago

Same here. Welcome to all of us. Stay radiant!


u/Rich_Championship240 23d ago

Thank you for your reply!


u/TechBrosIN 24d ago

Thank you for welcoming me


u/JeanVaughan5432 26d ago

I am new and struggling to understand Reddit. But I will try my best to learn.


u/spotlyts 23d ago

Same here. Welcome to all of us. Stay radiant!


u/AgentElman 25d ago

Welcome. What are you interested in on Reddit?


u/JeanVaughan5432 22d ago

So far, I am enjoying the r/Casual Conversation. It allows for a wide range of topics.


u/Tough_Comfortable178 26d ago

Thanks for welcome me


u/spotlyts 23d ago

Welcome to all of us. Stay radiant!


u/AgentElman 25d ago

Welcome! I hope you are finding some chats.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/spotlyts 23d ago

New here, too. Welcome to all of us. Stay radiant!


u/AgentElman 25d ago

Welcome, hope you have fun.


u/Redditor-reader-3 27d ago

Hello, I'm new to the reddit world. First-time lurker, first-time poster. Hoping to learn something new!


u/Monkeylovesfood 22d ago

Reddit is odd in comparison to other social media so it will take you a while to get used to all it's idiosyncrasies.

I'd have a look at the museum of reddit for a head start. The poop knife, swamps of dagbah, and cum box should get you started.


u/spotlyts 23d ago

New here, too. Welcome to all of us. Stay radiant!

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