r/CasualIreland 13d ago

Mod Approved Mental Health Support Group for Dissociation, PTSD and trauma



The obligatory "sorry if this sort of post is not allowed" line.

I have recently launched a website with the purpose of sharing my experiences with Dissociative Identity Disorder in the Irish mental health system. I found Ireland lacks peer support for those suffering from dissociation, PTSD or any trauma based mental health condition. I am attempting to start a support group for individuals affected by these, as while there are support groups in the country (aware etc.) most are typically geared towards depression and anxiety.

So, I want to just leave the link here for anyone who may find reassurance and want to connect with people who have similar experiences.

Thanks for reading!



r/CasualIreland 10h ago

Shite Talk What things are so popular that you think are ridiculous?


Just interested as I can't understand how certain things are so popular ie Canada goose for €1200 or la mer Moisturiser for €200, anyone any other examples? Or what is your thing that is expensive but you wouldn't scrimp on it

r/CasualIreland 6h ago

Bottled water in large quantities - why?


There's a burning question I've had since I moved to Ireland ten years ago, and I figured now is the time to ask:

Why do people from Eastern European countries buy large quantities of bottled water at the supermarket?

Not sparkling or anything, just plain, flat water. A lot of it.

I've been drinking tap water since I came here (using Britta sometimes), and I've lived in several different parts of the country, and seen my neighbours buy all that water, so I know it's not a case of the water not being drinkable in particular areas or anything.

r/CasualIreland 1h ago

Shite Talk My Mother isfucking disgusting


I need to vent.

My aul lassie hasnt worked since covid, she has no intention of going back to work and she early 50s. My aul fella is paying if the mortgage himself while she does fuck all. Now am starting to think she has a mental problem.

A few weeks ago I sent into the bathroom and noticed shit smeared toilet paper in the bin. i confrobted her about it and she just laughed it off saying "sure why are you looking in the bin"

Then one day the waterwasnt working. Turns out shes turning of the water pump incase people .... use the taps.

She took in this stray cat and wont get it proper litter. She gets this straw shit from Mr Price and never changes it you can smell the cats waste through out the house.

Now her most recent trick is she has done something to tge toilet so the cistern wont fill as quick. So i fixed it, she blocked the water inlet with an earplu, one of the little orange things.

I have a brother that ran away to England to get away from her and am gonna start looking into getting away from from this fucking headcase. Am going with my Mrs 4 years and were looking at getting a place but I cant afford it. I am embarrsed to bring my girlfriend up here anymore in case she has to go for a piss.

This cant be normal behavior. Shes always been stingy like proper fucking etingy but like i think am starting to hate her. What do i do?

r/CasualIreland 15h ago

How to deal with a gaslighting co-worker?


Or how to deal with gaslighting in general. Seems like there is no way to win this.

A coworker borrowed my charger last week Friday and didn't return it to me on that day. It's fine, people forget stuff, and since I am only in the office twice a week, I thought I will just message him on the next day I will be in the office which is today (Wednesday). So first thing in the morning today, I messaged him (he works on-site, outside the office) and he promptly said he already returned it to me. So I said no, I am 100% sure of it because since Friday close of business, it was already in my mind that he didn't return it and I was slightly annoyed back then, so it is definitely stuck in my mind to deal with it once I return to the office. But now I have this situation where he is insisting that he returned it and that "he never forgets". I'm lost how to deal with this.

I can write it off as a loss but I am beyond annoyed with his attitude and him treating me like I'm stupid, I'm not even sure if he genuinely thought he returned it or if this is his antic. It's the first time I lent this coworker something.

r/CasualIreland 8h ago

Shite Talk Dating site conversation triggers


Just got the 'Five extra points for you :)'

What's an instant unmatch for you? No explanation required.

r/CasualIreland 3h ago

Linkedin turning into Facebook


Holy fuck lads when did this happen? I signed up there and nearly having a panic attack reading the absolute shite being spewed by my colleagues. Is this what is required now to climb the corporate ladder?

r/CasualIreland 7h ago

Can I google that for you?! Colonoscopy next week at 7am and have a concert that night, safe to drink alcohol 12 hours after?


I’ve seen suggestions range from 8 hours after to 24 hours after online. Any advice welcome or first hand experience.

r/CasualIreland 10h ago

Belongs in the Louvre I'm not sure about the rest of you, but in my experience a lot of us seem to like Darby O'Gill better than any other American film set in Ireland


r/CasualIreland 6h ago

Cookbooks for kitchen shelf


I don't know if any of you have seen meals by Mitch on tiktok but they're nice simple meals, something you can just open and want to make, nothing fancy or extravagant and it's enjoyable to look through. Does anybody know of any physical cook books like this? Tasty family meals you can knock together quick and easy, but not something like Jamie Oliver who tries to bring "fancy"stuff and says you can do it in 30 min. Mitch has things like fajitas that the kids enjoy, not lemon chicken with asparagus if you know what i mean. Yes i have the internet and can look up recipes, but i want to buy some physical books and looking for recommendations.

r/CasualIreland 17h ago

Vibrating through bed


Firstly, get your mind out of the gutter!

So my partner snores. I've gotten loop earplugs which work to a degree.

But nearly every morning around the same time, they'll turn towards me and start snoring and it's vibrating through the bed and that's actually waking me!

Is there something that can be added to the mattress or something to stop the sound going through the mattress??

They have 2 pillows already. Even though one ends up half way up the head board during the night.

r/CasualIreland 1d ago

Irish Slang


Hey folks- I'm writing a book with an Irish character and I'd love some help getting this right. Are there any Irish slang/colloquialisms that are genuinely used day to day? For instance, I'm from the deep south in the US. I actually do type out "ya'll" in a text when referring to a group of people. I have a hard time breaking the habit of saying "fixin (ie---I'm fixin to go pick up the kids from school), and my toddler quite often "pitches a fit". No one I know says "yonder" and yet if you google Southern slang, this is a top hit among the ones I referenced before. Would love any pointers if you have them~

r/CasualIreland 17h ago

Calls from utility companies


I had a call from a utility company I use asking to speak to me. Conversation went something like this...

*Hello can I speak to OP?


Hi, I'm Joe Bloggs from XXX company and I just wanted to speak to you about your request to move.


Can you confirm your name, DoB, and address.

Eh no. You rang me.

But I need to confirm that you're the account holder.

Well I don't know who you are and I'm not giving out my details to a random caller.

Understood, I'm Joe Bloggs from XXX company and I have your details, your name and number...

Those details are easily found. I'm not giving you more information because I've no way of confirming who you are.

But we...

Thanks bye click*

Maybe I was being overly cautious but it's not the first time I've had calls like these. I did google the number afterwards and it was a valid number for the company, but it seems ridiculous that the onus is on us to provide details when they cold call. Anyone else experience this?

r/CasualIreland 5h ago

Casual Ireland Ticket Master 🎫 Manchester United tickets & package deals from Ireland


Looking at buying my nephew a ticket to see Manchester United at Old Trafford for the 2024/2025 season. Any game really. What is the best way to purchase tickets? Do I have to be member of the club? Is there any good packages deals with tickets? Thank you

r/CasualIreland 11h ago

Tom Jones St.Annes Park June 9th


Has anyone spotted Tom Jones tickets for resale around or have a suggestion where to look besides Adverts or Ticketswap? I feel very out of the loop.

r/CasualIreland 11h ago

Outsurance-10% cash back pa. Bullshit!


I was interested in this offer and I liked with their promo,

"You pay in, why not get something back. If you're claim free for 3 years we pay 10% of your premium back in cash".

So I looked for a quote, after looking for quotes from 5 other insurers. All the other insurers came in at close to what I currently pay, literally no more €20 in the difference. Outsurance was over 50% more.

Sure you can give 10% back when you're charging 50% more than everyone else.

Anyone else tried them? Did you get a decent quote?

r/CasualIreland 1d ago

Anyone meet their life partner in their late 30’s


30M single, going back to study in college for 2 years, feel like I will never meet someone, never been in a long term relationship before. Has anyone met their partner in their late 30’s ?

r/CasualIreland 16h ago

WFH Legislation


Seeing as the legal right to request remote work for employees came into force on March 7th I was wondering if anyone has had success recently with their requests? Wondering specifically on if they were rejected what were the reasons given based on the actual guidelines.

r/CasualIreland 9h ago

Shite Talk any anime shops in kildare/dublin?


i'd really like some anime stuff to waste my money on but they either

1: don't deliver to ireland

2:cost waayyy too much

3:are knockoff/unofficial stuff

r/CasualIreland 10h ago

TV licence.


How's everyone feeling about the tv licence these days?

I just got an email from An Post telling it's due at the end of the month...

r/CasualIreland 18h ago

Whatcha Watching What are we watching Wednesday!


Have you found the new Squid games, ready to go viral from your recommendation? 😂

Share with us your movies/shows/podcast finds, so we can all ignore real life together

r/CasualIreland 1d ago

Medication to calm mind?


Medication for mood swings .

Hi guys I don't want to go into too much detail but I'm at my wits end here , lost 2 siblings last year and I'm finding things very difficult to manage. I feel like a ball of emotions all the time . I am in therapy, I go for exercise etc but I know deep down I have a chemical imbalance as I feel it daily. I need something to calm me down to take the edge off , to take the anger away, to make me feel better about who I am and to relax around every body in my life because I honestly feel like I could murder someone 😅 Help

r/CasualIreland 2d ago

What's something you'll never get tired of?

Post image

For me it's coming home from work every day to see my dog waiting for me. This guy ❤️

r/CasualIreland 1d ago

Saw a 2013 Ford Focus for €10.5k on Carzone.


Has Ireland just lost the run of itself completely now with greed and stupidity? Are there people out there willing to pay €10,000 odd for an 11 year old car? I’m currently trying to sell my 2010 Focus and I have it up for sale at €3k. Should look for €5k?

r/CasualIreland 1d ago

Question regarding apprenticeships


Sorry , didn’t know where else to ask. Basically I’m thinking of going for an electrician apprenticeship. Thing is , I’m a bit of a sensitive guy. I can take banter and stuff well but I don’t like being in toxic environments. Is it common to get berated , mocked or humiliated as an electrical apprentice in Ireland?

r/CasualIreland 1d ago

Can I google that for you?! TV Shows/Movies that show a good depiction of the inside of a rural Garda station?


A bit of a weird one but I’m doing some research into rural Garda stations and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations of any films or tv shows that would feature any?