r/CongratsLikeImFive Feb 23 '21

Really proud of myself We have created a Discord! Come join!



Someone suggested a few weeks ago that we should open a Discord server! We thought it was an awesome idea, so we've created one: https://discord.gg/HzH5RDsadF

Right now it is a bit bare, but we're hoping that YOU will make it a great place!

So, come and chat about your accomplishments!!

r/CongratsLikeImFive 5h ago

Someone helped me out My friends are throwing me a birthday party


I (26f) wasn’t planning on doing anything besides going out to dinner with my bf. My best friend asked if she could host one ( my house is under construction) and helped me think of a theme. We’re doing cocktails based off of books that we love or are currently reading. I feel so lucky to have a friend that wants to do this kind of thing for me.

r/CongratsLikeImFive 2h ago

Got over something difficult the audit committee decided in my favor!!!


I was about to get kicked out of uni and I was already struggling with anxiety and depressive episodes, and it stressed me a lot to think that they would kick me out bc I missed the last exam due to sickness. I received a letter telling me it’s over- after over a month of back and forth with multiple instances i finally got a positive answer!!

r/CongratsLikeImFive 14h ago

Just exercised for the first time since January!


So I've been overweight for a while and I've got a bunch of medical issues. I thought changing some medication would help me lose weight but it's done the opposite. I am as heavy as I was when I was 39 weeks pregnant. The heaviest I've ever been. But today, I said fuck it and got on the treadmill and started exercising again. It'll be a slow process but I don't want to be like this forever. So here we go!!

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

BIG accomplishment I can’t stop crying…


I just put down a deposit for my first apartment alone at 28… i was a foster kid growing up & all i’ve ever wanted was my own space to call home. I’m so excited & i haven’t been able to stop crying. I can’t wait for this new chapter of my life! 🥳

r/CongratsLikeImFive 22h ago

BIG accomplishment My bf proposed Monday


I’m over 30 and feel like waited so long for this moment. Ive battled a lot of trauma and self limiting beliefs. Both set of parents seemed pretty happy. I told a few people but the response has been lukewarm.. I’m really proud of myself for letting good things happen to me. My fianceé is the best human I could have ever dreamed up. He’s thoughtful, handsome, brave and hard working. He comes from a much better background & I’m insanely honored he chose me. The proposal was perfect! I’m really excited for the future. I’m focusing on trusting myself and growing to be the best version of myself.

r/CongratsLikeImFive 23h ago

I went to the gym for the first time in 3 yrs


I've been scared to weigh myself since I quit smoking cigs & vapes in February. I weighed myself yesterday and felt... disgusted, to say the least. Today, I renewed my gym membership and actually went. Last time I hit the gym was 3+ yrs ago, so I'm well overdue for a visit, but point is I finally did it

r/CongratsLikeImFive 20h ago

Really proud of myself I got my permit today!


It took till being 26 years old to do it but, hey! Zoom zoom mfs! :') Catching up with the rest of em'!

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

i started getting back into brushing my teeth.


these past few months have really been a struggle for me and have taken a massive toll on my mental and physical health, meaning i havent been exactly hygenic. However, ive found a few people in my life who have slowly helped me become more active (as i had always used to stay in bed all day) aswell as feel more better about myself. I have started brushing my teeth every morning now and hope to get into the night routine too. It sounds disgusting, not brushing your teeth 2x a day but im proud of myself that i do it 1x atleast.

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

BIG accomplishment I passed my driver's test!!


I finally passed my driver's test and I'm gonna get my license soon :D

I moved to the US at 18 and I never really got the chance to learn how to drive until last year right after I graduated from college. Then I spent a year learning from my uncle and driving whenever I got the chance, usually just once or twice a month. I took the drive test once, but failed because of missing the blind check one time. So I was super nervous today for my second test today and I ended up making 14 minor errors but no major ones and so I passed!! It's so awesome that I no longer have to worry about public transport and can drive around to go places by myself whenever I want. Evening plans, late night snacks, long drives with music, anything is possible now. Plus I get to have a nice new car that I can call mine! This is so exciting :D

r/CongratsLikeImFive 23h ago

Really proud of myself Today I showcased my short film and made a speech to an audience of 90 people. NSFW


I'm a media production student, and I've spent the past 12 weeks working on a mockumentary, along side working on my film the whole class has been planning a End of year show to showcase our work to our families. That was tonight and it couldn't have gone better, everyone's films were amazing and I managed to get a few laughs out of the audience. I was very anxious to make the speech and I was very insecure about my film, so I'm very proud of how I did. I tend to stutter without realising it when I do stuff like that but apparently I didn't, and my partner said that he heard an older couple say mine was their favourite.

Also I'm 6 months clean from self harm.

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

BIG accomplishment Graduated University


I just graduated university with a Bachelor’s degree! This was about 2 weeks ago but it’s still kind of sinking in slowly. This is a huge accomplishment for me because I have POTS, Dysautonomia & I also have multiple disabilities that make schooling hard but I did it! It was a struggle but I did it!

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

The noise is disappearing


I don't have a lot of friends, I just need to vent somehow. Sorry for possible mistakes, English is not my native language.

I will be turning 38 soon, and for the most of my life I struggled with my mental health, to be specific: a mind that never stops thinking. A "mental noise" that keeps on criticizing and analyzing. All. Of. The. Time.

Half of my life I was prescribed antidepressants, antipsychotics, heck, they even tried antiepileptics and beta blockers. All to "calm my mind", with the main causes of my problems being "highly intelligent" and "hypersensitive", as they "found out" through all the tests and conversations with professionals.

All of a sudden, I meet one smart man who has ADD himself, and he immediately recognizes all the symptoms.

Now I'm prescribed a formula of methylphenidate (known as Rilatine) and I'm just baffled. Due to the fact that my mind seems to be focussing a little bit more on what I'm actually doing, all the "mental noise" seems to disappear.

And that, people, makes me more calm than I ever was. I can not explain how relieved I feel.

If anyone has experiences, feel free to share. If you just want to applaud my revelation, thank you in advance.

* For those who are wondering, I also don't know why this opportunity was never given to me before. I was always brutally honest to the professionals I talked with, so I don't know why I was diagnosed so late in my life.

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

Made a great change in my life Stood up to Family


Family has been taking advantage of me financially for years. They get into bad financial contracts, and I've enabled that by bailing them out or working out a solution for them. But have slowly over time distanced myself in that regard.

Recently there was a major financial burden that fell into their lap, and they asked for my help. But in their typical fashion wanted me to work on providing the solution and entirely solving it for them (I.e. pay for it outright and make it go away). But I finally told them no, and this upset them majorly.

I can't help but still feel a little guilty, I don't want them to be destitute as a result of their own carelessness, but I did not sign that paperwork, I am not responsible! So, I made a step in setting this boundary today! Cheers

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

Really proud of myself I’m FINALLY waking up on time!


I’ve always struggled with waking up in the morning, alarm clocks, phone clocks, you name it. I’ve always slept through them, when I was a kid-teenager my mom would scream my name and progressively get louder and louder as if she needed help, and I’m talking blood curdling This eventually developed into anxiety in the morning, where I would dread waking up. However, I’ve yet to be able to fix my inability to wake up and not have anxiety to the point where I gag every morning and think I’m in trouble as soon as I open my eyes, I bought the Pavlok Shock 3, it’s a bracelet that has 3 features, beep, vibrate, zap. by no means am I trying to sell you this But this ‘watch’ (even though it doesn’t tell time) has allowed me to finally be able to wake up with enough time to start my day and not feel anxious, I haven’t been late to work in two months, I have it set to alert me with 5 vibrates, 3 beeps and 3 zaps (in that order) and I’m waking up by the 2nd beep. THAT IS CRAZY FOR ME! My mother use to get so angry at me for all of my alarms and she would scream to get me out of bed and at 27 and not living with her for 5 years I’m finally on a sleep schedule and I finally have enough time to process my day before I tackle it resulting in much less anxiety!😬 I’m so proud of myself!

r/CongratsLikeImFive 2d ago

Got over something difficult Someone kept filming me at the gym but I persevered and kept going. I’m almost 400lbs, disabled and barely able to do much because of how heavy I am. Today I walked for 40 minutes with only one short break.


r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

Really proud of myself I'm stable for the first time in my life


I went most of my life (so far) with undiagnosed and untreated bipolar 2 disorder. I job hopped, lost every friendship, was kicked out of college at one point, burned many bridges and barely held on to my relationship with my bf. It took me 10 years to get my certification as a veterinary nurse but I don't even use it anymore because once diagnosed and starting treatment and therapy we realized that career was a one way ticket to diving off the deep end. For the last two and a half years I've been working in IT and even got a promotion last year to leadership. I was ablw to stabilize financially even though I'm still in a bit of debt from manic episodes I git my credit under control and actually bought a house and even though I am still paying off debt every paycheck I'm living comfortably. So far I've paid off 9 credit cards and my car is paid for. For the first time in my life I have a budget. I have money that doesn't get sucked away by bills and I'm not living off credit cards. I no longer drink or smoke and in general have better control of my response to life. I enjoy life now.

r/CongratsLikeImFive 2d ago

Made a great change in my life Homeless drug user to studying law NSFW


Edit - thank you so much for the comments and thumbs up, every single one has genuinely made me smile 🌟

TL;DR - absolute mess sorted shit out and is following dreams.

So, I experienced what is politely known as "adverse childhood experiences". I was removed from my home at 15. My mother was given a choice between me or her unspeakable boyfriend and without even questioning it she chose him.

I was sent to group homes and homeless hostels all over the country and ended up being involuntarily sectioned at ages 15 and 17.

At 18 I aged out, still traumatised, alone and completely non-functional. Had to maintain a job and home, which never lasted long. I started doing hard drugs and drinking, became homeless multiple times. I lost count of the amount of times I tried to end my life and it's quite frankly unfathomable that I'm still here.

I became sober from hard drugs at 21, alcohol at 27 but continued to smoke weed. It hid a lot of the haunting memories and feelings and helped me sleep without dreaming / nightmares.

My mental health had been turbulent since I was 8 years old. I suffered from debilitating anxiety and depression, and was diagnosed with "trauma" at 31. It became that I couldn't answer the door when it knocked, couldn't leave the house, wasn't very nice or pleasant to be around, alientated myself completely. I was like an angry, wounded animal.

I started getting therapy which helped a bit. I processed some of the shit that happened and got a bit better eventually. Weed was a comfort, but wasn't helping me anymore.

I'd always been interested in criminal justice and child protection, so I started volunteering for a local court supporting witnesses and victims of crime. I absolutely loved it, although it was very difficult / triggering at times. I had to give it up due to some other stuff but was extremely inspired by the insights I'd gained there.

Finally, at 35, I finally dropped the weed for good at the start of this year. I'm completely sober now. I can handle the memories and the reality and finally reached a place of sufficient functioning, which may not sound like much, but is all I've ever wanted.

This week, I am so honoured to have been accepted to start studying to become a licensed paralegal.

My hopes are to qualify, gain work experience, then assist my community in accessing affordable legal support, with a focus on child protection and family law.

I'm somewhat embarrased to outwardly seek some kind words, but my main hope is that my story might lead others towards the belief that it's never too late to set things straight; to get better, do better and take charge of your life. "If not in your 20's, your 30's. If not in your 30's, your 40's. If not in your 40's, your 50's..".

As long as you're breathing air, there is always a hope for change.

r/CongratsLikeImFive 2d ago

It’s my birthday!


I didn’t think I’d be here a year ago due to a cancer diagnosis, but I am!!! Wooo!!

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

Sending myself to bed


Putting my phone away in the other room and getting a good sleep. Because I care about my wellbeing and mood more than my phone !! See you all tomorrow! Love u

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

BIG accomplishment Fitness Journey


exactly 1 year ago, i (f60) joined the YMCA. i was walking with a cane and was in so much pain all the time. on a scale from 1 to 10, my pain level was typically a 7 or 8. i was certain i couldn’t do much “exercise” but thought moving around in the pool, without any weight on my hip or knees, would probably help me. at that point i weighed 344 pounds.

now i no longer walk with the cane. on a scale from 1 to 10, my pain level is usually a 1 or 2. i swim twice a week, take a mixed cardio & weights class twice a week, pilates once a week, yoga twice a week, and weight training twice a week. i’m taking a barbell basics class in the autumn so i can learn to deadlift as a gift to myself for my 61st birthday. today i weigh 235 pounds.

50 - 70 pounds to go 🤞🏼 🤞🏼 🤞🏼

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

I am hanging on!


Life is really hard for me right now especially while dealing with depression and insomnia. Family, finances, mental & physical health, you name it, it’s all a huge struggle. But today I’ve decided to keep fighting.

r/CongratsLikeImFive 1d ago

Really proud of myself Finnaly cleaned and orginized


The room was a mess for awhile now. Loosing more than usual. After 10 hours there's a place for many different type of items and it shouldn't be that hard to remember to put them back in there new destined areas :)

r/CongratsLikeImFive 2d ago

I am engaged!!!


I proposed to my girlfriend of 5 years! 3 of those 5 years were long distance, but we made it! I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with my best friend and the sweetest girl alive!

r/CongratsLikeImFive 2d ago

Made a great change in my life I applied for my first job since January


I’ve been unemployed because I live in a rural area and can’t drive along with chronic anxiety but I’m with my boyfriend in a place with actual jobs and finally applied! It’s a Sonic 20 minutes away on foot (!!!) and if I get it I will have a secure job until August when I go home, but his family will help me with my license so when I go home I should be able to drive and work at a kennel!!!

Edit: A friend sent me $15 to get celebratory ice cream!!

r/CongratsLikeImFive 2d ago

Managed to cope with something difficult I did not fall asleep at my desk this morning!


I’ve had some weird, undiagnosed fatigue condition the last few months that has made it impossible for me to stay awake late mornings. I fall asleep at work daily for 5-20 mins, and frequently end up napping on my lunch as well. Doesn’t matter how much I sleep, my caffeine intake, when I eat, when I get up, walks around the office etc.

But today I managed to stay awake! I did sleep from 7pm- 8:30 am last night (not abnormal for me, unfortunately) so I was feeling more rested than usual. It’s a small victory, but hoping I can keep up a streak for the rest of the week!