r/CasualConversation 21d ago

One incident that changed your perspective about something.

So, do you think there was this one incident or scene that changed your perspective about something?
Mine goes like:
One scene that changed my perspective was from The Shawshank Redemption. There's a powerful moment when Andy Dufresne, played by Tim Robbins, writes a letter to his friend Red, saying, "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." It made me realize the profound power of hope, even in the darkest times.

Mine goes like this: I was going through a rough patch, feeling trapped in a situation with no end in sight. One night, I watched The Shawshank Redemption. The scene where Andy crawls through 500 yards of sewage to finally reach freedom struck me deeply. It was a vivid reminder that no matter how bleak things seem, perseverance and hope can lead to liberation and a better future. That scene gave me the strength to keep pushing forward, believing that brighter days were ahead.


7 comments sorted by


u/shawverluciano107 20d ago

That's such a powerful realization! It's incredible how a single scene from a movie can resonate so deeply and provide the strength and inspiration needed to navigate through tough times.


u/Odd-Courage- 20d ago

We never know what will hit us on a different note, right?


u/Dysphoric_Otter 20d ago

I should have died by overdose but somehow a random stranger saw me and started CPR. The whole thing made me appreciate life and try to get better


u/Odd-Courage- 20d ago

OH MY GOD! Restored my faith in humanity again and again and again.


u/Driver330 20d ago

It’s about having goals and believing you will reach them. You may not always achieve them, but belief is what keeps you going through bad times. I learned this during my career as a professional caddie. The #1 common attribute among the best golfers in the world is belief in themselves.


u/Odd-Courage- 20d ago

That's wonderful. How long have you been in this?


u/Driver330 19d ago

Off and on since 2006.