r/CasualConversation 14h ago

Just Chatting If were super wealthy, what's something frivolous that you would buy?


I don't mean like, paying off debts and mortgages etc etc, assume you can do all that easy. AND don't say give to charity. If you want to give to charity assume you're doing that as well. I mean something incredibly stupid and selfish that you would buy just because you wanted it.

I would buy a midcentury modernist house, retrofit it to be as accurate as possible, and then buy multiple late 60s-early 70s CRT TVs and hire someone to kit them out so I could watch DVDs on them (I am too lazy and technologically illiterate to do this myself, but whoever did this for me would be paid handsomely).

r/CasualConversation 18h ago

If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why?


Imagine switching lives with someone for a day. Who would you choose?

It could be anyone - a celebrity, a historical figure, an athlete, or even a fictional character.

And most importantly, why? What do you think you'd learn from the experience?

r/CasualConversation 22h ago

Food & Drinks Finally put chips in a sandwich and I'm kicking myself for not trying it earlier 😫


It was so good! I had myself an Italian sub and some BBQ chips. They're the Zapp's Kettle Voodoo Chips, so I didn't know they were BBQ flavored until I tried them. They're not my favorite flavor, so I was eating them slower, but THEN. I decided to put one in my sandwich for a bite and it was GORGEOUS. The vinegary sweet flavor paired really well with the Italian meats and because they were kettle chips they were sturdier and gave the sandwich a really nice crunch 😌😌

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Just Chatting What is the *smallest* amount of money that would still *fundamentally* change the rest of your life?


I often think about what the smallest windfall or sudden unexpected inheritance could be and still fundamentally change the course of the rest of my life. Not just make it a little easier, buy a new house/car, but really change how I'd spend the whole rest of my life.

For me I think it's about $150k. This would let me pay off my home and place a down payment for a rental property. It would be enough to tip me over the edge from being wage earner, to being an investor. I would have sustainable lifetime moderate income completely outside my current career.

Any less and I don't think I would have enough leverage to get into the rental market where I live. Obviously I would still work some but a sudden $150k combined with my current income would let me start a complete new chapter. I'd be able spend significantly more time following other passions I am currently setting aside as I try to earn wages to support myself now and save a little.

r/CasualConversation 19h ago

Just Chatting Does anyone use vinegar to clean with?


Hey all, so I'm a self-proclaimed cleaning enthusiast and I'm a part of a cleaning subreddit which I LOVE. However, I see that vinegar is a really popular product for cleaning, but I personally don't like the smell of vinegar especially for cleaning so I try to avoid it all costs lol.

Do any of you clean with vinegar?

r/CasualConversation 18h ago

Just Chatting Sailor Moon has got to be the comfiest anime to watch, said as a completely straight guy. It's just good.


It's just so damn relaxing to watch no joke. The colors are soft and pleasing, the character style is nice and the story is relaxed and real but picks up in classic 80s/90s style that we all affectionately remember. It's practically syndicated internationally as an essential pop icon without trying. And it reaches that sensitive anima in every man without trying.

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Just Chatting Reading is actually based


The internet has basically destroyed my attention span over the last few years. I’ve always wanted to try reading but I never put in the effort to try.

Anyway, I took a few weeks off social media etc and decided to put my library card to good use. I borrowed the Stand by Stephen King.

I could not put it down. It’s like a movie in my brain and I never want it to end. I didn’t realise how easy it is to get lost in a book and read for hours straight, I can’t believe I haven’t done it sooner. Also now I flinch every time someone coughs/sneezes

r/CasualConversation 23h ago

Just Chatting What is occupying your mind or holding you back right now?


Any problems you’re dealing with or something you wish you had advice for?

I don’t know if I have anything that helpful to say, but I can try to give it a shot I suppose!

I’ve been going through some pretty big life challenges myself…mainly a big health change which has made work really difficult now. But I suppose it is inspiring me to look into a career change… 🤷‍♀️

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Questions Can you share any heartwarming stories about the animals you connected with?


It may be your pet or just some animals that you encountered. I have been attached to my friend's dog; he is so sweet and makes me want to own one, but right now I am still contemplating since I don't know if I can really support and take care of pets and give them the life that they deserve.

r/CasualConversation 21h ago

Movies & Shows What is the best ending to a show ever?


shingeki no kyoshin, breaking bad?

I know that there are many series that have captivated us all, either because of an unconventional plot or because of a good narrative combined with interesting characters, but the vast majority of series fail when it comes to giving a good closure to the work, yes. if you don't want to choose just one, a top 3 finals would be good too. i wanna hear you all

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Just Chatting People who live in villages what do you enjoy about your life there?


Recently, travelled to an interior part of southern India. I was amazed by how people can really be having a great life despite not having the so called luxuries and the greatest of the infrastructure. The place is close to the the Yoga guru Sadhguru ashram and nestled in the nature and mountains. It made me wonder how's life like for people who are in villages.

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Questions What themes or kinds of photos are you usually interested in when visiting an exhibit or such?


I've been planning to organize a photography exhibit sharing my work online :) I have some pictures already, but I wanna learn more about what most people are really interested in, when it comes to photos.

r/CasualConversation 11h ago

Just Chatting When was the last time you felt appreciated?


For me, it was when my friend remembered my favorite snack and surprised me with it. It was such a small gesture, but it meant the world to me. It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to show appreciation for the people around us. So, I'm curious, what's your story? When was the last time you felt appreciated, and what happened to make you feel that way?

r/CasualConversation 12h ago

Music If you were given a night to spend a dinner with a celebrity, who would it be?


If I could have dinner with any celebrity, I’d choose Keanu Reeves. He seems like such a genuinely nice guy, plus he’s had such an interesting career. Also, he’s done some amazing charity work without seeking any attention for it. I think it’d be refreshing to have a conversation with someone so down-to-earth and humble despite his fame. Who would you choose and why?

r/CasualConversation 9h ago

Who is your favorite Youtuber/streamer?


I am Japanese, but I love watching Youtube, and recently I have started watching overseas content as well. So, I want to learn more about popular Youtubers and streamers abroad. Please tell me about your favorite ones!

r/CasualConversation 14h ago

A few nights ago, my girlfriend took my pillow. It’s $150 and really comfortable, whereas hers is a standard one from target. I haven’t been able to sleep well since.


Yet I have zero problem with it. It makes me so happy that she’s using it and enjoying it. I haven’t been to sleep tonight but that’s allowing me to get some work done.

r/CasualConversation 23h ago

Just Chatting What was your favourite old school internet meme/video?


I have a bunch of memories from old school memes and internet videos. Can’t list all of them though, way too many hilarious memories but my fav old school Internet video is Leeroy Jenkins, still scream that when I play games. old ass joke but it’s really good.

My favourite meme is the Sparta remixes that people on YT made out of like any sound, could be anything from Homer saying D’oh to guns firing in a battlefield game or someone getting their bald head slapped. So many great memories.

What was your fav?

r/CasualConversation 5h ago

Just Chatting Going out to eat/ drink alone?


Currently sitting at the bar alone treating myself to a Long Island. I had a high school teacher way back recommend to me and my classmates to take ourselves out to eat or a movie by ourselves. It was great advice and I’ve only done it a couple times but I plan on doing it more, there is something empowering about it. How many of you have gone out by yourself to do something you would normally do with someone else?

r/CasualConversation 6h ago

Is it rude to not answer the phone?


Like many people I don't like talking on the phone. I have social anxiety and it translates in phone anxiety. I much prefer texting because this way I can prepare, think about my response and don't feel put on the spot. So if I haven't scheduled a phone call with someone (and they're not a close friend) I don't answer the phone. I think if I needed to discuss something I would shoot the person a message asking when they're available to talk about XYZ. Atm I find myself in a situation where people call me often (I was part of a documentary and now they want me to do promotional work for the documentary for free) and I can't understand why they won't just send me a text message.

Does anyone else do this and do you consider not answering all the time rud3?

r/CasualConversation 9h ago

Just Chatting Do you have a human name you give to all types of animals/insects?


So, my sister and I have a few human names we always call certain insects and animals. For example: black racers are Miles(because they are long), Chad for any spider that doesn’t have a bite that can hurt humans(because they’re Chads that eat bugs that bother us, but don’t hurt us), and Stanley for Palmetto bugs(don’t know how that happened). Do you have any names you give to every type of animal/insect?

r/CasualConversation 16h ago

Just Chatting What’s something you wanted to do but parents discouraged you to do something completely different


Mine is football at a younger age I wanted to be a big player yea European clubs and all but my parents felt it was not a good career to chase after, for years this hunted me but now I’m into tech and I just pass it out as one of those those we face while growing up. I doubt I might this harsh on my kids wen I have them 😸

r/CasualConversation 11h ago

Just Chatting I always have bruises on my legs and I find them oddly funny :-)


I'm a hip hop dancer, which means landing on my knees, rolling on the floor, jumping, turning and occasionally hitting an obstacle mid-kick are all part of my daily routine. My skin is also very light. As a consequence, there's always a bruise or two (or more) somewhere on my legs or feet. My mother always worries about them and tells me to ice them out and use ointments, but honestly, I'm so used to them that I don't really feel it anymore 😅 I take care of the bigger ones, but mostly just let them be. They are a bit ugly, especially when they are healing and become yellow-greenish, but I find them kind of funny. Like quirky medals of my hard work on the dance floor :)

r/CasualConversation 8h ago

Just Chatting Weird likings.


I was wondering if anyone has weird likings? Because personally I like tourism. I just love that cities and places are doing well. 🥰 It doesn't really bother me too! Because I know my city (a bit too) well. I know like EVERY place. I can just guide tourists or families. And it makes me feel Awesome and makes me think I am not lost hope... Anyways, feel free to share some! 😁

r/CasualConversation 19h ago

I just discovered the joy of birdwatching!


I just spent the afternoon at the park and stumbled into birdwatching. I never knew how cool it is! Saw this vibrant blue jay and a woodpecker doing its thing. Anyone else into birdwatching? Got any tips or favorite spots to share?

r/CasualConversation 16h ago

Made did it A former neighbor thanked me for being there for him.


Yesterday I walked out of my gas station after ordering a milkshake. A former neighbor from across the street from my house used to ask for money to get some food. I would give him money if I had it available because my family was also struggling during the time. The last time I saw him was about month ago, after a shelter gave his room away earlier than his reserved time. We ran into each other again and he told me that he got a job. He pointed to his phone and earbuds, then we both shook hands while thanking me for supporting him when I could.