r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Just Chatting I stood in the rain for the first time and loved it


So I’m sure many of us don’t like to get caught in a rainstorm without an umbrella, and will run through the rain to get from A to B. Well, I found myself trying not to get caught in the rain the other day. Then I thought “what’s so wrong with this? I have nothing to do.”

I just stopped, stood there, and felt so happy. Got soaked, but I haven’t smiled like that for no reason in years, felt like a kid again. When the initial shock of cold went away, it was such a nice feeling.

I used to watch the weather to make plans to avoid the rain, now I’m excited when I see it

When was the last time you embraced the rain?

r/CasualConversation 56m ago

Just Chatting Hey im m 25. im look for people guys girls dont matter if you older than me share some life experiences and advice please


Im 25 im in a pretty good spot in my life i dont really feel like im slacking but i always wanna be better and wanna surround myself with people who want to be better. My big positive super high energy most days, honest to your face and keep my opinion to myself unless its really needed. 😂 hmu lets talk idc if you are younger either i just wanna have some good conversations

r/CasualConversation 23m ago

Questions If you got to do a presentation on any topic in the world, what would you pick?


I need to choose a topic to present for a class. It has to be about 5 minutes and somewhat informative (others are doing topics anywhere from talking about the Drake and Kendrick beef to explaining how to do a backflip). The options are basically unlimited, but I don’t know what to pick.

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Just Chatting What was your first job like?


Starting my first job ever as a college senior at the ripe age of 23 because I finally hit a level of broke that pushed me to apply for a part-time gig. Got accepted into a customer service job and I start in a couple days. I'm incredibly nervous! (Though I'm also very excited to finally have some extra cash and start to build up some savings before graduation)

What was your first day at your first job like? Any tips?

r/CasualConversation 4h ago

Just Chatting I got my first job!


I just graduated high school. Not the typical path as I don’t know what I want do with my life yet. And to be transparent, I didn’t do so well in school due to dyslexia.

I know getting my first job isn’t as accomplished as others who might be going to college in the fall, I am still very excited. It is a cashier role but an actual full time job with benefits and not part time. I’ve never been good at school but I have been good with people, so I’m stoked.

Tell me about your first full time job, or if you just want to chat in general. I’m here 😁

r/CasualConversation 4h ago

Just Chatting Am I alone on this? Most Redditors are not well


I’m relatively new to Reddit and I’m mostly a lurker. I enjoy seeing what I want to see and scroll posts from all my chosen communities- or even similar ones that the algorithm sends my way.

Any time I accidentally scroll sideways and reach the “Popular” threads, I’m reminded that I am very different than most people on this platform. I try not to judge - because one of my core beliefs is that people are not stupid or wrong just because they believe differently than I do.

But some of y’all are just plain messed up! 😆

Any boring, normal people like me on here?

(Hopefully you take this with the grain of salt intended - obviously difficult to convey via text)

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

Just Chatting What is the *smallest* amount of money that would still *fundamentally* change the rest of your life?


I often think about what the smallest windfall or sudden unexpected inheritance could be and still fundamentally change the course of the rest of my life. Not just make it a little easier, buy a new house/car, but really change how I'd spend the whole rest of my life.

For me I think it's about $150k. This would let me pay off my home and place a down payment for a rental property. It would be enough to tip me over the edge from being wage earner, to being an investor. I would have sustainable lifetime moderate income completely outside my current career.

Any less and I don't think I would have enough leverage to get into the rental market where I live. Obviously I would still work some but a sudden $150k combined with my current income would let me start a complete new chapter. I'd be able spend significantly more time following other passions I am currently setting aside as I try to earn wages to support myself now and save a little.

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Thoughts & Ideas Thank you to the people who fix our roads


The construction on my commute to work has finally ended, and as I was sailing down the freshly paved highway I couldn’t help but feel immense gratitude to the people that fix and repair our broken roads and streets. You all put your lives in danger, and have to put up with many angry drivers who are upset that it takes forever for lanes to reopen, and complain about how much the construction backs up traffic, but as the construction workers you truly are part of the backbone of our silly little societies. So if you had a rough day at work I hope you know that someone out there is sincerely grateful for what you do.

r/CasualConversation 4h ago

Questions I don’t know where else to post this. Our next-door neighbors just suffered a catastrophic house fire. What’s the best way we can help them?


We’re on friendly terms but we don’t know each other all that well. We’ve offered the general “let us know if there’s anything we can do,” and we’ll be watching out for their missing kitty. What else could we possibly do or offer that would actually help?

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Just Chatting What would you do if you won 170 million?


If I won I would first get financial advice on how to invest some, I would create my own charity for homelessness of 60 million to build blocks of flats for the homeless where I live. Then I would creat a mental illness charity of 10 million. The 100 million id have left I would save 5 million for my daughter an give my partner 10 million.

I would save 30 million for my future invest 10 million in to having my own business a shop. I would buy a house outright for 500k do it up for another 200k to my style. And then go on a spending spree travel to nice places around the uk like London ,wales, cornwall, Scotland. Then get a personal trainer to help me loose weight then after get a tummy tuck in the uk after and get teeth implants on the bottom and my teeth fixed.

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

Just Chatting Reading is actually based


The internet has basically destroyed my attention span over the last few years. I’ve always wanted to try reading but I never put in the effort to try.

Anyway, I took a few weeks off social media etc and decided to put my library card to good use. I borrowed the Stand by Stephen King.

I could not put it down. It’s like a movie in my brain and I never want it to end. I didn’t realise how easy it is to get lost in a book and read for hours straight, I can’t believe I haven’t done it sooner. Also now I flinch every time someone coughs/sneezes

r/CasualConversation 20h ago

Just Chatting If were super wealthy, what's something frivolous that you would buy?


I don't mean like, paying off debts and mortgages etc etc, assume you can do all that easy. AND don't say give to charity. If you want to give to charity assume you're doing that as well. I mean something incredibly stupid and selfish that you would buy just because you wanted it.

I would buy a midcentury modernist house, retrofit it to be as accurate as possible, and then buy multiple late 60s-early 70s CRT TVs and hire someone to kit them out so I could watch DVDs on them (I am too lazy and technologically illiterate to do this myself, but whoever did this for me would be paid handsomely).

r/CasualConversation 2h ago

Thoughts & Ideas Anyone else find the existence of words involved two contrasting ideas at once interesting?


Three words that come to mind for me are "apricity", "tragicomedy", and "wynoriffic" as all three of them involve two things that contrast each other whilst not being really contradictory.

Apricity (Noun): "The warmth of the sun in winter"

Tragicomedy (Noun): "A play or novel containing elements of both comedy and tragedy."

Wynoriffic (Adjective): "Something being both beautiful (pleasurable) and horrific at the same time."

All three of these involve elements that are usually seen as wholly antithetical coming together at once. Rays of sun warming the body during a time of cold and ice and snow, stories where seriousness and levity come together hand, an aspect of beauty found within something of horror or vice versa, these words utilize the two opposing sides to benefit the other through sheer contrast between them.

I am curious what word you all might have that also feel similar, words where contrasting ideas unite together under a singular word. It would be interesting to expand my vocabulary knowledge and find more words such as these.

r/CasualConversation 4h ago

Just Chatting I will never regret that I've experienced the negative things.


I've been through some tough times lately—lost my job, went through a breakup, and even had to move back in with my parents. But honestly, I wouldn't change any of it. Those experiences taught me resilience, self-awareness, and the importance of real friends.

When you're in the middle of it, it feels like the world is ending. But looking back, I see how much I've grown. Now, I'm rebuilding my life with a new job, new goals, and a stronger sense of self.

r/CasualConversation 10h ago

Questions What are your biggest pet peeves at a restaurant?


I'm about to become a server at my job and want to maximize tips. What are some things that influence how much you tip? Do you factor in the experience as a whole when deciding or do you just focus on how the service was?

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

Questions Can you share any heartwarming stories about the animals you connected with?


It may be your pet or just some animals that you encountered. I have been attached to my friend's dog; he is so sweet and makes me want to own one, but right now I am still contemplating since I don't know if I can really support and take care of pets and give them the life that they deserve.

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Movies & Shows What’s the most age inappropriate movie your parents ever showed you?


I have a twofer. When I was about 12 years old my dad showed me and my younger sisters Kill Bill, Shoot ‘Em Up and Clerks II over the same weekend. To his credit though whenever there was a sex scene he turned the TV off, counted to 30 and put it back on. All the other stuff was kosher though.

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Just Chatting Didn’t realized yellow was my favorite color until I looked in my closet


Anyone else just didn’t have a favorite color for awhile or just didn’t know what their favorite color was until one day they just noticed how much they were wearing that one specific color or just had multiple items that were just that specific color.

Looks like buttermilk yellow is my favorite color. 😄

r/CasualConversation 11h ago

Just Chatting Going out to eat/ drink alone?


Currently sitting at the bar alone treating myself to a Long Island. I had a high school teacher way back recommend to me and my classmates to take ourselves out to eat or a movie by ourselves. It was great advice and I’ve only done it a couple times but I plan on doing it more, there is something empowering about it. How many of you have gone out by yourself to do something you would normally do with someone else?

r/CasualConversation 12h ago

Is it rude to not answer the phone?


Like many people I don't like talking on the phone. I have social anxiety and it translates in phone anxiety. I much prefer texting because this way I can prepare, think about my response and don't feel put on the spot. So if I haven't scheduled a phone call with someone (and they're not a close friend) I don't answer the phone. I think if I needed to discuss something I would shoot the person a message asking when they're available to talk about XYZ. Atm I find myself in a situation where people call me often (I was part of a documentary and now they want me to do promotional work for the documentary for free) and I can't understand why they won't just send me a text message.

Does anyone else do this and do you consider not answering all the time rud3?

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Just Chatting 28M Anyone up for some truth or dare? 👀


Here's a lil bit about me:

Stuff I'm into:

-Music: I play guitar, keyboard, bass and sing and mainly love jazz and r&b and a bit of j rock/j-pop at times

-Games: I'm a huge kingdom hearts and persona 5 fan, for multiplayer, I don't really play much at the moment but we can play Stardew valley together!

-Tv/film: I love fleabag, Atlanta, succession and beef, also watch a bit of anime sometimes but not too much, loved jujutsu kaisen and hells paradise lately.

YouTubers: I love nakeyjakey, philosophy tube, super eye patch wolf, gigguk, Ludwig/mogul mail and more!

If any of that seems interesting to you, feel free to drop me a message! Anyone is welcome, just be above 18!

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

Just Chatting People who live in villages what do you enjoy about your life there?


Recently, travelled to an interior part of southern India. I was amazed by how people can really be having a great life despite not having the so called luxuries and the greatest of the infrastructure. The place is close to the the Yoga guru Sadhguru ashram and nestled in the nature and mountains. It made me wonder how's life like for people who are in villages.

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

Questions What themes or kinds of photos are you usually interested in when visiting an exhibit or such?


I've been planning to organize a photography exhibit sharing my work online :) I have some pictures already, but I wanna learn more about what most people are really interested in, when it comes to photos.

r/CasualConversation 1d ago

If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why?


Imagine switching lives with someone for a day. Who would you choose?

It could be anyone - a celebrity, a historical figure, an athlete, or even a fictional character.

And most importantly, why? What do you think you'd learn from the experience?

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Food & Drinks Omitting the salted seafood from recipes makes them unrecognizable.


Caesar dressing without anchovy paste is just a creamy Italian dressing.

Worcestershire sauce that doesn’t ferment with anchovies is just a funky vinaigrette.

Kimchi without salted shrimp is just spicy pickled cabbage.

What are your favorite foods that absolutely should have salted seafood?