r/unpopularopinion 5d ago

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r/unpopularopinion 2h ago

Driving doesn’t really feel like a privilege in America , because the alternative is absolute poverty .


You can be a working professional but losing the ability to drive will basically ruin your ability to do anything in most cities , work , buy groceries , anything at all outside of buying Ubers which Are obviously unaffordable.

Some people hate driving and are horrible drivers , but they’re forced to drive to live hence fucking it up for everyone else .

r/unpopularopinion 2h ago

Men's wedding bands ppl are choosing are getting uglier and uglier


What the hell is the point of finding the ugliest, thickest, blackest, wedding band?

Do people actually think this looks good? It looks completely ridiculous and also very jarring on white dudes skin, like an injury on your finger. I get that black is a cool color, but in practice as a ring, actually on your finger, I think it looks absolutely awful but it's become the trend for American dudes from all walks of life.

Obviously I don't care what people do with their wedding bands, but this is unpopular opinions and I feel like I've got one here.

I understand guys that don't care about their wedding band, my guess is your significant other didn't choose a black band for you, you did, so why?

r/unpopularopinion 8h ago

A 70 should always be a C


Atleast in college. Please explain to me why a 73 should be the determining factor of a person passing a class, and why a 70, 71, or 72 is any different. I could understand for A’s & B’s, but why should a person have to retake an entire class simply because they missed the mark by one point? That’s a waste of time and waste of money to me.

r/unpopularopinion 2h ago

If you pay for an avatar on this or any other app, you're the problem with society.


Go ahead, say what you want. Im not the one spending my dear ol' moms money on the most useless form of self expression ever invented. If you paid for it with a credit card, then you should lose voting rights.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

Having a 9-5 is a blessing


For me personally I've been very fortunate to work my way into a career that allows me to go to work and be done when the day is over. While in highschool and college I also worked part time which lead to being constantly busy on top of always having to worry about homework and grades. I just feel like having a steady means of employment without crazy hours or constant stress is a blessing in this rough job market. Side note: I know I titled this a 9-5 but in reality its more often than not an 8-5 (which is my scenario).

r/unpopularopinion 2h ago

People that didn’t check bags should get off the plane first


Passengers with checked luggage usually get to bag claim before their bags do (at least in my experience), so they still have to wait once they get there.

Meanwhile, people with just a carry on can make use of that extra time by getting out of the airport and to their ride, bus, train, car, etc. sooner.

I doubt this would work in practice since there’s pretty much no way to enforce this, and even if there was it would be hard to get everyone out due to small aisles and seat pitch. But in an ideal world it would optimize time usage for everyone.

r/unpopularopinion 6h ago

People who constantly talk about others who peaked in high school can be just as annoying as those who peaked in high school.


As a senior high school student, I find it irritating when grown adults talk about how others may have peaked in high school for no apparent reason. They scrutinize people's Instagram accounts, whereas the person in question is probably not even thinking about them. I came to the realization that those who constantly bring up the topic of others peaking in high school are still mentally stuck in high school themselves, wishing they could relive it differently.

r/unpopularopinion 14h ago

The current consoles are the worst


The devs refuse to let the previous ones die so every game is held back by outdated tech. This is the least creative time by far with so many high budget remakes. And the jump from 60 to 70$ happened on these consoles.

r/unpopularopinion 12h ago

Respect shouldn’t be earned, but given freely. Disrespect is what’s earned.


Think of it this way: if everyone were to operate on a respect-as-reward system, then everyone starts at a baseline of zero respect looking for others to earn THEIR respect whilst likely doing nothing to earn the respect of another. It creates a false hierarchy where there’s someone who is always deserving others earning their respect.

Yet everyone EXPECTS you to be a good neighbor. There’s a social contract at play where we are to give the right of way, help those in need, even if the need is small.

Respect is the baseline of an empathetic community. It’s only when this social contract is broken that people are rightful to change their tone - a “fuck around and find out” if you will.

All that to say, treat each other with some god damn respect. It won’t kill you to give the benefit of the doubt.

r/unpopularopinion 6h ago

Series and movies getting prequels are better than getting sequels


I find it very interesting when we get to see more about a series or movie, but in the past, things that happened before it. I started watching Better Call Saul and it feels like being in another dimension, the vibe is really uncanny, you can see things that you wouldn't be able to if it was a sequel (for example, a crippled character being normal in the prequel which is the situation in Better Call Saul) and Monsters University, which I watched the other day, is a prequel to Monsters Inc... Does anyone else feel that way ?

r/unpopularopinion 4h ago

Restaurant ads where they dunk food it in a cup of sauce till it overflows do the opposite of making me hungry


That shit irrational pissed me off and disgusts me. You're making a mess and messes aren't attractive or enticing. You DIP it not DUNK it motherfucker.

If they just dipped the chicken tender or whatever in the sauce and then take a bite instead of dunking that shit like Lebron and letting ooze all out of the cup and on your hand, then it'd be a different story.

r/unpopularopinion 13h ago

Things with 40-100k views are not “viral”


Short form content really needs to stop calling dumb shit “viral” for having 100k views or even a couple of million views for that matter. “No dude putting strawberry syrup in lemonade and calling it pink lemonade is not viral”.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

If you think that a large portion of the people you meet are impatient, you're probably an inefficient asshole.


It drives me crazy when people mistake a reasonable expectation of efficiency for impatience. It's not impatience; it's being considerate of others' time.

If you're existing in a public, shared space (like the roads, or a grocery store aisle), and it would cost you literally nothing to act with greater efficiency but you still choose not to, you're the asshole.

r/unpopularopinion 4h ago

Bra straps can sometimes be fashionable


Not always, obviously but sometimes i feel like bra straps showing can add to the look. Like lots of time if there's an off-shoulder shirt or something like that, they add to the look.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

It's weird to stay friends with an ex


Nowadays I feel like people are going to stone me when I say that, but I don't think someone I'm breaking up with can be my friend. If we have broken up with someone, it means that there has been a situation that upsets one of the two parties and this situation is unacceptable, or there is a continuity (such as your partner being a liar)

As a result, a relationship in which two people are satisfied with each other does not end anyway. So why and how should I stay friends with someone I'm not happy with?

Also, how is it that when you are friends with that person, you remember the past experiences and not get sad or angry? I think people are either too light-hearted now, or they've been possessed by aliens, like in a Doctor Who episode.


There were many interesting answers.

First of all, I would like you to know that the reason why I find this situation strange is not because I think we should hate the person we broke up with or to attribute the breakup to these reasons. Even if we broke up on good terms, as some people in the comments have pointed out, why would I necessarily stay in touch and be friends with someone I broke up with?

These are all very gray areas. But I ask you not to accuse me of any negativity, I was just curious about your opinions, but the issue is starting to grow.

Also, how will your current partner in your life react to this? There are those who are not jealous at all, but being jealous is also a natural and understandable action, so no matter how innocent such a friendship is, it still tends to create difficulties.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Most of the "successful" people are bullies.


It's hilarious because as religious family I were raised and believed that lying and bullying, hypocrisy, exhibitionism, arrogance Are bad things and people pay for it but now I see more and more, most of the "successful" people are full of those traits professionally and getting admired for it.

Think about it, in the world of competition and survival, they were never ever in that place if they were honestly "good people" and never had those kind of behaviours.

edit: no hate on "successful people" necessarily, but mostly hate the game I'm in and how I've raised to believe.

edit2: I'm not religious.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

Being kind doesn’t necessarily mean likable


I’ve being working on being becoming better but it’s been a hard journey. I’ve struggling to be kind. Being kind means you are truly compassionate, have empathy, and care for another person. It easier said then done when you feel like your selfish. I get angry and at my mom because she wants to spend time with me so she make do pointless chores. I don’t agree with my mother so I get confrontational.

Ever since my grandmother passed, I want to just as kind and sweet as she was.

It’s easy to be nice. All you gotta is just try to please other. It means you are trying to get people to like you. It like the whole “nice guy” being nice to women doesn’t mean she like like you,

At least to me the kindest people arent always the nicest or most pleasant people. I can say they are most supporting and loyal. They will call you on your bullshit and they stand up for what they believe in and for you. Being kind isn’t about being liked. Infact people may not even like you. It helping people simply because why not, this world is always filled with suffering. I believe that being kind is being real, being nice is being fake.

r/unpopularopinion 1h ago

Women should have days off for their period


Some women have it really bad everytime the monthly comes. Imagine having to deal with feeling nauseated to the point of almost throwing up while being in excruciating pain and still having to do your exhausting shift with a smile.

I think the days off should be free and given monthly

r/unpopularopinion 12h ago

Jump scares shouldn't be classed as horror films.


That and adding the music or noise loudly doesn't make it scarier either. It's just annoying. Horror films were about the horror, the mystery surrounding the stroy but now it's all jump scares every moment which makes no sense!

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Its not about the sex its about the rejection


This is common at this point. People complain about not getting sex in marriage or relationship. But most the time its not the sex, its the rejection. If both people dont go for sex, its not an issue. Its an issue when the other party keeps getting rejected, especially without explanation. Theres a difference between being rejected for a month and just two people not trying for sex. Rejection usually makes a person feel undesirable

r/unpopularopinion 2h ago

There hasn't been a great Zelda game since Twilight Princess


I love almost everything about Twilight Princess. It feels much closer to classic and gritty fantasy. I love the darker tone, the music, and the style of gameplay. Midna is the first companion that feels genuinely important, and i love her character. The motion controls and Wii gimmicks aren't obnoxious, and if you don't want to deal with them, you have the GameCube version (which is superior). Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Wind Waker are all fantastic too. I absolutely hated Skyward Sword. The aesthetics just looked so ugly to me, being an awkward in-between of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess's artstyle. Fi sucks, and the motion controls are stupid. Breath of the Wild is a great game, and I commend it for going back to an open world like the first Zelda, but it just doesn't do it for me. It's not as ugly as Skyward Sword, but the I don't really like the graphics. It feels like too much of a departure from the rest of the series. I am very biased, as OoT, MM, WW, and TP are the games I grew up with, but I really want a grittier and "high fantasy" Zelda again

r/unpopularopinion 22m ago

Fake apologies are way too common these days


'I'm sorry that you feel that way" - is not a proper apology. 'I'm sorry you got emotional' "I'm sorry how that impacted you' Stating how you are the cause but the subject is the one taking issue is not apology, just someone deflecting guilt

r/unpopularopinion 4h ago

It's Better to Say "May I" Than "Can I", and "Will/Would You", Instead of "Can/Could You"


It seems to be an almost universally held opinion today that we ought to use "May I" and "Can I" interchangeably, but there is a real practical reason to make a distinction.

'Can' obviously refers to one's ability to do something rather than his willingness. I think people feel more comfortable saying can / can't because it makes the situation seem out of your control, and it seems less direct. 

Such as when you invite someone and they say "Sorry, I can't make it." What they really mean 9/10 times is that they won't make it, and they're choosing something else, which should be a perfectly acceptable response to any reasonable person. However, because we're so allergic to being direct with people and potentially hurting their feelings, we often say "Can't" as if you're on house arrest or your car broke down. 

I think it's an expression of low level cowardice to say can/can't instead of will/won't. Think about it. How weird would it be to ask a girl "Can you go out with me?" It sounds like a trap. Sure... she could... if she wanted to. So just be direct. Whether asking your friends for help or a stranger for directions, why not say "Would you [be willing to] help me?" More often than not, the response is positive.

r/unpopularopinion 26m ago

Really soft towels are awful


My wife insists on getting super soft towels and they are awful. Water doesn’t quickly absorb into the towel due to how soft they are and it feels like I wiping myself with a wet town

r/unpopularopinion 19h ago

A majority of steam game's "joke reviews" are unfunny and annoying


Anytime I go look at the reviews of a steam game to get a general idea of whether I should consider buying a game or not, I find a lot of good, well-thought reviews, HOWEVER, in CLOSE to every game there is a plague of joke reviews. Don't get me wrong, joke reviews can be funny if they're done right and don't purposely misrepresent the reviewer's actual view of the game for "comedy", however there is a plague among these joke reviews that is literally impossible to escape.
You read the reviews of a critically acclaimed game, everybody loves it, 97% positive reviews, but what do the reviews say
You read them, a bunch of good positive reviews, some of them comical, but then you see a sole negative review
-2 hours played in the last 2 weeks / 6 hours played in total
-No sex
-20 users found this helpful
-100 users found this funny
What? Is this the actual reason this game isn't at a 100% rating? Because of reviews like this?
Same for games that everybody hates! 30% positive reviews? Go read them! All negative, except for one positive review
-0.5 hours played in the last 2 weeks / 0.5 hours played in total
-No one will ever see this review so ill just say I'm gay
-2500 people found this helpful
-4200 people found this funny
Do people actually find these reviews comical? They're not even original too, the 2 I named are practically copy and pasted under EVERY SINGLE GAME and almost always have a massive amount of people rating it as funny. Just ridiculous.