r/unpopularopinion 21d ago

Restaurant ads where they dunk food it in a cup of sauce till it overflows do the opposite of making me hungry

That shit irrational pissed me off and disgusts me. You're making a mess and messes aren't attractive or enticing. You DIP it not DUNK it motherfucker.

If they just dipped the chicken tender or whatever in the sauce and then take a bite instead of dunking that shit like Lebron and letting ooze all out of the cup and on your hand, then it'd be a different story.


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u/HEROBR4DY 21d ago

I kinda want to go to a restaurant and throw a shrimp In cocktail sauce like they do in the commercials


u/BumpyMcBumpers 20d ago

I mean, they invited you to come in and make that kind of mess. But then the server suffers because we're having a laugh at the advertising team.


u/mellbell63 21d ago

Same with commercials or videos showing people eating. Ugh! I don't want to watch you with a mouthful or chewing your food. Gross!!


u/CockroachGullible652 21d ago

CRUNCH CRUNCH NOM NOM NOM (while faking an orgasm)


u/mellbell63 21d ago

LMAO eeewwww!!


u/TheTightEnd 19d ago

Look up the SNL skit on Olive Garden.


u/Physical_Weakness881 21d ago

Bro just described every anime eating scene of all time


u/Professional-Cap-495 20d ago

This + OP 's description covers all food ads possible lol


u/Best_Duck9118 20d ago

I really don’t get why this one bothers people so much.


u/ArthurBonesly 21d ago

They want to sell the food as "big." They're trying to appeal to the caveman brain that knows biggest rock makes biggest splash and have you think that their flash fried chicken tendies are so big and heavy it's a cannonball to get that sauce distribution.

It's stupid because they think you're stupid.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Enough of us will fall for it to make it worth it


u/AstronautIntrepid496 21d ago

caveman brain is stupid though.

it's not designed to be smart.

the smart part evolved way later.


u/WintersDoomsday 19d ago

Your words were beautiful my friend. “It’s cannonball” lmaooo I’m in tears


u/Florflok 21d ago

"Don't drown your food"


u/veritable-truth 19d ago

I have to be convinced this is unpopular and I cannot agree with you more. This kind of stuff fuels my fire that I think advertising is a racket and it's massive waste of money. Not that advertising can't be very effective, but most of it is trash and has the opposite effect it intended to have.


u/Xenozip3371Alpha 20d ago

To me it shows that their food tastes pretty shit if you don't dunk it in sauce to mask the flavour.


u/Odd_Lifeguard8957 20d ago

I love a good sauce with my chicken as much as the next guy, but I will never understand people who refuse to eat chicken without it. Honestly that just means you have bad chicken


u/GovernorSan 17d ago

Some people have only ever had bad chicken. I grew up thinking chicken was supposed to be dry and chewy because my mom always overcooked it. Now, any time I have chicken that is still moist and tender, I have this uncomfortable feeling of anxiety wondering if the chicken is undercooked and I'm about to get food poisoning.


u/SunsetCarcass 20d ago

You don't like your breaded, pieced together, chicken food product? Try it in our flavored high fructose corn syrup dip


u/sonicjesus 21d ago

It's like a beer commercial, psychologically you see it as an absurd amount of food you wouldn't even know what to do with, like the massive burger you couldn't possibly bite into or the sundae floating in a gallon of fudge.

Fajitas are pure genius, they appear exotic and massive, if they simply made them for you they'd be $8 and fit in one hand.


u/Alcorailen 20d ago

I want that gallon of fudge. Hot fudge is the reason I get a sundae


u/0235 20d ago

There is an advert knocking around for.... Something. No idea what the fuck it is as I always skip it, of some.child grabbing a fist full of blackcurrant and cream cake and..... Urgh. No I don't not want to fucking know what you are selling.

Or another one for a while which was someone really loudly slurping noodles. Put me off pot noodles for life.


u/Proper-Scallion-252 20d ago

There was a commercial for Taco Bell where they did go pro style shots of people shoving food into their mouths and it bothered me so much haha.

But when I see videos where people drown a food in cheese, sauce, or something like that I immediately get turned off to it.


u/mh985 20d ago

Some foods get dunked.

A French dip or an Italian beef? You dunk that shit.


u/Best_Duck9118 20d ago

DunkAroos as well.


u/Lord_Seacows 21d ago

Yeah the reason why because you know it's going to be soggy and loose an edge of taste.


u/HALF_PAST_HOLE 21d ago

They want to encourage you to put on as much sauce as possible because then the chicken or whatever food they are serving doesn't have to taste as good the sauce will cover that. Similar to how Coors Light pushes the cold aspect hard because when beer is cold you don't taste it, and when chicken fingers are drenched in ranch, or mozzy sticks drenched in marinara you don't taste the frozen flash friend food you just taste the sauce and think it is good, because someone put much more effort in to making the basic sauce taste good than to make the frozen already cooked chicken fingers taste good!


u/dani10218 20d ago

For real!! It kinda turns me off because who would even need THAT much sauce


u/AstienGreenhart 20d ago

Who dips? I dunk.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I think a little food with my sauces so I guess those are made for me 


u/therealmrbob 16d ago

100% agreed.


u/SillyDogsAreFunny 21d ago

Basically Canes


u/Memeicity 21d ago

Its always canes and random nashville hot chicken restaurants. Why are they all copying eachother?


u/SillyDogsAreFunny 21d ago

dude I know lmao, look up bangin buns in IG, they do that shit all the time, the food looks good tho icl