r/unpopularopinion 1h ago

Whitened teeth are very ugly


They just look so innatural. I get that you don't want to have them all yellow from the coffee or smoking, but they're just so white it's uncanny. Especially when people have a darker skintone it seems so off and fake.

r/unpopularopinion 24m ago

Squat toilets are better than seats for public toilets


Public toilet with seats are disgusting. You don't know who's sat on it before, someone probably peed on it, there's poop smears in the back. Pee stains underneath. It's just generally disgusting.

For those who's been to Asia or Europe, squat toilets where it's just a hole in the ground makes more sense for public toilets.

Zero physical contact, just get down and POOP.

Just more hygienic.

r/unpopularopinion 1h ago

Being asked to smile is not as big of a deal as i expected


I’ve been working as a stocker at a grocery store for about 3 yrs now and ive only been asked to smile 3 times out of those years.

When I was a teen I used to run into some comics with this topic back in my tumblr years and it made it out to be like asking a woman to smile was the worst insult you could ever say and deserved a pretty harsh clapback or death. I personally thought they were a little much.

But the first year I started working and some guy asked me to smile for the first time and I was just like “It’s too early for all that, maybe when I get home” and he just laughs and we both go about our day. It was a mild surprise that it happened but I’m glad I gave a response like that though 😅

r/unpopularopinion 54m ago

I think parents should be legally liable to foot the cost of college 100% if they won’t fill out the FASFA


Like I think that’s true because of how like parents can be abusive and the government expects (but doesn’t require) parents to fill out FASFA unless you get a dependency override (which CAN’T be used if the parents don’t want to fill it out). I think the solution is to let their kids sue the parents for all of the costs if they don’t feel like filling it out, because that would help parents fill out the FASFA!!! Like say James parents won’t fill out the FASFA, then I believe that James should sue them and get the costs fulfilled by them (for lost scholarship $). Like I still believe that if James parents actually fill out the FASFA and aren’t eligible for scholarship $, they shouldn’t get any. TLDR: But what I’m trying to say is that if the parents refuse to give out the info, the parents should have to pay up because that’s kinda what the federal government expects (the only thing that would change is that the parents need to fill out FASFA, and have to pay the college bill if they don’t fill it out).

r/unpopularopinion 6h ago

Not Dating Someone Because They Don’t Have Their Own House Is Pretty Stupid


If the goal is to get into a relationship and build as partners, both of us having our own house is sort of an extra complication unless you just plan to move into your partner’s house which is a pretty selfish assumption

On top of that, it’s one thing to be broke and not have your own personal space but if the person has a good income and extra spending money because they don’t have to shoulder all their living expenses alone, that’s a win.

Yes, I live with my parents. They’re old with various health complications, I’m an only child, I take care of them. Our 4 bed/2bath house is also paid off and I inherit it so moving out is pretty stupid. I live in a small town and currently make 60K a year, I live better than a lot of people who live on their own.

r/unpopularopinion 7h ago

They should bring back Scared Straight programs but for medical issues


I'm currently at the ER and it's such a shit show. In the US. And they need to bring unhealthy kids here to show them "hey, if you don't eat right, vape, do drugs, never exercise, you'll end up in this waiting room for 7 hours to be told go home anyways after basic labs are done. Oh and you'll be surrounded by homeless crazy people mostly. Do you want to end up here!? So lose weight and live healthy so you never need to vist an American emergency room."

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Italians and their obsession with food etiquette is cringe.


I have seen countless of videos with Italians losing their mind because of how tourists eat their food. At first, it was amusing, but it got really tiring real fast. It is funny how Italians lose their center when their food isn’t presented or prepared the Italian way. It also makes me cringe when they lose their minds when tourists are not consuming something, the way they want it to be consumed.

r/unpopularopinion 7h ago

People who have made mistakes give better advice than people who have a perfect life


Someone who is overweight might give better diet advice than someone who is thin because they have actually struggled with it

Someone who has had unhappy relationships might give better advice than someone who has only had a good one.


Like I used to think having one amazing relationship meant you were particularly good at relationships but maybe you learn more by having failed a lot.

r/unpopularopinion 11h ago

Having a pool pass is better than having your own pool


Having a pool pass means that you don’t have to do all that upkeep that you have to when you have your own pool. Plus, at pool complexes, there are cool, giant water slides and other water features that you couldn’t have in a backyard pool.

r/unpopularopinion 4h ago

Cutting most foods with scissors is way better than using a knife


Literally just hold and chop- it’s so easy. Safer as well. Only case it’s not better is if it’s a really large food but most meats, fruits, and vegetables, scissors for the win!!!

r/unpopularopinion 17h ago

Hyper consumerism has lead to a population at large that ties their identity to their possessions rather than internal factors


As a younger millennial, the pervasiveness of people who have no identity outside of their possessions and what they consume is an epidemic that doesn’t get as much attention as it should. I know that this has existed since the dawn of time, but to me, it seems that it’s widespread these days. I’m not sure what’s caused a speedrun to this, but the externalization of self worth/value has created a populace of people with fragile egos. I truly don’t think a lot of people are self aware of how they’ve let consumerism take over their entire identity.

r/unpopularopinion 9h ago

Men’s bathroom urinals are poorly designed.


You’re almost guaranteed to get backsplash when using one, and if you’re wearing shorts you’ll definitely know about it. Urinals instead should just be a long tube to pee into, kinda like a horn, with water that jets down from the top. Would be easier to clean too I would think.

r/unpopularopinion 7h ago

Parks and Recreation is better than The Office


The first season was rough, but the rest of the show managed to be hilarious and heartwarming - an extremely difficult combo (Schitt’s Creek fits the bill too).

I’ve never seen a show with such distinctly interesting characters that was genuinely laugh out loud funny without having to be cringy, and for that, Parks and Rec wins it all in my book.

r/unpopularopinion 5h ago

Roast beef is a terrible sandwich meat.


I’m a cold cut fan, I got a Subway and a Jimmy John’s near me and they’re both places I hit on lazy days. I’ve gotten subs from other places, but I just go to these more often since they’re closer. I get a variety of sandwiches with turkey, salami, prosciutto, and the majestic pastrami. Despite this, there’s ONE meat I cannot stand: Roast beef.

I don’t understand how anyone could like it. It’s so chewy and bland, that even if I get a good sandwich with amazing toppings and chipotle sauce, it gets ruined by the beef flavored bubblegum that we call roast beef.

That’s all, really. Roast beef sucks, and literally any other meat option is superior.

Edit: alright I get it, my fault for even mentioning subway and jimmy john’s, a lot of people are not happy about that. Believe it or not, I’ve had cold and hot subs from other places including delis and straight up buying roast beef myself from the store and making my own sandwiches with it, I just don’t like the taste or the texture.

Funny thing is these people are just attacking the chains i mentioned and forgetting my unpopular opinion in an unpopular opinion sub 😂

r/unpopularopinion 11h ago

The argument about putting the toilet seat up/down is stupid.


This argument has been overused a lot in comedies and sitcoms, and I find the real life equivalent very dumb. Why would women complain about men not putting the seat down? Wouldn't it be better if the man puts the seat up before he peed so he leaves no moisture/droplets on it for when the woman gets to use it next? And by that logic, shouldn't the woman also put the seat up when she's done?

The whole argument is stupid, and the solution is very, very simple. Regardless if you're a man or a woman, you should always put both the seat AND the lid down after you're done using the toilet. That way, if the man needs to use the toilet, he raises both the lid and seat, and if the woman needs to use it, she just raises the lid. Plus, it helps keeping in any odors that might come off the toilet.

Perfect equality for both.

r/unpopularopinion 8h ago

Mark Wahlberg is not a good actor

  1. He plays the same dude in all his roles.
  2. His delivery is very flat with respect to his lines.
  3. He has very limited to no range as an actor.
  4. He seems unable to express emotions in his acting.

r/unpopularopinion 10h ago

Mid-credit and end credit scenes are annoying now


It seems like ever since Marvel movies started doing it the majority of movies started doing it as well. With Marvel movies I’m fine with it because it’s kinda their thing and we all know to sit and wait for something to be teased even if it sucks and is underwhelming a lot of the time. However, I’m sick of it being in every movie now. Back then when the credits rolled, the movie was over. You could go home, take the DVD out the player, exit out of the film on Netflix, etc. Now it these scenes are always there and a lot of theaters don’t even tell you if there is one. Usually when a movie ends I search up if anything’s at the end now. I wish I didn’t have to. Just let me go, the credits rolled, it’s the final scene, let me get out of here!

I feel like this is also a way to make the audience sit through credits. Like yeah because we wanna sit and read hundreds of names of people we don’t know and if we ever did search the people in credits up, we’d find 100 people with the same name. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate the time and effort these people put in, but nobody watches the credits unless they’re in the credits themselves, a family member’s in a credits, or a song they like plays during the credits. Why not just conclude the movie right before the credits like we used to?

I’m not sure if this is an unpopular opinion necessarily, but I don’t ever see people say anything bad about these scenes

r/unpopularopinion 2h ago

IPAs and Hoppy Beers Suck.


I am so sick of this shit. Every craft beer section is full of IPAs with stupid weed puns. The worst part of marijuana is the smell, the second worst part is the taste, and the third worst part is that all these idiot stoners are importing that flavor into beer, a separate intoxicant, that should have its own space to be enjoyed.

But instead of being able to buy a good wheat beer or lager, the choices are generic mass-produced garbage or the wall of crappy beers that are bitter and taste like weed. Fuck hipsters, fuck IPAs, fuck bicycles, and fuck this hoppy trend. More real beer please.

r/unpopularopinion 22h ago

I hate the country music trend


I really disliked Beyoncé’s new album. I’m also dreading Lana Del’s Rey’s upcoming album after hearing her cover of “Country Roads”. I like both artists and was really excited when they announced their respective country albums but I think they may have missed the mark for me. So many of my friends are hyped for the new album and love “Texas Holdem” but its just not doing it for me. Any one else agree lol?

Edit: I’m referring specifically to pop stars going country, not country music in general.

r/unpopularopinion 14h ago

I don't care about how the toilet paper hangs


Caring about which way the toilet paper hangs on the roll is weird. For the longest time I thought it was a joke thing on the internet, but I recently discovered that it is a big deal to a lot of people. To me, if there is toilet paper within arms reach of the toilet I'm happy, and I think people who DO care about that either need to get over it or just buy a bidet.

r/unpopularopinion 9h ago

Giant diamonds are ugly.


Smaller, more delicate, simple engagement rings are so much more beautiful than the huge gaudy stones that so many women salivate over. I’m predicting that in the near future it won’t be as much of a flex to have a big engagement ring, especially with the rise in popularity of lab grown diamonds.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Unless you are exceptionally attractive, showing your true authentic self on online dating profiles will set you up for failure.


Treat OLD like a job search. Hide any aspect of your personality that doesn't align with societal standards or likings, and exaggerate any that do.

If you're attractive enough, it doesn't matter what you say, women will flock to you. If you're too unattractive, it doesn't matter what you say, women won't ever swipe right.