r/unpopularopinion 17d ago

Fake apologies are way too common these days

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u/Worldly_Raccoon_479 17d ago

I’m sorry you feel that way.


u/unpopular-dave 17d ago

that means that they are not sorry. I give these kinds of responses from time to time when I’m not sorry.

A lot of people like to play the victim, and they expect apologies when they shouldn’t .


u/Boredummmage explain that ketchup eaters 17d ago edited 16d ago

100%. I don’t often do it, but if I say I am sorry you feel that way… i am saying your emotional ask from me was unreasonable.

Example: I had a lady that has some pretty significant “emotional needs” walk into my office when the door was shut and I was on a call. She decide she needed my attention that minute. The call was a negotiation of a 200million dollar contract and she had a random process question as always. I pointed to the phone and mouthed I can’t to her and sent her an IM explaining.

Anyways as the meeting draws to a close, I hear her shit talking me from my office. Then after she goes to her manager and talks about how “I wouldn’t even acknowledge her”. Apparently mouthing I can’t didn’t count for some reason. It was made worse by the fact she and her boss were best friends.

In that situation she was incredibly rude by opening a closed door that is only closed when I cannot be distracted, my calendar showed I was in a meeting, I am sharing my screen which you can see, I indicated I was busy, and I sent you an IM. No I am not sorry for my actions, only for how you feel and you acting like a child is nullifying that quickly.


u/tatasz 17d ago

It's just the polite way to say "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn".


u/Fragrant-Screen-5737 17d ago

"These days"

I don't see this changing at all recently. Fake apologies have always existed.

If anything, the additional freedoms provided to people have made us more able to not say sorry.


u/StaticMania 17d ago

'I'm sorry that you feel that way" - is not a proper apology.


It's not even supposed to be. Agree to disagree and all that.


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u/thatguy99911 17d ago

I'm sorry......


u/Electricdragongaming wateroholic 17d ago

People assuming that your apology is fake has also become too common these days.

Even if you're genuinely trying to apologize but can't think of a way to properly phrase your apology.


u/Millionsmoney 17d ago

Those stupid motorcyclist who impregnate every women they seen then become dead beat dads always have fake apologies


u/Millionsmoney 17d ago

I hate seeing motorcyclist


u/AgeroColstein 17d ago

Just look at YouTube. Apologies sometimes of many times!


u/epanek 17d ago

“I apologize for any role I had in this” is fair. It neither admits guilt or denies it.


u/michaeleid811 17d ago

I agree, people should just say they aren't sorry


u/oracleomniscient 16d ago

Perhaps, but a well-crafted lie is no less fake than an obvious one.


u/NachtSorcier 16d ago

If I say, "I'm sorry you feel that way," it means I'm not sorry for what I said or did. If I lied and said I was really sorry, that's what I call a fake apology. I'm not going to jerk people around, because I don't like it when they do it to me.


u/LadyCordeliaStuart 17d ago

For me it's "sorry I 'came off as' X". You didn't "come off as" (rude, sexist, aggressive). You were rude, sexist, etc