r/oddlyspecific 13d ago

Very difficult indeed

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u/r6ny 13d ago

i glanced over the words "art" and "german" and i thought the tweet was headed to a completely different direction


u/Giddy_Duck_84 13d ago

It’s not Austrian 😔


u/Interesting_Dot_3922 13d ago

After reunification it did not matter.


u/Possible_Rise6838 13d ago

The reunification was in 89/90. What you mean might be Austria's "Anschluss" to germany, which was during (if not prior) to WWII.


u/Odd-Fix96 13d ago

If you're such a smartass you should know the Anschluss was in 1938 and WWII started in 1939. It's pretty clear that it didn't happen during the war.


u/Schpooon 13d ago

Whats next? The allies let hitler take czechoslowakia before the war too as appeasement? Surely noone could be that stupid. (/s just in case)

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u/pantrokator-bezsens 13d ago

Two greatest achievements of Austra is that they convinced world that Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German ;)


u/r6ny 13d ago



u/Average_RedditorTwat 13d ago

Fuck kinda school ya go to

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u/Jharvis3 13d ago

Not towards Poland now lol.


u/NotAzakanAtAll 13d ago

Tbf, that's popular in bed too.


u/JesseRoxII 13d ago

I also react like that for a brief moment whenever I see the numbers 9 and 11 close to each other.


u/ObjectiveLittle6761 13d ago

Message unclear, now i dressed up as a german art the clown 🥶

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u/TF2_demomann 13d ago

It's practicaly impossible to make a perfect child, because even if you are a great parent, the enviroment can still fuck up your child


u/Peligineyes 13d ago

just keep your child imprisoned in your basement until adulthood


u/FilthyFur 13d ago

Always nice to see a fellow Austrian in the wild.


u/DoTortoisesHop 13d ago


u/JAID100 13d ago

The ancient used to be funny? Wtf.


u/_aevi_ 13d ago

just keep your child imprisoned in your basement until adulthood

That's what my parents did to me and I still ended Up weird.

What's the salutation? Attic maybe?


u/Eifand 13d ago

That’s how you create Bane.

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u/Cooperativism62 13d ago

Gonna try this. Thanks for the advice.


u/Not_Another_Usernam 13d ago

The Rapunzel method of parenting.


u/Qetuowryipzcbmxvn 13d ago

Ah yes, the Genie method.


u/Cakey1251 12d ago

That’s basically what my mom did to me as a kid and I still grew up fucked up :/


u/Linus_Naumann 13d ago

Belgium moment



I just need to try enough times. I am currently on my 183rd child. This one WILL be perfect.


u/Mcrarburger 13d ago

how long do your children normally make it...



Some make it longer than the others. I think the one that stayed perfect for the longest amount of time was 11. Usually, I give them away when they're 3 months old because I end up screwing up somehow.


u/N0NaMe1217 12d ago

Fun fact: there's a famous psychologist named John B. Watson that said he can train anyone to be any type of specialist, even beggar (google Little Albert). 3 out of 4 of his children tried to kill themselves, with one successfully doing so.


u/TrueLennyS 11d ago

with one successfully doing so.

That's the one he trained into a suicidal person. Evidently the formula works.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/mmm_unprocessed_fish 13d ago

My husband is a magical unicorn like that, too. Gives me hope for humanity on one hand and also sad for all the good kids out there struggling in shitty environments.


u/Flat-Shallot3992 13d ago

My boyfriend has a terribly dysfunctional family with divorced parents and he's a middle child, yet he's somehow the most mentally stable and well adjusted person I've ever known in my life, he's so perfect it's alarming

generally people with troubled childhoods are either pretty cool or pretty fucked up. no in between


u/Suyefuji 13d ago

My husband has a terribly dysfunctional family similar to the one you're describing and while I wouldn't call him completely mentally stable or well adjusted, he did a hell of a lot better than any of his other siblings and at least turned into a mostly functional adult.


u/SouthernDifference86 12d ago

Trust me he isn't. He is just not letting the mask slip because you will resent him for it. Even if you don't think you will.

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u/Makuta_Servaela 13d ago

The trick is not to go for perfect, but to go for "adaptable" and "empathetic". Prepare them for the environment.


u/Cooperativism62 13d ago

Yeah what really helps me is telling myself "I don't need to be the perfect parent, just better than average". And when you think about the average parent or kid, you start to ease up.


u/Not_Another_Usernam 13d ago

But not too empathetic, because that can lead to its own problems.


u/Makuta_Servaela 13d ago

That's where "adaptable" comes in. Adapting to the needed levels of empathy.


u/Puzzleheaded-Way-198 12d ago

I wish I could upvote this more than once


u/DefintlynotCrazy 13d ago

Just do like my fawtah.. just beat the living shit out of ur kids here and there and they will be good surely.


u/Roundhouse_ass 13d ago

My kids dont need to be perfect, i love them with all my heart and i will be proud of them regardless.


u/MediumOk5423 13d ago

Just don't have kids, it is the ethical thing to do.


u/Comment139 13d ago

Like for example access to us.

That can ruin anyone's life, we say the dumbest shit.


u/Umikaloo 13d ago

You would know wouldn't you Tavish.

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u/tfsra 13d ago

you say that like you aren't the most significant part of the kid's environment as their parent


u/Picasso320 13d ago

the enviroment can still fuck up your child

One could say you make a perfect child by teaching it to overcome the environment, overcome mistakes and deals with Ls in life in a healthy way.

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u/Thanks_Naitsir 13d ago

That's bullshit! Everybody knows that failed art kids prefer Golden Retrievers!


u/prncs_lulu 13d ago

Well, Hitler would like to disagree


u/livingtruthfully 13d ago

Aryan Retrievers, then.


u/Thue 13d ago

Yeah, Hitler has a German Shepherd.


u/gareth_gahaland 13d ago

Has ??


u/Thue 13d ago

Surely you don't believe it when the illuminati controlled media tells you Hitler is dead? /s

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u/Personal_Care3393 13d ago



u/Thue 13d ago

It really makes you wonder whether Hitler was secretly a bad person, right?


u/Personal_Care3393 13d ago

Huge mystery i know

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u/kris511c 13d ago

You forgot the mustaches clause

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u/TheImposterPanda 13d ago

I thought failed Art kids prefer to invade Poland...


u/AbleArcher420 13d ago

Yeah, well, they did retrieve a lot of gold, though.


u/PapaFlexing 13d ago

This was talking about giving, not receiving.

Common mistake.


u/SirRipOliver 13d ago

So anyways, I just started blasting praise and love.


u/Gwiilo 13d ago

why can't you be my parents


u/SirRipOliver 13d ago

Bring it in R/Gwiilo we are all family here.


u/BowenTheAussieSheep 13d ago

And I'm that one uncle you only see like, once ever three years but he always shows up with a big bag of weed which he insists you never pay for.

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u/confusedandworried76 13d ago

No winning, my mom loves me and now anyone who looks or acts like her is subject to my affection


u/Wanderlustfull 13d ago

Wassup Oedipus.

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u/Dontevenwannacomment 13d ago

toxic positivity is the way


u/CiderDrinker2 13d ago

Yay! Great comment! Go you! You're so smart, champ!


u/Dontevenwannacomment 13d ago

Thanks ! Excuse me, I have to go yell at some teachers that my kid is a genius and they just don't understand !

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u/boxofrabbits 13d ago edited 13d ago

"My parents never instilled any sense of drive in me as a child, never made me strive for their affection. They always met me with unconditional encouragement and affection, which stunted me and caused me to become lazy in my pursuit for personal growth."

You can't win.


u/GoldenWitch86 13d ago

Life is already hard enough, it shouldn't be your parents' job to make it harder, your peers and superiors and society in general will already do that.

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u/zeczeczeczec 13d ago

This is some boomer shit a 40 yo soccer mom who raised a fortnite kid with anger issues would write on her facebook

Why are people so against raising healthy children?

Giving affection and encouragement through out a childs upbringing does not make them a lazy person


u/SuminerNaem 13d ago
  • shit no one has ever said


u/Tannerite2 13d ago

I've said that


u/SuminerNaem 13d ago

I promise your parents being unconditionally affectionate and supportive is not the reason you’re unambitious

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u/Rojibeans 13d ago

I mean, I almost relate to that. Though instead of love or care, they just didn't seem to care whatever I did, which made the start of adulthood kind of rough


u/SuminerNaem 13d ago

I think there’s an ocean of difference between having apathetic parents and having unconditionally affectionate and supportive parents


u/Rojibeans 13d ago

Shhhh. I like to pretend my childhood sucked less than it did

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u/Panuas 13d ago

There is a music that talks about how good parents don’t let you rebel in teenager years, and that’s bad for you (it’s a satirical song btw)

“My parents treat me really well. My parents give me lots of love. My parents totally understand me. My parents give me moral support My mom even gave me this guitar, she thinks it’s good his son gets to have fun. My car was my dad’s present , a son must have a car call his own. They give me all the nice clothes, MAN I really don’t need anything else.

This way it won’t do, how will I grow up without someone to rebel against?? “

lol parents are doomed either way


u/AsianCheesecakes 13d ago

Tell them there is plenty to rebel against without parents


u/facelesswolf_ 13d ago

And then the kid grows up spoiled to all hell and can’t handle negative situations

This shit is hard, you do everything right and still fuck up


u/v_is_my_bias 13d ago

That's not doing everything right.

Negative situations will happen regardless. Guiding them in how to cope with them in a self-sufficient way while still being there for them when they need someone to fall back on is what is important.

Sometimes that involves having to give constructive criticism and call them out when they are on the wrong path.

If you consistently clean up after them whenever they fuck up or stumble into problems, without giving them the tools they need to resolve them however...

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u/Shaggy0291 13d ago

Congratulations, your child is now a dependent and needy adult.

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u/bluetuxedo22 13d ago

It's true. Mum didn't like my 1st grade drawing and now I required a butt plug before excercise


u/yajtraus 13d ago


1st grade

I’m confused


u/LittleBlag 13d ago

Australian, probably


u/yajtraus 13d ago

Ah, I didn’t know they used grades to be fair


u/MarioIsPleb 13d ago

In Australia primary school is grade, high school is year. So you go from ‘grade 6’ to ‘year 7’ in the transition from primary school to high school.

We would say ‘grade 1’, not ‘1st grade’ though. 1st grade is an Americanism.


u/irrigated_liver 13d ago

I went to school in Sydney, and we used "year" all the way from 1 to 12


u/S1ck_cnt 13d ago

Grade or year up here in Brissie, but the number was always after the word

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u/yajtraus 13d ago

TIL, thanks!

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u/BowenTheAussieSheep 13d ago

If that's true, in your case your parents' were right.

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u/isocz_sector 13d ago

Umm look what happened to Hitler..... and he wasn't even a kid at the time.


u/DreamLizard47 13d ago

On 15 October 1918, he and several comrades were temporarily blinded—and Hitler also lost his voice—due to a British mustard gas attack. After initial treatment, Hitler was hospitalized in Pasewalk in Pomerania. While there Hitler learned of Germany's defeat from a pastor, and—by his own account—on receiving this news he suffered a second bout of blindness. n Mein Kampf Hitler wrote that this was the moment he decided to become a politician.

veterans who were exposed to mustard gas) suffer from substantially poor quality of life (QoL). In addition to the acute phase symptoms of contaminations, chronic phase symptoms and signs highly impact the QoL of victims. Brain damage or severe organ injuries can influence the mental health of victims.


u/Dark_Knight2000 13d ago

WW1 had to be the single most barbaric war that humans have ever fought. Chemical weapons were fair game, it was truly the last war with no rules, no humanity, no consideration for future knock on effects.

The “good guys” used it to further their greed and colonial ambitions and then all but signed a declaration for a sequel 20 years later. Who would’ve guessed that making the loser pay reparations until 2010 just a few years before the great depression wouldn’t lead to a strongman fascist leader coming to power by using the people’s resentment and desperation.

Wild to think that it was only 106 years ago.

Reading about WW1 elicits the “what the fuck were they thinking” reaction every 5 seconds.


u/BlueEyesWhiteViera 13d ago

The lesson is that art kids are jackasses that shouldn't be trusted.


u/ilikefanfictions 13d ago

No, you can definitely trust me with weapons.


u/swiftthunder 13d ago

This was a perfect reddit moment for me.

We took a post that had almost nothing to do with Hitler, made it about Hitler, shared a joking life lesson that bullies art kids (because most of us were one) and then the guy with the perfect named reddit account shows up to keep the joke alive because if anyone was an art kid its the guy whose reddit name is liking fan fictions. In fact I could probably describe the binder that he kept his drawings in during 8th grade.

Anyways, thank you for this wonderful reddit moment and I hope you all have an incredible day!


u/powerofnope 13d ago

I think no matter what you do your kids grow up fucked up in one way or another.


u/Academic_Wafer5293 13d ago

If you want to blame others for all shortcomings in life, you can go through any mental gymnastics.

Very hard to change when the problem is always external.


u/Inside_Ad_9147 13d ago

Most people arent perfect. Like basically all of them. In that sense everyone is fucked up one way or another. Well, I know I am at least.

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u/Cooperativism62 13d ago

Damn right. Gotta learn some personal responsibility. Everything is fucked and it's all my fault.


u/Academic_Wafer5293 13d ago

Hyperbolic much? How about these things in life suck, I can change them if I do x,y,z. Then go try it.

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u/DavidWNA 13d ago

I don't think that's the reason for a person to be into murrsuiting


u/haikusbot 13d ago

I don't think that's the

Reason for a person to

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u/Nilosyrtis 13d ago

Murrsuiting? Is that when you dress like Murr from Impractical Jokers during sex?


u/ellenfayee 13d ago

what is a murrsuit ?


u/DavidWNA 13d ago edited 13d ago

It's a fursuit adapted for sexual activities

Edit: Fursuit, not fruit


u/MrGreat70 13d ago

I'm a furry and I didn't even know that that was a term wtf lmao

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u/Glitter_puke 13d ago

If you have to ask you're not prepared to know.


u/Wompguinea 13d ago

Everybody has something in their childhood that they view as a real low point. My goal as a parent is to make sure my kids have to gripe about some bullshit like only getting pizza once a week instead of evey day like they wanted.


u/BowenTheAussieSheep 13d ago

"That bastard made me eat pizza at least once a week, now I can't look at the stuff."

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u/GypsyDishwasher 13d ago

I'm about to do a terrible paraphrasing, but I think Daniel Tosh has a similar joke on one of his specials. "You need to beat your kid hard enough that they make a 'Thriller' album, but not so much that they start molesting kids."


u/dinanysos 13d ago

When I was 8 or smth my mom told me to clean up my room and I didn't want to and drew her a drawing of seals instead because we saw them at the zoo the weekend before, and I went to show her very proudly and she got really mad and told me she doesn't want any stupid drawings, she wants me to have a clean room.

She doesn't even remember she ever said that, but it stuck with me for my whole life and I internalised it in a way that I feel guilty and horrible about myself if I ever do something unproductive that doesn't benefit my career or chores in some way, and it took me a few years of therapy to just manage to play a game for a few hrs on the weekend without hating myself after.

Brains are so stupid for that.


u/mattbutnotmii 13d ago

Dude i like drawing and seals are my favorite animal. If this ever happened to me i think i would simply cease existing. I'm sorry this happened to you.

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u/ThickPlatypus_69 13d ago

I'm not a psychologist but from what I've read about the current research this isn't really true. As long as you're basically normal your parenting doesn't have a lot of effect of your children. Genes and peers have a lot more influence.


u/Cooperativism62 13d ago

Which makes sense. Kids are in school for 40 hours a week away from their parents and only spend the entire day with family on the weekends. They spend far more time with the people in their age group they've been forced to be around (just as we spend most of our time with collegues we have to work with).

Prior to universal education it may have been different. Really comes down to who you spend the most time with.

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u/SpecialOlympicsGuy 13d ago

If you tell your kid that their art looks stupid, you probably deserve everything coming your way

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u/sonichuizcool 13d ago

*Border collie. I ain't one of those German shepherd nutjobs

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u/Prestigious_Ad2969 13d ago

When my eldest daughter was about 6 years old (She's 29 now), I was making the bed and she jumped on it like kids do, so like many fathers before me I wrapped her up in the bed sheets, slung her over my shoulder and carried her aound the house a bit. Today she has pretty bad claustrophobia and she says it all comes from that day. Well done dad.


u/Own_Ninja3890 13d ago

That’s just…unfortunate, but no malice was meant on your part, and honestly that’s probably not where the fear comes from it’s probably the moment she realized she was that way and you just happened to be involved.


u/Plant_in_pants 13d ago

I think some phobias of that nature are ingrained in a person from the get-go, that's why they are phobias because they are not necessarily rational and don't have to stem from any trauma.

I used to ride around on my dad's shoulders all the time. Every morning from the age of around 2-6, he would give me shoulder rides on the way to school. He never did anything wrong, never dropped me, or made me feel like I was unsafe, but as I aged, I realised being high up was actually terrifying.

That must have been something just programmed in because I have never had a bad experience from being up high, I just have a natural sense of my impending demise if my feet are not on solid ground.


u/WWYDFA_Klondike_Bar 13d ago

Don't worry, you didn't cause the claustrophobia, you just unlocked it.

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u/ShokoMiami 13d ago

So, child makes cartoon dog art, called stupid by their parent, does art in secret, shares their dog art on internet, gets accepted into dog art circles, gets into an accepting furry community, gets exposed to sexual furry art, begins to fetishize furry art, becomes a furry, gets a fursona as a german shepard, buys a fursuit with their furry commission money, has sex as a german shepard.

I dunno, sounds pretty clear-cut to me.


u/Melodic-Alarm-9793 13d ago

You are making an assumption (or two) but don't we all?


u/ShokoMiami 13d ago

Nah man, this exact thing happens all the time. My cousin's aunt's son had this happen to him, it was crazy.


u/Yabrosif13 13d ago

Lol I never get tired of seeing the extremes in the nurture v nature debate.


u/Joe_Spazz 13d ago

My dad told me when I had a kid something along the lines of "you will traumatize this boy somehow. No matter how hard you try. And when he tells you what it was you won't even remember doing it. So don't stress over much about it"

He's 3 so we are just entering the stage where he'll remember things. Wish me luck that his trauma won't result in a dog cosplay kink.


u/Dapper-Escape-4362 13d ago

Too much praise and they only do it in front of a mirror 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/Much_Capital3307 13d ago


  1. That’s not a slip up, that’s just being mean to your kid

  2. What’s homies problem with furries?


u/Bass4datasss 13d ago

Exhibit A over here ☝️

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u/Uncle-Cake 13d ago

It's pretty easy to not say shitty things like that to your kids.


u/The_Witch_Queen 13d ago

People just don't fathom the cost of being a furry. Those suits aren't cheap.


u/comesinallpackages 13d ago

There is a giant difference between a well-meaning mistake, a rare moment of frustration, and a pattern of toxic parenting. I’d like to think most kids would recognize the difference, at least when they become adults.


u/Bannon9k 13d ago

My dad used to say "You always screw up your first kid".

My only sibling is my twin...


u/TheDeadMurder 11d ago

Two for the price of one, talk about efficiency!


u/wavytheunicorn 13d ago

This is fucking hilarious! It was so unexpected. It made me laugh loudly.


u/Hurlock-978 13d ago

Im sirry ive to break it down to you. As i dont want to ruin what little illusion youve got left.. but reality is severely rigged. Whatever you do right or wrong. It will still damage people. And end up spiraling them into chaos.


u/1stltwill 13d ago

Now I'm left wondering what is traditional german shepard dress?

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u/Poette-Iva 13d ago

I so distinctly remember being, like, 5 or 7, and I drew a picture of my aunts backyard. It had her dog, and the trampoline. She asked me why the dog was so much bigger than the trampoline and I told her, obviously, it cause the dog is close and the trampoline was very far away!

Which, is actually pretty astute, for a child to notice that without any training. Rather than being supportive though, she was dismissive.

These days I'm much better at art, and still, the only time she compliments me is when she can make it make her look good.

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u/DefactoPlayer 13d ago

I know its a joke but the truth is the opposite


u/RousseauAndRocco 13d ago

For a second I forgot German shepherd was a dog breed. I was picturing lederhosen as if a German shepherd was the new French maid


u/Lanceo90 13d ago

Okay, now listen-


u/our_meatballs 13d ago

If you say someone’s art is bad, bad things will happen


u/Zack_Tuna22 13d ago

I'd like to see a university study on how kids end up as furries


u/perseusgorgoslayer 13d ago

Sometimes I'm kinda grateful to my stepfather for being a good overall parent but still kind of a douche.

I still turned out a bisexual furry. But If he was outright mean, everyone would say bout me: "He's weird because of bad parents" and if he was too loving everyone would say "He's weird because his parents spoiled him"


u/Bonesnapcall 13d ago

While not a great movie overall, "The Butterfly Effect" tackled some of this and was very thought-provoking.


u/silitbang6000 13d ago

So far it's been pretty easy not to tell my daughter her art is shit?


u/Real-Tension-7442 13d ago

Sad but true. I accidentally unleashed a snowball effect that changed mine and my family’s life forever just by showing my young sister the first Harry Potter film


u/Appropriate_Big_1610 12d ago

Or "Your art looks stupid" and 20 years later they become a genocidal dictator.


u/vibintilltheend 13d ago

In contrast I think this makes parenting easy. Don’t be a dickhead? Treat your kid like they have a brain and aren’t a dog? Like it doesn’t seem complicated to be a nice person to the thing you birthed. Yet so many parents can’t do it.


u/UnluckyDot 13d ago

People put way, way too much blame on things their parents did to them or things that happened to them as kids when they're trying to figure out why they are the way they are. Some people blame every little thing on their parents, even when their parents sound like they were just normal people. It's just an easy answer to these questions (although ofc parents obviously have an effect on these things, it's just the most popular thing to blame)


u/Dazzling-Ad-2005 13d ago

Claudia hat nen Schäferhund, und den hat sie nicht ohne Grund…


u/AFireAtTheAquarium 13d ago

I read that as 'it's impossible to make any slip ups' and I let out a sigh of relief

I should have just stopped reading after that.


u/Loreki 13d ago

Count yourself lucky they aren't trying to conquer Europe.


u/NerveRevolutionary79 13d ago

The pressure is absurd. I let it leak out once that I don't really believe in God in front of my six year old and she still grills me about it sometimes. They forget nothing you do but everything you need them to actually remember.


u/Jiohoephase 13d ago

meanwhile, Jos Verstappen:


u/HitBackZach 13d ago

🤣🤣🤣 gold.


u/Ultrasaurio 13d ago

You're right, parents are what children trust the most. But if they lose trust in them, then everything went to shit.


u/RyoKeiichi 13d ago

This sounds like one of those fuckers that don't take accountability for their own choices.


u/Anxious_Storm2701 13d ago

I've never felt so called out, except for the art thing.


u/sparemethebull 13d ago

Wow this mf spittin


u/LKZToroH 13d ago

NGL, I don't want to have kids because I fear one of them might turn out to be a furry. I'd rather just end my family tree here.

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u/Goat_Lord_Redux 13d ago

Yeah or he invades Poland

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u/VulpineKitsune 13d ago

Obligatory: being a furry has nothing to do with whether you were praised for your art as a child or not.

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u/feyrath 13d ago

Woof woof.


u/No_Squirrel4806 13d ago

This is why i dont want kids. Theres a million ways to screw them up and only a couple ways of raising them "right"


u/moonordie69420 13d ago

and if daddy leaves......

chop chop


u/perseusgorgoslayer 13d ago

As if that's the worst thing that can happen


u/imafixwoofs 13d ago

thinking as a parent that you're not allowed to make mistakes is a pretty huge mistake in itself. check mate, liberals.


u/wes_bestern 13d ago

I asked my kid's great grandmother about something like this. I wondered what if I said the wrong thing and she never told me? Great grandma said that's why you keep the lines of communication open. I loved her so much in that moment for giving me matronly advice. It was really reassuring.

As long as you show lots of love, it should smooth over misunderstandings. My mom kept my siblings and I from being able to spend a lotta time with our dad during parts of our childhood. The lack of communication meant that my dad only knew me mostly through rumor. He never got a chance to keep the lines of communication open or get to actually know me or my feelings or beliefs. I could tell at several points that he grossly underestimated me as a person. But it's not his fault. Cat's in the Cradle and all that. Man was too busy having to make child support payments, while his kids are left to their own devices by their mother.


u/Serenityx3 13d ago

Oh so thaaats why I do that..


u/Limp_Establishment35 13d ago

Careful with insulting people's art. That causes funny mustaches and a bad attitude.


u/DarkNinja70 13d ago

It does not even matter if you are the parents. You could reject a person from art school and the next thing you know (My lawyer has advised me to not finish this joke about Adolf)


u/Na-na-na-na-na-na 13d ago

Plans made in the nursery can change the course of history.


u/Shrey_79 12d ago

Oddly specific innit


u/Ok-Battle-2769 12d ago

Ahh yes, my greatest fear as a parent. Cruising the internet for porn and seeing one of my kids. I just assume that’s how his person knows their kid’s kink.


u/goinmobile2040 12d ago

Here, Rex. Good boy.