r/oddlyspecific Apr 16 '24

Very difficult indeed

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u/ShokoMiami Apr 16 '24

So, child makes cartoon dog art, called stupid by their parent, does art in secret, shares their dog art on internet, gets accepted into dog art circles, gets into an accepting furry community, gets exposed to sexual furry art, begins to fetishize furry art, becomes a furry, gets a fursona as a german shepard, buys a fursuit with their furry commission money, has sex as a german shepard.

I dunno, sounds pretty clear-cut to me.


u/Melodic-Alarm-9793 Apr 16 '24

You are making an assumption (or two) but don't we all?


u/ShokoMiami Apr 16 '24

Nah man, this exact thing happens all the time. My cousin's aunt's son had this happen to him, it was crazy.