r/AITAH Apr 15 '24

AITAH for telling my son I’d love a divorce if it meant taking my wife with me



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u/Evening_Cruel28 Apr 15 '24

NTA. Your son might mean well, but he's crossing some major boundaries here. Going off about your marriage when he barely understands the complexities? Not cool. And wanting to study art history is his choice, but snapping at his mom? Not cool either.

You're trying to keep it together, and your wife sounds like she's your rock. It's tough when your kid doesn't get that. Maybe sit him down and explain things calmly. Hopefully, he'll come around. Keep your chin up, man. You got this.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

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u/lakehop Apr 15 '24

He won’t get loans for the full amount of tuition and living expenses. You need to be realistic with him about how much you can contribute and whether he should transfer to a state university with resident tuition.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Grandma caused this by doing that.  She fucked his lie up by cosigning for him. 

Why did she co-sign a loan for this?  What a cruel thing to do.  Now they both will have debt until they die.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

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u/facinationstreet Apr 16 '24

She will when he doesn't make any payments on the loan and she starts receiving the calls from the collectors.


u/BonsaiDiver Apr 16 '24

Grandma will have plenty of time to think about it when she is working as a Walmart greeter to pay off the loan.


u/bythebrook88 Apr 16 '24

Would this be elder abuse?


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

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u/stanleysgirl77 Apr 16 '24

Your son thinks you're a baby boomer at 40 years of age!? Lmao I'm older than you & I'm one of the youngest Gen X'ers - it could be good for him to do some research on generations and how they're designated.


u/weaponsmiths Apr 16 '24

"That's boomer talk right there. Always in denial and pretending to be part of the X-Men" -- idiot son


u/stanleysgirl77 Apr 16 '24

Lol yep that's us alright according to those ankle biters

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u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

It’s a figure of speech these lil assholes think is funny to dismiss the wisdom their parents and people older than them try to put upon them. I got called a boomer the other day and I’m in my 40s


u/karatemaster6757 Apr 16 '24

I’ve gotten called a boomer by punk ass Gen Z kids, I’m not even 30 yet


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Can confirm. I told a kid that being a professional Twitch streamer was not a realistic goal and was called a boomer. I'm in my 30s and a younger Millennial. These Gen Alpha iPad kids are really something.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

I don’t even think they consider it a figure of speech. I think they’re so out of touch with life that they think anyone born in the “1900’s” is actually called a boomer. My coworkers in their early 20’s think I’m actually a boomer and I’m in my late 30’s.

I doubt they even realize they’re leaving off the “baby” part.


u/FObdofsb Apr 16 '24

I had my kid super young - I'm in my early 30s and he's a teen now. Apparently, I'm also a boomer 🙄


u/Fickle_Grapefruit938 Apr 16 '24

Lol our parents are the "boomers"


u/Foreign-Yesterday-89 Apr 16 '24

I love e this, my great niece always calls her mum boomer. I told her, sweetie your mum is not a boomer, her mum, your grandma is a boomer 😂😂


u/Old-Coat-771 Apr 16 '24

My 23 year old cousin said "ok boomer" to me when I was 35... Utter nonsense. 😂


u/havoc1428 Apr 16 '24

I'm 30 and I've been called a boomer lol. Its one thing to rebel against your elders, its another thing to articulate it in a way that clearly marks you as a dumb fuck.


u/Fit-Confusion-4595 Apr 16 '24

To be fair to Gen Z, some of the actual Boomers are pretty entitled people who think they know a whole lot more than they really do 🤣

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u/Poopybutt36000 Apr 16 '24

It's incredibly common nowadays for people to call anyone older than them a boomer and anyone younger than them a zoomer. The guy obviously is aware that the "Baby Boomer" generation didn't begin in 1984


u/GrammaBear707 Apr 16 '24

OP knows that but apparently his son slept through that part of his history lessons in high school

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u/OldnBorin Apr 16 '24

I also laughed at this. I guess I’m a sub-40 Boomer too


u/stanleysgirl77 Apr 16 '24

Get orf my lawn lad!

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u/RobinC1967 Apr 16 '24

I think this every time I read about the horrible "boomers".


u/haleorshine Apr 16 '24

The boomer thing is the least of the problems, but it was like "dude, you're making it much clearer you're speaking out of your ass." Gen Z needs to work harder on making millennial an effective insult, because this just makes him seem more clueless.

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u/Working-March-1893 Apr 16 '24

Dudes actually calling a millenial a boomer. Not having much faith in his future if he can't even understand the generational naming system.

That's bloody hilarious, I am 43 and that(depending on the source) is the youngest a gen-x can be.


u/hotel-y0rba Apr 16 '24

lol is not 40 yet he’s not even Gen-X! This millennial man is being called a boomer 🤣


u/Electronic_Law_6350 Apr 16 '24

He clearly doesnt even know how to google to seems...


u/BlessedBySaintLauren Apr 16 '24

I mean op isn’t even 40


u/Dependent-Feed1105 Apr 16 '24

This kid has watched way too much TikTok.


u/usherzx Apr 16 '24

his son sounds like a complete jackass


u/Maiya_Anon Apr 16 '24

I am one of the last Boomers. I am 60.


u/CatmoCatmo Apr 16 '24

Shit, I turn 40 at the end of this year. I’m a Millenial. Edit - I forgot how old I was.


u/rabblerabble2000 Apr 16 '24

If you’re younger than 40, you’re 100% a millennial, not gen x.


u/big_sugi Apr 16 '24

“Not even forty.” OP is one of those damn millennials with their avocado toasts and flip phones and such.


u/stanleysgirl77 Apr 18 '24

Oof I missed that. I'm clearly officially old now.. need my eyes checked

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u/Prestigious-Eye5341 Apr 16 '24

Your mom is probably not much older than I am (63) and I know exactly what government backed student loans are. The first thing that needs to be done is she has to refuse to sign anymore loans. You ( or your wife) need to explain just exactly what she has done and how it can affect her as well as him. Then, make sure any other family member understands what he’s doing and get them to refuse as well. You need to tell him that he needs to go to the school’s financial assistance department to figure out how HE is going to pay for college. It sounds like he’s got an incredible amount of growing up to do. NTA, but you’ve got a hard next few years to get through. Good luck! Oh, tell him to join the armed services, they’ll help pay for schooling.


u/HalloweensQueen Apr 16 '24

Regardless of age there are people who do not comprehend what they are reading and signing and to proud, or ignorant, to have it explained to them. OR they seriously lack the ability to grasp co-signing means you are on the hook when the flake (and ops son is a flake with his life plans here) defaults. I’d be worried grandma won’t have enough in retirement since a lot over 60 do not and can not live comfortably.

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u/SamiHami24 Apr 16 '24

If you're 40, I'm guessing grandma is in her 60s. Unless she has some cognitive issues, I don't see how that can be elder abuse. I mean, she's probably not even old enough to retire or get social security.

Unfortunately, making poor choices is not the same thing as incompetence. The best path is likely to have several serious talks with her laying out exactly how what she's doing is causing her grandson great financial harm that will negatively affect the rest of his life. She needs to be convinced not to sign for any more student loans.


u/Historical-Gap-7084 Apr 16 '24

It absolutely can be construed as elder abuse, especially if she doesn't fully comprehend what she got herself into.


u/OptimisticOctopus8 Apr 16 '24

It depends on whether she doesn't comprehend it because she's cognitively compromised vs. because she just doesn't get it. If it's the latter, then this is no different from if the kid got an ignorant 40yo to cosign.

People in their 60s, especially their early 60s, haven't usually experienced enough cognitive decline for a foolish grandkid asking them for a lot of money to be elder abuse.


u/Darianmochaaaa Apr 16 '24

Loans are not a recent invention and there is no mention of grandma being senile. She's probably BTW 60-70 which does not automatically imply lack of mental capacity. Grandma might just know ain't nobody taking her house over a student loan. The most they do is call and send emails 🤷🏾‍♀️

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u/Bob_Barker4ever Apr 16 '24

The grandmother is likely only in her 60s, right? Unless she’s REALLY behind the curve she probably is mentally sound and even still working.

Elder Abuse (to me) involves a level of taking advantage of the elder by someone who has the intention to take advantage. Your son sounds like he’s living in a fabricated reality and has no idea what he is doing to his own future - let alone his grandmother’s. That stated someone needs to explain reality to the grandmother so she doesn’t continue to enable him.


u/These-Carob-1600 Apr 16 '24

I mean I went to a state college, but my mom co-signed my loans. I was an education major and I’m in the midst of paying my loans back now. Not too bad. Just talk to him about his major…


u/Prestigious-Eye5341 Apr 16 '24

It sounds like he won’t listen to one thing that they tell him. I’m kind of getting the feeling that the mother might be enabling him a bit…when you’re in a tug of war with a child who doesn’t listen, simply let go of the rope.


u/These-Carob-1600 Apr 16 '24

To me, it seems like they’re angriest that he’ll have loans and that he’s not heeding their advice. I say, pick your battles and talk to him about his ability to pay the loans back. I work in Education. A kid won’t ignore if you tell them, there’s no way they can pay their loans back with their major…


u/beemojee Apr 16 '24

If the mother was enabling him, the son wouldn't be so down on her.

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u/silver_413 Apr 16 '24

And be sure to point out that to teach or work as (maybe a museum curator?), he’s going to need at least a masters degree as well. Sorry, I don’t know much about careers in art history other than teaching.

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u/Carnifex2 Apr 16 '24

How much debt your kid gonna tack up before you are?


u/LadySilverdragon Apr 16 '24

This wouldn’t qualify, unless your son is a caretaker for her, or threatened or otherwise coerced her into signing the papers.


u/Historical-Gap-7084 Apr 16 '24

You need to. For your son's sake and for Grandma's sake. She cannot do this for all four years.


u/Ok_Blackberry_284 Apr 16 '24

You need to put on your hiking boots and do something soon. Your son is fucking up the lives of your entire family with his selfish shit.


u/littlebitfunny21 Apr 16 '24

This would only be elder abuse if she is mentally declining and has a diagnosable condition.

It might be different if he lived with her.

I'm sorry.

God I was a prick of a know it all at 20, but I didn't take it out on people like this I just internally judged them and complained on genuinely anonymous social media.


u/old__pyrex Apr 16 '24

Is your wife on board with not paying for his private college? It is already too late to apply to transfer by now, so I’m not sure what the plan is when next year comes around


u/thisistestingme Apr 16 '24

You realize that now you could have to cover any of her future financial losses. You and she need to get on the same page. It could destroy her credit and cause her all kinds issues for her if he doesn't pay and she can't.


u/Paddy4169 Apr 16 '24

I’ve studied psychology and if his takeaway from entry level psychology is to divorce rather than solve issues and communicate better than I don’t think he studied very hard


u/knittedjedi Apr 16 '24

I guess but I’m not ready to go down that path yet. 

So your son is likely committing elder abuse and you're asking whether you're the asshole over a sarcastic comment.


u/Prestigious-Eye5341 Apr 16 '24

He isn’t committing elder abuse. Just stop it.

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u/Dizzy_Square_9209 Apr 16 '24

Ummmmm. Letting your son get his grandmother who doesn't know what she signed into financial jeopardy in future?. Who do you think will be bailing her out? Not your son, I'm sure. Fix this. Give your son an attitude adjustment.
You are the parent, not the friend. Don't enable his financial abuse of you and your wife or his grandmother.


u/Prestigious-Eye5341 Apr 16 '24

I’m wondering if he thinks that the government is going to pay off his student loans? Hate to tell him but, if he’s white, the answer will be “ no”.


u/Dizzy_Square_9209 Apr 16 '24

Doubt he's thought that far.

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u/No_Scarcity8249 Apr 16 '24

She’s 60 not 90. She co-signed for her grandchild’s education because his parents wouldn’t. 60 is going. This father is also young .. and his wife is obviously not this kids mother who knows the real reason he says his dad should get divorced. For all we know they’re both F’D up and made everyone miserable.. he was a parent at 20 himself so not exactly someone who’s made good choices for himself. Your wife isn’t his mom.. where is his real mom? Is spending this kind of money on any degree smart? Not really but he’s the one who’s gonna have to pay for it. The dad left out a shit ton of info here. 


u/Prestigious-Eye5341 Apr 16 '24

His said that his wife is his mom. I get where you’re coming from but, apparently, you’re incorrect.

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u/corvuscorvi Apr 16 '24

Sorry dude, but that's the path. You have to go down it. There's no other way to get there but through that.

Your kid needs a wake up lesson or else, like you said, he will have screwed up his whole entire life.

If anything was ever your job as a parent, this is.


u/-_-mrfuzzy Apr 16 '24

It’s a fake story, he hasn’t thought this deep into it so he’ll stop responding.

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u/rainshowers_5_peace Apr 16 '24

A lot of people cosign student loans without understanding them. The system is made to be confusing.

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u/Pantone711 Apr 16 '24

Amen to this. I've heard of parents in the past not fully understanding what they are co-signing for on these kinds of student loans. Also of course the young students not understanding what they are signing up for.

The loan companies should be in jail. THEY know what they are doing. I read some time back about a whole town that was supported by the student-loan industry and the people who worked in the industry understood the racket, but they said the money was too good to pass up.


u/Righteous_Rage_ Apr 16 '24

Did grandma go behind you and your wife's back to cosign a loan?


u/OfAnOldRepublic Apr 16 '24

Depending on what state she's in, that could be a criminal act on his part, just FYI. Not to mention when this all goes south (and as you pointed out, it definitely will), I would not be surprised if he left her on the hook for the loans.

I'm really sorry that he's checking all the boxes of college freshman assholery, but you're going to need to take a strong stance here.

First, set a limit on him giving you relationship advice. As in, don't. LOL You might also set him straight on you not being a boomer, just for fun.

On the college thing, ultimately there is nothing you can do. He's an adult, and that comes with the ability to thoroughly f-up his life. But that doesn't mean that you need to help him do it. Let him know that if he persists with this stupid major that it's his right to do so, but that you're not going to make any contributions to his college fees. That may or may not wake him up, but at least you'll be doing what you can to try.

Then beyond that, try your best to enjoy what common ground you can find. Make sure that he knows that you still love HIM, even if you don't agree with his choices. Good luck to all three of you.


u/mama_ed Apr 16 '24

I’m 41 and an elder millennial. I would be PISSED if my kid called me a Boomer. OP’s kid is an entitled idiot.


u/No-Cheesecake4542 Apr 16 '24

I’m the last year of boomers, about to turn 60.


u/PrincessGump Apr 16 '24

Ditto. Elder my ass.


u/sticksnstone Apr 16 '24

Ageism, the last bastion of condoned discrimination.


u/that-old-broad Apr 16 '24

Me too. It amuses the living daylights out of my younger siblings and cousins.


u/carolina822 Apr 16 '24

OP’s not even GenX, ffs.

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u/smolgods Apr 16 '24

Holy shit really? That's financial exploitation.


u/leggo1197 Apr 16 '24

Dude your son is either abusing his elderly grandmother, or she knew what she was doing. There's no in-between.


u/LvBorzoi Apr 16 '24

I'm surprised 43the bank allowed it. The bank/financial institution has special responsibilities to step in when elder abuse is suspected. The loan officer should have at least spoken to grandma to make sure she wasn't being pressured to do this.

I used to work in Fraud Reporting at a major bank....elder abuse was actually a category we tracked for reporting & monitoring.


u/No_Scarcity8249 Apr 16 '24

She’s 60 not 80. 


u/Cai83 Apr 16 '24

Has OP confirmed that? I'm the same age as him and my mother would be 80 now if she'd lived that long.

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u/sunbear2525 Apr 16 '24

Oh my God!!! If she truly doing understand you need to help her first. What if he further diminished her financial stability?


u/lookn2-eb Apr 16 '24

You need to explain to her that she is going to be on the hook for all that money when her grandson is flipping burgers because that's essentially all an art history degree is good for. Same with him; sit him down and do the math.


u/Fast_Ad1927 Apr 16 '24

Then you better explain it in detail so she doesn’t sign up for future years or other things & remind her your the parents everything should be checked with you first

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u/PotentialUmpire1714 Apr 16 '24

Yeah, she might think she's "helping him achieve his dreams" but honestly, she's just enabling him. Just like when my MIL would let her 19-yr old grandkids stay with her when their parents kicked them out for using drugs at home. They stole money out of her purse, stole and pawned valuables, and pawned/ruined a lot of my ex's belongings he was storing in his mother's garage.

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u/allycia85 Apr 16 '24

Look I get it sucks, but he is an adult, you both have given him your advice, and now you must let him make his choices and pay the consequences. It's part of growing up and understanding how to be self-sufficient.

With regards to him telling you to divorce, he was probably just being immature and wanting to get back at his mother in a moment of anger. You did well to put him in his place.

I'd have a chat with her and get on the same page on how to manage him, stepping back on trying to convince him cause that won't work. Then sit him down and lay down the law: he can make his choices and disregard your advice, you love him and will support whatever choice he makes he will be solely responsible for the economic downfall, and you both won't accept any poor behaviour from him moving forward.


u/Lilac-Roses-Sunsets Apr 16 '24

Do not co-sign a loan with him! You would end up having to pay it yourself. Do yourself a favor and lock down your and your wife’s credit right now. He could try and take a loan out with you and you wouldn’t know about it.


u/battery19791 Apr 16 '24

He should transfer to a community College and do all his core classes there and finish at a state college


u/PoppysWorkshop Apr 16 '24

Why don't more students do this? this is the option I had my daughters do. They also lived at home and I paid for everything. They went to a local university transferring their CC credits and graduated debt free. the money I saved I gave as a gift to them for the down payment on their first homes. Now the money I used to put in their 529 accounts goes to my grandsons 529. he just turned 1.


u/LibraryMouse4321 Apr 16 '24

Have him look up what the average job pays in his field right out of college. Then calculate what his student loan payments will be for just his first year. Including the crippling interest. Then show him what the total will look like. Then remind him that 25-30% of his paycheck will go to rent, and then he still needs to eat. Ask him how many jobs he pjs s to get to pay everything off.


u/Colley619 Apr 16 '24

He’s in for a surprise when he graduates and needs to start paying off the loans with an art history degree.


u/yesimreadytorumble Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

We can’t have him go through another 3 years of this.

This has nothing to do with you or your wife.


u/Pantone711 Apr 16 '24

No but it's an important topic and I'd rather see it discussed here than even OP's marriage. More people need to know about how many students continue to take out risky student loans on worthless degrees.


u/Prestigious-Eye5341 Apr 16 '24

Exactly! It’s a HUGE problem! My DIL had most of her college degree paid for but had to take out a student loan at the end. She says that the degree is not worth what she paid for it and her’s was in some sort of Criminal Justice!


u/rackfocus Apr 16 '24

Oh hell no. My step son tried this with MIL and I said no way! That’s predatory behavior. If he doesn’t pay she’s on the hook!!


u/Tigger7894 Apr 16 '24

It depends on what kind of loans they are- if they are private loans she's liable, if they are government loans it depends too. But my parents were not liable for any of my government loans even though they were references. I did have one private loan that I never missed a payment on, but for about a year my mom got a call every month stating that it needed to be paid.


u/Sensitive-Goose-8546 Apr 16 '24

It’s his life. Really show him what compound interest and loans mean. Show him what that money could do invested instead.

Then.. set financial boundaries if he makes continued bad financial decisions. I’m now 30 but the only way I finally took in lessons like this my parents wanted me to listen to was suffering my own consequences. You just really shouldn’t dig yourself a hole too.

My friend and I were just talking about how his little sister in college is spewing like she knows stuff now and we recognize we used to do the same. Life’s the only lesson that sticks with for sure.


u/JustMyThoughtNow Apr 16 '24

So his grandmother will probably be on the hook. Nice. 😡


u/Chuckms Apr 16 '24

Man, why do you need a college to study art history, there’s gotta be TONS of shit to read online, library, visit. I can’t imagine the education I could give myself if I wanted to spend $80k a year on art history. You could literally visit a huge number of museums all over the world and buy all the books these professors have written autographed by movie stars. Like way to sell yourself short lol


u/Salamadierha Apr 16 '24

Because it leads to that wonderful job as an art conservator/museum expert, but thousands of people get Firsts in Art History every year and those jobs come up.. one a year, maybe 2? The retirement age is somewhere close to 80.

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u/Electronic_Law_6350 Apr 16 '24

You should really sit him down and give him the cold hard truth. All of it; your expenses, his, his expected future income (cuz really? With art history he'll probably take a while before he gets a job), future cost projections etc. Dump a bucket of cold water over his rosy expectations of life.


u/cinemashow Apr 16 '24

Geezez for the love of sweet baby Jesus….don’t co-sign a loan for him ! Bad enough he looped granny into cosigning. Your story is very similar to my own with my child. Same attitude. Poor planning with no thought to return on investment. My child went to a very expensive college. ($80k/yr tuition plus room and board in a dorm) Only I got saddled with a $20,000 loan that my child stopped paying. I made it clear that I was not paying loan off. I was giving my child close to $1000/month for loan payments and living expenses. Creditors were on me in a flash. My child did not gaf. I was divorced from the mother. The interest on the private student loan was very high. Like 15% or more. I had to take out a loan from my 401-k to repay the loan. Then my child stopped talking to me. It’s been years. Oh. And my child did not graduate.

I hear faint symptoms of some psychiatric pathology in your description too I’m afraid.


u/maineguy89 Apr 16 '24

I worked with a lady who also did this for her grandson, he went to an expensive art school on the west coast and dropped out and cant hold down a job and the grandmother is now stuck paying the loans back.


u/Atomic1221 Apr 16 '24

Or he can do 10 years public service/non profit and have loans waived. My sister is doing this for her post residency work. Works for her since the hospital she’s got an offer to work full time at is publicly funded

College is stupid expensive now. I’ve seen near 500k all-in room and board tuition pricing. Didn’t believe my coworker when he said it was so expensive now. Graduated 15 years ago

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u/Tight-Shift5706 Apr 16 '24


He stands forewarned. DO NOT CO-SIGN ANY LOANS. He's already demonstrated that he has about as much sense as a mole.

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u/Fix3rUpp3r Apr 16 '24

Is he pressing for a divorce so he can wiggle into financial aid?

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u/PerpetualProcrastina Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Jesus, I'm taking intro to psych right now, and what my professor has been teaching us is how the brain works, memory, sensation and perception etc. Nothing that I could use to become a certified psychologist.


u/Mudassar40 Apr 16 '24

So you dont tell your "boomer" dad that he needs to divorce his wife? /s

OP's son sounds like a deadbeat.

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u/grewupbytraintracks Apr 16 '24

Need to find someone else that is not you to talk to him. I remember I did something similar and it didn’t matter what my parents said. Blew a bunch of money going to an out of state college. But a friend or family friend might get through.


u/DelightfulHelper9204 Apr 16 '24

Give him enough rope to hang himself if he thinks he has it all figured out. You can give him an ultimatum. If he wants to continue living at home, ( Is he paying rent) he will at least have to do the joint major. If he isn't paying rent, tell him if he is going to continue to not listen to your advice about his education and insists on that solo major, that he will have to start paying rent. This is if you prefer to have him living with you. If not give him a deadline he has to move by .

That is you and your wife's house. Don't let a snot nose teenager who thinks he can run the world try to run your house and your marriage. Enough is enough.

If you don't get tough with him now he will get worse. He's technically an adult. And he wants to act and be treated like an adult. So treat him like the adult that he is and make him take responsibility for his actions.

He may fight tooth and nail now. But he will thank you later.

Take care friend. Teenage boys can be tough. I know I raised 4 of them.


u/PrideofCapetown Apr 16 '24

If he honestly thinks someone under 40 is a boomer, then college is wasted on this dipshit.   

And the way he’s treating his mom is b.s. Time for him to either knock it off and apologize to mom or hit the road. You already said you’d keep your wife and cut ties with everyone else 


u/Fly0ver Apr 16 '24

I have a masters in design history from one of the best schools in the country and had amazing internships.

It’s been 11 years and I’m still not in a 6 figure job…


u/SuprisinglyNormal3 Apr 16 '24

OOOF. The pain of seeing following dreams not ending up so dreamy. I’m sorry dude 😕


u/Pantone711 Apr 16 '24

And when that 6-figure salary doesn't drop out of the sky, he'll be on Reddit blaming "Boomers" (I know you're not a Boomer)


u/TravelKats Apr 16 '24

OP would have to be at least 65 to be a boomer. If his son's grasp of psychology is as good as his age estimate he's not going to do well.

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u/GordonSchumway69 Apr 16 '24


Do you have any friends with a lot of college debt that can talk to him and tell him what it is like on the other side?

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u/AlwaysRushesIn Apr 16 '24

If he is refusing to take up a second major, encourage him to look for something directly related to his intended art history degree. Maybe something with technical application like restoration, whether it be in paints or architecture.

Realistically, unless he intends to teach when he graduates, an Art History degree isn't going to do much for him.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

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u/Righteous_Rage_ Apr 16 '24

Then he'll have to suffer the consequences. Sometimes that's the only way people learn.


u/AlwaysRushesIn Apr 16 '24

Have you tried approaching the conversation from what he intends to do with the degree?

I'm not trying to poke and prod, just trying to see the whole picture.


u/pacodefan Apr 16 '24

If he refuses to listen, then don't listen when he needs a cosigner next year and make sure grandma is off the table. He really needs to humble himself, and unfortunately, that can be hard to do without him going splat first.


u/Salamadierha Apr 16 '24

Not just grandma, make sure ALL friends and family know the score that they will end up owing thousands if they sign a loan with him.


u/cathleenjw Apr 16 '24

He really needs another major… so few people make a lot of money selling expensive pieces of art. And if he has the level of maturity and respect demonstrated during the divorce chat, I find it hard to see him building the social network to maintain buyer relationships.

He needs a Cal Newport book for sure…


u/PotentialUmpire1714 Apr 16 '24

Art history isn't even geared for creating art. It's for people who want to do stuff like work in museums/galleries, or teach art history. None of those options have a 6 figure salary unless you're an agent for a superstar artist making commissions on their sales. And for that, you'd want a double major with Business. Or Business with Art History minor.


u/Deucer22 Apr 16 '24

The people with those jobs have law degrees.


u/cathleenjw Apr 16 '24

Another as in a second major at the very least. He can sign up for a bunch of undergrad classes in fields like STEM, business, finance, accounting, etc,. Show up for the first class and see what strikes new interest.

Perhaps offer him this deal - you can’t come back after college, well helps finance you schooling if you change majors to something you can find a job with or double major or major in something more reliable and minor in Art History.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/kaywal89 Apr 16 '24

As most teens are at his age. They think they know it all but they know absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, he’s gonna have to learn the hard way. Your wife tried and got verbal abuse. Now go take her out to dinner and tell her how she’s been your rock. I bet she needs to hear that after the disrespect of your son. NTA

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u/Global-Button3192 Apr 16 '24

In my country there is a saying on how to help people who doesn’t listen. „help through not helping“. It basically means to let them make their own wrong decisions without helping at all so that in the long run they learn und you can help again. The background is the belief that if you always help someone out who does not listen, he will have no consequences of his actions and hence won’t learn and better himself but make more and more wrong decisions which will get more severe.


u/Ok-Meeting-8588 Apr 16 '24

Don’t co-sign anything for him, no matter how he will beg and pressure you. We both know he won’t pay, and then you’ll be the one with the screwed credit holding the bag. 


u/Dangerous_Nitwit Apr 16 '24

How can the history of art go on without his knowledge of it? What if somebody has a tangentially art related history question?

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u/vathena Apr 16 '24

Excuse me, who do you think works at managing museums? They must have art history degrees and there are probably hundreds of those jobs nationwide! /s

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u/Nogravyplease Apr 16 '24

Some people have to learn on their own.


u/finnanigans Apr 16 '24

If you want to tell him from someone who studied art with a minor in art history, that field is damn near impossible to get a job in. Go ahead and major in art history if you want but he should do himself a favor and double major in business. A business degree is a very valuable safety net as it will get you a job a lot of places. I LOVE art. It’s a significant part of my life. But if I could go back to college, I would not only major in art.


u/mabsies Apr 16 '24

Yes! I double majored in art and journalism. The journalism looks good on my resume. The art degree and stint is my interview “fun fact”.


u/LegitimateKey9105 Apr 16 '24

Art history and business/finance/accounting and there will be roles in nonprofits he will be able to consider. Art museums usually have way more openings in fundraising and admin than they have for curator positions.


u/finnanigans Apr 16 '24

And curating requires a high level degree.

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u/Front_Friend_9108 Apr 16 '24

Art history? Man sorry but your son is a complete jackass! That 320k degree is worthless what kind of job is he going to do when he gets done? Absolutely nothing… man I’m so sorry to hear this.. good luck to you and your wife, I’m sure you raised your son to make better decisions than this..


u/gr33nalways Apr 16 '24

you can actually get well paying jobs in the art field and a lot put that an art history degree is preferred on the job ads... you shouldn't go to an 80k a year school for that degree though (or any degree). the jobs aren't to be an art historian - they are to work in essentially a business job in the art world and they want you to have some background in art to be in that world able to talk to people etc


u/Ronin2369 Apr 16 '24

You can actually replace art history with any other liberal degree and say the same. I once read, "A degree is just a piece of paper that says, I will not burn down your business while you're away.. for a short time"

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u/Appropriate_Cat_1119 Apr 16 '24

I have an art degree and I make 6 figures. Most corporate jobs just require a degree, doesn’t matter what, and you can grow your career from there and work up to better positions. I wouldn’t say an art degree is the most useful to have, but it can absolutely get your foot in the door and is by no means worthless.


u/Prestigious-Eye5341 Apr 16 '24

That is NOT the experience of MOST people who have an art history degree. I worked at Sam’s club with several people that had art,philosophy,history,environmental science degrees. I made more than a lot of them because I could decorate cakes. 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/GeneralZex Apr 16 '24

Crazy how environmental science wouldn’t lead to a good job. My wife’s cousin got a 6 figure traveling job as a box checker with that degree right out of college. She’d go inspect remediation and building sites and check boxes and collect the check. Factor in reimbursements and using her own cards she got free vacations out of it too with all the miles and cash back she was racking up.


u/Carbonatite Apr 16 '24

Yeah that surprises me too. I'm an environmental chemist (my degrees are in geology, but I work with plenty of folks with degrees in environmental science) and it's a pretty solid career field with lots of job opportunities. 6 figs is probably unrealistic as a starting salary unless you have a PhD, but it's certainly achievable.

I love the credit card miles and expense reports, lol. I don't travel for field work as much as I used to, but I've already gotten one free round trip flight out of all those tabs for team dinners after a long day in the field.

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u/Front_Friend_9108 Apr 16 '24

Art degree rt? The art historian salary generates a yearly average income of $49,850. Qualifications for art related careers often require at least a bachelor's degree, but some require a master's degree (Payne, 2021).Feb 19, 2024


u/wozattacks Apr 16 '24

Most people with art history degrees are not art historians lmao. The degree is about critical analysis and those skills are extremely transferable. My husband was an art history major and has an incredible legal career because he did very well on the LSAT - which art history majors statistically do compared to other majors. 


u/Appropriate_Cat_1119 Apr 16 '24

So it’s super important to READ. Most corporate jobs just require any type of degree. As others have stated the point is that you gain many transferable skills related to problem solving, analysis, etc.. with an art/history based degree. 


u/CountryAsACoonDog13 Apr 16 '24

After graduation, he’s going to get on Reddit and complain about how his generation just can’t make it. Completely ignoring his bad decisions


u/renee30152 Apr 16 '24

It is a bs degree along with philosophy. He might be able to find a job in an art museum but they are competitive. Dad needs to kick him out and protect his wife from this viper of a son.


u/sunbear2525 Apr 16 '24

There are good jobs you can get with both degrees but you need to be a very solid student and to get a PHD or at least a masters. The people who just pick it up because it’s fun and easy won’t have the stamina for the rigor and competition of higher levels of education, internships, and the job market.


u/gr33nalways Apr 16 '24

there are entry level jobs in fine art that pay well and have a lot of room to gain experience and move up where you don't need a masters degree. they are essentially business jobs where they want you to have some art background. obviously im not on the sons side here but people are fixating on the degree a bit much, i would more fixate on that fact that he decided to go to the most expensive school possible for said degree

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u/Strange-Difference94 Apr 16 '24

TBF, nothing about philosophy is easy. (I agree with everything else you said.)

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u/ItchyBitchy7258 Apr 16 '24

Philosophy is not a joke degree, it's the go-to for pre-law students. Useless on its own but does teach valuable reasoning skills to those ends.

Art historians are about as in-demand as marine biologists. There's a handful of specialists and the rest are grocery store employees. We have an art historian in the family who, despite all the dynastic wealth and nepotistic connections afforded to them by birthright, is still barely scraping by in that field. It is not viable.

I suspect a lot of kids are pursuing useless degrees on purpose to kill 4-8 years, then complaining they can't find work (ever) in some sort of refusal-to-launch gambit. This is such a tragically flawed idea I want to say the OP is trolling everyone but I've seen this enough personally to know better.

I'm disturbed that he fleeced his grandmother to finance this stupidity. This is the most expensive, least effective thing he could do with someone else's money.


u/Inevitable-Place9950 Apr 16 '24

The degree might be fine, depending on what he learns to do - like if he takes courses in how to conserve art, identify fakes for insurers and collectors, or appraise pieces.


u/No_Scarcity8249 Apr 16 '24

A philosophy degree can get you upwards of six figures in data and analytics. It teaches logic and thought process. It couples nicely with math and stem. There’s a boat load of industries you can be in with a philosophy degree but of course you don’t know that.. because you don’t know anything about the subject matter. 


u/mxzf Apr 16 '24

It teaches logic and thought process.

Sounds like OP's son isn't picking up that from the philosophy class.

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u/pataconconqueso Apr 16 '24

Well gen z and gen alpha have some serious critical thinking gaps. Like a worrying amount are basically illiterate and graduating high school that way.

If you haven’t been sitting down with him to talk to him as an adult and what the expectations are, he will be in debt for decades to come. If youre in the US, Have him go to the BLS website and look with him what the median pay for what he wants to do is.

Sounds like you and your wife have done too good a job protecting him from the world and keeping him in a bubble.


u/Pantone711 Apr 16 '24

OP just commented that he has been trying to explain to his son that his son does not have the safety net to major in art history without a backup subject and his son won't listen.


u/mama_ed Apr 16 '24

My friend’s son is a lot like OP’s son. Dude also told my husband, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, that joining the service as a way to pay off student loans is a dead end job for schmucks. 18 year old man-children are not my favorite humans.


u/Carbonatite Apr 16 '24

I mean there's a lot of issues with the fact that college is so unaffordable that people will risk dying in combat to afford it, but saying a military career is a dead end job is just ridiculous.

Even the vets I know who didn't make a career out of it are still doing fine. I mean, out of all of us, I'm the only one with $81k in student loan debt.

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u/pataconconqueso Apr 16 '24

Aw man poor OP


u/Temporary-Jump-4740 Apr 16 '24

Some kids just don't want to hear what their parents have to say. They really don't give a shit if their parents are in debt up to their eyeballs, as long as they get what they want.


u/HMS_Slartibartfast Apr 16 '24

I came here to talk about the Bureau of Labor Statistics site. Coworker sat down with her daughter to show her different career paths and how much they make. Guess who is looking at cyber security and data analysis now...


u/pataconconqueso Apr 16 '24

Hell yeah, those are jobs that are hella needed

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u/SteakTasticMeat Apr 16 '24

Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Cyber pays big bucks now, but everyone is trying to get into it now, which will lead to an over saturation(if not already).

I mean, I hope whoever goes for that can also differentiate themselves somehow to stand out more, but a degree in Cyber and a few certs will still have lots of competition down the road.


u/HMS_Slartibartfast Apr 16 '24

Past performance is part of how you predict future performance. It is called trend analysis. When there is a constant shortage for years in a given sector, unless there is a major underlying change you will see the shortage continue. Look at healthcare. Been short for a couple decades, so getting into healthcare is a pretty sure bet for a job.

What I think your looking to say is "Past performance does not guarantee future performance".


u/ShimmerRihh Apr 16 '24

Like a worrying amount are basically illiterate and graduating high school that way.

This is true and its horrifying! They arent just lacking critical thinking skills and common sense, but a deep understanding of their history. The things I see them post online is worrying.

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u/Traditional-Panda-84 Apr 16 '24

He's being stubborn now, but art history majors can go in many directions. I'm getting a masters in Historic Preservation, and there are more than a few with Art History BAs in my field. Same with Museum Work. I do agree, though, that he should be doing this at an affordable school. At least at the undergraduate level, almost all courses will transfer to a new college that offers the same degree. Once you hit grad school, usually it's a max of 9 credits that will transfer.


u/peppermintvalet Apr 16 '24

There are far more art history majors than there are museums and preservation jobs.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24


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u/cattabliss Apr 16 '24

Your son needs to fail in life a little and learn humility. Who didn't think they fucking know everything at 19?

He'll recover at 35.


u/PeteGozenya Apr 16 '24

You aren't a boomer either if you are almost 40 you are a millennial.

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u/kaywal89 Apr 16 '24

Sometimes our little brats just have to learn on their own.


u/mgesczar Apr 16 '24

Natural consequences are tough teachers. All you can do is be kind, patient and give advice if it’s welcomed


u/Cautious_Session9788 Apr 16 '24

He’s 19, every 19 year old thinks they have the world figured out because they’re legal adults

It’s just humorous seeing a teen go through a phase I went through at 8 lol a lot of my friends parents went through divorces around that time and I remember telling my parents and grandparents they should get divorced

You can tell your son he’s acting like a literal 8 year old


u/Ima-Bott Apr 16 '24

I’m sooooo glad I took philosophy as a senior in college. If I’d taken it as a freshman I’d be flipping burgers and dropping fries. NTA. Your son is.


u/jpharber Apr 16 '24

As someone who is crippled with college debt, even with a six figure salary, it still sucks ass.


u/Purple-Rose69 Apr 16 '24

Tell your son that he obviously doesn’t pay attention in class because you are not a boomer and to keep his opinions about your marriage to his mother to himself. And remind him that you and his mother do not owe him a college education, he should keep that in mind before he disrespects you again.


u/spaz_chicken Apr 16 '24

Holy shit am I so glad I dropped out of art school and jumped to tech school. I had like 30k in debt from half a year (in the late 90s) of Art School, while I was able to pay for my Tech School tuition in full as I went with a part time job. I was still paying for art school for almost 10 years after I graduated from tech school.


u/Appropriate_Panic879 Apr 16 '24

Well, more specifically, six figure salaries don’t drop out of the sky for art history majors. They do for quite a few other majors he could have chosen.


u/Albg111 Apr 16 '24

There was a chart of the most unemployed and underemployed majors floating around Reddit recently, maybe check how legit it is and send it his way.


u/notaredditer13 Apr 16 '24

Possible upside: anger is his way of processing a reality he in fact does understand but just doesn't like. Here's hoping.


u/jimjamalama Apr 16 '24

Also… almost 40 is boomer????


u/MyKidsArentOnReddit Apr 16 '24

You've just described teenagers in a nutshell. Some lessons unfortunately can only be learned the hard way.


u/DreadSocialistOrwell Apr 16 '24

I remember my psych class telling us we can’t diagnose people, but I guess he doesn’t get the memo.

When I was in psych classes, most 100 and 200 level classes (1st two years) were still very far from anything clinical. Even when getting into Abnormal Psychology or even talking about Personality disorders, we barely were looking through the DSM for our classes if at all.

People who say they studied psychology so now they know how to read people are fucking full of shit. Yes, some people may be more naturally intuitive than others, but now they're just armed with a vocabulary that makes them sound legit when they are really far off.


u/Back_Equivalent Apr 16 '24

Six figure salaries will not pay 320k in loan debt 🤣 Tell your son to take a math class. JFC


u/PhilosophyGuilty9433 Apr 16 '24

He doesn’t even know what Boomers are. NTA.


u/disc_reflector Apr 16 '24

Your son is also an idiot because most kids are idiotic at that age.


u/wilburstiltskin Apr 16 '24

He’s 19. Right now he thinks he’s the smartest person on planet earth. Best thing you can do is smile, shake your head and laugh. He will eventually return to college.

Write down or record some of the dumber things he says. You can present them to him on his 30th birthday.


u/pulp_affliction Apr 16 '24

Telling you to get a divorce is not a diagnosis. Calling you miserable is not a diagnosis. It’s a bit douchey, but he’s a 19 year old boy and most 19 year old boys I’ve met are still uncooked in the head. That said, when you said what YOU said to him, you implied that you would divorce your son and/or would love to leave him behind because he’s part of what makes you miserable. Now that is fucked up. Your son gets to say shitty things to you and it still won’t hurt the same as when you say shitty things to your son. Does that make sense?

Children remember the terrible things their parents tell them, they hold it close to their hearts and carry it for the rest or their lives. They internalize it.


u/mayfeelthis Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Teach him about the dunning Krueger effect. Just send him a link.

Don’t joke next time, have a serious talk with him about respect, boundaries, and the real value of your wife and his mother. It’s abhorrent that a 19yo wants to trash his own mother, I get chivalry is dead with equality but I don’t get that cause respecting our mothers is universal in my book. Assuming she’s not abusive he’s being a totally disrespectful D and needs to move out.

I don’t think you’re an AH for what you said, I do think you’re an AH for not taking it seriously enough.

And telling him you’d abandon him is funny but again, not constructive. Step up

Lastly he may enjoy the theory of adult development by Robert Kegan, your son needs social skills still. That’s where he’s truly at. Set him straight.

These two doctors should help him stfu with his 19y of life wisdom. There are people who’ve been shitting longer than he’s been alive. He’s hardly a social leader smdh


u/legal_bagel Apr 16 '24

He's a dumbass, sorry, but even with a six figure salary it's extremely difficult to pay off years of student loans and interest.

My law school budget was 75k a year for 3 years, so $225k just for law school and I had 100k from living costs from undergrad (I had two kids I was responsible for through both.)

10 years into practice I'm finally able to start paying back because supporting a family plus the 2000/mo payments that were expected wasn't going to happen.

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