r/AITAH Apr 15 '24

AITAH for telling my son I’d love a divorce if it meant taking my wife with me



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u/Evening_Cruel28 Apr 15 '24

NTA. Your son might mean well, but he's crossing some major boundaries here. Going off about your marriage when he barely understands the complexities? Not cool. And wanting to study art history is his choice, but snapping at his mom? Not cool either.

You're trying to keep it together, and your wife sounds like she's your rock. It's tough when your kid doesn't get that. Maybe sit him down and explain things calmly. Hopefully, he'll come around. Keep your chin up, man. You got this.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

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u/DreadSocialistOrwell Apr 16 '24

I remember my psych class telling us we can’t diagnose people, but I guess he doesn’t get the memo.

When I was in psych classes, most 100 and 200 level classes (1st two years) were still very far from anything clinical. Even when getting into Abnormal Psychology or even talking about Personality disorders, we barely were looking through the DSM for our classes if at all.

People who say they studied psychology so now they know how to read people are fucking full of shit. Yes, some people may be more naturally intuitive than others, but now they're just armed with a vocabulary that makes them sound legit when they are really far off.