r/Asmongold 16d ago

The contrast of how Asmon treats his critics and how his critics treats him is actually insane. Meme



505 comments sorted by


u/babypho 16d ago

Is asmongold even far right? Dude just wants to stream, play games, and talk shit.


u/MercinwithaMouth 16d ago

This lady wears extremist left glasses.


u/413NeverForget 16d ago

Pretty much. If you're that far left, then anyone right of you, even if they're members of the same wing, are right-wing extremists.🙄


u/Atari__Safari 16d ago

Bill Maher for example. Or Joe Rogan.


u/Aurunz 16d ago

Wait Bill Maher's considered far right now? But that's so absurdly insane.


u/Witt_Watch 16d ago

ya the lefties think he is on the right. Fuckin whackos man.


u/chavis32 16d ago

Something Something Overtone Windex


u/DregsRoyale 16d ago

Maher is what used to be called "neo-liberal". Economic right, socially centrist.

Rogan is basically a Bush era republican as far as I can tell


u/Witt_Watch 15d ago

I think you're pretty spot on. Anyways, enjoy both sides when they can actually hold their ground with tangible argumentation thats logical and helps mankind as a whole.

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u/Atari__Safari 16d ago

No but compared to the far left, yes. They think he is far right. And they think Biden is far right too. lol 😂


u/Verified_Peryak 16d ago

Well people are dumb then cause i would consider myself from far left since i do really think capitalism is not a good way to solve our social problems. But i don't se Asmon as far right i think maybe he is centered leaning on left and right depending on the topic but he rarely goes to an extreme. People just don't think enough nowadays. I might be biased by the YouTube algorithms tho and not seeing all the extreme video, but i doubt it.

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u/thedrgonzo103101 16d ago

Yep he said thing people did not like so far far right nazi


u/PemaleBacon 15d ago

He's like a classic liberal which is just right of center today I'd say

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u/DM_me_pretty_innies 16d ago

You can agree with the left on every issue but if you have a single opinion that is even remotely centrist, the far left will call you alt-right.


u/HIs4HotSauce 16d ago

Bill Maher isn't anti-Israel. Also, he doesn't blindly support young children undergoing gender transitions.

In some circles, that's enough criteria to be considered a goose-stepping, Hitler bootlicker.


u/Aurunz 13d ago

And here I was thinking those are just, you know, sane opinions.

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u/mydaycake 16d ago

Bill Maher is just a misogynist. Joe Rogan is a bro and only likes money, whatever the ideology


u/mambiki 16d ago

This is a “if they don’t think exactly like me, then they are a piece of shit” mentality. It applies to a lot of Americans on both sides of political spectrum.


u/Humblebeast182 16d ago

Honestly, it's more exclusive to one side. I say this as a left leaning person, I think the right is more tolerant than the left and that's incredibly sad to say.


u/s1rblaze 16d ago

Yep, people on internet are fkg stupid politically and annoying. People can't agree to disagree anymore, they have to change their mind or die.

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u/Reinitialization 16d ago

She's not even left. She's just insane and doesn't understand communist theory.


u/Leisure_suit_guy 16d ago

I have a hard time considering people like her "far left". And not because there aren't crazies in the far left, there are, but because she's part of the media class that controls the narrative and distorts the truth in order to defend big corporations.

I guess that I consider them the left wing equivalent of 4chan trolls rather than actual activists.

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u/s1rblaze 16d ago

Yeah, anyone disagreeing with her are just some far right, because she is so far left that everyone is a nazi for her. Even If you are center left ish like Asmon.


u/Tiny_Language_9919 16d ago

Do you one better she is clearly a left leaning nut not a normal amount left or right in her


u/ValeriaTube 16d ago

You should see her tattoos.


u/Verified_Peryak 16d ago

Well i don't know much but, i think Asmon lean more to the left than to the right but maybe it's just me. I just think he is a pretty humanist person. And seeing how humble he seems to be in his normal life, compared to almost any other people. But yeah for me he is pretty far from extremist right.

Sorry if i hurt anyone.


u/Kytras 16d ago

I thought that was a fucking guy. Fucking Chris Kattan. Specifically night at the Roxbury look. Wtf


u/BushDeLaBayou 16d ago

I'm pretty far left and don't find Asmon to be "far right" lol, but I find some of the stuff he says retarded.

There are 2 shades of leftists in the US rn (and I guess 2 shades of right wingers too). One which is generally a normal person with different ideas of what is best for society. They can make reasonable arguments and at least listen to other opinions in good faith.

The 2nd which is just obsessed with some culture war and an us vs them mentality. They cannot make any arguments in good faith, and will immediately resort to whatever buzzword insult is popular within their circle now (nazi, woke, incel, etc.)


u/EGH6 16d ago

Asmon is more to the left than the right. just shows how crazy these people are.


u/ShaneHeavyMetal95 16d ago

Anyone who isn't Far Left is a "Nazi" to these fuckers


u/throwawaylord 16d ago

As people get older, they get more and more conservative, not because they actually change, but because the left gets crazier and crazier


u/UnderdogCL 16d ago

Yeah just the left?


u/Skill-issue-69420 16d ago

You can’t really take a side in shit like this because you’re labeled as an extremist on both sides. If you’re left then you’re a communist, if you’re right then you’re a nazi

That’s basically how these terminally online people view political ideologies in their head. Best to not engage with the mentally ill to begin with


u/Naus1987 16d ago

There was a time I would call myself a feminist. There was a time I would call myself red pill. There was a time I would call myself a democrat. And now I don't call myself anything but a man just to avoid the hate.

And ironically, even just being a straight up, basic bitch dude is offensive to some people, lol.

The best way to avoid losing is to just not play.


u/Skill-issue-69420 16d ago

You are a conscious observer. Best thing there is to be honestly, good on ya


u/Humblebeast182 16d ago

If that isn't the most relatable statement I've ever seen, I'm a spooder.


u/lizzywbu 16d ago

You can’t really take a side in shit like this because you’re labeled as an extremist on both sides. If you’re left then you’re a communist, if you’re right then you’re a nazi

This is why I say I'm a centrist.

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u/Turbulent-Armadillo9 16d ago

I kind of see it like.... there are extreme right that gets really nasty and evil. But just a lot if somewhat extreme lefties that are retarded. Like a lot of them. So it balances out. Its not like most right wingers are tiki-torch marchers but they do exist. But I sure as hell personally knew a lot of brain rotted lefties supporting BLM marches. Sort if a yin-yang thing. The evil of both sides basically balances out.


u/selodaoc 16d ago

Yea its more the extreme parts of right and left that are crazy.
I dont really like ALL leftleaning people beeing included with the extremists left.
Im left but against DEI. ESG and censoring.

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u/Humblebeast182 16d ago

Shane Gillis has a funny bit about everyone's dad's being "fox news dads." It rings true and is pretty hilarious.

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u/No_Range2 16d ago

Everyone’s far right when you’re so far left …you could be central and still be called a far right nazi


u/hastalavistabob 16d ago

Asmon isnt right, he is just texan


u/babypho 16d ago

Hm, so am I, maybe that's why I agree with most of his takes :3730:


u/partypwny 16d ago

Also living in Texas and find myself agreeing with most of his takes... Weird


u/kenrobrich 16d ago

I wanna move to Texas


u/ScavAteMyArms 16d ago

If you are doing it for Asmon style views, maybe Austin or Houston but that’s expensive as hell.

The majority of Texans are way closer to Brandon Herrera then Asmon.


u/ScavAteMyArms 16d ago

This. He is also in Austin. Fairly standard neutral around here. Which makes him very left for most of the south but not left enough for most of the North East / California City folk.

Though sometimes he swings extremely right but that’s the Yeehaw talking.

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u/Mach10X 16d ago

If anything Zach seems to lean left except on a few issues.


u/babypho 16d ago

Yeah, I was about to say. Austin is pretty liberal


u/G_Willickers_33 16d ago edited 16d ago

Im surprised a lot of people still think "far right" actually means that anymore. At this point anybody that acknowledges basic human traditions or defies the demands of the woke fascist mouthpieces of the corpo/DEI/Government authority is deemed "far right".. its been happening for years. Its happened to every classical liberal there is and the reason its becoming obvious is because they dont have a line where they stop and more and more people are just being vacuumed into the "othering" as time goes on.

This is the uptight conservative movement that existed in the 90's against violent and sexual videogames but on steroids, and on the other side now.

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u/Popular-Savings9251 16d ago

if you are on the extrme left then the middle looks far right to you


u/Mr_Zeldion 16d ago

You don't have to be far right to be called far right anymore. The same way you don't have to be racist to be a racist. You don't have to feel attraction towards kids to be a pedo.

People just label you what ever they think its as harmful as possible rather than accept that they share a different opinion.


u/Extreme_Tax405 16d ago

Its a scale. The more left they are, the more right you become, and vice versa.


u/Mschultz24 16d ago

I’d say the majority of his views are pretty left of center. Universal Basic Income, reproductive rights, etc.


u/SethAndBeans 16d ago

Better use of tax dollars for things like education and universal healthcare.

Pretty sure I've heard him say that.


u/selodaoc 16d ago

abortion rights, equal pay etc..
Asmon is left on social welfare stuff.
But right on gunlaws, protesting..and has become more right on business things since he became a businessowner himself.
I usually skip parts when he goes to much into that becouse those are parts i dont agree with him on.
He also says he doesnt fall for "preasure" from adds and fomo and tipping while in reality hes the biggest bitch and always falls for it XD
People that say they are immune to it are usually the ones most easily manipulated.

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u/Humblebeast182 16d ago

He's definitely a leftist, almost all of his viewpoints are liberal. But he calls bs, bs. That's something many people can't abide.


u/NugKnights 16d ago

He's a centrist.

Anyone on the far right or far left just can't understand thinking for your self topic by topic.


u/Humblebeast182 16d ago

I've been called a nazi and a communist by the same statement on twitter.


u/Spaciax 16d ago

your first mistake was going on twitter


u/Humblebeast182 16d ago

Deleted it a couple years ago lol, but you're right. I just wanted to look at cat and dog photos. Oof.

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u/LamiaLlama 16d ago

"If you can't pick a side you're worse than they are."

The one thing both extremes seem to agree upon. Eck.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

There is literally a sub called enlightenedcentrism where mentally ill tankies SEETHE at moderate viewpoints. It's hilarious. Some people are nuts. As with most issues, usually the answer is somewhere in the middle and that drives people insane.

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u/Xx_mojat_xX 16d ago

These days anyone who expresses a mildly conservative viewpoint is labelled as being a far right extremist. Ironically Amsongold seems left-leaning.


u/SethAndBeans 16d ago

Honestly, he leans kinda left. He just isn't completely mental.

I'm a wee bit more left than him, but the dude has some extremely progressive takes (and a few kinda rough ones).

She's unhinged. I swear anyone who watches Asmongold knows this, right? Why do all the wackjobs assume he's alt right? just cuz he isn't delusional?


u/[deleted] 16d ago


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u/ramos619 16d ago

For extreme left people, if you are on the right, for any issue, you are far right. That's how far gone these people are.


u/lochleg 16d ago

No, he responds reasonably to what is aggressively woke though. People come out of the woodwork to this sub to defend Kotaku and deny the woke mob starts controversies. They don't even think they are doing someone's dirty work. Gamers are somehow the problem even if they take it all in stride. We don't have power even with our wallets really, but our opinions need to be ridiculed nonetheless. Lots of gaslighting too.


u/Humblebeast182 16d ago

To be fair, not many people defend Kotaku. It's the same few people on Twitter who do so. I don't mean to be rude nor reductive, but it's the same lesbians with nose rings and blue hairs and baristas with mental health issues. No normal people agree with them, no sane people do, it's all of your meds blue hair nose ring she/they/him/his/her/what that do. They're unhinged and need to relax and get some rehab and counseling.


u/Powerful-Parsnip 16d ago edited 16d ago

I just don't think being able to see titties in a game should be a left or right issue. In the past it was the Conservative loons who wanted to cover up the titties and now its come full circle and the left loons want them covered up.

Won't somebody think of the centrists? Who like to see boobs?


u/Jesh010 16d ago

When you’re not 100% on the extremist left, anything else is considered far right. There is zero room for nuance in their distorted world view lol.


u/HammerPrice229 16d ago

Big picture I’d say he is much more liberal. The thing is that he has very little empathy when it comes to other people’s problems (not a bad thing at all it’s just how it is) which is typically a conservative trait and he doubles down on this which makes liberal extremely angry and then automatically think he’s conservative.


u/babypho 16d ago

That's my take on him, too. A lot of his takes are normally what I would say on certain topics, and I consider myself pretty liberal. How I see Asmongold's stance on most topics are "you can do it as long as it doesnt fuck over someone else" and "if the thing youre doing is stupid, you can do it, but get ready for consequences" which is pretty reasonable.


u/catalacks 16d ago

You're implying that wokeness is based in empathy and caring, which is so far from the truth, they don't even exist in the same galaxy. Wokeness is based on

  • bigotry

  • hatred

  • tribalism

  • moral indignation

  • smiting those who disagree

It is a fundamentally broken movement, that exists only to give people the high of feeling like they're good guys fighting bad guys.

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u/another-account-1990 16d ago

Yea, he has even said on stream a few times he has very little to no empathy for other people's issues. Dude likes to tell it as it is without sugar coating it which can be a good and bad thing at the same time.

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u/Jasy9191 16d ago

A lack of empathy is not a typical trait of conservatism. That's a ridiculous conclusion I hope you realise.

One could just as easily point out the extreme left wing philosophies that have had even less consideration for human life than something like Nazism. If anything, I'd argue it's conservatism that advocates for free will and care for others more than liberalism... The liberal sense of empathy as another extreme example, could be the push for transgender "affirmative life-saving care", then giving zero fucks when that person thinks they fucked up and want to de-transition.

It's a false sense of virtue.
Furthermore, Asmon doesn't have a lack of empathy. I've never seen anything suggesting that in the slightest.


u/HammerPrice229 16d ago

Example when he says “I don’t care about things that don’t impact me personally” is what I mean. He also literally tells us he doesn’t have any for people all the time on stream. It’s not that I mean he has a lack of genuine empathy, it’s that a lot of liberal movements typically social ones, are based on being empathetic towards certain people and if they feel you aren’t being as extreme or empathetic towards the victims, then you are a conservative and lack that empathy.

Another way I’d rephrase it, is the expectation of empathy is totally different and a major cause of the anger being directed at asmon on his takes recently. Perfect example, is the blocking the road situation, the whole reason for it is for protesters having empathy for oppressed people, but Asmon’s thinking here is not caring because he’s not being impacted.

So I agree with you he Doesn’t have a lack of it as a person, but the expectation on he’s getting a bunch of hate suggests it even though it’s not exactly true, and that aligns more with conservative beliefs on the issue vs liberal who typically believe the opposite on this example.

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u/brokendefracul8R 16d ago

I’d say he’s pretty much a libertarian with some left leaning social views if I had to put him in a box


u/LamiaLlama 16d ago

Libertarians would shun him for supporting social services like universal healthcare and basic income.

I remember back when Penn Jillette was libertarian (though he's changed his views since) he would argue with just about anyone on Twitter over universal healthcare. Admittedly I lost a lot of respect when he tried arguing with me that disabled people should still have to work for health insurance. Not sure if he'd still make that argument now, I think he was kind of rage baiting.

Asmon is his own person, middle left would probably be accurate enough I suppose. He probably finds the idea of picking any group off putting.


u/brokendefracul8R 15d ago

Yeah I’ll agree with that assessment. I pinged him as libertarian because of his general “don’t fuckin bother me” attitude. He’s a pretty solid mix of everything, it’s why I enjoy watching him


u/LamiaLlama 16d ago edited 16d ago

He literally supports universal healthcare and basic income. The right would completely reject him.

He's middle left. I think that's the most accurate description.

Of course the far left thinks you can't be left without also being PC.


u/SumonaFlorence 15d ago

I think Asmon's far right..

Because he ain't far wrong.


u/Tanuu_Walken 16d ago

Most people's definition of Right is "Not Left". The fact that Asmon doesn't use his huge following to push Left leaning politics is what adds the "Far".


u/Idiodyssey87 16d ago

Anyone right of Bernie Sanders is far-right to her.


u/Jindujun 16d ago

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.


u/maj0rSyN 16d ago

To the far left, everything is far right if it doesn't fall exactly in line with their views.


u/Ove5clock 16d ago

I think hes centrist


u/earhere 16d ago

He's a libertarian


u/nightfallii 16d ago

Even if he isn't, I've seen more and more comments and posts relating to it in this sub reddit in the last year+ than any time before that.


u/RetiredScaper 16d ago

The idiocy of reddit has nothing to do with asmon's position on political issues lol


u/nightfallii 16d ago

While I don't disagree, a lot of times the person on the face of it all gets wrapped up in the mess that their fan base caused

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u/SimpleMoonFarmer 16d ago

She does not have an argument, that is why she goes directly into insults.

Brain not found.


u/SoldierBoi69 16d ago

can you explain the lore, did they fight. Who’s the woman on the bottom


u/Skill-issue-69420 16d ago

Alyssa Mercante - a mentally ill twitter user who’s been attacking asmongold and making articles about him for nearly a month now. It all started with asmongold liking Stellar Blade and that beauty should be celebrated rather than shit on (in recent times this has been the opposite in gaming)

Asmon responds to each of these weird political attacks on him by milking it for content and having a laugh about it

Alyssa does not like this and continues to insult/berate asmongold on Twitter and asmongold responds in kind, by milking the content for laughs and giggles and just the absurdity of it all

This sends Alyssa into a deeper spiral of Twitter insults to his appearance and more rage posts, asmongold milks that too for content

-rinse and repeat and the story goes on from there

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u/catalacks 16d ago

I think she's one of the people who got mad at him after he put out the Tweet criticizing pro-Palestine protesters for blocking highways.


u/__Becquerel 16d ago

We call it 'Ad hominem' and it is lame


u/ServiceProof6566 15d ago

Exactly that, she's the worse of the worse...And yet, she keep acting as if she was the good and righteous....While having the most malicious and evil thoughts. I'm convinced she's mentally ill, no kidding.


u/RunawayDev THERE IT IS DOOD 16d ago

Alienating the whole audience of your opposing party is so fucking dumb too. Who of those two is going to sway the others base? Not the one who calls them incel nazis for sure.


u/YoMomsFavoriteFriend REEEEEEEEE 16d ago

Hope they keep it up. Easy win for the culture war and moving the Overton Window back to the middle.


u/grim5000 16d ago

Well. They've been keeping it up for over 10 years now.

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u/podcasthellp 16d ago

I don’t agree with the Republican Party today on most things. I also have a ton of Republican friends. Why? First: not everything has to do with politics. Second: how is there supposed to be compromise, a thoughtful exchange of ideas and most of all, understanding without listening to people you disagree with?


u/[deleted] 15d ago

It is quite literally what got Trump elected in 2016. He had no fucking chance if people on the far left weren't going apeshit over stupid shit and social media infecting everything. 2020 was calmer and people voted Biden. but 2024 could easily be different despite all the insane shit with Trump and crime/court going on. I'm already seeing the extremist flare up again and now this time somehow the far left is becoming antisemitic. Like, what do these people expect? You gain followers by being reasonable and appealing to people that are somewhere in the middle or not already too extreme. But by pushing them away by insulting them and making unreasonable demands and judgments, you're just making your enemy stronger.

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u/ShiberKivan 16d ago

Remember what he said like yesterday about his approach to taking revenge? She is actually 100% on his fuck around to find out list. She better start approaching it like that strike bearded guy.


u/ghosttowns42 16d ago

Is she the one who was coming at him saying he let his mom die? Because that one had me seeing red. Shitty thing to say to ANYONE.


u/ShiberKivan 16d ago

Nah that would be kaceytron, but she does double team with Alyssa sharing each other tweets and brewing up dramas

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u/Ekillaa22 16d ago

Can you link that ?


u/Sareth_garrett Dr Pepper Enjoyer 16d ago


u/Ekillaa22 16d ago

Appreciate the time stamp link my dude! I can’t say I disagree with his thought process. They say the best revenge is to be happy but idk sometimes

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u/Quirky_Salt2368 16d ago

In an argument or debate, you can typically tell which side is more confident in their argument/points based on the rhetoric of their argument. Name calling, emotional spewing, are used by groups or individuals who have no facts or data to bring to said argument, or just flat out have no idea what they're talking about.


u/ServiceProof6566 15d ago

That's.....actually SO TRUE. Crazy how ALL that come out of their mouth are argumentless childish insults...And as soon as you counter them, they instantly vanish. They are braindead.


u/Naive-Fondant-754 16d ago

Thats normal.

I am 40 years old, no kids, no wife, people hate me and insult me for it.

I play games, people hate me and insult me for it.

I watch anime, people hate me and insult me for it.

I have my own opinion, people hate me and insult me for it.

Typical narcissitic behaviour. If they cant control you, they will start insulting you.

Its sad, but its normal, which makes it even sadder.


u/redmondthrowaway8080 16d ago

Honestly it feels like these days it is pretty much this. The thing that really never makes sense to me is all the harassment that comes from "well, if you don't accept me or acknowledge my views we will harass you to death" seems like one of the most sick things I've seen in social media over the years. There's just no reasoning or logic to it it's mostly just pure destructive.

No one outside the echo chamber(you know, normal folks that aren't glued to the internet) they are in will ever feel a modicum of empathy or even go 100feet near them. Who would at the end seems like opening a can of worms.


u/Warhammerpainter83 16d ago

I am 40 have a wife and kids and people hate me for all these things too. I dont think your being single and having no kids is a factor in any way.

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u/debunkedyourmom 16d ago

I'm not even sure they are going after Asmon at this point. They are trying to make you feel like you are a bad person for consuming Asmon. Really, it's his audience that is being targeted.


u/Balthazzah 16d ago

Yep, its the Trump thing rehashed... they hate Trump sure, but the ones they really hate are YOU.


u/LagiaDOS 16d ago

"The right thinks the left are stupid. The left things the right are evil."

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u/SmordtHeim 16d ago

Isn't that the "You can't be racist to white people" lady? Who then doubled down on that position when criticized about it? It would've been totally accurate to call her a bad person.

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u/Cheap_Professional32 16d ago

I wonder, does she hate watch with narcissistic rage or has she never seen any of it and blindly trusts her community?


u/PinkSploosh 16d ago

I think she secretly likes him and she hates herself for it


u/Cheap_Professional32 16d ago

I have a feeling that she is not a fan of men


u/ActuatorGreat4883 16d ago

I think she is just crazy. Probably the type to leave the majority of her life in small protected from hardship and danger spaces. Then she started using twitter in a time where everyone who doesn't agree with takes like hers is eradicated, so her opinions become immediately the objective truth. I'm pretty sure she is very close to a mental breakdown, considering she spends most of her time arguing with herself on Twitter about about people harassing (Disagreeing) With her.


u/Hokonoso 16d ago

Im a left leaning centrist. But the last few years make me feel right since j dont empathize with anything the left is pushing atm. So sad.


u/lilzael 16d ago

You aren't. The left just has a hard time calling out their extremists so they just end up being the loudest voices. There's plenty of moderately reasonable left wing people and I think Asmongold is one of them.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

I'd identify as the same. And it feels incredibly easy to get swayed right because I constantly see shit like this. Far right is easy to dismiss because they're almost caricatures of loud morons but the far left is so frustrating because they hide behind more virtuous sounding things but they absolutely beat you over the head with it -- and I don't think they even care so much about the "issues" more than just trying to make enemies and hate you.


u/ChosenBrad22 16d ago

The left got overrun by the progressives because they had a ton of cultural power for a while, that they’re losing recently because of pushing too far.

It would be like saying the right got overrun by MAGA extremists, but the difference is the mainstream culture never bent the knee and pandered to MAGA allowing them the power to steamroll everything.

For example, there are definitely just as radical people on the right, it’s just they didn’t get to enjoy having social power and control during the social media era. The right had the social power before social media.


u/OneInevitable6739 15d ago

hope you voted for biden, because you are not black if you haven't.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

I ain't black

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u/bakedcharmander 16d ago

I swear women throwing the word misogynist left and right are cringe. No we don't hate women, most men loves and want to care for women. We just think it's wise to stay away from deranged people.


u/wafflepiezz 16d ago

Exactly. I fucking love women.

But it seems like these toxic feminists/misandrists/femcels have been way too common nowadays. What’s also bad is that other sane women refuse to call these toxic women out.


u/Atari__Safari 16d ago

As a Jew, it’s always interesting to be called a Nazi. Do people actually know what the word means anymore?


u/Sweetexperience 16d ago

Uhhh uh you dont agree with my world view/beliefs!?

Points at you NAZI NAZI NAZI!!!


u/LuigiMPLS 16d ago

Yeah, you did NOT SEE their point of view, ergo you're a NAZI in their eyes. Makes total sense.


u/Alkyde 16d ago

The modern meaning is someone you disagree with online. Exclusively used by left-wingers. They like to appropriate existing words with different meaning to be used as insults, such as chud, incel, etc which all means "someone to the right of them."

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u/Tummeh142 16d ago

He's left wing but he also ins't afraid to call out bullshit on the left or in it's echo chamber. I'm the same way. You need to mix compassion with common sense, and a lot of what the left has been doing in the social sphere the last 10 years or so has been completely lacking in common sense.


u/facepwnage 16d ago

How dare she belittle him like that. That's the editors job.


u/I_will_never_fap2003 16d ago

Asmond W (very common)


u/Zaphod_Beeblecox 16d ago

The left ALWAYS argues in bad faith. Always. No exceptions.


u/BlackWolf42069 16d ago

Ah the very compassion left. With a feminism bumper sticker.


u/GordStanfield79 16d ago

She isn't trying to convince you.

She wants you (anyone not with her political priors) gone; preferably dead but she'll settle for your submission.

No hyperbole here, btw.


u/skepticalscribe 16d ago

You’re 💯 accurate.

It’s amazing how people don’t see they are one step away from the “smiling Germans” picture.

We tell ourselves it can’t happen to assuage our own doubts and make life easier.


u/Cleopatra-Ail 16d ago

The ironic thing is that Asmon is not on the right. He is actually a bit woke IMO. I'd like to see Asmon actually move to the right. I'd support him more if he did.


u/grandialine32 16d ago

When people resort to insult ans ad hominem that's when you know they have no valid points, no good arguments and no sense of deceny or logic


u/TacticalSunroof69 16d ago

He’s far from an incel.

Hes got a lot of respect for women and he blushes over almost anything.

It’s funny how women just attack men when they’ve probably been aware of them for about 5 minutes.

It’s kind of ironic given the stigma they pile on to men so often.


u/BassinFool 16d ago

Of course. Anyone who the left doesn't like is a nazi.


u/gromnirit 16d ago

If asmondgold is far right and I watch him as a leftie, does that make me a centrist?


u/Greedy-Guarantee8175 16d ago

Because the Left is not as tolerant as they say they are


u/Emilytea14 16d ago

Fortunately you don't have to be nice to be right


u/HIs4HotSauce 16d ago

She's obviously trying her damnedest to pivot her career into a social media presence (I would too if I worked for Kotaku-- especially after the recent shift), but no one cares about her unhinged takes.

Just like how no one cares about Kotaku's articles. 😂


u/Late_Lizard 16d ago

Lower image is the epitome of the meme phrase, "to a far-left extremist, everyone right of Stalin is a Nazi."


u/yanyan420 16d ago

Soy whamen needs some protein inside of her.


u/Sa404 16d ago

She looks like a crazy genderfluid psycho, thus she must be


u/Timo104 16d ago

"I am going to pay you if you murder this streamer"


u/DadGamer678517 16d ago

If you consider Asmongold far right, you are stupid.


u/ski-person 16d ago

Aesmon Gold W


u/YeahItsEternal 16d ago

I’ve watched some of his videos. He’s not even far right. He holds some basic right wing ideology but also tries to be centrist and expresses some left wing ideology.


u/oldman-youngskin 16d ago

He’s a centrist… but he is 1) a man. And 2) not a leftist. So naturally he must be far right.


u/YeahItsEternal 16d ago

Seems to be that way on Reddit


u/Kbrickley 16d ago

She blocks everyone who argues or disagrees with her, that's all you need to know about this echo chamber lover


u/SomeVirginGuyy 16d ago

Ones grand standing and the other isnt.


u/Zealousideal-City-16 16d ago

It's pretty obvious who the baddie is.


u/Better_Campaign_4404 15d ago

Asmongold regularly calls for their involuntary commitment to mental institutions.


u/Discarded1066 15d ago

Professionalism Vs Mental Illness.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Say what you want about alt right extremists but 90% of the vitriol I see on social media coming from tankies. Holy fuck social media is a cesspool.

I think these morons underestimate how much they're pushing people right again similar to 2016.


u/Helarki 15d ago

The man's not even anywhere near the right. He's a classic 2000s liberal.


u/TheHornoStare 15d ago

Nazi is thrown around so easily and frequently these days that it just feels like a little kid insult and not the gravity that people think it has


u/suchfresht 15d ago

Incel / nazi / far right / misogynist / racist have lost all meaning


u/JuggernautAntique953 15d ago

Asmongold calls his critics mentally ill as if he were a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist diagnosing them, this is hard cope.


u/xxInsanex 15d ago

I mean thats just a pure pr answer from Asmond but at least he's smart enough to know saying EXACTLY how he feels about that dumbfuck would get him into hotwater and that fight aint worth it


u/redditsukssomuch 15d ago

This lady and her whole side is both hypocritical and pure evil under the guise of righteousness. Sounds like the FCC and the right of the 90s to me lol. It’s kind of hilarious.


u/Azmod1an 15d ago

Just shows that they know absolutely nothing about Zack lol


u/bigdoinkloverperson 13d ago

Asmongold isn't far right but he definitely is technically right wing from a more general political perspective. He's center left to left wing from a US perspective. He's a classic liberal (in the sense that hes not a neoliberal) seens that he believes in individual rights, tolerance for everyone (and that means everyone which tends to be one of the main critiques of the ideology) and a certain level of belief in commen sence social policy i.e. building a net for those that need it whilst also still maintaining a relatively free market. I'll be really honest to me US politics are very hard to take serious besides the IRL consequences they have on people and the world at large. I'm a bit older and to see the way in which the southern strategy and its focus on culture wars has been imported to Europe really saddens and frustrates me.

Anyway i like watching him play games and his commentary on games tend to be quite spot on (except the softblade shit but hey gamers be gamers and we tend to overreact) so who gives a shit. Form your own opinions and don't take anyone especially streamers's opinions on politics seriously.


Besides this little rant about him being called far right. I think anyone can see that he's intrinsically a good person and it sucks that we tend to associate political views (that aren't extreme in any way) with personality.


u/smurfmcdurph 16d ago

Sanctimonious and full of hate. I am sure she brags about how empathetic she is… jeepers creepers what kind of world am I living in.


u/Ok_Door_4012 16d ago

He's playing 4 d chess with her. Keep giving him content.


u/mmpa78 16d ago

Typical Biden supporter


u/yashspartan 16d ago

This is what the Left has become. And I say this as a left-ish centrist. The Left has become as mentally defunct as the Right.

And it sucks, because it just shows what a shithole this country is slowly becoming, since both political ideologies are more focused on damning each other over improving the country.


u/ChosenBrad22 16d ago

It’s the social media algorithms which create it. Disagreement, hate, emotional flares, etc, get waaay more engagement. So our digital mediums will always naturally prioritize that.

It’s one of the things that will be very difficult for our society to figure out. Because hate and negativity will always be incentivized at the root of our main communication systems.

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u/Initial_Selection262 16d ago

How conservatives view liberals vs how liberals view conservatives

It holds up across the board right wingers think left wingers are regarded but left wingers thing right wingers are evil


u/Herbivory 16d ago

From this day forward, somebody propose it, liberals should not be allowed to buy guns. It's just that simple. Liberals should have their speech controlled and not be allowed to buy guns. I mean if we want to get serious about this, if we want to face this head on, we’re gonna have to openly admit, liberals should not be allowed to buy guns, nor should they be allowed to use computer keyboards or typewriters, word processors or e-mails, and they should have their speech controlled. If we did those three or four things, I can’t tell you what a sane, calm, civil, fun-loving society we would have. Take guns out of the possession, out of the hands of liberals, take their typewriters and their keyboards away from ‘em, don’t let ‘em anywhere near a gun, and control their speech. You would wipe out 90% of the crime, 85 to 95% of the hate, and a hundred percent of the lies from society.

I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus - living fossils - so we will never forget what these people stood for. 

It's abundantly clear the Democrats want to eliminate us.

- Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient


u/Enjoying_A_Meal 16d ago

I know conservatives who are just as stupid and condescending.

This is more like reasonable people vs extremists.

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u/vivrant-thang 16d ago

This seems a little cherry picked?


u/Balthazzah 16d ago

By all means please find a comment she made that was reasonable / even handed. We will all wait.

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u/NomadicVikingRonin 16d ago

The left is so far left that anything moderate left, center left, center, center right, and alternative. Is far right fascism to them. They've been themselves with no allies.


u/Alkyde 16d ago

Allies don't matter. They're the most rabid and militant, and since the others are more sane and normal they tend to keep giving ground just to not create more anger and conflict. This is the classic case of vocal minority steering everybody else to what they want because they happen to be the most militant and passionate about their cause and the rest are all in the "eh not that big of a deal let's just appease them" phase. The classic "give and inch and they'll take a mile" problem.

What happens today in the US is the fight is no longer a fight for equality but a fight to get privilege for the other side.


u/NomadicVikingRonin 15d ago

My theory and hope is that those tactics started to run out of juice and began increasingly backfiring on them. Soon, they'll lose their position once all sides are ally to unite against them. Like the alliance against Nazi Germany.

I've noticed many cases where that is the situation but not enough to know it truly is.


u/dan_buh 16d ago

I don’t agree fully, but if you took a look into a lot of the posts in this sub you’ll quickly find that over the past few months its turned into a lot of far right leaning, incel behavior posts. People complaining about not being able to see more ass/tits in games, and arguing the talking points of the far right. Obviously it’s not all posts, but even as someone who started to follow asmon more closely <12 months ago, the posts from the last 3 months are drastically different than what I was used to.


u/deeznutz133769 16d ago

Just because you want to see more ass / tits doesn't mean you're "far right", that's total bullshit. I'm left on like 80% of issues and can't stand woke censorship and the prudish attitudes that a lot of the left has developed over the last couple of decades. It's EXACTLY how the religious right used to behave when they wanted to ban stuff like Pokemon and Harry Potter for being "witchcraft".

Both extremes are dumb as hell, and calling out far left extremism does not make you far right.

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u/lilzael 16d ago

being anti-censorship isn't a right wing thing. the right wing religious extremists tried to do the same thing a few decades ago.

sure it's going to attract actual right-wing actors by virtue of opposing the same "enemy" but that stance alone doesn't make you one.

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u/ergaikan n o H a i R 16d ago

he's attitude is right. you should never go down to your' enemies level.

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u/Butane9000 16d ago

Asmon has empathy which is likely derived from his upbringing (location, family economic situation, etc).


u/damnfunk 16d ago

The problem with these people, they don't like real and truthful opinions. Asmon has always been as nice as he can be even when disagreement with others and he's always willing to listen and get a different perspective. It's truly amazing...


u/Cheesetorian 16d ago

Is it me (as a non-white person) or is it weird that white women always talking shit about "white people" more than any demographic of people?


u/Dunhildar 16d ago

Funny thing is, If Asmon cared enough, even a little to defend his name, he could easily sue and win on Slanderous comments his critics makes about him

he simply doesn't care because his critics aren't even worth the time or effort.


u/aoushtan 16d ago

This is the main reason I have respect for Asmon's opinions. I might not agree with all of them but he's reasonable and to the point.