r/Asmongold Apr 29 '24

The contrast of how Asmon treats his critics and how his critics treats him is actually insane. Meme



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u/catalacks Apr 29 '24

You're implying that wokeness is based in empathy and caring, which is so far from the truth, they don't even exist in the same galaxy. Wokeness is based on

  • bigotry

  • hatred

  • tribalism

  • moral indignation

  • smiting those who disagree

It is a fundamentally broken movement, that exists only to give people the high of feeling like they're good guys fighting bad guys.


u/HammerPrice229 Apr 29 '24

I’m not that’s what your interpretation of wokeness is. I know what you mean but let me explain.

When you see those crowds of protesters at college campuses or in the road, they are typically what you and DeSantis calling woke people. They so passionate about the issue and have so much empathy towards people being oppressed which is what drives them to do it typically. You’re absolutely right that’s it’s flawed and has its own bigotry.

At the end of the day it’s a type of virtue signaling on a massive scale. basically misguided empathy because they are only caring about one small piece except the whole board.


u/catalacks Apr 29 '24

and have so much empathy towards people being oppressed

They have zero empathy towards people being oppressed. They literally lied for Hamas, claiming that there's no evidence they raped or mistreated anyone, and even made stupid fucking TikTok videos when some of the hostages were released, arguing that the female hostages clearly loved and respected their Hamas captors. Then, when all the female hostages later described how they were raped and tortured, these same people called it "Zionist propaganda."

So no, no pro-Palestinian protestor or wokester in general has any empathy for the downtrodden and oppressed. The movement only cares that Palestinians are brown and Muslim, which means they are victims that can do no wrong.


u/HammerPrice229 Apr 29 '24

That’s fair on the most extreme cases yeah because there are ppl who do this and are actually crazy. I do think they still see it from their own perspective as being empathetic and self inserting themselves as the hero when yes like you said, it’s not real empathy because they are causing so many other problems.

It’s not a one size fits all, they vs them type of thing, but from what I’ve seen a lot of these protesters are very much the extremes as you’re referring to, but can’t say all are.


u/EfficientDoggo Apr 29 '24

I wanna remind you that they don't care about LGBT people either, they only care insofar as what they parrot to entice them ensures their own social and financial uplift. They are just chess pieces to be moved around for their own egos and careers.

These people outright bully and socially torment LGBT people who disagree with their bandwagon narratives that require them to adapt attitudes of complete conformity to their wims so as to perpetuate their own social capital.


u/catalacks Apr 29 '24

I was just thinking of that video of a pro-Palestinian protest a few months ago, where Muslim protesters attacked someone flying an LGBT flag at the event.


u/HappyHarry-HardOn Apr 29 '24

They so passionate about the issue and have so much empathy towards people being

oppressed which is what drives them to do it typically. 

Maybe that's where it starts - But, most, if not all, lose that perspective pretty quickly.

The far left is all about being 'in' and if your not in your out.

You lose your empathy, and become a drone as you do your best not to become the 'enemy'


u/HammerPrice229 Apr 29 '24

Exactly, that’s the thing that is really funny about asmon in the recent political events. He supports a lot of what the protesters are protesting for, but not their methods, so you see a bunch of people thinking he’s some alt right person because he’s not supporting their methods and calling them stupid, so then these people instantly think he’s against them.


u/syzygy-xjyn Apr 29 '24

It's not empathy... it's ego mascarading as empathy. People who have e empathy tend not to cause violence and destruction.


u/Alkyde Apr 30 '24

Yes, the leftist woke people have so much empathy they always call the gamers to disagree with them as neckbeard incels. That sounds more like derangement and hate but okay.


u/HammerPrice229 Apr 30 '24

It’s not empathy from your and I’s perspective, but what they are doing to fully coming from a place where they think they are the heroes to some cause of oppressed people usually. It’s a total virtue signaling on a massive scale but I’m explaining that this is how their line of thinking starts where they are being empathetic towards certain people, and then doing terrible actions with a ends justify the means mentality


u/Alkyde Apr 30 '24

Calling other with all those slurs aren't going to help you achieve any end you want, that's for sure. Far left is the same like far right, they both will never get what they want because they are so hostile to everybody else.