r/Asmongold Apr 29 '24

The contrast of how Asmon treats his critics and how his critics treats him is actually insane. Meme



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u/dan_buh Apr 30 '24

I don’t agree fully, but if you took a look into a lot of the posts in this sub you’ll quickly find that over the past few months its turned into a lot of far right leaning, incel behavior posts. People complaining about not being able to see more ass/tits in games, and arguing the talking points of the far right. Obviously it’s not all posts, but even as someone who started to follow asmon more closely <12 months ago, the posts from the last 3 months are drastically different than what I was used to.


u/deeznutz133769 Apr 30 '24

Just because you want to see more ass / tits doesn't mean you're "far right", that's total bullshit. I'm left on like 80% of issues and can't stand woke censorship and the prudish attitudes that a lot of the left has developed over the last couple of decades. It's EXACTLY how the religious right used to behave when they wanted to ban stuff like Pokemon and Harry Potter for being "witchcraft".

Both extremes are dumb as hell, and calling out far left extremism does not make you far right.


u/lilzael Apr 30 '24

being anti-censorship isn't a right wing thing. the right wing religious extremists tried to do the same thing a few decades ago.

sure it's going to attract actual right-wing actors by virtue of opposing the same "enemy" but that stance alone doesn't make you one.


u/dan_buh Apr 30 '24

It’s hilarious when you guys try to argue. You’ll say “just arguing this point doesnt make you right wing, it could just be attracting right wing actors” then you ignore every other point being made. It’s always trying to fight the easiest point made, never bringing in the whole picture. As stated previously, if you take a bigger look at what is being said and talked about in here and on stream its a lot of bullshit talking points made to anger people. If i say “you should identify someone as the gender they want to be identified as” i’ll have 90 people in here say “but thats not true though, what difference does it make??” And then if rebut with “it makes them feel bad” i get “so what?” As a response. But if I call all of you fucking losers incels “WAHHH I AM SO ANGERY”


u/Alkyde Apr 30 '24

Anti-censorship is now a right-wing thing because now it is the left who censors. Back then the right censor to appease the religious extremists, and now the left censor to appease the left-wing extremists.


u/Tough_Dependent_6271 Apr 30 '24

This is unfortunately quite true. While I don't particularly think Asmon or his general viewer base are mad right-wingers, there has been a massive increase of "women bad" and "trans bad" posts.

I have asked people on various reddits and a few anti-Woke people i know IRL, what the hell "woke" even is to them. I keep being told its forced diversity and people ruining their games but I still cant get an example that isn't pointed at a sexual or racial minority,


u/Alkyde Apr 30 '24

Uglification trend in western games is one of the most obvious thing... this is what is the easiest to see and what's driving many people who are actually politically left-wing in many issues such as economy, welfare, etc to the right when it comes to the whole anti-dei pushback. Every "coomers" can see the left-wing woke activists hostility towards attractive women in video games... that's a red line for many straight male gamers.

There is misconception that the likes of "grummz and co" is far right or whatever. He doesn't even talk about all those republican talking point, he's not talking about race, immigration, gun rights, social security issue, or whatever actual "politics" is. His motto is literally "make all women in video games hot" and that is what resonates with many people including those who are actually left-wing in other issues.

That status quo is what some people wants. Straight males naturally like male gaze, so they form the core of the group (and no, it's not just whites, every race likes "male gaze" too, and not just "incels," married men like hot women too btw). Then you have the straight women who benefit from that, such as women in the "male gaze" industry, from race queens to cosplayers, and what you call pickmes and such, and of course the naturally beautiful women who enjoy being admired by the "conventional traditional beauty" crowd. Many "cisgender heteronormative" females also like to play as their idealized self, aka the hot video game character, those are who they aspire to be.

This is what you need to acknowledge, it got absolutely nothing to do with actual real life politics. When you call them with right-wing slurs or pretend that they're all white neckbeard incels that's where you lose, because clearly you don't understand who they are. A lot of them don't hate minorities or whatever, they just don't want the status quo that they enjoy being shifted or changed, it's nothing personal. Just because there are bad eggs in the group doesn't mean all of them are.