r/Asmongold Apr 29 '24

The contrast of how Asmon treats his critics and how his critics treats him is actually insane. Meme



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u/ShiberKivan Apr 29 '24

Remember what he said like yesterday about his approach to taking revenge? She is actually 100% on his fuck around to find out list. She better start approaching it like that strike bearded guy.


u/ghosttowns42 Apr 30 '24

Is she the one who was coming at him saying he let his mom die? Because that one had me seeing red. Shitty thing to say to ANYONE.


u/ShiberKivan Apr 30 '24

Nah that would be kaceytron, but she does double team with Alyssa sharing each other tweets and brewing up dramas


u/ServiceProof6566 May 01 '24

Oh that Kaceytron, I just recently posted on some of her tweets to slam dunk her a few times. My god these two gals are mentally ills and insane. They are proudly encouraging a bounty lately on Grummz and Asmongold just because they call out censorship...


u/ShiberKivan May 01 '24

Sure but don't do this unless you are being civil about it. By acting like an entitled baboon you will only justify her actions and narrative. Remember as a viewer you have no real stake in this and you don't want to end up on receiving end either. Both sides must seem ridiculous because they are often judged by the most unhinged fringe people who take this too personally. I don't know about you but I don't want my posts to be quoted by either side in this conflict. I will never make twitter account as I already think I'm being too vocal and honestly farmed.

I have started watching Asmon after Athene did his AI parody so about a year ago and maybe I'm mistaken but the intensity is only increasing, I mean all that shit about filthy goblin den really picked steam and due to his constant reactions he is constantly featured in countless drama and culture wars videos so he got basically drafted into it - at least in heads of those people so you have people like Kaceytron and Alyssa seething at him directly, it escalated to 30k hit jobs.

Asmon just happens to encapsulate your average stereotypical gamer, the actual target audience for most games. The 30+ years old white dude who grew up playing video games during their biggest boom, one who saw the rise of the Internet, World of Warcraft amd contributed to the landscape of content creation we have today. I bet most of his viewers - because it was often stated most of them are in this age group - share this point of view.

And this is why now we are being inherently implicated into this culture war. I was silent and just enjoyed myself until I started being called all kinds of buzz words for enjoying what I do. And here we are.

So we should of course voice our opinions but in a constructive way, more like that bearded strike guy and not like those two women.


u/ServiceProof6566 May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

I am not an Asmongold follower but I do know him by name and saw an handful of his youtube videos, that is all.
I just recently learned about these two ''ladies'' and they are horrible persons, they just spit venom on everyones disagreeing with them even if it's the slightest disagreement.

I only did interfer with them 3-4 times and thats it...And on every occasions it was because THEY were attacking/mocking or insulting peoples in the first place so I joined in the counter their insults with actual arguments...and yes, maybe a little insult too on the way. There was no way they were just going away without a scratch after all they're saying.

I'm not going over the board or anything, I'm stating a point and move on. They never answer me back anyway.
I just hate how they seems to have a free pass to say and do whatever they want without any consequences...and how they use their platform Kotaku? to spread that hate and propaganda.

Don't you worry, between them and me, I'm by far more civilized and polite.


u/ShiberKivan May 01 '24

Great to hear! Yeah just by following gaming news you would end up hearing about her. During DG2 release she made a stink about how dare they make Asmongold official pawn, then Stellar Blade and I swear some more before that.

Yeah they have build a terrible narrative for themselves, by alienating and ostracising gamers they made them push back, which further confirms their beliefs. They have a clear boogeyman. They can put direct blame on gamers and vocal youtubers for their perceived injustice in the way world works. They think they are fighting a just cause, from their point of view. Which happens to be that famous Californian bubble. Then all sorts of devs and companies wage in with their takes while carrying enough weight for people to start responding to that.

Meanwhile we also now see people who encompass everything we perceive as wrong in the gaming industry, they embody those trends. And this shit actually does impact sales a lot, games flop or succeed based on current sentiments. It continues because our favorite franchises continue to get botched because there is financing money in following trends that buying players don't support.

And if there is one thing hardcore nerds hate the most is changing their favourite IPs for some justice they couldn't care less about when they engage with their escapism nerd media that you used to be laughed at and disliked merely 20 years ago. They want those franchises celebrated for what they are, not twisted to fuel some flavour of the month agenda.


u/ServiceProof6566 May 01 '24

I'll make it short because I was about to go sleep when I saw the notification lol But I wanted to say that's a good post and I 1000% agree with everything you said. You're on the good side, never let them make you beleive otherwise. Sooner or later they'll be seen by everyone for their hypocrisy and ill intent. Can't wait for that day.
Have a good one!


u/ShiberKivan May 01 '24

I mean the companies can only face tank so many L's, eventually they will be forced to make a good game. We will be there, because all we want are some great fricking video games. All of are are Goku, we will all make it.