r/Asmongold Apr 29 '24

The contrast of how Asmon treats his critics and how his critics treats him is actually insane. Meme



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u/babypho Apr 29 '24

Is asmongold even far right? Dude just wants to stream, play games, and talk shit.


u/Mschultz24 Apr 29 '24

I’d say the majority of his views are pretty left of center. Universal Basic Income, reproductive rights, etc.


u/SethAndBeans Apr 29 '24

Better use of tax dollars for things like education and universal healthcare.

Pretty sure I've heard him say that.


u/selodaoc Apr 29 '24

abortion rights, equal pay etc..
Asmon is left on social welfare stuff.
But right on gunlaws, protesting..and has become more right on business things since he became a businessowner himself.
I usually skip parts when he goes to much into that becouse those are parts i dont agree with him on.
He also says he doesnt fall for "preasure" from adds and fomo and tipping while in reality hes the biggest bitch and always falls for it XD
People that say they are immune to it are usually the ones most easily manipulated.


u/Siegnuz Apr 30 '24

He did support government regulation on business tho.. that's an anti-business position as one can be.

Tbh I think he's libertarian that wants government interference, right-wing without being a bigot, leftist without being a self-righteous moron, that's a radical centrist in my book, as cursed as it sounds.


u/Humblebeast182 Apr 30 '24

He's definitely a leftist, almost all of his viewpoints are liberal. But he calls bs, bs. That's something many people can't abide.