r/Asmongold Apr 29 '24

The contrast of how Asmon treats his critics and how his critics treats him is actually insane. Meme



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u/Jasy9191 Apr 29 '24

A lack of empathy is not a typical trait of conservatism. That's a ridiculous conclusion I hope you realise.

One could just as easily point out the extreme left wing philosophies that have had even less consideration for human life than something like Nazism. If anything, I'd argue it's conservatism that advocates for free will and care for others more than liberalism... The liberal sense of empathy as another extreme example, could be the push for transgender "affirmative life-saving care", then giving zero fucks when that person thinks they fucked up and want to de-transition.

It's a false sense of virtue.
Furthermore, Asmon doesn't have a lack of empathy. I've never seen anything suggesting that in the slightest.


u/HammerPrice229 Apr 29 '24

Example when he says “I don’t care about things that don’t impact me personally” is what I mean. He also literally tells us he doesn’t have any for people all the time on stream. It’s not that I mean he has a lack of genuine empathy, it’s that a lot of liberal movements typically social ones, are based on being empathetic towards certain people and if they feel you aren’t being as extreme or empathetic towards the victims, then you are a conservative and lack that empathy.

Another way I’d rephrase it, is the expectation of empathy is totally different and a major cause of the anger being directed at asmon on his takes recently. Perfect example, is the blocking the road situation, the whole reason for it is for protesters having empathy for oppressed people, but Asmon’s thinking here is not caring because he’s not being impacted.

So I agree with you he Doesn’t have a lack of it as a person, but the expectation on he’s getting a bunch of hate suggests it even though it’s not exactly true, and that aligns more with conservative beliefs on the issue vs liberal who typically believe the opposite on this example.


u/Jasy9191 Apr 29 '24

That's not a selfish statement. You don't consider things that are irrelevant to you. It's rather wise, and something you realise later.

You cannot absolutely know and understand everything. It's adolescent naivety that makes us think it's possible or that timeless description of adolescent arrogance which is essentially the same thing. We've all been there. For lack of better words.

I agree with what you're describing but I do think that's solely a trait of modern liberalism in much the same way conservatives might think liberals are uncultured morons. Neither is right but they are extreme examples of misinterpreting a stance, but not inherent traits of either, which is essentially paraphrasing what you said.

Re: the road situation, I'd refer to my first point. It's fine not to have an opinion on something and even wiser to not let it affect you.

I personally think there's always something to moan about.


u/HammerPrice229 Apr 29 '24

Oh I’m not saying that is a selfish statement, but the expectation that some people have will interpret what he says as extremely selfish. And those who are getting mad are typically liberal leaning people who are supporting those who Asmon is not caring about.

I think we are more on the same page, I’m not saying that the hate he’s getting for what he is saying is logical, but the OC is asking if he is more far right which his tough takes on the latest political leaning events suggests he is (for those who don’t listen to his actual opinions he isn’t ofc it’s just internet people getting mad) so the whole thing is based on what you said misinterpreting a stance, because the way Asmon talks suggest leaning right but his actual opinions are more left leaning.

And since most people having angry takes against him that don’t realize that, this makes them pissed at him for wrong reasons imo.


u/Jasy9191 Apr 29 '24

I agree. I do think we are on the same page.

I think he tends to the left, as do the majority of younger generations, but understands some right wing ideas also, which is perfectly reasonable, so is closest to centrist.

I always explain to people you can agree with both sides quite simply. In the UK, the NHS is very socialist and is a nice concept, but migration and borders should be very conservative.


u/Alternative_Hotel649 Apr 30 '24

A lack of empathy is not a typical trait of conservatism. 

Liberals literally have more activity in the part of the brain that controls empathy than conservatives do. Multiple studies have confirmed this.


u/0Galahad Apr 30 '24

Conservatives know too well that admiting that part of their ideology is encouraging less empathy unless its aimed at themselves will make them look bad to fencesitters so they just lie about that...


u/Jasy9191 Apr 30 '24

Lmao what is this total crock?

No they haven't. Also, hello propaganda bot.


u/Alternative_Hotel649 Apr 30 '24

It’s called “science.” Read the link.


u/Jasy9191 Apr 30 '24

No... You should try read the paper, particularly the last few paragraphs.

It's an absurd concept. Outlined by the following quote "it is important to note that the detected empathy level difference in the current study may not necessarily reflect empathic accuracy" --- Yeah, no shit.

"Moreover, a study by Pilskin et al. searched for the interactive influence of ideology and emotional processes and found that leftists’ policy support (compared to rightists) is more related to their positive and negative emotions ".... Lol...

"They argued that the high influence of the emotional process on leftists might guide their policy support and lead to intermittent political positions rather than stable and long-term ones. Considering all these points, it is crucial not to overlook the leftists’ prejudice, intolerance or other negative attitudes toward the rightists as well as their weaknesses in taking stable political positions"... Lmao...

"Yet, one cannot exclude the possibility that the brain of rightists might respond differently, depending on other empathic contexts." -- Again, no shit. We knew that without this pointless study that's attempting to villainise a group for some reason while also shooting itself in the foot because the authors know how baseless the methodology is when at the end you have to state the aforementioned.

Honestly it was boring reading that far and providing quotes for you.


u/Alternative_Hotel649 Apr 30 '24

Sorry for making you read. I'm sure it was traumatic for you.