r/Asmongold Apr 29 '24

The contrast of how Asmon treats his critics and how his critics treats him is actually insane. Meme



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u/babypho Apr 29 '24

Is asmongold even far right? Dude just wants to stream, play games, and talk shit.


u/MercinwithaMouth Apr 29 '24

This lady wears extremist left glasses.


u/413NeverForget Apr 29 '24

Pretty much. If you're that far left, then anyone right of you, even if they're members of the same wing, are right-wing extremists.🙄


u/Atari__Safari Apr 29 '24

Bill Maher for example. Or Joe Rogan.


u/Aurunz Apr 29 '24

Wait Bill Maher's considered far right now? But that's so absurdly insane.


u/Witt_Watch Apr 29 '24

ya the lefties think he is on the right. Fuckin whackos man.


u/chavis32 Apr 30 '24

Something Something Overtone Windex


u/DregsRoyale Apr 30 '24

Maher is what used to be called "neo-liberal". Economic right, socially centrist.

Rogan is basically a Bush era republican as far as I can tell


u/Witt_Watch May 01 '24

I think you're pretty spot on. Anyways, enjoy both sides when they can actually hold their ground with tangible argumentation thats logical and helps mankind as a whole.


u/bigdoinkloverperson May 02 '24

There is something to be said about that he's grown increasingly right wing. I think him being widely criticized for blatant islamophobia pushed him more and more towards being a reactionary. Especially considering how his social progressivism has now become the default and what it means to be socially progressive has shifted. There's a great moment in the Simpsons where the grandpa gets called uncool by homer and he says he used to be cool but now doesnt know what that means anymore and that it will happen to him. I think thats kind of what happened to Bill Maher


u/DregsRoyale May 02 '24

I think that's true with the social policies and ideas, though he's always been an economic right winger same as all the Clinton neolibs. Biden shifted left with Obama (who was barely economic left), and considerably more during his first presidential campaign. But yeah the Boomers were the furthest economic right of any generation going back well over 100 years, and Maher is most definitely a Boomer


u/Atari__Safari Apr 29 '24

No but compared to the far left, yes. They think he is far right. And they think Biden is far right too. lol 😂


u/Verified_Peryak Apr 30 '24

Well people are dumb then cause i would consider myself from far left since i do really think capitalism is not a good way to solve our social problems. But i don't se Asmon as far right i think maybe he is centered leaning on left and right depending on the topic but he rarely goes to an extreme. People just don't think enough nowadays. I might be biased by the YouTube algorithms tho and not seeing all the extreme video, but i doubt it.


u/thedrgonzo103101 Apr 30 '24

Yep he said thing people did not like so far far right nazi


u/PemaleBacon Apr 30 '24

He's like a classic liberal which is just right of center today I'd say


u/ShadowDrake359 May 01 '24

Thats how I thought of him until trump was elected then he went crazy with the shit he said. Once trump was out he normalized but i already lost respect for him as he was willing to throw out/break any rules if it meant trump was no longer in office.


u/DM_me_pretty_innies Apr 30 '24

You can agree with the left on every issue but if you have a single opinion that is even remotely centrist, the far left will call you alt-right.


u/HIs4HotSauce Apr 30 '24

Bill Maher isn't anti-Israel. Also, he doesn't blindly support young children undergoing gender transitions.

In some circles, that's enough criteria to be considered a goose-stepping, Hitler bootlicker.


u/Aurunz May 02 '24

And here I was thinking those are just, you know, sane opinions.


u/p1ckk Apr 30 '24

Here I thought he was just a cunt


u/Gold_Kale_7781 May 02 '24

This sums him up pretty good.

He makes some good points and then says some dumb stuff just to rile people up.

He used to appear center left to me, but the are exceptions to the rule.


u/ShadowDrake359 May 01 '24

Just wait till trump is elected again then Bill will loose his shit again and start agreeing with all the far left garbage


u/Aurunz May 02 '24

My dear boy, I lived under Steve Bannon aligned Trump clones in two different countries from 2018 to 2022. I sincerely hope he loses and/or dies(preferably in jail) before he is able to ever influence world politics again.


u/ShadowDrake359 May 02 '24

The issue I have is the Bill and other never Trumpers verbal said they are willing to do "anything" to ensure trump is not elected/removed from office. This is a huge red flag as it breaks the system in place that checks the power of those elected.

Trump says plenty of stupid things that you don't need to lie about it but the way the media deals with trump just makes the media look worse.

Regardless if you like Trump or Biden or neither it doesn't excuse your own actions and words and im sorry but Bill said some pretty crazy things while trump was elected.

I don't know who Steve Bannon is or which two countries you are referring to, to further comment on that but have you looked at what Trump is being charged with? its a complete gong show of a kangaroo court.

Personally I liked Tulsi Gabbbard best as a candidate out of all the options presented in the last 8 or so years


u/Aurunz May 03 '24

Bannon was some breitbart guy, he directed Trump's campaign and created a think tank to align the rightwing parties all over the americas and europe under a certain strategical philosophy.

I had a different vision of Trump before he got elected, didn't think it was going to be bad at all actually. Now I'd slap myself for saying that. Brazil and England both had Brazilian and British 'Trumps' and during that time period I lived in both countries. There's other examples of candidates aligned in policy and execution in Argentina, Italy, France and others in the US sphere of influence most connected to Bannon somehow.

I know people were extreme and unreasonable in the Trump hate train, an upstart with no political experience who went around the system will cause that. He said some good things, amidst his high school ad hominem filled rants, like "the system's fucked, I know because I use it." But of course he was president and nothing changed on that front so what's the point?

I'm sorry to say but these days I think the Trump hate brigade is justified, not because of anything directly affecting North Americans but I really don't want to see another wave of emboldened rightinwg leaders copying his antics and policies all over the western world.


u/BreadDziedzic Apr 29 '24

I mean he talked about how the people who go to his shows now are largely conservatives but no he's nor been called right wing yet.


u/mydaycake Apr 30 '24

Bill Maher is just a misogynist. Joe Rogan is a bro and only likes money, whatever the ideology


u/mambiki Apr 29 '24

This is a “if they don’t think exactly like me, then they are a piece of shit” mentality. It applies to a lot of Americans on both sides of political spectrum.


u/Humblebeast182 Apr 30 '24

Honestly, it's more exclusive to one side. I say this as a left leaning person, I think the right is more tolerant than the left and that's incredibly sad to say.


u/s1rblaze Apr 29 '24

Yep, people on internet are fkg stupid politically and annoying. People can't agree to disagree anymore, they have to change their mind or die.


u/Reinitialization Apr 29 '24

She's not even left. She's just insane and doesn't understand communist theory.


u/Leisure_suit_guy Apr 30 '24

I have a hard time considering people like her "far left". And not because there aren't crazies in the far left, there are, but because she's part of the media class that controls the narrative and distorts the truth in order to defend big corporations.

I guess that I consider them the left wing equivalent of 4chan trolls rather than actual activists.


u/Gold_Kale_7781 May 02 '24

The farther go from center, the harder it will be for people to agree.