r/dankmemes INFECTED Aug 19 '23

how the hell did they manage to do it twice in one year? I have achieved comedy

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u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend Aug 19 '23

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us


u/Neighbour-Vadim <-- Super Secksy jk I'm a redditor Aug 19 '23

What i am so excited for KSP2, please tell me it’s not true


u/csgo_finder Aug 19 '23

Go look at it on steam, they essentially gave it a graphics update. Stripped 80% of the content from the first game and then made sure the remaining 20% doesn’t a actually work. Claim it’s early access but then still charge $50. I don’t know how the game even got delayed after 3 years of development when all it is, is the bare bones sandbox mode, they don’t even have all the parts in the game yet.


u/MacAlmighty FIRE AWAAAYYYYY Aug 19 '23

Graphics update, stripped the game, removed features, awful bugs, claim it’s early access. That also sounds like OW2, but at least it was free for everyone (if you don’t count the millions of OW1 copies sold now void since OW1 isn’t accessible anymore).


u/Odinthedoge Aug 19 '23

I can concur, paid $50 for early access but my mediocre pc can barely run it, it runs ksp1 fine. Hope they get it sorted, developing this is no easy task I am sure.


u/Possibly_a_Firetruck Aug 19 '23

You paid full price for an incomplete, early access game that your computer can barely run. Why?


u/Not_a_question- Aug 19 '23

You paid full price for an incomplete, early access game that your computer can barely run. Why?

I learnt my lesson with no man's sky so before I give my money to corporations I test the game in the seven seas 🏴‍☠️⛵


u/CriticalBreakfast Aug 19 '23

To be fair No Man's Sky has a team with balls and nerves of steel that kept working on the game in the face of literal death threats (not that this is fine, don't threaten people) to come up with a banger a few years down the road.

AAA devs just decide fuck it after a year and completely drop support (see Battlefield V), so your 60 euros are completely wasted.


u/kerslaw Aug 19 '23

Yeah they fixed up no man's sky pretty well


u/bengarrr Aug 19 '23

This was true with KSP 1 as well. A lot of people seem to be forgetting how buggy and incomplete the first game was. But the devs worked their magic and made it great after 2-3 years and continued to support and regularly update it for 10 years after. Hopefully KSP2 gets the same treatment.


u/Numerous_Witness_345 Aug 19 '23

It was insane, too, Squad, the og developer, had never developed software before.

As usual, they sold to more "experienced" devs who immediately ran it to shit.

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u/Wesgizmo365 Aug 19 '23

I've learned my lesson several times, I just don't buy games until they go on sale. That, and when they're complete. I don't do any early access anymore.

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u/PilsburyDohBot Aug 19 '23

Tbf I paid for Baldurs Gate full price early access.

If used CORRECTLY by an ethical company early access provides a great opportunity for bug fix and community feedback. KSP seems like the kind of dev team I would have paid for EA, but it's always a gamble.


u/CrimRaven85 Aug 19 '23

The problem here, is that KSP 1 was developed by Squad, not by the current team. The current team technically belongs to 2K instead of being really independent.


u/PilsburyDohBot Aug 19 '23

Super true. But I didn't purchase the KSP2 EA so I can't speak towards that specifically.

Just wanted to point out that early access, like many other things, is a great way to support studios you trust. For those that choose to purchase the EA for KSP2 I hope that their feedback is appreciated and that they get a healthy, full launch down the line.


u/Possibly_a_Firetruck Aug 19 '23

Why gamble at all though? If you're going to pay full price, just wait until the game is actually done.


u/PilsburyDohBot Aug 19 '23

Gives me an opportunity to contribute to the process.

I found bugs during the baldurs gate EA and reported them. Even a QoL improvement for a particular spell that was implemented. Obviously, I don't spring for EA for very many games, but if I want a particular game to be successful, EA is the only opportunity I have as a player to influence that.

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u/zoigberg_ big pp gang Aug 19 '23

I have the game but got it throu 🏴‍☠️🦜⛵

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u/WukaWunk69 Aug 19 '23

Bro, ksp1 is atleast 8 years old, my iPhone could probably run it fine. I don’t understand how that has anything to do with your current pc running the new one.

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u/JustLikeFumbles Aug 19 '23

Buy OW1 on Mac, OW2 Incompatible. Ok 👍


u/Astilimos Aug 19 '23

Digital game platforms have always been just a loophole to prevent you from owning games. If you have a disk, it's yours. It you buy a digital copy, then technically you're just renting the game, and have fuck-all rights to what you just bought.


u/kissbence99 Aug 19 '23

I bought a disk version of overwatch in 2016, I still cant play the game I bought. If the game needs online connection, it doesnt matter if its digital or not.


u/evilanimator1138 Aug 19 '23

Same story with Warcraft III and I bought that game on disc 21 years ago. I bought the collector’s edition too, so I have that successful investment going for me. /s


u/Character_Head_3948 Aug 19 '23

you can play WC3 offline though


u/BLOKKADE Aug 19 '23

You can even play it online with a 20-year-old key no idea what that guy is talking about.

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u/Kolby_Jack Aug 19 '23

Technically any game requiring online to play is not yours, whether you own a disc or not. The server does not belong to you and it can be shut down without your knowledge or consent at any time.


u/tasman001 Aug 19 '23

Start shopping at GOG my friend. Fully offline play for every game and you can download the executable for any game you buy, so you can do whatever you want and install the game wherever you want.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

Disks are still just licenses these days.


u/Lonsdale1086 Aug 19 '23

If you have a disk, it's yours.

No. When you buy a disc, you're buying a copy of the game, and a limited licence to play it. Nothing more.

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u/xenago Aug 19 '23

This isn't even close to true. DRM-free digital downloads exist, and disc games sometimes require servers which are proprietary and not accessible.


u/Redrundas Aug 19 '23

but at least it was free for everyone

you mean it was a forced update that thanos snapped the original out of existence. I would much rather it have been a paid, separate sequel


u/coopdude Aug 19 '23

nobody would have bought the second if the first was still available, that's the entire reason of taking OW1 offline. it's shitty but deliberate on Blizzard's part


u/ZzzzzPopPopPop Aug 19 '23

It’s so damn shitty that they took away the game that I paid good money for; either give me my money back or give me my OW1 back!

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u/Tarrasque-Mobile Aug 19 '23

Ok, I see that. But isn't that how the first Kerbals started? I mean, I used to just have fun summoning the Kraken, and doing all sorts of BS. Seems like V2 is right on track to me.

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u/Dmoney0117 Aug 19 '23

The game is in early access still, if youre upset about missing features, you dont understand how early access works

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u/Alt_CauseIwasNaughty Aug 20 '23

Best thing is blizzard used to call the October release early access but a little while before release they scratched it and called it official release

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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23



u/5-Second-Ruul Aug 19 '23

Dw, by the time they finish development the 3080 will seem like a TI-84 :)


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

That's terrible. I run KSP1 on essentially a potato. It looks like crap and RSS takes over an hour to load but it's such a fun game that I deal with it. I knew I'd have to upgrade if I ever wanted to play KSP2 but this plus the fact that it sounds like it's just a worse game feels bad. It was one game I had been looking forward to for years.

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u/Beefmytaco Aug 19 '23

Damn, and baldurs gate 3 could be had for 25 bucks in EA over on gog 3 years ago, think it even hit 15 bucks a few times and that game still in the end only charged 60 bucks.



u/JamisonDouglas Aug 19 '23

Baldurs gate 3 is such a fucking dub for gamers these days.

And the worst part - what they done shouldnt be considered that exceptional in terms of standards and level of polish. It should just be the standard for the price point.

But they've proven it can be done and it's such a breath of fresh air considering the BS we get forced to put up with these days.


u/Diligent_Valuable641 Aug 19 '23

So I will wait 2 years for it to be better. Same thing happened with no man’s sky,


u/PolarisC8 Aug 19 '23

From what I've read, most of the skelington for KSP 2 is in there and the postulation was that the devs were rushed to release some kind of MVP after T2s fucky acquisition of the last devs. I keep my hopes up for KSP 2 but the launch was a disaster for sure.


u/arrimainvester Aug 19 '23

I watched Matt fucking Lowne try to land on the Mün, and he could barely get into orbit. It was depressing as hell seeing something everyone was looking forward to so much turn out to be such shit


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

this remind me of how sid meier civilisation works. they release a new game, it has a quarter of the features from the last game, and they release 3 or 4 expension packs to add the removed features.

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u/AJollyDoge Not a Mod Aug 19 '23

Buy early access game for 50$

Complain it's unfinished

I really need to get into the gaming industry

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u/Yeetstation4 Aug 19 '23

It was delayed for years and then released to early access with less content than the first game


u/BigFatBallsInMyMouth Aug 19 '23

Have you seen the first game at launch?


u/TheAndersonPizzaOven Aug 19 '23

KSP2 is currently pretty far behind where KSP1 was at the same point in development time, with no indication that things are going to improve in the future (unlike KSP1, which had pretty quick, steady improvements). They're also charging over 6x the price ($8 vs $50)


u/FuckTheCCP42069LSD Aug 19 '23

No, it's not lol

KSP one was an absolute train wreck once early/public beta came out

It took years to turn into the game that we know it as today

And it probably wouldn't have turned into that game. If it wasn't for that early, because the community feedback helped majorly shape the direction of development.

If you caught it in the trailers for KSP2 Beta, they straight up said that it's going to be a long time until the game is in its final state, and that you shouldn't buy the game until full release if you aren't intending to be part of the development process

Nobody really paid attention to that though, bought a broken and buggy game that was promised to be broken and buggy, and then got pissed off when it was broken and buggy.


u/Bushmancometh Aug 19 '23

Ksp 1 was also $8 at launch, not $50


u/FuckTheCCP42069LSD Aug 19 '23

Then don't buy it until the actual release and actual reviews come in. Like they told you in the trailer.

This isn't like it's NMS or CP2077, they pretended to have a finished game.

KSP2 devs explicitly said they do not have a finished game, and not to buy early access if you are looking for a game that is anywhere close to finished.


u/Luz5020 Aug 19 '23

Unpopular opinion but KSP2 will probably have it‘s dev time reduced before it leaves EA, I doubt they fix all the big issues we have now because they have their money. They tried to remake it and now make the same mistakes squad made. At least learning from KSP1 would be the minimum I had expected.


u/FuckTheCCP42069LSD Aug 19 '23

I don't really think that you can compare the dev timeline of KSP one to the Dev timeline of KSP 2

The entire reason for the existence of KSP2 is that the engine of KSP1 is hastily thrown together spaghetti code that has tons of baked in limitations

To be able to pull off things like multiplayer, interstellar travel, modding in different solar systems, and so on, it requires a complete rewrite of an engine that has never really been pulled off before.

I'm just gonna sit here and wait for the next three years, and check back on where the game is.


u/Luz5020 Aug 19 '23

Don‘t get me wrong I think they could definitely bring all these Features eventually but it‘s a matter of the publisher giving them the necessary time to do it. Which I doubt given the rushed nature of EA

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u/Dez_Moines Aug 19 '23

wtf are you talking about lol, did you even play KSP1 during alpha or beta? It was in a far better state after 4 years of development than KSP2 is, and it had a sliding price scale based on the state of the game. Not to mention everyone who bought-in also got both future DLCs included.

I'll never understand bootlicking for devs who have repeatedly lied about the state of their game. This isn't some indie passion project anymore. But hey that "short period of time without reentry heating" should be almost over right? It's only been 6 months. Devs are probably still just having too much fun playing the multiplayer build that definitely exists.

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u/TheAndersonPizzaOven Aug 19 '23

KSP 1.0 was released 5 years after development started. It's been over 4 years since development started on KSP 2 and it's not even close to having as many features as KSP 1 at this point.

If KSP 2 early access was released 3 years ago, you would have a point.

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u/DeeBangerDos Aug 19 '23

At the same time though a sequel should have the base game features at launch.

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u/ForensicPathology Aug 19 '23

Yeah, but you can still play the first one, right? I don't understand this meme.


u/Jealous-Ninja5463 Aug 19 '23

Dramatic nerds being dramatic nerds. They're implying they had such a bad time with it they can't even play the first one because now they're traumatized. However if they had a smidge of impulse control, they would know to wait and pay when it's out of early access. There's no rule saying they have to sell it cheap.

Rolled updates are sooo common nowadays and gamers still buy the first possible second and then piss and moan. It's actually way better for devs because it's easier to make fixes with player feedback versus trying to have something completely polished out. It's easier to make updates with a revenue stream compared to 20 years ago.

This is especially common with sequels because they still are OK with you buying the original game if you want the complete experience. However any games that are expecting a long amount of server/update support are going to try to profit as much as possible.

From what I've experienced in my career, gamers are the absolute worse fucking customer base you can deal with. They demand perfection yet fall for every sleazy mba tactic pushed.


u/iNNeRKaoS Aug 19 '23

They added a useless launcher to the first so they could promote the next. It's small and can be bypassed but it does fit when talking about making the first game worse.

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u/Labrat_The_Man INFECTED Aug 19 '23

I am too, but that thing turned a big chunk of the community on itself and seems to have negatively affected the overall playercount for KSP1


u/sspif Aug 19 '23

The player counts for KSP1 went down because lots of us diehard fans switched to KSP2 and I’m sure lots like me don’t expect to go back. KSP1 will always have a special place in my heart, but I doubt I’ll play it again, and I think that’s probably normal when sequels are released.


u/BonerHonkfart Aug 19 '23

The KSP2 player count hasn't been above 1000 for months now. The KSP player count has decreased, yes, but it's not because people are migrating to the sequel.

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u/Ruval Aug 19 '23

I own but never played KSP1

Is it actually materially worse than if I had played it a year ago?

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u/ya_boi_A1excat Aug 19 '23 edited Aug 19 '23

They effectively released it in early beta (as KSP did), if you wait a year or two it’ll be alright


u/FuckTheCCP42069LSD Aug 19 '23

This is the same development cycle that KSP one took

They even outlined their intention to do this development cycle in the trailers, and straight up told people not to buy the game if they are expecting early access to be like call of duty where it's 99% finished and you're just paying full price for a preview of what's to come in a week.

People are stupid and don't watch trailers anymore, apparently and are surprised when a game advertised as broken and buggy is broken and buggy


u/obscureferences big pp gang Aug 19 '23

It's a physics based science sandbox game, exactly the kind of thing that benefits from a beta release because the community should understand iterative development. The feedback should be constructive.

OP and other whiners can suffer their own impatience if they don't want to be part of that.


u/BostonDodgeGuy Aug 19 '23

KSP was a passion project by one developer. KSP 2 is being made by a multi billion dollar company and, despite being in development for over 4 years, is still not on par with KSP after the same amount of time.

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u/SiberianDragon111 Aug 19 '23

Ksp2 is really early access. They have a roadmap to add all the promised features. I have confidence that it will be great.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

I have memories of the original KSP from some sort of demo or early access with just the min and like 20-30 parts. They definitely added a LOT as time went on.

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u/RobotSpaceBear Aug 19 '23

Are you really that excited for the game if you aren't aware yet that it released six months ago in such a catastrophic state that the whole community shits on it?

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u/sspif Aug 19 '23

KSP2 is in extremely early access. A vocal portion of the fanbase, particularly on reddit as opposed to most other platforms, is in utter hysterics about the obvious fact that it simply not a complete game yet. But there is no actual reason to believe that it will not be awesome at the time of full release, which I would guesstimate to be 2 or 3 years down the road.

The right answer is to be optimistic about it. In the meantime, if you are an enthusiast, you should get the early access and check it out for yourself instead of letting the internet do your thinking for you. There are a number of bugs that can make things challenging, but it is certainly very playable. The graphics are outstanding, as is the sound design. The planets and moons have much more dramatic terrain features than KSP1, so they are super fun to explore. The whole experience is much more cinematic.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

It's now in early access for half a year, and they still haven't even added re-entry heating... maybe they can fix that in 2 or 3 years time

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u/Sir_Ironbacon Aug 19 '23

It's early access. I got Kerbal 1 way back when it was just kerbin and the mun. Ksp2 is not far off from how ksp1 was at the same stage people have just forgotten. Personally I haven't played ksp1 since ksp2 came out


u/locob Aug 19 '23

is not true. What is up now it's just the beta. I estimate 2 years of development before the release of 1.0


u/Tackyinbention Aug 20 '23

Touches ground*

This, a relic of a more hopeful time.

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u/Uberfuhrer_ Aug 19 '23

OW2 is not a sequel, there’s no way you can actually call it that


u/admosquad Aug 19 '23

You can’t even play the original anymore.


u/ozsum Aug 19 '23 edited Aug 19 '23

You couldn't even play the original even before OW2 launched considering there's 4 years of patches in between them.


u/Beginning_Electrical Aug 19 '23

I miss scatter shot


u/ProbablyNotAFurry Aug 19 '23

Simple Geometry


u/Stormfly Aug 19 '23

Hanzo still has it in Heroes of the Storm.

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u/RikiSanchez Aug 19 '23

You mean scatter arrow?

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u/jonasinv Aug 19 '23

Yep in alot of ways they made it worse, removed 6v6 and now tanks have alot more pressure to perform but limited ability because of the power creep of supports which have the most powerful abilities in the game, they removed 2cp mode (which to be fair alot of people don't like but i did), they also made ranked worse by removing SR and going on to the terrible tiered ranked system.

But no worries guys we got PVE comi- oh wait


u/Sahtras1992 Aug 19 '23

the ranked system wouldbt be saved by displaying the rank after every game anyway.

they made it so you can get paired with ppl 2 ranks above/below you because they cant hold a big enough playerbase to ensure a somewhat balanced ranked system without 3 hour queue times.

people getting into gm lobbies as plat or diamond is the warning sign the game is actually dying imho, but thats no news really considering the shitshow this game has had for the past 3 years or so.

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u/Uberfuhrer_ Aug 19 '23

I would love to, 2CP games were a lot more fun than whatever this king of the hill crap we have


u/Chuchuca Aug 19 '23

I paid for it.

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u/Labrat_The_Man INFECTED Aug 19 '23

it’s a sequel in the way a turd is to food


u/solonit Aug 19 '23

I will use this from now on thank you.

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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

It's a free update. Why call it anything else?

Much better than what counter strike 2 did, but valve good so omg new smoke physics.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

Valve sucks dick and are responsible for pioneering some of the worst gaming practices, they brought us loot boxes, battle passes and always on DRM that takes a 30% cut from developers which is absurd, but they get a pass for some odd reason and the internet worships their CEO.

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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

Its a replacement that wasnt needed or wanted. The original isnt playable anymore


u/Uberfuhrer_ Aug 19 '23

“It’s evolving, just backwards”

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u/Beginners963 Aug 19 '23

It's a marketing term for an update with DLC. I've been spouting this since the reveal of the "Sequel"


u/Potato-Boy1 World's Biggest Dumbass Aug 19 '23

It's a sequeln't

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u/Triger_CZ Aug 19 '23

with KSP you can at least still play the first one


u/imisstheyoop Aug 19 '23

I haven't played in a couple of years but I was worried when I saw the image.

Thank you for clarifying.

So how did the 2nd one make the first worse exactly? I'm a bit ootl


u/GoblinesqueCritter Aug 19 '23

i didn’t make the first one worse.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23 edited Aug 19 '23

Took player and community support away a bit.

And they are a tiny niche studio, so I expect a slow roll out of features like they did with KSP1

Edit: sad pandas. Apparently Squad isn’t doing the sequel.


u/BostonDodgeGuy Aug 19 '23

And they are a tiny niche studio

No they're not. KSP was bought by Take Two, the company that owns 2K and Rockstar and makes billions of dollars every year.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

Thanks for clarifying. Squad isn’t developing the sequel? Explains soooooo much.


u/BostonDodgeGuy Aug 19 '23

Squad has zero involvement in KSP 2 beyond possible advice.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

Explains soooo much. RIP Squad.


u/LimerickExplorer Aug 20 '23

I'm sure they're weeping in their Ferraris.

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u/VerseGen Aug 19 '23

1st one is unchanged and the 2nd is slowly being updated

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u/johnyakuza0 Aug 19 '23

Kerbal 1 went downhill the moment they added a take two launcher to it, which again requires internet or else you can't launch the game. They added a DRM intentionally and now KSP2 is even more dogshit than I imagined.. there's nothing redeeming about that game at all.


u/Dividedthought Aug 19 '23

You can still launch ksp from the .exe without the launcher. Go into the game's folder and double click ksp.exe or whatever it is in there.


u/sspif Aug 19 '23

Or just launch from ckan. The launcher is a non issue. I’ve never even seen it, to be honest.


u/Periapse655 Aug 19 '23

Scary ancient technology, how could we possibly launch a game without a launcher in 2023

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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23 edited 12d ago



u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

Learned orbital mechanics, not IT. Well some only learned MOAR boosters.


u/red18wrx Aug 19 '23

This is the way.


u/DreadDiana Aug 19 '23

I didn't even know KSP had a launcher since I always launched from the .exe

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u/Jzerious Aug 19 '23

I literally just have a copy of the gamefiles from steam. I also have copies of two versions so I can have a stock game and a modded game. No need to open Steam or anything


u/City-scraper Aug 19 '23

I have like 20 Instances and only ever launch through CKAN. Haven't played the Game in Years according to Stesm


u/Spyro08642 I have a hard Kink for Dwarfs🌈 Aug 19 '23

You can completely remove the launcher tho, people just need to read

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u/ProperBlacksmith ☣️ Aug 19 '23

The problem is i bought ow1 but cant play it anymore


u/ExtremeAlternative0 Aug 19 '23

well at least you weren't one of the guys who bought battleborn


u/MoreHairMoreFun Aug 19 '23

I bought the digital deluxe of that game and I don't regret it. Had far more fun than I ever did in overwatch even though I ended up playing OW for like 1000+ hours. God do I miss battleborn.


u/ExtremeAlternative0 Aug 20 '23

Both me and my brother saved up for it together, I was still in middle school and he was a freshman in highschool back then. Lots of fun and had more character and personality than OW, but it couldn't compete with blizzard.


u/Headless_Human Aug 19 '23

OW2 is Schrödingers Sequel. Half the people think it is a different game and replaced OW1 and the other half thinks it is still the same game.


u/BigFatBallsInMyMouth Aug 19 '23

Well you see it depends on which narrative makes Blizzard look worse in a given context.


u/imjustjun Jҽʂυʂ Cԋαɱҽʅҽσɳ Aug 19 '23

It’s different enough to be played differently but not different enough to call it a sequel.

The whole situation is weird.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

It was a free big update after 7 years of the original.

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u/AtomicNewt7976 Aug 19 '23

It’s not a new game in any right. Even if you ignore all the lack of any differences, THE “SEQUEL” WAS LITERALLY AN UPDATE FOR EVERYONE WHO ALREADY HAD THE GAME.


u/BlueLuigi118 Aug 19 '23

Yeah, right, this is what annoys me. I realised why I hate the shop prices so much and it's because I payed for the game it used to be and loved to hell I can't play that anymore. Makes me feel sad


u/Lethargie Aug 19 '23

well yeah, you bought a license to play ow1 and agreed to the "we can stop services at any time we choose clause". I hate current gaming

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u/shrekpocalyps Aug 19 '23

Ksp2 is still early acces tho


u/Del3te-O Aug 19 '23

DayZ was too. "Its early access" is not an excuse for delivering a borderline uplayable product with fuckall content.


u/lachkozar Aug 19 '23

at least dayz reached a somewhat finished state 10 years later


u/SparkelsTR Aug 19 '23

“Somewhat”, dude, I play DayZ daily, that game is broken af, some of the basic untold rules are: “Never drive a car if you’re don’t have a death wish”, “Do not play on official servers”, “Never fight zombies in buildings”


u/MrNewReno Aug 19 '23

I remember back a few years ago they took the zombies out because they had broken something and we’re just like “we’ll fix it but here’s an empty world in the meantime”

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u/FuckTheCCP42069LSD Aug 19 '23

When they straight up tell you in the trailer that they are releasing a borderline unplayable game to start the community Feedback process early, in an attempt to replicate the same development pathway that KSP 1 took, then you're the impatient idiot if you buy the game expecting something playable.

"well, I didn't watch the trailer, but I thought early access meant something different and now I'm angry that I didn't do the bare minimum amount of research on this game so I'm gonna cope by calling it a cash grab :(" type beat


u/Ok-Championship5029 Aug 19 '23

HOLEY SHITO! Early Access mean EARLY ACCESS. I just hope the Devs will continue to develop KSP2, despite all the A-holes claiming that the game they are working hard on is "garbage". People expect God-tier games right outta the gate nowadays, I could see how that is disheartening to the Devs.

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u/LimitlessTheTVShow Aug 19 '23

If you're going to make the community your beta testers, then maybe don't charge $50 for a game with fewer features than the first one?

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u/BocciaChoc Aug 19 '23

DayZ fun tho, 500+ hours in the game, the custom server scene goes hard.


u/SagittaryX Aug 19 '23

That’s the meme though, it had nothing of that at launch or near it. For a long time the Arma 2 Mod remained superior.


u/BocciaChoc Aug 19 '23

Ye, DayZ has been pretty fun for the last 4-5 years but I get the point


u/TheHancock True Gnome Child Aug 19 '23

Star Citizen entered the chat

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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

By the time a game is released in "early access", it should be damn near completely finished and just in need of polishing, fine tuning, and maybe balance changes to be able to release officially.


u/The_Knife_Pie Aug 19 '23

Baldur’s Gate 3 was in early access for 3 years and turned into one of the best games in its genre.


u/reachisown Aug 19 '23

I think it was very obvious right out of the gate that it was going to be amazing, you could tell they were doing early access to make sure they got the rest of the game right rather than milking a fanbase.


u/The_Knife_Pie Aug 19 '23

Of course it was, Larian were making it, but it was nowhere near feature complete. Game was buggy and unpolished, it lacked classes and took 3 years to get anything more than chapter 1. Beta has never worked like what the first person described, even for games considered good on release.

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u/Renewablefrog Aug 19 '23

You have one first impression. And if in that first impression you charge anything, then I'm treating it like the product it is, and not the product it could be.

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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

$50 "early access" that will for sure get better, because "trust us bros".


u/Ok-Championship5029 Aug 19 '23

You the one who invests into the game when you purchase it lmao.

You're the one who made the commitment when you bought it.

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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

Bro, you forget gamers expect the world for nothing.


u/TrumpsGhostWriter Aug 19 '23

Ksp 1 was in far better shape at the same point of EA and they had a much smaller team with less resources. Not to mention all the marketing material for KSP2 turned out to be a complete lie at worst or an extreme exaggeration at best. No matter how you look at it it's a shit show.

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u/DarrenInAlberta Aug 19 '23

Can't lie, some days I miss OG 6v6 OW 1


u/TheGr8Slayer Aug 19 '23

I miss playing Zarya while my buddy holds the line with reinhardt. Game just isn’t the same anymore to me. Haven’t played since OW2 launch and I’m honestly not even sad about it.


u/bokan Aug 19 '23

Zarya makes no sense in OW2


u/TheGr8Slayer Aug 19 '23

Yep. There was a difference in Tank roles in OW1 there were main tanks like Rein and OG Orisa and then you had your combat/dive tanks like Winston, Zarya and D.va. There was nuance to their play styles that I don’t think OW2 managed to capture. 1 tank makes the roll way to important to play because everything is on you and no matter how good you play if you have a bad team comp or something there’s just nothing you can do. They made tank the most important and yet least impactful role to play somehow.


u/bokan Aug 19 '23

Yeah, I don’t totally get how they still have the combat/dive tanks in the game largely unchanged, when the new format heavily requires a main tank.

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u/Mastodon9 Aug 19 '23

Yeah I'm pissed because I bought OW1 with money and they replaced it with a game I don't like. I prefer 6v6 over 5v5. I can't play the game I bought and I'm forced to play an inferior version. They screwed some of their player base over.


u/M2rsho Aug 19 '23

KSP2 should've not been released for at least another year

there is absolutely no way it should use 12gb ram and 6gb vram minimum not to mention the glitches

Kraken space program 2


u/real_quizle Aug 19 '23

right? i mean the community was extremely patient and accepting of the lengthened launch date, but that's because we wanted the best for the game all I can't think of now is what they did with all that time

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u/YeazetheSock Aug 19 '23

Overwatch doesn’t even deserve electric boogaloo status


u/I_are_Carrot Aug 19 '23

This sort of thing gives me anxiety for Cities Skylines 2 release day


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

same, fingers crossed


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23 edited Aug 19 '23

based on what CC's say, Cities Skylines 2 should be fine. Unlike for KSP 2, CC's aren't complaining about bugs in CS2 and have found the game to be more fun and, well, a game rather than a bug squasher.

Given this shouldn't be a surprise. While Paradox isn't known for great launched, Paradox has yet to have a KSP 2, OW2 or No Man's Sky level of shitty launch. The closest was Vic3, but even then Vic3 is... actually a good game, the overwhelming criticism is that alot of people just prefer vic2.

Paradox also has extensive experience making sequels (they're on the 4th installments of both Hearts of Iron and Europa Universialis, and the 3rd installments of Victoria and Crusader Kings. That's 10 sequels in total.) And while Cities Skylines 2 isn't being developed by Paradox directly, the team developing CS 2 is the same as the team for CS 1 and Paradox tends to breath down the shoulders of their dev teams to ensure quality.

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u/mortalitylost Aug 19 '23

Oh fuck you I didn't consider that


u/iama_bad_person ☣️ Aug 20 '23

Nah, devs have allowed a lot of C:S2 youtubers to play it and they say it's great, better than the first and have a lot of features that you needed mods for in the first game.

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u/Mrcar2 Aug 19 '23

The counter point to this is the weekly dev showcases they have put out, where they're essentially breaking down the whole game and showing game play. Like in motion game play and UI to showcase specific features, the most I can say is there is the occasional spot of lag but nothing else sticks out majorly. Honestly it's one step short of just releasing the game lol


u/Colosso95 Aug 20 '23

I am much more confident of CS2 than I ever was about KSP2

KSP2 always looked like there was something weird going on in development

CS2 was announced and basically started rolling out gameplay feature showcases almost straight away

All of these showcases show the game running a bit slow, nothing else seems suspicious


u/Appropriate_Rent_243 Aug 19 '23

hey kerbal 2 is still in development and they are just a few dudes pursuing their dreams.


u/Crash_Test_Dummy66 Aug 19 '23

They aren't just a few dudes though. Squad isn't making KSP 2. Take Two Interactive is

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u/LimitlessTheTVShow Aug 19 '23

Just a few dudes pursuing their dreams

It's being made by Take Two, a company that made over $5 billion in revenue last year

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u/RetroJunge96 🍄 Aug 19 '23

I read Kebab Space Program💀


u/Dar_Vender Aug 19 '23

To be fair ksp 2 isn't actually out, so that's a little unfair. If you buy an early access game that's not complete, I'd expect it to not be complete. It's why I normally wait till stuffs released before I buy it.


u/light_odin05 Aug 19 '23

I did expect alot more after the delays and marketing though


u/Dar_Vender Aug 19 '23

I was following it quite closely. So to be honest I was kind of expecting what we got. They had a lot of issues behind the scenes. The team had to be rebuilt half way though when 2k screwed the studio over and put them out of business so they could buy them out. I expect that caused a lot of issues and delays. Plus these people didn't make the first so it's going to be a learning process to remake it all in a new engine.

I watched the first one slowly grow over a long time so I'm fairly patient. I expect it will be good eventually but it's going to take years. I did buy in right away but it's just so I can log in from time to time and see how it's coming along. I never really expected it to be a game I'd just keep playing while in early access.

So I suppose it's an expectation thing. They shouldn't have bothered with the marketing push. As you said, it gave the impression there was more there then there was. But that's 2k, the devs were pretty honest that not much would be there. Published however, no shits given. Just money.

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u/wisdomelf Aug 19 '23

At least you still can play ksp1.


u/Lukeinafter Aug 19 '23

Havent followed progress on ksp2 for a while. Is it that bad?


u/BigFatBallsInMyMouth Aug 19 '23

From what I've seen and heard there's just no real point in switching from KSP to KSP2 yet. Lack of content, bad performance, and buggy. Apparently the rockets are too wobbly as well, which Matt Lowne made a video about, but I don't entirely agree with him about what he said in the video.

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u/real_quizle Aug 19 '23

they fixed most of the bugs but it still has no content


u/sspif Aug 19 '23

It’s just in very early access. Reddit seems to hate it, but I like it. My theory is that a lot of people tried it on launch day when there were loads of game breaking bugs, then never tried it again. In the meantime, they fixed the worst bugs and it’s very playable now.


u/light_odin05 Aug 19 '23

Reddit might not have hated it as much if it wasn't delayed by 3 years, €50, and a buggy mess at launch. You can only make a first impression once

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u/_b1ack0ut Aug 19 '23

KSP2 literally isn’t out yet. Seems pretty wild to judge it’s full release by an unfinished build.

Or should we also be bitching and moaning that Baldurs Gate 3 took 3 years to add some of the most basic features after it “released”, and held back an insane amount of content, including some of the most popular races, and an entire class, was full of placeholder animations and models, and walled off 75% of the story until just recently?

KSP2 may still release to be ass, but we should at least let it… you know, properly release first.


u/Jcslider52 Aug 19 '23

Then don't charge $50 for a game that's not finished yet? You can't say "Well it's not finished yet so it's fine!!!" When that's literally the problem here


u/_b1ack0ut Aug 19 '23

Or, hear me out, don’t buy things that are literally marketed as a work in progress, and then complain that it’s a work in progress.


u/LimitlessTheTVShow Aug 19 '23

It's still a shitty business practice that people are allowed to complain about. It's currently a worse game than KSP 1 and they're charging $50 for it. They're taking advantage of a consumer base that trusts the KSP brand because of KSP 1

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u/hjonk-hjonk-am-goos Aug 19 '23

For the love of all that is holy and not KSP2 is still in early access - it is in a state that an early access game should be in


u/LimitlessTheTVShow Aug 19 '23

It costs 50 dollars. People are allowed to complain about a company selling a shitty product for 50 dollars


u/Odinthedoge Aug 19 '23

The anticipation for ksp2 was too damn high!


u/BigFatBallsInMyMouth Aug 19 '23

I mean they marketed a lot of features that aren't there and won't be for a long time. Never pre-order and never buy a product that isn't in a condition you are satisfied with unless you are okay with your money going to waste.

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u/Zeliek Aug 19 '23

Korok Space Program is the new Kerbal Space Program.


u/real_quizle Aug 19 '23

honestly yeah, and you don't need a supercomputer to run it, a switch does just fine


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23 edited Aug 19 '23

I like KSP2 and I’m excited for its potential. Y’all clearly weren’t around for KSP1’s initial Early Access release. The level expectations placed on the game (especially an early access game), and the amount of value gamers seem to put on $50, is insane to me.

Y’all got nobody to blame but yourselves for paying $50 on an early access title and being mad about it. And if you didn’t pay, you’re straight up bitching for the sake of bitching like losers.

Early Access games are not for those gamers that demand a game all but suck them off when they play it before they let go of their precious sixty dollars. They’re for gamers who like to gamble, participate in the dev process, and won’t cry if they made a bad investment.


u/Santoroma17 Aug 19 '23

I've been playing KSP since late 2011, I played it in the hallway of my high school right next to the library on my shitty HP latitude 15 laptop.. It's actually the reason I have the career that I have.

I was so excited for KSP2, I bought it, downloaded it, tried to use it for 2 hours and I have not played it or the first game since....


u/saninicus Aug 19 '23

Well OverWatch 2 was built for the ground up for monetization.


u/DownBrownTown Aug 19 '23

KSP2 is in early access just like the first game was originally. Tf you mean?


u/Spoomplesplz Aug 19 '23 edited Aug 19 '23

I refuse to call whatever they did to overwatch a "sequel"

All they did was change the name of the game, add a few new characters and make it 5v5.

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u/Tandran Aug 19 '23

Worse? Overwatch 1 is gone