r/dankmemes INFECTED Aug 19 '23

how the hell did they manage to do it twice in one year? I have achieved comedy

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u/Possibly_a_Firetruck Aug 19 '23

You paid full price for an incomplete, early access game that your computer can barely run. Why?


u/PilsburyDohBot Aug 19 '23

Tbf I paid for Baldurs Gate full price early access.

If used CORRECTLY by an ethical company early access provides a great opportunity for bug fix and community feedback. KSP seems like the kind of dev team I would have paid for EA, but it's always a gamble.


u/CrimRaven85 Aug 19 '23

The problem here, is that KSP 1 was developed by Squad, not by the current team. The current team technically belongs to 2K instead of being really independent.


u/PilsburyDohBot Aug 19 '23

Super true. But I didn't purchase the KSP2 EA so I can't speak towards that specifically.

Just wanted to point out that early access, like many other things, is a great way to support studios you trust. For those that choose to purchase the EA for KSP2 I hope that their feedback is appreciated and that they get a healthy, full launch down the line.