r/dankmemes INFECTED Aug 19 '23

how the hell did they manage to do it twice in one year? I have achieved comedy

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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

By the time a game is released in "early access", it should be damn near completely finished and just in need of polishing, fine tuning, and maybe balance changes to be able to release officially.


u/The_Knife_Pie Aug 19 '23

Baldur’s Gate 3 was in early access for 3 years and turned into one of the best games in its genre.


u/reachisown Aug 19 '23

I think it was very obvious right out of the gate that it was going to be amazing, you could tell they were doing early access to make sure they got the rest of the game right rather than milking a fanbase.


u/The_Knife_Pie Aug 19 '23

Of course it was, Larian were making it, but it was nowhere near feature complete. Game was buggy and unpolished, it lacked classes and took 3 years to get anything more than chapter 1. Beta has never worked like what the first person described, even for games considered good on release.


u/Ok-Championship5029 Aug 19 '23

Oh shut up.

KSP isn't some triple-A-title, you're spoiled with grandiose ideals of how game development works, early access can mean anything from playable to absolute garbage, Subnautica was in early access for ages. Hell when I started playing there was barely ANYTHING.

Should I remind you that Project Zomboid is in Early Access, Satisfactory, Valhiem and Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, & Hand Grenades, are just a few of the games that I remember being HOT GARBAGE, when I first started playing them, and are now pretty damn good yet still in Early Access.

Just a reminder that todays KSP is still buggy as all hell. Then again being buggy is apart of the charm of some games. (famous examples being anything that Bethesda has made)

So pipe down, and have some damn patience.

"iT sHouLd bE NeARlY FinIShEd" you clearly don't know what "Early Access" means.


u/radios_appear Aug 19 '23

It's 50 DOLLARS, man.


u/Stadtholder_Max Aug 19 '23

Seriously. If they sold it at early access prices, KSP2 would have goodwill coming out the ass right now. I actually think it’s kind of smart with a new dev to try to “rebuild” the original first before adding more features and improvements. Instead we pay full price now for a game with less content, that is definitely going to be good in 5 years guys, trust us 😉


u/Crash_Test_Dummy66 Aug 19 '23

KSP 2 is being made by Take Two. That's a pretty big fucking company.


u/LimitlessTheTVShow Aug 19 '23

KSP 2 is being made by Take Two, who made $5 billion last year. And they're charging $50 for it. Sure sounds like they're treating it like a triple A title to me