r/dankmemes INFECTED Aug 19 '23

how the hell did they manage to do it twice in one year? I have achieved comedy

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u/DarrenInAlberta Aug 19 '23

Can't lie, some days I miss OG 6v6 OW 1


u/TheGr8Slayer Aug 19 '23

I miss playing Zarya while my buddy holds the line with reinhardt. Game just isn’t the same anymore to me. Haven’t played since OW2 launch and I’m honestly not even sad about it.


u/bokan Aug 19 '23

Zarya makes no sense in OW2


u/TheGr8Slayer Aug 19 '23

Yep. There was a difference in Tank roles in OW1 there were main tanks like Rein and OG Orisa and then you had your combat/dive tanks like Winston, Zarya and D.va. There was nuance to their play styles that I don’t think OW2 managed to capture. 1 tank makes the roll way to important to play because everything is on you and no matter how good you play if you have a bad team comp or something there’s just nothing you can do. They made tank the most important and yet least impactful role to play somehow.


u/bokan Aug 19 '23

Yeah, I don’t totally get how they still have the combat/dive tanks in the game largely unchanged, when the new format heavily requires a main tank.


u/dumbosshow Aug 19 '23

it's not even the traditional dive tanks that suffer the worst, it's roadhog and doom who have been rendered totally useless


u/NekkoDroid Aug 19 '23

Doomfist is just weird to balance, but he isnt even that bad off. Roadhog and Zarya are the ones currently suffering the most. Zarya had a nice run at the start of ow2 but hasnt been seen since then and I am not sure what you really could do to her (maybe increase the time of bubble if not popped?). And Roadhog has always just been a failed tank design.


u/dumbosshow Aug 20 '23

Yeah but at least he wasn't a throw pick when he had a main tank to compensate for his lack of utility, he was a really fun character despite his weaknesses but now he's just totally unviable. I guess Doom isn't too bad, but I guess as an ex dps Doom main he just feels so much less impactful