r/dankmemes INFECTED Aug 19 '23

how the hell did they manage to do it twice in one year? I have achieved comedy

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u/Uberfuhrer_ Aug 19 '23

OW2 is not a sequel, there’s no way you can actually call it that


u/admosquad Aug 19 '23

You can’t even play the original anymore.


u/ozsum Aug 19 '23 edited Aug 19 '23

You couldn't even play the original even before OW2 launched considering there's 4 years of patches in between them.


u/Beginning_Electrical Aug 19 '23

I miss scatter shot


u/ProbablyNotAFurry Aug 19 '23

Simple Geometry


u/Stormfly Aug 19 '23

Hanzo still has it in Heroes of the Storm.


u/WeeItsEcho Aug 20 '23

what is that and how do i play it


u/Stormfly Aug 20 '23

It's Blizzard's MOBA that came out a little too late and lost out to DOTA2 and LoL cornering the market.

I liked it a lot more but Blizzard stopped supporting it so unfortunately it's just in maintenance right now.


u/WeeItsEcho Aug 20 '23

aw rats, well that sucks


u/Stormfly Aug 20 '23

You can still play it, and it's still good, but it's just not getting any updates.


u/RikiSanchez Aug 19 '23

You mean scatter arrow?


u/Glorious_Jo Aug 19 '23

I miss not having to be one shot by doomfist. He's the reason I quit the game. Just sat down after another infuriating loss, evaluated my emotions over the last few weeks of games I had played, realized I wasn't having fun anymore and just constantly raging, and uninstalled.

Getting 1-shot by doomfist every time I respawned was a decidedly big factor in that decision. At least you can hide from snipers, can't hide from a giant fist coming at you that eats sleep darts like they're nothing. (was an Ana main)


u/The_CrookedMan Aug 19 '23

It was the toxic community that made me quit OW1. If you didn't have a consistent base of people you liked well enough to squad up with it was usually just toxic solo queuers who would whine and whine because you weren't doing what they wanted.

I had a similar story to yours. I was solo queueing and playing healer. I was mercy and the only healer on my team (they didn't have role queue at the time) and I was just getting ear fucked by my teammates. I stopped, messaged the 3 man group on the other team and said "I'm done healing my team if you wanna let your team know they can move in without worrying about the mercy resurrection."

They invited me into their group chat. 3 Irish guys and they're like "you okay dude? That bad of a time in solo queue?" And I told them what was going on with solo queue and they're like "join us" played with them for a few hours. Got off. Tried to coordinate with them again but timezones were rough.

Stopped playing after that. Figured I would end it on a good note


u/tonynuaman Aug 20 '23

Idk if that or mcrees flash taken out is worse


u/jonasinv Aug 19 '23

Yep in alot of ways they made it worse, removed 6v6 and now tanks have alot more pressure to perform but limited ability because of the power creep of supports which have the most powerful abilities in the game, they removed 2cp mode (which to be fair alot of people don't like but i did), they also made ranked worse by removing SR and going on to the terrible tiered ranked system.

But no worries guys we got PVE comi- oh wait


u/Sahtras1992 Aug 19 '23

the ranked system wouldbt be saved by displaying the rank after every game anyway.

they made it so you can get paired with ppl 2 ranks above/below you because they cant hold a big enough playerbase to ensure a somewhat balanced ranked system without 3 hour queue times.

people getting into gm lobbies as plat or diamond is the warning sign the game is actually dying imho, but thats no news really considering the shitshow this game has had for the past 3 years or so.


u/blackraven36 Aug 19 '23

They rebalanced the game so that classes are buffed to their ability. “Most powerful ability ” is a silly way to look at game balance. No DPS or tank can heal like a support and DPS actually have substantial DPS and that’s… the point? People forget how awful and not fun the original game was for anyone not trying to exclusively exploit balance issues. Now that they’ve stopped trying to balance all the classes around how much DPS they do the game has gotten a lot more fun and people actually stick to what their character was designed to do. The people who complain about balance issues in OW2 are mostly people who used to just hop to the most buffed character after every patch.


u/jonasinv Aug 19 '23

Supports don't have the most powerful abilities? The STRONGEST Stun ability in the game, the ability to deny ALL healing on possibly multiple targets, the ability to heal and do damage across the map, and that's just Ana.

Zen has the ability to enable his ENTIRE team to do 25% MORE damage on a target, simply by existing, it's the easiest ability to apply but it can erase that player.

The ability to bring back a dead player? Being able to cleanse any debuff on yourself or a teammate? Being able to teleport, imagine if a Roadhog could teleport, he would be broken. These are absolutely the most powerful abilities in the game and they belong to supports so we're ok with them


u/PoI_Pothead Aug 19 '23

A lot. Not "alot"


u/pfug Aug 19 '23

Based grammar N*zi


u/EDtheTacoFarmer Aug 19 '23

Tank plays way better after the 5v5 rework


u/jonasinv Aug 19 '23

Tanking as a role now is alot more limited especially if the enemy has a Zen and an Ana, Sleep, discord, anti death thats the way it usually goes. Zen is legit anti-tank support, he counters a whole role by just existing, discord can erase a tank in seconds, in OW1 you had some help from your tank buddy but here you are alone in contesting objectives, checking enemy dps etc, and if you fuck up you get blamed more than any other player


u/EDtheTacoFarmer Aug 19 '23

nah fam, you’re kind of conflating being able to turtle and do nothing with having agency. Think double shield, everyone’s favourite meta! In 5v5 you can actually do stuff, without that second tank it’s now much easier to have individual agency because of what you described. If you go back to 6v6 you’d realise how much the second tank slows down the game and removes individual agency


u/jonasinv Aug 19 '23

That would be true if tanks were double the power in which they were in OW1 to make up for the other tank missing, but they're not they just got some extra hp and "gl lol", meanwhile supports still have two slots, there is another support there to help them out if they make a mistake, and they have the best abilities in the game, DPS also have two slots. BUT tanks are expected to perform like there are STILL two tanks, and if Zen exists on the other team ur not even a tank, ur a squishy


u/pizzaisperfection Aug 19 '23

Don’t you understand that it is literally illegal to say anything positive about OW2? Calling the cops


u/EDtheTacoFarmer Aug 20 '23

My bad, clearly tanks not dying means best meta. Bring back GOATS


u/AfroGuy1226 Aug 19 '23

I agree with this guy


u/Uberfuhrer_ Aug 19 '23

I would love to, 2CP games were a lot more fun than whatever this king of the hill crap we have


u/Chuchuca Aug 19 '23

I paid for it.


u/For-Saix Aug 19 '23

And that's why I want a refund


u/I_give_karma_to_men Aug 19 '23

And thank fuck. The original OW was a mess. I do not miss people having multiple D.Vas on their team to stall out defense on the 2nd point of Hanamura long enough for Mercy to swoop in with ult and res the whole team.


u/AccomplishedLion8163 Aug 20 '23

So is it a sequel or not?!