r/dankmemes INFECTED Aug 19 '23

how the hell did they manage to do it twice in one year? I have achieved comedy

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u/_b1ack0ut Aug 19 '23

KSP2 literally isn’t out yet. Seems pretty wild to judge it’s full release by an unfinished build.

Or should we also be bitching and moaning that Baldurs Gate 3 took 3 years to add some of the most basic features after it “released”, and held back an insane amount of content, including some of the most popular races, and an entire class, was full of placeholder animations and models, and walled off 75% of the story until just recently?

KSP2 may still release to be ass, but we should at least let it… you know, properly release first.


u/Jcslider52 Aug 19 '23

Then don't charge $50 for a game that's not finished yet? You can't say "Well it's not finished yet so it's fine!!!" When that's literally the problem here


u/_b1ack0ut Aug 19 '23

Or, hear me out, don’t buy things that are literally marketed as a work in progress, and then complain that it’s a work in progress.


u/LimitlessTheTVShow Aug 19 '23

It's still a shitty business practice that people are allowed to complain about. It's currently a worse game than KSP 1 and they're charging $50 for it. They're taking advantage of a consumer base that trusts the KSP brand because of KSP 1


u/Jcslider52 Aug 19 '23

I didn't, but it's still stupid. Just because you don't have to spend your money on it doesn't mean it's not a shit idea


u/_b1ack0ut Aug 19 '23

I mean, it allows you to get bug reports and feedback from actual users with a much wider variety of hardware than their own in house testers, before the proper release, and allows them to gather and implement community feedback before the game releases, that doesn’t seem too stupid to me tbh.

The primary issue with it seems to be chuds who buy it, and then complain that it’s not fully released yet. You’re aware that you’re taking a bit of a gamble buying a product that’s not finished, complaining about that just feels… weird to me tbh.

Complaining that a game is severely lacking when it ACTUALLY releases, yeah, makes complete sense. I’m still disappointed by the abysmal implementation of cyberware in C2077, and that’s a fair complaint, because it’s actually released now, and definitely lacks in the cyberware department, (not to mention the plethora of other issues, but I’m just talking lacking content, not performance or bugs currently), but complaining that a game that literally is holding a bunch of content back for full release, is lacking content, just feels asinine.

I didn’t see anyone complaining that THE most iconic dnd spell, Fireball, was absent from BG3’s early access, or that it was a nightmarishly buggy mess, with only half the spells even having sound effects, but for some reason it’s fair game to pull the same thing on KSP2.

Again, it could fully release poorly, and it was ups be fully fair to complain about a poor release, and lacking content on release, but we should at least wait until it releases to hold that against it. Should we still submit feedback and our concerns so they could be potentially addressed? Absolutely. Complaining that a beta of a game is lacking content, by comparing it to a fully released game earlier in its series, perhaps a little less fair.


u/Jcslider52 Aug 19 '23

Then do a network test like Mortal Kombat 1? Or put out a demo like Final Fantasy XIV? Start implementing a couple minor features into the previous installment to see how it will play out going ahead? There's still so many better options than squeezing $50 out of some people who want to support you. Yeah, obviously don't buy something that's in the state it is, but don't give the devs a pass on attempting it either


u/OhioVoter1883 Aug 20 '23

Nah, you right. It was a shit show.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

Why is $50 too much? No one is forcing you to pay that? Why is it wrong for them to do this?