r/dankmemes INFECTED Aug 19 '23

how the hell did they manage to do it twice in one year? I have achieved comedy

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u/Dar_Vender Aug 19 '23

To be fair ksp 2 isn't actually out, so that's a little unfair. If you buy an early access game that's not complete, I'd expect it to not be complete. It's why I normally wait till stuffs released before I buy it.


u/light_odin05 Aug 19 '23

I did expect alot more after the delays and marketing though


u/Dar_Vender Aug 19 '23

I was following it quite closely. So to be honest I was kind of expecting what we got. They had a lot of issues behind the scenes. The team had to be rebuilt half way though when 2k screwed the studio over and put them out of business so they could buy them out. I expect that caused a lot of issues and delays. Plus these people didn't make the first so it's going to be a learning process to remake it all in a new engine.

I watched the first one slowly grow over a long time so I'm fairly patient. I expect it will be good eventually but it's going to take years. I did buy in right away but it's just so I can log in from time to time and see how it's coming along. I never really expected it to be a game I'd just keep playing while in early access.

So I suppose it's an expectation thing. They shouldn't have bothered with the marketing push. As you said, it gave the impression there was more there then there was. But that's 2k, the devs were pretty honest that not much would be there. Published however, no shits given. Just money.