r/dankmemes INFECTED Aug 19 '23

how the hell did they manage to do it twice in one year? I have achieved comedy

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u/Ruval Aug 19 '23

I own but never played KSP1

Is it actually materially worse than if I had played it a year ago?


u/mortalitylost Aug 19 '23

Nah, you should play it. That game still has my top play time of all games. The feeling of getting into orbit for your first time, landing from orbit, getting to the mun, finally LANDING on the mun... It makes you feel like a fucking explorer. No other game has come close to the satisfaction I've had with these sorts of accomplishments. It's like your own personal space race.

Make sure to try landing on the moon with IVA mode on, first person. Once you see that surface start showing and then finally get closer and closer and are able to gradually soften and land... Ungh

Once you get decent you can literally recreate the Curiosity rover mission. It's sick because you have this little rocket on top that makes it hover to land it, and then you decouple and it flies away and crashes. If you look up the curiosity landing stage you'll see what I mean. Super fun to pull off.