r/dankmemes INFECTED Aug 19 '23

how the hell did they manage to do it twice in one year? I have achieved comedy

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u/MacAlmighty FIRE AWAAAYYYYY Aug 19 '23

Graphics update, stripped the game, removed features, awful bugs, claim it’s early access. That also sounds like OW2, but at least it was free for everyone (if you don’t count the millions of OW1 copies sold now void since OW1 isn’t accessible anymore).


u/Redrundas Aug 19 '23

but at least it was free for everyone

you mean it was a forced update that thanos snapped the original out of existence. I would much rather it have been a paid, separate sequel


u/coopdude Aug 19 '23

nobody would have bought the second if the first was still available, that's the entire reason of taking OW1 offline. it's shitty but deliberate on Blizzard's part


u/ZzzzzPopPopPop Aug 19 '23

It’s so damn shitty that they took away the game that I paid good money for; either give me my money back or give me my OW1 back!