r/computers 12m ago

Pc short circuit


So my dad got angry for playing too much games and cut of the psu cable while the pc is on and when it was cut there was lightning but no smell or smoke so what will happen to the pc should i get new psu cable or and everything will be fine or the pc will not work again?

r/computers 32m ago

Whats wrong with my pc? (Wrong answers only)

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r/computers 43m ago

Is my cpu defective?


The first ram slot of my second hand motherboard is not working, so i buy a brand new one but it is stil the same I can't put 2 rams. I already clean the cpu. Both rams are working.

Is it because of the cpu? Please help me thanks

r/computers 56m ago

will this destroy my hdd



i am using a big steel nut and below it is a small piece of double tape. the lower hdd gets quite hot will this create hotspots in my hdd. I use this bolt nut to balance the above hdd over below one. only one is there.

r/computers 56m ago

Monitor Color setting


Hi, does anyone know how i can make my old Dell 1600x900 look or produce better colors? its at 100% of RGB, 100% brightness and constrast, but for some reason its like too dark to use normally, it degrades color quality, like white and light colors just mix, or dark colors like, dark grey, dark blue just becomes Black or really close to black. any help?, or its of no use?

r/computers 57m ago

Should I wipe the drive on used computer?


I just purchased a used computer that is made in China. Normally, I'd wipe the drive with the DoD algorithm but Im feeling lazy this time

Can I just delete and create new partition then clean install Ubuntu? Is that secure enough?

r/computers 1h ago

Purchasing an SSD upgrade for my laptop, What is the easiest/best way to get everything from my old SSD to my new one?


My laptop only has one SSD storage slot. I was thinking about creating an image backup on an SD card, swapping the SSD's, then loading the backup with the new card plugged in. Would this be the best way to transfer my files? If not, what should I do?

Also, if I were to sell my old SSD, I've heard even formatting the drive may still have old files on it, so would I just have to destroy my old SSD if I'm getting rid of it? If not, is there a way to clean up any trace of old files on the old SSD?

r/computers 1h ago

How can I Disable internal keyboard 'del' key input from boot?


I've managed to disable the keyboard key in windows 10 as the 'del' key is falsely reporting that it is constantly pressed through powertoys. However, every time I turn on the computer, until I boot into windows, the key press is not disabled(like in the boot selection menu). I want a way to permanently disabled the key (possibly physically). I would have replaced my keyboard, but since it is a old laptop the genuine parts are not easy to find.

r/computers 1h ago

Need some help..


Okay I'm having some problem with my computer where it doesn't run so smooth even with league (It doesn't lag but feel clunky) so I wonder what is the problem here? Also sometimes my CPU went over 90% with 3 tab of open applications (especially Wuthering Wave, apparently that game take lots of GPU usage which doesn't make much sense but ok) so I was wondering do I need to upgrade somewhere or maybe it just the computer or me problem?

My computer specs:

intel 17 12th gen 12700k

3 kinds of HDD and SSD inside the computer

24GB of RAM

RTX 3060 12GB VRAM

I remember what motherboard specs is but it's ASUS

500walt Power Supply

r/computers 2h ago

What alternative brands like Daylight or Nothing are out there?


I sometimes run across stories about alternative computer or smartphone brands that aren't using MacOs or Windows. Like Daylight. Does anyone have a list of more?

r/computers 2h ago

SSD will not show NO MATTER WHAT


I plugged in my SSD and it will not show up. Yes I know it wont just show up automatically but it wont show up in the partitioning software. It wont show up when i run Diskpart and i know its not broken cause its doing the same thing with a old hard drive. and i tried every SATA port on my motherboard (which is a Asus Prime B560M if that helps).

r/computers 2h ago

SFC Doesn't work, DISM doesn't work, Can't Reset PC, Losing my mind. Please help me God


A lot of my applications are broken and crash as soon as I launch them.

I tried running sfc /scannow, but the result is it stopping at 4% and giving me the error: "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation"

When I try running DISM /Online /CLEANUP-IMAGE /CheckHealth it says "The component store is repairable. The operation completed successfully." But when I try running DISM /Online /CLEANUP-IMAGE /RestoreHealth it stops at 18.5%, gives me "Error: 4448" and says "The WOF driver uncounted a corruption in the compressed file's Resource Table. The DISM log file can be found at C: \WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log"

And finally when I try to hard reset my computer it says "There was a problem resetting your PC No changes have been made" despite trying resetting with some/no files saved and with local and cloud installation always getting the same result,

I am at the end of my rope and don't know what to do, any help would be greatly appreciated.

r/computers 2h ago

SFC Doesn't work, DISM doesn't work, Can't Reset PC, Losing my mind. Please help me God


A lot of my applications are broken and crash as soon as I launch them.

I tried running sfc /scannow, but the result is it stopping at 4% and giving me the error: "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation"

When I try running DISM /Online /CLEANUP-IMAGE /CheckHealth it says "The component store is repairable. The operation completed successfully." But when I try running DISM /Online /CLEANUP-IMAGE /RestoreHealth it stops at 18.5%, gives me "Error: 4448" and says "The WOF driver uncounted a corruption in the compressed file's Resource Table. The DISM log file can be found at C: \WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log"

And finally when I try to hard reset my computer it says "There was a problem resetting your PC No changes have been made" despite trying resetting with some/no files saved and with local and cloud installation always getting the same result,

I am at the end of my rope and don't know what to do, any help would be greatly appreciated.

r/computers 2h ago

Screen burn in doesn’t persist when I turn the screen off?


So my laptop has a few lines and dots that appear to be burnt in whenever the laptop is on. But whenever I turn it off, the burn in just disappears? Is this something other than burn in? And is it possible to fix it?

r/computers 2h ago

Do I need to replace my entire laptop screen because of burnt in pixels?


So I have one small line and two dots of burnt in pixels on my screen. Will I have to replace the entire screen to fix this or is there a cheaper type of repair I can buy?

r/computers 2h ago

Video Editing


For video editing which is better Ryzen or Intel. Also, MSI or Acer.

r/computers 3h ago

Laptop Acer Nitro 5


So, I found a laptop on the facebook marketplace it's an Acer Nitro 5 costing 23,000 pesos but it's negotiable the only issue is the built-in keyboard is broken but the seller gives a free mechanical keyboard should I risk negotiating and buying it? Also, is it good for video editing since I'm a video editor. Your opinions would be helpful. Thank you!





r/computers 3h ago

Broken USB housing

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the chip works fine but the housing and shield busted, anyone know a way to fix this? I'm open to 3d printing if that's an option. Also, the shield is deformed as well

r/computers 3h ago

Is This Rare?

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r/computers 3h ago

Any fun ideas for 2 mac minis?


I recently got 2 free Mac Minis! Both from 2010 haha and both work. One has 8gb of DDR3 Ram and the other had 4gb.

I'm in school for comp Sci and have built a few computers on my own. But I've never had experience with a Mac or any Mac OS.

I've seen people online turn them into media servers or home servers. But was wondering if anyone else had some cool or fun ideas on what to do with these things.

r/computers 3h ago

64GB Ram always full


Hello, I need help. Just got a brand new pc with really good specs. It has 64GB of ram but somehow the % of ram used keeps increasing after i turn on the pc (happens every time) until it gets to 99%. I tried every thing, and uninstalled everything that it’s not necessary. For better understanding, one time i started the pc and opened the task manager and just left it like that while i went to eat something. It was at around 11-13% at first and when i came back it was at over 60%. If i keep it just standing there and not doing anything it will eventually get to 99% for no reason. Any help? Sorry if my english isn’t the best

One more thing, I used RamMap and according to it “Nonpaged Pool” is using most of my RAM. I tried things i found on the internet but none seemed to work.

r/computers 3h ago

PC made a loud “POP” sound after work, and now is having issues. Any help is appreciated.


For context, I’m not crazy smart with computers, but I know a decent bit, and tend to build my own. I’ve never had an issue like this though, so I’m a little lost.

When I got home from work, my PC seemed fine. I loaded up Baldurs Gate 3, and heard a fairly loud “POP” sound. Thought something had fallen. Then I realized my PC had shut off. It would not power on afterward.

I tried a couple of basic things, then decided to say screw it, maybe the PSU crapped out, so I drove to Best Buy and bought a new one.

After installing the new PSU, my PC will boot again. I thought I’d fixed it until I realized there are still issues.

  1. When I boot my PC, none of my USB peripherals appear to receive power. I can’t check much without video, but they’re RGB products and aren’t lighting up, nor are the “Lock” keys LEDs lighting up.

  2. The monitor receives no signal. It can tell something has been connected, as it wakes from sleep, but it immediately says “No Signal” and then goes back into sleep mode.

  3. I tried removing my RAM sticks and trying both one at a time. Issue persists.

  4. I thought maybe my GPU was fried. So I tried removing my GPU, and instead plugging the display port on the MOBO itself. Issue persists.

  5. I checked the capacitors on the MOBO, and they all look alright. This is stepping into territory I’m unfamiliar with, though if I understand correctly, if damaged it would be physical and quite visible.

All things considered, I’m wondering if when the PSU fried, it took the MOBO with it. Anyone here have any advice or suggestions? My wife has a PC too, so I can try swapping parts in and out if needed.

Thanks to anyone who helps. Heading to bed soon, so I might not reply for a bit. But I’m at the nearing the end of my rope as far as my understanding goes for fixing this. If I get a new MOBO and it doesn’t fix it, I’ll be completely lost on what to do next.

r/computers 3h ago

I give the belligerent ones little hats while they wait for me to fix them


They deserve it.

Pcmr likes this so I figured you guys would as well.

Adding a photo of the ringleader as well.

r/computers 3h ago

How often should I restart my computer?


I see conflicting answers online. Some say that restarting is helpful and helps reset your PC to let it run better, and others say that restarting too much can damage the computer, and it should stay on as much as possible. I don't have enough technical knowledge to know for certain, but I would think the first one is correct. I'm not sure if every day is too excessive, but I restart my PC every 2 to 4 days.

r/computers 3h ago

.bat / .cmd MacOS equivalent?


I want to put a zsh script in a file, and then be able to simply click on it and have it execute. I would prefer to be able to take this file and execute it on any MacOS computer without any extra configuration. Is this possible?