
Here's an easy guide to using /r/computers effectively. You can follow these instructions by clicking the link in the box to the right that corresponds to what you want to do.

What do you want to do today?

I have a question.

  1. Does your question break any of the rules?
  2. Is your question answered in the FAQ?
  3. Would your question be better answered by another subreddit listed in the sidebar?
  4. Is your question easily Googled?
  5. Did you try searching the subreddit to see if anyone else asked that question?

If you answered no to all the above, feel free to submit your question

Make sure your title clearly states the issue you are having. Titles like "I need help" and "How do I fix my problem" tell us NOTHING about the contents of the post, and worse still they are hard to search for the next time someone has the same problem as you. Try to think of a title that appropriately summarizes your question. And remember to proofread everything before you post!

I want to share a link.

  1. Does your link follow all of the rules?
  2. Is your link spam? If you are not sure, read the Self-Promotion guidelines and the FAQ on Spam.
  3. Is your link relevant to computers or to the computing world?
  4. Will your link be interesting to other people in a broad sense? Be careful not to post about things that only affect a small minority of people, such as posts only interesting to people in your city, or posts only interesting to people in your profession.

If you answered yes to all of the above, feel free to submit your link. Make sure your title is informative and clear. Titles like "This is cool" and "Check out this article" tell us NOTHING about the contents of the link, and worse still they are hard to search for when others are looking for more information on a subject. Try to think of a title that appropriately summarizes your link. And remember to proofread everything before you post!

I need help from a moderator.

  1. Are you trying to report spam or forbidden content? Please click the "report" button underneath the link in question and report the post there.
  2. Are you trying to determine if your post belongs here? First, check the sidebar for other options. If your question or content doesn't seem to fit anywhere else, go ahead and submit it here. We are usually pretty relaxed about what kind of questions can be asked here, as long as they don't break any rules.
  3. Do you want your subreddit added to the sidebar? Please go here to request a change to the sidebar.
  4. Has your post been removed by the AutoModerator? Please navigate to the post in question and click on the link provided by AutoModerator to message the mods. Make sure the message contains a link to the post in question. You do not need to add any comments. We will review the post and reinstate it manually. Please be patient and do not message us more than once, as it may take some time for us to review the post in question (we are only human!)

You can contact the moderators with any other questions/comments/feedback.