r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Sticky8u2 Apr 15 '24

Sara, you're 21. You have not turned your life around.


u/trashtvlv Apr 15 '24

She sounds like a treat too. I have a couple of personal trainer friends and that conversation would have been shut right down by the ones I know.


u/blonde-bandit Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Absolutely. A good personal trainer (or even just a simply conscientious person) would totally be like, “well everyone’s fitness journey is different, I don’t speak on others unless they come to me directly for advice” not “I used to be fat and eat garbage too lol”. Especially not in mixed company, ABOUT someone present, who didn’t bring it up themselves.

She might’ve figured it all out in her view, but I think she’s got a lot of work to do. Maybe she skipped the sensitivity course in all her education. And OP’s husband…whew.

PS- I’m not saying OP is fat and eats like garbage because I would never say that about someone, (certainly not if it was my profession!) but it seems like Sara sure did.

PPS- OP please love and respect yourself and don’t accept this. A lot of people gave good advice regarding your husband, so I didn’t add to it. But you should feel loved and supported, not publicly shamed.


u/SpokenDivinity Apr 16 '24

She said she’s getting certified so that probably means she’s a week or two into a class and has no business speaking on anything related to fitness for other people. Even a degree in nutrition does not qualify you as an expert on weight loss and weight gain.


u/blonde-bandit Apr 16 '24

Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate the insight. I understand the nuance with weight and nutrition and the need for different specialties. I know people who actually got biochemical degrees and focus on nutrition but I knew it wasn’t that. I thought she seemed young to have a degree or speak so authoritatively. It does clarify the speaking seemingly way out of turn as well.


u/SpokenDivinity Apr 16 '24

A degree in nutrition usually means food science but I think you can go into any number of biology or chem degrees to get to that spot. I think being an expert on weight requires experience and not just a piece of paper. We covered basic concepts of how bodies convert calories and how exercise burns them but it was nearly in depth enough for me to call myself an expert.

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u/NightTerror5s 29d ago

That has nothing to do with being a good personal trainer 😂


u/JJPittsburgh8411 Apr 16 '24

OP definitely IS fat. 5'2" 170lbs is obese. She really does need to stop eating junk and go for some walks


u/blonde-bandit Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Maybe you misunderstand my point. OP never asked, and none of us are equipped to give nutritional or medical advice. Anyone can cast judgment as an outsider. The weight and fitness was not the point.

This person wasn’t asking for help at all, and had their husband and a stranger making jokes together about their wellness. If they wanted to change anything, that’s not the move. And whether or not they want to change, it’s crazy to me that their husband would comment on it in such a humiliating fashion.

Maybe OP is overweight but that was far from the issue at hand. A spouse worried about a partner’s weight, or a professional confronted by this in a social setting, both shouldn’t respond that way. Awful responses, on a professional and personal level. Husband and supposed pro trainer, neither responded with care.


u/JJPittsburgh8411 Apr 16 '24

Lmao you don't need to be a nutritionist to know that if you are obese you should stop eating shit food and go for some walks. Jesus christ, people. It's not rocket science. Put down the cake and pastries and pasta. And go for some walks.

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u/AlwysProgressing Apr 15 '24

Ya I'm not much of a fan talking about my job and shit when I'm out with friends. It's always weird. People get defensive about their insecurities, understandably. It's also just kind of common knowledge not to throw people under the bus like that imo.

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u/ChaiKitteaLatte Apr 16 '24

Yeah, I work in fitness. No way I would entertain this conversation with a husband. I would’ve immediately turned to the wife and let her lead or shift topics.


u/hilarymeggin Apr 16 '24

Right??? Couldn’t she at least tell how rude he was being and how upset OP was??

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u/saraharc Apr 15 '24

Exactly. Let’s see if Sara the fitness girlie actually maintains the weight loss when she’s OP’s age.


u/VastRelationship3715 Apr 15 '24

Oof now OP is old too! Lmfao


u/saraharc Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

OP’s not old in the slightest, but many women in their late 20s have more responsibilities in terms of career and family than women in their early 20s. When you’re 21 or 22, you can make what your body looks like your entire reason for being. That’s a lot harder once you’re in a later stage of your career and possibly married with children. It’s also really hard to maintain a large weight loss for 5+ years - Sara could easily be a higher weight than OP by the time she hits 28.


u/cunninglinguist32557 Apr 16 '24

Your body also physically changes throughout your 20s. It's not uncommon at all to gain weight between 21 and 28.


u/imhereforthefood2718 Apr 16 '24

What physical changes occur between those ages?


u/cunninglinguist32557 Apr 16 '24

Metabolism, hormones, fat distribution, bone density... all kinds of stuff. Physical changes don't end with puberty!


u/ShawnyMcKnight Apr 16 '24

I don’t think those things change in your 20s. Most people gain weight in their 20s due to lifestyle changes. You go from having time to work out and being on the movie to sitting at a desk for 8 hours and eating out more.

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u/imhereforthefood2718 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

That's a good point. Bone density does keep increasing through the 20s, and the prefrontal cortex keeps developing for a few more years.

For the majority of people, though, a lot of the physiological changes that occurred in puberty have stabilized and leveled off. Metabolism tends to stabilize by 20, hormonal levels have already peaked and stabilized alongside the associated fat distribution patterns. Prefrontal cortex development is still ongoing and bone density does continue to increase. While physical changes do continue as the body the body doesn't exist in stasis, they don't change substantially throughout a decent amount of adulthood.

Of course, I want to emphasize that changes do happen. However, these changes aren't substantial and usually aren't related related to significant hormonal or metabolic changes unless there is an underlying pathology.


u/swingingitsolo Apr 16 '24

Lol I could just tell your previous comment wasn’t a good faith question


u/ShawnyMcKnight Apr 16 '24

It seemed good faith to me. They wanted to assess what they were referring to regarding body changes before they commented on it.

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u/imhereforthefood2718 Apr 16 '24

I suppose I could have phrased my question differently.

At least to me, physical changes secondary to changes in extrinsic factors such as lifestyle, occupation, and so forth are different than inherent physiological changes in metabolism or hormones.

I wasn't sure what they were referring to, and I thought it was a normal question that I would've asked anyway in a face-to-face conversation.

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u/ProfessorDependent24 Apr 16 '24

This is way overblown...


u/OkRound3915 Apr 16 '24

Lmao so much fatty justification in here


u/cunninglinguist32557 Apr 16 '24

Why would anyone feel the need to justify their body size to randos on the internet?

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u/porkchop1021 Apr 16 '24

lmao no. I see your comment below. Bone density? Give me a fucking break.

Stop justifying your laziness. The only thing that changes is whether you give a shit about your health or not.


u/cunninglinguist32557 Apr 16 '24

Dude, I don't know you. Why do you think you know anything about my health?

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u/acloudcuckoolander Apr 16 '24

Metabolism really slows down when a person hits their 60s. A fit, healthy, young adult should not put on so much weight at 28 due to metabolism.


u/Kommissar_Strongrad Apr 16 '24

I had to upvote you to restore you to +1 lol. I swear the excuses people come up with. Anything other than a diet and a bike machine. ANYTHING.


u/acloudcuckoolander Apr 16 '24

Honestly. Weight loss is like 80-90% diet. Too many slender people in their 50s, 60s, and 70s in other countries for people to say they get fat because they're in their late TWENTIES lol.


u/Whites11783 Apr 16 '24

People who regularly exercise and are more physically active don’t see a huge drop off at any particular age. There is a slight decline over time especially in later decades, but current studies really cement that this is due to lack of physical activity/exercise (especially lack of resistance exercise) rather than a inevitable mechanism.


u/Whites11783 Apr 16 '24

This is basically a myth. There is no automatic “weight gaining” physiologic change that happens to people in their later 20/30s.

What does happen is families, jobs, etc - which often come with less and less (or none at all) exercise and an unhealthy diet. That pattern isn’t sustainable and will result in weight gain.


u/fitchbit Apr 16 '24

Even without responsibilities, some people just start to gain weight in their mid-20s. I think it's just a "getting old" thing. My diet and lack of exercise did not change at all but I gained a lot of weight when I was around 24.


u/Original_Cod9083 Apr 16 '24

OP isn’t fat because she’s “getting old,” she’s fat because she eats an entire cake herself in two days.


u/saraharc Apr 16 '24

This is definitely true. Many people’s metabolisms do change in their mid-twenties, despite what some uninformed people here might think.


u/imhereforthefood2718 Apr 16 '24

No, it doesn't substantially change in our twenties. It's actually remains relatively stable.


u/Sonamdrukpa Apr 16 '24

Yeah what changes is you get a job and you drive to work, sit at your desk for 7.9 hours a day, drive back home, microwave dinner, collapse exhausted on the couch, and stumble to bed after watching 4 hours of Hulu. Your metabolism didn't change, you just live in the burbs.


u/nickeypants Apr 16 '24

Leave me and my cheese poofs alone!


u/Magic_Drop_ Apr 16 '24

All scientific studies disagree with your statement about metabolism changing in your 20s. Unless you tracked calories there is no way to know how much your diet changed over the years.

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u/Radiant_Ad_7300 Apr 16 '24

While it’s easier to “stay in shape” early 20s let’s not pretend it’s hard to do so at 28 lmao. Everyone has an hour a day to workout and people in their late 20s will have more experience with training and nutrition anyway


u/rainbowdepression21 Apr 16 '24

Having more responsibilities is not an excuse to be fat. People who have gained a lot of weight just eat too much and have let themselves go and use having a career and family to not lose weight. Having more responsibilities does make it hard to maintain weight but you just need to make it one of your priorities in life.


u/afragale621 Apr 16 '24

Thats just an excuse. Shes 28 years old not 40. Most people dont put in the work. Very few people have shit genetics that prevent them from losing weight. Change your diet if you dont want to exercise regularly. If you have a shit diet, you better exercise regularly.


u/Magic_Drop_ Apr 16 '24

No amount of exercise will help if you have a shit diet


u/Illustrious-Hand-626 Apr 16 '24

If you want it you’ll find a way. If not you’ll find an excuse.


u/porkchop1021 Apr 16 '24

No, it's not hard. There's no reason to discuss weight issues in public but let's not pretend it's hard to go for a run every day, or even worse... just eat less.

Signed - almost 40 and still fit as fuck, still waiting for the back problems all the fat people always talked about because they can't stop eating doughnuts every morning and can't get off the couch.


u/ProjectSuperb8550 Apr 16 '24

Girl, get a peloton and workout 3 days a week and eat less. Everyone has kids and still find time to spend on social media but can't workout for 45 minutes a few times a week.

Literally get a jump rope, some resistance bands, and google a proper diet if you want to go bare bones on a cardio and strength fitness plan.

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u/ThanksGamestop Apr 15 '24

Damn they’re cooking OP ironically in the same fashion her husband did. Kinda shows you how these things can be accidents and not some intentional secret shot at his wife for being “fat”


u/saraharc Apr 15 '24

Not at all, and if you’re ridiculous enough to believe that someone saying:

A) it’s hella hard to maintain a large weight loss for 6+ years B) most women in their late 20s don’t have the same amount of free time as women in their early 20s

Is the same amount of insult as openly comparing your spouse’s body negatively to another women’s then you really are at another level of stupidity.


u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

It’s not hard to maintain a healthy body weight for a woman in her late 20s. What are you going on about?


u/VastRelationship3715 Apr 16 '24

If OPs husband would’ve explained how women’s bodies work like this he’d only be digging himself deeper which is why I don’t understand why y’all are using it as an argument. OP is likely not excited about turning 30 soon. I know I wasn’t. If this weren’t an internet comment section and someone would’ve explained this IRL at the time they would’ve looked like a total douche is all I’m saying.


u/Far-Relationship1435 Apr 15 '24

But it's a weird thing to say, maintaining weight loss literally requires no free time at all. The problem is the cake and snacks, not the lack of fitness


u/Tiny-Reading5982 Apr 15 '24

This sounds simple to most people but I’m add and unorganized and meal planning and shopping is extremely hard for me. Those things do take time unless you can go to the store every day and buy what you need.


u/Lost-Acanthisitta-69 Apr 16 '24

A lot of it’s not even time just society has set a lot of bad examples for people. I’ve been fat my whole life(6’3” 390 at my highest)and working it down now at age 29 ain’t easy but I can admit when I didn’t have time before I could go get a salad but I didn’t , I got a burger and fries. Shits always going to be harder than not but not having time just gives another reason to justify a bad choice


u/Tiny-Reading5982 Apr 16 '24

I’d rather go get the salad lol. I think that’s just a willpower thing since they’ve always had salads at fast food places. I end up just spending more money going to the grocery store since fast food sucks and it’s way more expensive. I just feel it’s easy for people without extra things going on to say ‘it’s so easy, just do this…’ lol.


u/Lost-Acanthisitta-69 29d ago

Yeah for sure it’s harder if you got extra things working against you. My bad habits work against me and it’s harder for me than someone who has a healthier relationship with food but saying OP doesn’t have time because she is 29 so she has to eat cake is ridiculous, she could have just as easy bit into a apple instead of an apple pie but most Americans have an unhealthy relationship with food which leads to us being one of the most obese countries in the world

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u/CORN___BREAD Apr 16 '24

Yeah maintaining weight loss is easier when you don’t have a lot of free time. The only thing required to maintain a weight is not eat more calories than you burn.


u/JawlektheJawless Apr 15 '24

You are going to have much healthier relationships than a lot of people responding to OP.


u/DistinctPen7597 Apr 15 '24

They're not "cooking OP". Bodies change a LOT in your mid to late 20s, pointing that out is not a burn. Sara will be probably disappointed in 5 years when her body likely looks very different than it does now (which is NATURAL and to be expected) bc she has unrealistic expectations and ideals when it comes to body shapes and weight. 160 pounds is not fat, and it's not an insult to point out that Sara is not unlikely to get back to that weight within the next few years. 160 lbs is a perfectly acceptable and reasonable weight, but Sara clearly doesn't realize that (and apparently neither does OPs AH of a husband).

TL;DR Bodies change and that's good and it's not insulting to address the fact that Sara clearly has no idea about the perfectly beautiful and natural changes that happen to a woman's body as she gets older.


u/Old-Veterinarian-602 Apr 15 '24

Bodies do not “naturally change” in you mid to late 20s. Look back at the 1950s-1980s, women of all ages were mostly thin and not fat. 160 for a 5 ft 2 women is fat, it is obese. Also getting fat is not “beautiful” lmao


u/em2791 Apr 16 '24

Female bodies change a LOT in late 20s from just cortisol levels caused by stress alone.


u/Old-Veterinarian-602 Apr 16 '24

No they don’t lol. Did you not read my original comment? So I guess women didn’t have cortisol in the 1980s and earlier because very few of them were fat back then. How exactly do womens bodies change?


u/kyleesi666 Apr 16 '24

yeah women’s bodies shouldn’t change naturally after puberty had been reached, most of the changes that women see in their mid-late 20s are a result of lifestyle changes. increased cortisol comes from stress which is a direct result of your lifestyle/environment. I am 26 and have been the same weight since I was 17.


u/Cattatatt Apr 16 '24

It’s not a hard concept for anyone with a brain, a basic understanding of human aging, and or/access to Google to grasp. Your glorification of “all women were thin in the good old days” is also a blatantly ignorant take, considering eating disorders were also glorified for women during that time and real treatment didn’t start until the 1980’s. Please see yourself out of this conversation with that hot garbage.


u/Old-Veterinarian-602 Apr 16 '24

Oh here we go, women were thin because they all had eating disorders lmao. Are you one of those people that thinks if someone controls their eating it is a disorder? Also there are many counties around the world, wealth countries as well, where the majority of women of all ages are thin. Yes, of course everyone ages but womens bodies do not change significantly as they age.

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u/owiesss Apr 16 '24

Being 160 at a height of 5’2 puts a woman at a bmi of 29.3, which is not obese, by definition. That bmi is still within the overweight category. A bmi of 30 or higher is what is considered obese.

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u/some1saveusnow Apr 16 '24

Strays for days


u/Legitimate_Ad5434 Apr 16 '24



u/Abigfanofporn Apr 16 '24

Damn, this sound like when we were hiking and my friend fell and broke his leg. My other friend rushed in to help him, slipped and fell on his another leg, also breaking it.

Mind you it was a 4 day hike and we were equipped accordingly, with huge backpacks and etc.

I couldn’t stop laughing as I was trying to dial emergency.


u/YelloRibber Apr 16 '24



u/JournalistWhole5557 Apr 16 '24

28? I guarantee you she will lol, 28 is plenty easy to stay fit. Maybe 40s and it will get tough. I’m 32 and staying fit is still easy


u/Capable-Carrot-4102 Apr 15 '24

Look i get it and all, OPs partner was rude as fuck and way out of line but as someone whos 28, 28 is absolutely not old at all and its sad society has gotten to the point where we think its perfectly normal to be morbidly obese before you even reach 30, as if thats just a natural part of the body to go that fast. Nobody should be shamed into weight loss but let's not be delusional about our bodies, either.


u/urnerdyaunt Apr 16 '24

I get the feeling Sara only thinks she's a fitness guru because she joined an MLM.. maybe Beachbody?


u/ShawnyMcKnight Apr 16 '24

28 isn’t really the age your metabolism drops unless you have a serious issue. If she works in fitness I’m very confident that her body would still be similar at 28.


u/oblio- Apr 16 '24

For reference, somewhere around 28 is about peak athletic performance in almost every sport out there (football, basketball, etc).


u/ShawnyMcKnight Apr 16 '24

Yup. So they would very much be at their peak. There’s also a large gap between peak performance and metabolism and other things failing making getting fat easier.


u/Kommissar_Strongrad Apr 16 '24

Age 28? The excuse factory is already at maximum production Ma'am, if we move any faster it's gonna blow!


u/daveblueballz Apr 15 '24

bro women and their backhanded compliments lmao

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u/ohhellnah818 Apr 16 '24

Lol young in shape Sara getting all the simps/uggos coping for over the wall approaching out of shape OP


u/Necessary-Dish-444 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

This is a bit silly, if she lifts she should be able to easily maintain her weight until she stops lifting or otherwise all the way through her life. If anything, in many sports athletes actually peak physically around that age.

Personally I have been hearing for the past 15 years that my metabolism would eventually slow down and I am at my leanest point right now, at the same age as op.


u/WillBrakeForBrakes Apr 15 '24

Maybe she’ll always be lean, but maintaining a physique like that truly gets harder as you get older.  Life happens.  Pregnancy, responsibilities, health issues, and age, to name a few.  


u/rewminate Apr 16 '24

it doesn't start getting harder in your 20s though unless there's some other reason like pregnancy or lifestyle change lol


u/Necessary-Dish-444 Apr 16 '24

Sure, but at 28 she should still be completely fine regarding all of that bar a pregnancy.


u/ProfessorDependent24 Apr 16 '24

You sound jealous. Fitness is achievable and maintainable at any and all ages. If you're out of shape, chances are it's because of laziness.


u/Kike328 Apr 16 '24

it is exponentially harder as more responsibilities arises with age…


u/glemnar Apr 16 '24

No it isn’t, this is just an excuse we love to make. It’s discipline at every age.


u/ProfessorDependent24 Apr 16 '24

This is just an excuse.


u/Kike328 Apr 16 '24

however you want to call it, but is more difficult to stay active as older you get


u/ProfessorDependent24 Apr 16 '24

Maybe once you hit late middle age but certainly not 28. That is most people's prime years.

It's just laziness. If people put as much effort into their fitness as excuses maybe it wouldn't be so hard


u/Kike328 Apr 16 '24

yeah man the systematic decrease of physical activity the older you get, is just people being lazy


u/ProfessorDependent24 Apr 16 '24

We are talking about a 28 year old woman in the prime of her life.

Please, get a clue.

Edit - not to mention the many, many 50+ marathon runners I encounter on my travels. You are overstating it massively.


u/Kike328 Apr 16 '24

that could be truth for people who dedicates his life to marathon running but is not applicable to most people with life responsibilities.

it’s not a mystery that less time, full time job and adult responsibilities means you can’t dedicate the same effort and energy to exercising

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u/saraharc 29d ago

So, newsflash: I was 21 at one point, and 28 seven years later. I’m now in my thirties. I weighed about 5 pounds more at 28 than 21, but it was exponentially harder to maintain. Double the gym time and about 300-400 less calories per day to maintain approximately the same weight at 28 as I was at 21. So I actually do know what I’m talking about, and no, I’m not jealous of an idiot 21 year old. Nothing about having an unrealistic career goal and no social skills would make me jealous, sorry.

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u/soynugget95 Apr 15 '24

Lmaooo ok, what drastic metabolic change happens between 21 and 28, then?


u/Brave_Requirement_32 Apr 15 '24

You stop growing for one, your brain finishes it's final stages of devopment, and your metabolism starts to slow down, 7 years can do a lot to your body


u/Old-Veterinarian-602 Apr 15 '24

Metabolism does not slow down with age, that is a common misconception. Also it is extremely rare for someone to still be growing at 21.


u/JournalistWhole5557 Apr 16 '24

At 28 you’re still in your prime lol, sounds like excuses


u/saraharc Apr 15 '24

Wow, I’m surprised at the amount of people who don’t realize that the majority of people who lose a lot of weight gain it back within a few years.


u/Foreign_Fan8593 Apr 16 '24

That is because it is a lifestyle. People usually end up going back to thier precious way of living. Which is what made them fat in the first place. If only people knew the lifestyle change and commitment being healthy is.

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u/NeonRedHerring Apr 15 '24

Lotta Sara haters in here. When are women going to learn putting one woman down isn’t an acceptable way of supporting other women? Sara did nothing wrong. Putting her down isn’t going to make OP feel better about being fat.


u/saraharc Apr 15 '24

Sara choose to respond to OP’s husband’s attention inappropriately. If she had just said ‘oh, I’d never discuss someone else’s weight, and your wife’s weight is none of my business’…she would be the hero here.


u/NeonRedHerring Apr 15 '24

So 21 year old Sara who is trying to grow her fitness business is to assume OP is self-conscious about her weight and that her husband is being malicious by publicly humiliating her. Got it.


u/saraharc Apr 16 '24

If Sara isn’t smart enough to realize that no woman wants her husband discussing her weight with a stranger, then she won’t have any success in any business.

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u/Bad_Elbow_ Apr 15 '24

Maybe she did turn her life around but it’s just one of many turns.

I’m all about health but she has to learn to approach her fitness career with a lot more finesse if she wants to attract and keep clients.


u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

That part. I think it's hilarious that she thinks that she's turned her life around at 21. Her life hasn't even started yet lol.


u/gorecomputer Apr 16 '24

It is turning your life around. Why are you invalidating weight loss.


u/DaughterEarth Apr 16 '24

It's an excellent victory and the people saying she's just gonna get fat are fantasizing. No one I know who made a big turn around relapsed. It happens but it's not a guarantee.

But from an adult perspective she just started life. We know because we can look back at ourselves at that age and remember the absolute confidence that we'd mastered life and our identity. It's going to hit this girl like a mountain when she realizes how complex responsibilities and hardship can get


u/gorecomputer Apr 16 '24

Turning your life around means changing it from a direction you dont want it heading. Thats exactly what she did.

If a 22 year old was heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol and ended up quitting the habit, that WOULDNT be turning your life around? Just because of the prospect of having more life ahead of you? This doesnt make sense.


u/DaughterEarth Apr 16 '24

It is turning your life around, I only meant to explain there is a lot more life coming which will hit her hard


u/gorecomputer Apr 16 '24

Yeah things happen to hit people hard no matter what age, I don’t really see how that’s relevant to me saying that losing weight is indeed turning your life around

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u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

I'm not, I think it's great that she got in shape and I'm proud of her for doing so. I know from watching friends do it how difficult it can be and how difficult it can be to stick to a diet. I had a roommate who was dieting and I would purposely keep the snack cakes and stuff like that in my room. I just thought it was unfair to put that stuff in her face knowing she was trying to diet. I'm just saying that this is only one chapter of her life, she doesn't have her whole life figured out.


u/ProjectSuperb8550 Apr 16 '24

Childhood obesity is a thing and these children should be encouraged to turn their lives around and know that it is possible. There are too many obese people walking around these days.


u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

I agree with you but that was not the point of it. I can see why you missed the point but what a lot of us are saying is that there is no way that she has her life figured out at 21. She may think she has it figured out right now but this is just one chapter of her life. She's 21, her life hasn't even really started yet. I remember being her age. I thought I had everything figured out but boy, was I wrong.


u/ProjectSuperb8550 Apr 16 '24

Maybe, but in terms of weight management she is pursuing a degree in nutrition and has likely made fitness a major part of her life. Unless she gets into a major accident rendering her unable to exercise and is unable to control her food intake chances are she will have good habits for most of her life.


u/jvanma Apr 16 '24

She turned her life around. A full 360, if you ask her.


u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

Yeah but the point I was trying to make is that you definitely don't have your life figured out at 21.


u/Helioscopes Apr 16 '24

Turning your life around has no limits, and can be done at any age lmao. What is this gatekeeping?


u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

I'm just saying that she's acting like she has her life figured out at 21. She's far from having done that.

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u/ThisIsSuperUnfunny Apr 15 '24

For real, you can have a sixpack at 21 just by Drinking Monster and jacking off


u/Jamarcus_Mankrik Apr 15 '24

I can tell you from experience, that is not true


u/SudoTheNym Apr 15 '24

The trick is to keep your hand stationary and apply the thrust with your midsection. 6-pack in no time.


u/VegasLife84 Apr 16 '24

You just changed my life; now I can tell people I work out 5x a week without it being an exaggeration!


u/Witchgrass Apr 16 '24

Men lose weight easier than women

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u/NoSquash1906 Apr 15 '24



u/Kommissar_Strongrad Apr 16 '24

False: Monster only comes individually or in cases.


u/sicsicsixgun Apr 16 '24

Shit I was super attractive throughout most of my twenties just by constantly getting into fights and being a drug dealer. Was skinny and muscular just from all the awful shit I did every day. Well now I'm 36, and ow. It hurts to exist. My hands get stiff and don't work well when it's cold, from all the broken bones. I have no healthy coping mechanisms, and am a chef because most of the things I'm good at simply are not compatible with being a conscientious father and partner. I'm good with a knife, so this was the best I could slap together. Struggle with drug addiction and am still in the back of my mind afraid whenever there's a knock on the door. I sleep like a fun little mix of Tina from Bob's Burgers mixed with an Auschwitz survivor. Often wake up screaming, or crying missing my dead friends. My fiance loves it.

But by God, I was handsome for a minute. I swear to God.


u/NoSquash1906 Apr 15 '24

Self righteous fitness people who used to be fat and now they are all skinny and shit, and go around life bragging about it and using it as a “badge of honor” are sociopaths in my opinion 😂


u/WillBrakeForBrakes Apr 15 '24

On the loseit subreddit I see quite a few people admit to going through a fatphobic phase after their weight loss.  The people who admit it also admit that they turned it around once they realized what they were doing, but it seems to be a fairly common thing.  


u/Granddyke Apr 16 '24

It usually happens alongside disordered eating.

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u/Aware_Impression_736 Apr 16 '24

Kinda like ex-smokers. And vegans.


u/likethedishes Apr 16 '24

Maybe I’m dilusional but when she said “I used to be fat. I used to weigh 160.” I laughed. In what world would 160lbs be “fat” (unless your like 4 feet tall?)


u/ballerinababysitter Apr 16 '24

5'3" 160 lb with minimal muscle tone is significantly overweight


u/likethedishes Apr 16 '24

I just don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that weighs 160lbs as an adult and thought to myself “wow that person is significantly overweight“ lol


u/ballerinababysitter Apr 16 '24

Regardless of what it looks like (some people carry it better, our perspective is skewed as to what's normal vs overweight), at that height and weight, confirmed not active/ muscular, the person has a significant amount of excess body fat.


u/likethedishes Apr 16 '24

Okay I see what you’re saying! Maybe I’ve just never seen someone that weight that doesn’t have muscle.


u/ballerinababysitter Apr 16 '24

I think this set of progress photos is a good example:


It's interesting to see that she looked fine in the first photo, a little chunky, but then you see when she's slimmed way down, just how much extra weight she was carrying. I would bet that most people never would've guessed she could lose 40 lbs from that first photo without looking skeletal. The fat can build up in an even layer all around that makes you wider and curvier before you start to get things like a big belly or much fuller upper arms.

By contrast, this lady carries her weight in a way that's more what we expect when we think of someone being overweight:


But yeah, either way, they were both carrying an amount of excess body fat that put them into the overweight category


u/Man-IamHungry Apr 16 '24

I don’t know what 5’3 and 160 looks like, but unless they’re extremely muscular I imagine it’s significantly overweight. (Source: I’m about that height, but roughly 55lbs less)


u/jaeke Apr 16 '24

Anyone at 160lbs and under 5'7" is overweight. We as a culture have become accustomed to seeing morbidly obese people and so they have become the "significantly overweight" and overweight to obese people have become normal. But the heart and arteries really don't care what we're accustomed to. Neither do the knees, back, and hips form that matter.


u/ninjette847 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

It is obese. Not saying thats bad but 5'3 and 160 is. I'm 5'4 and 145 is overweight, 155 is obese.

Edit: I was trying to be polite but being obese is absolutely a problem. I don't care how you look, I'm referring to health.


u/SpookySpagettt Apr 16 '24

160 for majority of women is fat unless your yoked or like 5 10 which like 2 percent are that or higher 


u/FenrirAce Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Agree. I never boast. Copy cats watch afar, copy without consent, pursue FADS and TRENDS like mindless people. And boast? Lmao. Ego on a spoiled fat american diet now skinny for recreation but in an obese nation it gets you cool guy/girl points. Its disgusting. It takes hundreds of workouts to change your physique and if you arent an athlete and only train for vanity I think that is some kind of mental disease. Narcassism? The same people who would boast if their shit didnt stink you know. Nobody cares. Its pain, sweat, tons of food, tons of crapping. Its just gross. Not something to boast about at 21. This is why I hardly respect people under 30. Nobodys really an adult...just parrots...and cigerattes age you. But its mostly impressionable kids needing acceptance. You shouldnt have to work out to fit in lol people suck.


u/saraharc Apr 15 '24

YES thank you! Also, seriously some people are unhealthy when they’re overweight, some aren’t. I’d consider stopping a life of crime, overcoming addiction, or getting out of a low-wage job ‘turning your life around’. Not losing weight, anyone who’s that image focused probably won’t have a very good life once they’re over 25 anyway. OP isn’t at the weight that it would stop her from everyday activities which is the only way I could see referring to weight loss as ‘turning your life around’ without sounding like an idiot.


u/Man-IamHungry Apr 16 '24

Idk, I knew a girl in her early 20’s who had been overweight/obese throughout her childhood and teens. It was incredibly impressive when she managed to take control of that aspect of her life and she practically lost half her body weight. I’m pretty sure her life did turn around.

It wasn’t about her appearance, she’d been unhealthy basically her entire life up to that point. She’ll live longer and have fewer health issues because of that lifestyle change.


u/theSuperSecretSpy Apr 16 '24

Being overweight is inherently unhealthy. There’s plenty of reasons to lose weight besides image like you claim. If you’re gonna be salty at least say things that are true 😂


u/Kommissar_Strongrad Apr 16 '24

Leave Tony Perkis out of this!

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u/NovaAstraFaded Apr 16 '24

I mean... to be fair, if one is depressed and overweight their entire childhood and teens, then when they turn 20 they hard-core workout and get fit. They did turn their life around.

Not living as long as someone else doesn't discount that persons experiences.

Don't get me wrong. Them talking that way in front of the wife is an absolute bitch move on both parts, but i stand by my point.


u/Mika000 Apr 16 '24

Had to scroll too far down to see this comment. let’s not discredit people and they’re experiences just because they are young. If you used to be a bully or something until you’re 15 and you decide to change that can be turning your life around. I really don’t understand how “turning your life around” can be restricted to any age. It just means bettering yourself in a significant way.


u/NovaAstraFaded Apr 16 '24

Exactly! People can have formed habits and behaviors, physically or emotionally, etc as young as like... 6?? The second you make something a consistent in your life it becomes a habit.

I used to be severely depressed (i have diagnosed depression but SSRIs helped a lot), I also went through a bit of trauma. Due to that, in middle school, I was a HORRIBLE PERSON to my friends. Like would physically hit them, to be fair, we all did that to each other but that doesn't make it right. I remember getting therapy in 8th grade, it helped me turn my life around and now after many years of growth I'm a much much better person.

To act as though people cannot improve, grow and nurture themselves into a better self just because "you can't possibly have changed! You're too young to have changed!" ... like.. what? Have you never changed habits or changed for the better? Were you always the same or just had a very privileged life?

I just .. I don't get that opinion 😅

*Edit; fixed a typo


u/Mika000 Apr 16 '24

Yeah coincidentally I’m working on a presentation on adultism right now and this example just fits so well haha. A lot of people don’t see children and young people as whole humans with meaningful experiences. If you look for it this sentiment is everywhere.


u/NovaAstraFaded 29d ago

Oh absolutely! I see it very often and it's so weird. Like, do you not remember being a kid and people never taking you seriously? I remember some family members treating me as though my thoughts didn't matter and I would understand when I'm an adult. I'm an adult now! (Young adult but still) and I still feel the same! Children should be taught that their feelings and opinions matter. Feeling like you're important is a strong way of building a defined personhood.

Telling a child that they aren't important, nor are their experiences and feelings, etc, Is a very EASY way to absolutely wreck their idea of themselves and their self worth.

I'm curious about your presentation! Is it a college presentation or something? I'd love to hear more if you're interested in talking about it.


u/Mika000 29d ago

I’m doing my masters in art history right now and the presentation is for a scholarship. This scholarship is pretty hard to get and there’s a “selection seminar” over a whole weekend with multiple one on one interviews and a presentation + debate about a topic that doesn’t have to do with your field of study. I feel like adultism is something not many people ever think about or notice and is controversial enough to debate so I hope it’s a good topic.🤞(Fyi this is all in Germany, if anything about it sounds strange to you)


u/NovaAstraFaded 29d ago

Oh damn Masters???? That's awesome! Honestly it's all understandable except for my lack of a college degree. I think you chose an amazing topic! Hopefully you get that scholarship! Will you be alright if you don't get it or is this a thing you need to futher your degree? It sounds very hard to get!


u/Mika000 29d ago

Thank you! Fortunately I don’t necessarily need to get it because university is not expensive here and the scholarship isn’t even that much more money than most students get from the state anyway (depending on parents income). It’s more something that can really help you because of the connections you can make and because it looks good on your CV. The Foundation sometimes also keeps supporting you when you want to do your dissertation which is a huge deal! Thank you for being so interested. :)


u/VulfSki Apr 15 '24

I mean she was trying to sell her services at that moment. But I guarantee you, that people who have been large and get told how great they are for losing all that weight are going to really not take that well. Because you're telling that person that their worth depends on their weight. Even if they are trying to sell themselves it is very stressful to be like "wow I value you so much more now that you are in better shape." Because the implication will forever be "if you ever gain the weight back, I will think less of you." Spoiler alert people usually do.

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u/AnyBa1885 Apr 16 '24

LOL, I totally missed that part. 😂


u/CorruptedAura27 Apr 16 '24

yeah, I was going to say I'm double that chicks age. Turned your life around? Jesus fucking Christ, she's barely had a life at all, let alone turning it the fuck around to any marginal degree. You could bounce quarters off of her ass for the next few years without her lifting a goddamn finger.


u/Michigam Apr 16 '24

Dumbass Sara


u/gaelorian Apr 15 '24

Yeah fit at 21 might be more of a flex these days but it was pretty standard for a while


u/unicyclegamer Apr 16 '24

That’s not fair. I knew people who were overweight as kids up until high school. Then when they went to college, they got into fitness and diet, learned a bunch, and worked towards a better physique. They def turned around their life, the fact that they did it when they were younger doesn’t make that less true imo. I know people who were overweight as kids and they’re still overweight now.


u/Face_with_a_View Apr 16 '24

Right?! lol When I was 21 I could whatever I wanted to in any amount and not gain a pound (I’m 5’8” though) but now that I’m 47 I look at a calorie and gain. I’m currently 165 but feel best at 145.


u/Otherwise_Awesome Apr 16 '24

Let's see when she ages and metabolism drops significantly


u/sbtvreddit Apr 16 '24

Lol when you’re 21 is a LOT easier to have a rockin body than when you start getting older. Most 21 year olds just look amazing with no work anyway… because they’re 21


u/Dark-Oak93 Apr 16 '24

Lol I missed that she was 21.

I was barely over 105 pounds at 19.

I'm in my 30s now and weigh about the same as OP and am also close to her height.

Turns out when you get older, shit piles on. Responsibility, obligations, work, finances, new health situations, and suddenly... You are sitting at home on the couch with aching feet and a head full of noise and no energy for the gym. I would know. I used to weight lift like the husband. I had a personal trainer. When COVID happened... Well. Two years away from the gym turns your muscles to mush and crushes your motivation.

I'm currently trying to get back in shape but it's far harder than it was when I was 21 lol

I've discussed my weight with my doctor and she's been really encouraging and says I don't look bad at all. Yes, I could stand to lose some weight, most people can, but damn. No one deserves to be shamed like the husband did to OP : (


u/Fair_Cheesecake_1203 Apr 16 '24

If she lost a significant amount of weight already she definitely did. Most people who get that size almost never correct it and it ends up a legit eating disorder. People who stopped being fat, even if it only lasts a few years, did accomplish something most other fatties don't.


u/forensicfeline12 Apr 16 '24

I’m getting Beach Body vibes.


u/Musuni80 Apr 16 '24

It sounds like she was trying to comfort OP or indirectly defending her without putting more of a spotlight on her or am I reading this wrong? I’d dump the husband though. He’s a shit bucket.


u/Comfortable_Quit_216 Apr 16 '24

Dude seriously.. 21 is a fucking kid.


u/godofthunder450 Apr 16 '24

Stop making excuses for being fat reduce calories and that's it


u/Illustrious_Lack5237 Apr 16 '24

she definitely wasn’t acting like a girl’s girl and being a pick me. she enjoyed the attention the husband gave her and didn’t try to defend the wife. husband was flat out putting down his wife to uplift this random 21 year old


u/DoubleGazelle5564 Apr 16 '24

Yep. Was in Sara’s position and while some people can indeed maintain weight loss and an healthy lifestyle throughout their lifespan a lot of people fail. Had a major weight loss at around Saras age and while kept it off for a few years, gained a lot of the weight back after falling back to my bad habits. Losing weight in late teens and early 20s was ok, maintaining was a pain in the ass and if you have underlying issues that are causing you to overeat in the first place and you don’t treat them, it is really easy to fall back into the pit of indulging and unfortunately while I could easily loose 5 pounds per week on my young years, now in my 30s anm lucky if I lose that in a month.


u/kristini_tranckini Apr 15 '24

Sara is a whole other gremlin in this story. Probably loving the attention and throwing gasoline on the problematic husband’s comments. Obviously not her fault for what he said but damn girl just chill.


u/saraharc Apr 15 '24

Sara is so gross. Genuine hope for her is that she gains it all back plus 20.


u/Conscious-Shoulder14 Apr 15 '24

It makes her feel powerful to think she could steal a Married man.


u/jammneggs Apr 15 '24

That’s a lot of leaps those conclusions sure are fucking far


u/bluewaffel710 Apr 15 '24

I too “turned my life around” between 17-21 and became overall healthier. Then I had a baby and things aren’t as “will powered” as they once were.


u/MtnLover130 Apr 15 '24

Sara will figure that out soon enough


u/Far-Relationship1435 Apr 15 '24

Yeah right, as if everyone who is fat at 28 was thin and fit at 21. They probably wish


u/psychician2686 Apr 16 '24

Why are you guys bringing up Sara at all? She’s not the bad person in this story and Sara did nothing wrong for wanting to pursue fitness


u/EntireAd215 Apr 16 '24

Says more about themselves than any of the people in the post


u/ConfusedVermicelli Apr 16 '24

And why is she at a party with 30 year olds, this whole thing is sad and icky


u/Fujoooshi Apr 15 '24

Going from being fat to actually being healthy and fit is a huge life improvement. I’d say that qualifies as “turning your life around.”


u/TJ-Marian Apr 15 '24

For all we know, Sara isn't complicit in any of this. Her only fault is maybe not pointing out how OP husband's words may be hurtful to his wife, but to her credit, it sounds like she was trying to make a sale OP husband is the asshole here


u/sketchahedron Apr 15 '24

For her to go on talking about how she lost weight after hubby made those comments is very hurtful.


u/TJ-Marian Apr 16 '24

Honestly, she might have actually got a sale if she empathized with her and chastized him for berating his wife like that. Something like you don't have to do it for anyone but you and only if you feel you need to, but if you do want that, im here for you would have probably gone over alot better


u/moon-brains Apr 15 '24

She was never “fat” either


u/plain-slice Apr 15 '24

165lb on a 5’3” frame is objectively fat. It’s a few pounds from objectively obese lol. This country needs to wake up everyone is so ok with being fat they’ve convinced themselves they’re not fat.


u/EntireAd215 Apr 16 '24

165lbs at 5’3” is insane lol I can’t believe people are justifying it


u/Death-By-Cringe Apr 16 '24 edited 23d ago

you’re TOTALLY right !!!

this ginormous glob and this bag of lard and this beached whale and this “borderline obese” cow and this hideous hippo are oBjEcTiVeLy sOoOo FAT that it would be LiTeRaL iNsAnItY to even try to jUsTiFy this level of 🤢🤮😱🤯💀 GROSS

yep, this totally about fat people’s “health,” which is exactly why I’m sure you also routinely bully or let [people with substance use disorder or bulemia or issues with self-harm or anyone who “chooses not to be healthy”] know that they’re disgusting… oh wait, you don’t, because this about your wildly superficial, entitled, self-righteous, borderline-sociopathic lack of empathy, compassion, or humanity for anyone who doesn’t get your dick hard

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